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They Hatin see us Rolling they hatin

How Syria is related to Pakistan? Pakistan is a biggest power of the muslim world. Targeting Pakistan in itself was a huge and independant project started right after 9/11. Syria and it's situation is a recent phenomena, while Pakistan has been fighting it's war for more then a decade. To link Pakistan with syria or any other middleeastern issue is chronological and objectionally incorrect.

things work like gear box where all gears are connected to each other. one gear moves and make others move. if one gear stucks then all gears stuck. Things are connected to each other and are inter related.
most of the members may call me pessimistic after this post but honestly speaking do we have anything today to cheer about? all the departments in this country have gone to dogs. wapda, police, railway, pia, health , education, judiciary, politics, foreign policy, law and order, political leaders,think tanks, sports.... all these departments have a sorry state of affairs. military's performance and role are also questionable. corruption is there in every department. the debt on every pakistani is insanely high. " shareef" is the only one who doesn't get a chance to do corruption from milkman to president. pak was established in the name of islam but there is no islam here. people are being killed in the name of Allah. intolerance is getting higher and people are getting more and more frustrated. moral values have taken a hit. brothers are killing sisters, husbands killing wives. fathers killing daughters. jirgas give shameful decisions on daily basis. is there any thing on the right track today in this country? is pakistan just a map with a large crowd of animals ? is there any hope?is there any difference between us and the nation of Prophet Shoaib A.S.? we simply do not qualify to be a nation worthy of fighting "ghazwa e hind".

We only need a sincere person at the top. I don't care if that person is from civil or army. And such person replace by putting behind bars for life or killing them in mysterious circumstances the following; top ten corrupt politicians, generals, judges, bureaucrats,industrialists, journalists. And replace them with top ten honest, patriotic ones and Pakistan will be all set to take on anybody in 4 years
Hello All




Interesting facts about Pakistan
  1. World’s largest irrigation system is in Pakistan.
  2. World’s largest deep sea port is Gawadar in Pkaistan.
  3. Pakistan is a proud owner of tallest cake world record.
  4. World’s largest milk processing plant with Nestle.
  5. Population of Pakistan is larger than Russia , although the land is much smaller.
  6. Pakistani armed force s are internationally ranked sixth largest in the world by 2010.
  7. Pakistan is the only muslim nuclear power.
  9. Sixth nuclear power of the world.
  10. Pakistan is ninth super-power nation of the world.
  11. Pakistan is notable for having one of the best trained airforce pilots in the world.
  12. Pakistan has world’s youngest civil judge , Muhammad Illyas.
  13. Pakistan has seventh largest collection of scientists and engineers.
  14. Pakistan’s national anthem tune ranks first in the top three tunes of the world.
  15. Fourth largest broadband internet system of world is in Pakistan.
  16. The youngest certified microsoft technology specialist is a Pakistani who is only 12 yrs old.
  17. Second laregst salt mines of the world are Khewra Mines in Pakistan.
  18. Largest producer of chickpeas.
  19. Pakistan has sixth largest population in the world
  20. A rare specie of Dolphin known as Indus River Dolphin or Blind Dolphin lies in waters of Indus River
  21. Pakistan is a multilingual country with more than sixty languages being spoken. English as Official and Urdu as National
  22. Sugar cane is national drink of Pakistan.
  23. Pakistan is ranked 4th in terms of broadband Internet growth in the world
  24. Synchronization of Qawwali and western music was done by the world renowned Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan of Pakistan.
  25. “Faith, Unity, Discipline” – Emblem of Pakista
  26. Pakistan National Anthem tune ranks 1st in top 3 tunes of world.and first in world national anthems
  27. Largest Volunteer Ambulance Organization in World Belongs to Pakistan – founded by Sattar Edh
  28. River Indus of Pakistan is the 21st Longest River of World
  29. Pakistan is the twice World Champions in Cricket
  30. 4 times in Hockey
  31. Several times in Squash and Snooker
  32. Some of the earliest relics of Stone Age man have been found in the Soan Valley of the Potohar region near Rawalpindi Pakistan
  33. Porus, the king of Punjab, fought the battle of the Hydaspes River against the Macedonian king Alexander. Pakistan
  34. Polo
  35. Sohail Abbas of Pakistan holds the record of highest no. of goals in int. hockey
  36. Among 4 provinces Pakistan also has a small pre-Islamic Animist community with the name Kalash, in Chitral Valle
  37. Ancient Civilizations of Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, Ashoka and Taxila lies in the lands of Pakistan
  38. K2 second highest peak in the world is in Pakistan
  39. Pakistan has Youngest civil judge Muhammad Ilya
  40. 80% of the worlds soccer balls are made in Pakistan.
  41. Takht Bhai listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site is a Buddhist monastic complex dating back to 1st century BC. Pakista
  42. “Menander I” was one of the rulers of the Indo-Greek Kingdom which existed in present-day Pakistan.
  43. World’s second largest salt mine can be found in Khewra Mines. Pakistan.
  44. Pakistan has the world’s largest irrigation system.
  45. Thar desert of Pakistan is one of the largest in the world.
  46. Worlds largest deep sea port is located in Gwader, Baluchistan. Pakistan
  47. Pakistan has 7th largest collection of scientists and engineers in the world.
  48. Pakistan had the first woman leader of a Muslim country in modern history.
  49. The white fields of Pakistan’s national flag represent minorities in the country, while the green symbolizes the Muslim majority. Pakistan
  50. Pakistan is proud world record holder of over 500,000 trees planted in a day
  51. Ultimate Inventors of Reverse Swing Bowling in Cricket Pakistam
  52. Pakistan is proud of 12 Years Old Youngest Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist “Babar Iqbal”.
  53. Pakistan is proud of Ali Moeen Nawazish A-Levels World Record
  54. Youngest Cricket Test Player Hasan Raza aged 14 years belongs to Pakistan
  55. Pakistan is proud owner of Largest tea bag World Record
  56. Pakistan is proud owner of Largest Kurta World Record.
  57. Pakistan is proud owner of Largest Football World
  58. Pakistan is proud owner of Most Men’s Squash World Team Titles
  59. Pakistan is proud owner of Tallest cake World Record
  60. World 6th and Asia’s 1st biggest mosque “Faisal Mosque” is in Pakistan
  61. Pakistan is a founding member of Organization of the Islamic Conference & South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  62. Mehrgarh, on the Kachi plain of Balochistan, dates back to 6000 BC and one of the earliest known farming villages of Indus Valley Pakistan

