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There's No Way The F-35 Will Ever Match The Eurofighter In Aerial Combat


Jun 19, 2011
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There's No Way The F-35 Will Ever Match The Eurofighter In Aerial Combat


In an interesting piece by Flight’s Dave Majumdar, Bill Flynn, Lockheed test pilot responsible for flight envelope expansion activities for the F-35, claimed that all three variants of the Joint Strike Fighter will have better kinematic performance than any fourth-generation fighter plane with combat payload, including the Eurofighter Typhoon (that during last year’s Red Flag Alaska achieved several simulated kills against the F-22 Raptor) and the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

“In terms of instantaneous and sustained turn rates and just about every other performance metric, the F-35 variants match or considerably exceed the capabilities of every fourth-generation fighter,” Flynn said.

According to the Lockheed pilot, (besides its stealthiness) the F-35 features better transonic acceleration and high AOA (angle-of-attack) flight performance than an armed Typhoon or Super Hornet.

As Majumdar says in his article, such claims are strongly disputed by other sources. Among them an experienced Eurofighter Typhoon industry test pilot, who tried to debunk all Flynn’s “theories” about the alleged superior F-35 performance.


Here’s what he wrote to The Aviationist:
No doubt the F-35 will be, when available, a very capable aircraft: its stealth design, extended range, internal carriage of stores and a variety of integrated sensors are definitely the ingredients for success in modern air-to-ground operations.

However, when time comes for air dominance, some other ingredients like thrust to weight ratio and wing loading tend to regulate the sky. And in that nothing comes close to a Typhoon, except an F-22 which has very similar values. The F-35 thrust to weight ratio is way lower and its energy-maneuverability diagrams match those of the F/A-18, which is an excellent result for a single engine aircraft loaded with several thousand pounds of fuel and significant armament.
But it also means that starting from medium altitude and above, there is no story with a similarly loaded Typhoon.

Dealing with the transonic acceleration:
Transonic acceleration is excellent in the F-35, as it is for the Typhoon and better than in an F/A-18 or F-16, but mainly due to its low drag characteristics than to its powerplant. That means that immediately after the transonic regime, the F-35 would stop accelerating and struggle forever to reach a non operationally suitable Mach 1.6.

The Typhoon will continue to accelerate supersonic with an impressive steady pull, giving more range to its BVR (Beyond Visual Range) armament.

For what concerns AOA:
Angle-of-attack is remarkably high in the F-35, as it is for all the twin tailed aircraft, but of course it can not be exploited in the supersonic regime, where the limiting load factor is achieved at low values of AoA.

Also in the subsonic regime, the angle-of-attack itself doesn’t mean that much, especially if past a modest 12° AoA you are literally going to fall of the sky! Excessive energy bleeding rates would operationally limit the F-35 well before its ultimate AoA is reached.

Eurofighter superb engine-airframe matching, in combination with it’s High Off-Bore-Sight armament supported by Helmet Cueing, has already and consistently proven winning against any agile fighter.

Last, the F-35 is capable of supersonic carriage of bombs in the bomb bay, but the fuel penalty becomes almost unaffordable, while delivery is limited to subsonic speeds by the armament itself as is for the Typhoon.

Concluding (highlight mine):

[...] it is in the facts that while the Typhoon can do most of the F-35 air-to-ground mission, vice versa the F-35 remains way far from a true swing role capability, and not even talking of regulating the skies.

Provided that the F-35 will be able to solve all its problems, and that the raising costs will not lead to a death spiral of order cuts, both the British RAF and the Italian Air Force will be equipped with both the JSF and the Typhoon.

Mock aerial combat training will tell us who’s better in aerial combat.

Read more: The F-35 Will Never Beat The Eurofighter - Business Insider
Of course F35 can never match EFT. It is a rip off as well. However F35 is built for first strike, not dog fight.
f35 is nothing except 21 century falcon, a low cost supplement for forces.
f35 is nothing except 21 century falcon, a low cost supplement for forces.

jab tum apna bana lena then dusre ke cheez ko bura bolo khayali pakao mat pakao

F 35 already oprtnl vs pak fa (prototype) or mca ( paper ) lol
jab tum apna bana lena then dusre ke cheez ko bura bolo khayali pakao mat pakao

F 35 already oprtnl vs pak fa (prototype) or mca ( paper ) lol

You are wright we are still in duck even in low end. But thats doesnt mean that we can not analyses other fighters.:azn:
Aerial Combat could be divided to close combat and beyond-visual-range air-to-air combat.

In a close combat Eurofighter seems to have an edge on maneuvering capabilities:

Empty weight: 13,300 kg
Loaded weight: 22,470 kg

Powerplant: 1 × Pratt & Whitney F135 afterburning turbofan
Dry thrust: 28,000 lbf (125 kN)
Thrust with afterburner: 43,000 lbf (191 kN)

Empty weight: 11,150 kg
Loaded weight: 16,000 kg

Powerplant: 2 × Eurojet EJ200 afterburning turbofan
Dry thrust: 13,000 lbf each
Thrust with afterburner: 20,000 lbf each

but considering the new generation of close combat air to air missiles technology which could easily out performed any man seated plane and the helmet-mounted tracking and fire system it seems this ability will not be as important as it was.

Now lets to check the beyond-visual-range air-to-air combat. To be honest there will be a little chance of survivability for a fighter without serious stealth capabilities considering the upcoming beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles which are under development. Most of current US aerial victories have been obtained by using AMRAAM missiles.
F-35 fleet is grounded anyway. And India did not go for Eurofighter either, instead it went for the better, that is rafale.

So Rafale is better than F-35.
In other words, India is sitting pretty.
In close combat EFT would be circling around F-35. However I would believe it would be from EFT Tranche 3A and beyond only. Eventually almost all EFTs in various Air Forces service would be upgraded and new airframes inducted would be Tranche 3/3+. You people need to read about T3A and upgrades the airframe is even better than the current ones and obviously the electronics/avionics, EW, Radar would be on par to F-35s.
In close combat EFT would be circling around F-35. However I would believe it would be from EFT Trench 3A and beyond only.

The EFT-2020 upgrade (The one RSAF signed on) include TVC, Captor-E, CFT and JHMCS. It will be a maneuvering and dog fight demon.

And it is "Tranche" not "Trench".

What was your question to begin with gentleman?

I really really really really really hate Rafale vs Typhoon debates but here it goes, please do tell me why do you think the Rafale is better than Typhoon??

Oh God this is going to start an 80 page discussion of stubbornness like it always does but here it goes.
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