Remember one Thing Only "Sub Say Phalay Pakistan"

Thank You All

There are to things i observed while reading

"Pakistan is survive" ? shouldn't it be Pakistan has survived
And Pakistan is being referred to as "He" in the sentence "Yes he had economic hardships, terrorism etc"

Do Pakistanis refer to their country as HE (father land) and not SHE (mother land)
Dont take it the wrong way just asking ?
Pakistan did fail in 1971.so instead of thinking that we are invincible lets identify our weakness and work on them.
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We only need a sincere person at the top. I don't care if that person is from civil or army. And such person replace by putting behind bars for life or killing them in mysterious circumstances the following; top ten corrupt politicians, generals, judges, bureaucrats,industrialists, journalists. And replace them with top ten honest, patriotic ones and Pakistan will be all set to take on anybody in 4 years
i think one man can't make a huge difference. today you need to change the mentality of 200 million people and one man can't do so . it's impossible.
Pakistan did failed in 1971.so instead of thinking that we are invincible lets identify our weakness and work on them.

No. 1971 proved that you can't make 2 seperate nations 1000s of kms apart who have a different culture, race and heritage to one another into one entity. Defies logic. The Pakistan mainland is what and has always mattered. That's the only thing that counts.
most of the members may call me pessimistic after this post but honestly speaking do we have anything today to cheer about? all the departments in this country have gone to dogs. wapda, police, railway, pia, health , education, judiciary, politics, foreign policy, law and order, political leaders,think tanks, sports.... all these departments have a sorry state of affairs. military's performance and role are also questionable. corruption is there in every department. the debt on every pakistani is insanely high. " shareef" is the only one who doesn't get a chance to do corruption from milkman to president. pak was established in the name of islam but there is no islam here. people are being killed in the name of Allah. intolerance is getting higher and people are getting more and more frustrated. moral values have taken a hit. brothers are killing sisters, husbands killing wives. fathers killing daughters. jirgas give shameful decisions on daily basis. is there any thing on the right track today in this country? is pakistan just a map with a large crowd of animals ? is there any hope?is there any difference between us and the nation of Prophet Shoaib A.S.? we simply do not qualify to be a nation worthy of fighting "ghazwa e hind".

If you don't think we are a worthy nation, you are not Pakistani.
Great picture, but my definition of failed state is unable to feed, educate and house population, but everyone's definition differs.

Are we a failed state because we lost half our country ? Is North Korea a failed state or not ? They have nuclear weapons but people starve, like ours.

Are we a failed state because many countries in Asia were poorer than us in 1960 , but are ten times richer now ?

Not sure Greece and Portugal can be called failed states, because they went for an EU style IMF bailout. If that's the definition, well..
Great picture, but my definition of failed state is unable to feed, educate and house population, but everyone's definition differs.

Are we a failed state because we lost half our country ? Is North Korea a failed state or not ? They have nuclear weapons but people starve, like ours.

Are we a failed state because many countries in Asia were poorer than us in 1960 , but are ten times richer now ?

Not sure Greece and Portugal can be called failed states, because they went for an EU style IMF bailout. If that's the definition, well..

How many nations on earth have to face a nation 8 times there size that has abundant access to the world's most sophisticated weapons and has the backing of the entire west? And on top of that, the same nation has been officially targeted for termination by the world's most powerful nation, america? NO nation on earth or that has ever existed has had to face the same security threats that Pakistan does. The fact that we have survived for nearly 70 years despite this is a miracle in itself.

I appreciate the fact those nations who were behind us economically in the 60s are now 10x ahead of us but they at no point faced our security threats. Not to mention the fact that we had to face off the soviet union.
Nationalism/patriotism aside. Why do people say so about Pakistan? Any thoughts on that. Let me give you a hint. Because Pakistan is ever ready to become someone's bitch for whatever benefits. You said no to Saudi...That's a start. If you can continue on saying NO in your interest, you will stop hearing this sentence.

How many nations on earth have to face a nation 8 times there size that has abundant access to the world's most sophisticated weapons and has the backing of the entire west? And on top of that, the same nation has been officially targeted for termination by the world's most powerful nation, america? NO nation on earth or that has ever existed has had to face the same security threats that Pakistan does. The fact that we have survived for nearly 70 years despite this is a miracle in itself.

I appreciate the fact those nations who were behind us economically in the 60s are now 10x ahead of us but they at no point faced our security threats. Not to mention the fact that we had to face off the soviet union.

Your analogy with reference to India is shit. India doesn't have that aggressive great power stance/character, otherwise you would have been of much shorter size in 1971 itself (whatever the cost) or the British would have been kicked out of India in 1857 itself. India will always be a reactionary power, which is why its superpower ambition are to be laughed at.
Lets see how failed Pakistan Is :


1. $ 270 billion Economy (40th largest in the world)
2. $ 930 billion PPP ( 26th)


1. 6 Universities in top 800 of the world (QS ranking)


1. Nuclear armed state
2. 7th largest armed forces
3. Top 10 airforces in the world
4. ISI in top 5 of the world

Science and technology

1. Abdus salam
2. Ayub ummayyia
3. 43rd in scientific research

1. Second lowest poverty headcount in south asia after srilanka

Satisfaction of people

1. 92nd on United nations happiness report( India 130 bangladesh 117)
2. 12th on Happy Planet Index


1. top 20 economies in the world
2. 5 % growth rate this year
4. Terrorism dying (lowest number of causalities since 2005)

These journalists cannot fathom a muslim country with alot of power , who is now a regional power too and to top it off has the fastest nuclear programme in the world . These westerners like weaklings like afghanistan , syria , yemen , libya , somalia .

To all the haters i say keep on burning . Pakistan is here to stay .

MAKE NO MISTAKE, The west, especially america wants ALL Muslim nations to be ultra weak and powerless. Like those unfortunate nations that you have mentioned above. The fact that Pakistan isn't really annoys these people. The moment Pakistan is weak and vulnerable expect our enemies to attack/invade Pakistan and destroy our nukes, nation and committ genocide against us like in Iraq. At the moment, Pakistan is far too powerful to let ANY nation on earth to do this to us. Heck even the most useless nation on earth Afghanistan is threatening to invade us.
Nationalism/patriotism aside. Why do people say so about Pakistan? Any thoughts on that. Let me give you a hint. Because Pakistan is ever ready to become someone's bitch for whatever benefits. You said no to Saudi...That's a start. If you can continue on saying NO in your interest, you will stop hearing this sentence.

Can you count how many someone's we said yes to ? :) There is one and only strategic partnership and that is Pak-US and both the countries joined hands for own interests every time. Nothing bad about it
most of the members may call me pessimistic after this post but honestly speaking do we have anything today to cheer about? all the departments in this country have gone to dogs. wapda, police, railway, pia, health , education, judiciary, politics, foreign policy, law and order, political leaders,think tanks, sports.... all these departments have a sorry state of affairs. military's performance and role are also questionable. corruption is there in every department. the debt on every pakistani is insanely high. " shareef" is the only one who doesn't get a chance to do corruption from milkman to president. pak was established in the name of islam but there is no islam here. people are being killed in the name of Allah. intolerance is getting higher and people are getting more and more frustrated. moral values have taken a hit. brothers are killing sisters, husbands killing wives. fathers killing daughters. jirgas give shameful decisions on daily basis. is there any thing on the right track today in this country? is pakistan just a map with a large crowd of animals ? is there any hope?is there any difference between us and the nation of Prophet Shoaib A.S.? we simply do not qualify to be a nation worthy of fighting "ghazwa e hind".

Some sectors went down but others improved as well.
Pakistani media is now close to world class in terms of independence, quality and quantity
Telecommunication sector has shown exponential growth (almost everyone has a mobile phone now)
Highways are the best in South Asia
Highways police can be compared with western countries
One of the largest private schools networks in the world
Real estate sector improved tremendously (DHA, Bahria)
Banking sector has improved tremendously (no banking crisis when US and European banking systems collapsed)
The only successful military operation against Taliban/ISIS in the world
Pakistani TV dramas and singers continue to impress beyond national boundries
Other than India, every major country of the world supports Pakistan in one way or another
Manufacture of automobiles, motorbikes and electric goods has increased many times
KPK is conducting massive afforestation campaign
Energy sector is one of the most environmentally friendly in the world. Minimal share of coal with extensive usage of hydro power and natural gas. Even cars use natural gas, which causes much less pollution than petrol. Fast paced adoption of other forms of renewable energy such as solar and wind.
Growth of nationalistic politics at the cost of ethnic/religious politics. Most of the seats in the national assembly are with the top three nationalistic and moderate political parties.
Many other bright spots can be listed too
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