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There is no Palestinian without a personal and familial history of injustice caused by Israel

A warning to all, there should be NO insult or abuse, personal or against one's country.

Refrain from using such distasteful labels as 'Israhell' or whatever.
You will be infracted again.

Keep it civil.

Oh really?

Well, blockades, non-stop war, illegal settlements, a literal invasion by those who want to create a homeland for the Jews, do you know the nature in which many Palestinians were evicted from their land?

I'd suggest reading up on what they call the Al-Nakba (the catastrophe) and the Palestinian exodus.

By no means is any party innocent or can claim to hold the high moral ground, but what you're saying is absolutely false.

Be that as it may, what is it to us ? When was the last time a Palestinian Leader gave a frig about us ? When was the last time a rally was taken out in any part of Palestine supporting Pakistan on anything ? Anything at all !

So why do we have this continued infatuation of being the flag bearers of a people who've never given a foOk about us on any of our issues ?
Be that as it may, what is it to us ? When was the last time a Palestinian Leader gave a frig about us ? When was the last time a rally was taken out in any part of Palestine supporting Pakistan on anything ? Anything at all !

So why do we have this continued infatuation of being the flag bearers of a people who've never given a foOk about us on any of our issues ?

Because it's wrong, strip away the identities of the culprits, your own prejudiced sympathies and you STILL have injustice.

I'm not saying Pakistanis should get themselves involved, but this is a day and age where on a platform like this, we can have a say and we can comment what we feel and when we perceive injustice.

On the topic of 'Saanu ki?', higher up, in real life, I don't want Pakistan to commit to any far away foreign cause or for Pakistanis to go devoting their life to fixing other places. That's a different story all together.

But what is wrong with calling it like it is here? Every voice counts and can make a difference.
Personally, I see many Pakistanis who are hypocrites, and also those who blindly support any Muslim in whatever conflict. However, that's not me, call me cynical.... I condemn the Israeli and the Palestinian in the same breath and the muslim and the non-muslim.

Bro, don't confuse my comment with the comments of some of my idiotic countrymen.
Because it's wrong, strip away the identities of the culprits, your own prejudiced sympathies and you STILL have injustice.

I'm not saying Pakistanis should get themselves involved, but this is a day and age where on a platform like this, we can have a say and we can comment what we feel and when we perceive injustice.

On the topic of 'Saanu ki?', higher up, in real life, I don't want Pakistan to commit to any far away foreign cause or for Pakistanis to go devoting their life to fixing other places. That's a different story all together.

But what is wrong with calling it like it is here? Every voice counts and can make a difference.
Personally, I see many Pakistanis who are hypocrites, and also those who blindly support any Muslim in whatever conflict. However, that's not me, call me cynical.... I condemn the Israeli and the Palestinian in the same breath and the muslim and the non-muslim.

Bro, don't confuse my comment with the comments of some of my idiotic countrymen.

Bro I don't want a Humanitarian Accolade or a Peace Prize for speaking up for the down-trodden & the oppressed !

What I want is 'reciprocity' !

If my dead & my issues aren't important enough to be given a wooden nickle about then why should I give a frig about 'calling it like it is' ?

Reciprocity above everything else !
Be that as it may, what is it to us ? When was the last time a Palestinian Leader gave a frig about us ? When was the last time a rally was taken out in any part of Palestine supporting Pakistan on anything ? Anything at all !

So why do we have this continued infatuation of being the flag bearers of a people who've never given a foOk about us on any of our issues ?


The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, also paid an official visit to Pakistan in 2005, during his tour of Asia. During his stay inIslamabad, he met Pervez Musharraf who was the President of Pakistan at that time as well as the then-Prime Minister Shaukat Azizand Senate Chairman of Pakistan, Muhammad Mian Soomro. In the meeting, he made political talks with the Pakistani leaders regarding the current situation of the Middle East and the peace process between Palestine and Israel. He also discussed about the developments in the occupied territories and the international efforts exerted so far to attain peace in the region, and to implement related agreements in addition to the support Pakistan provides to Palestine.[5] When leaving Pakistan, Abbas said that he supports the right to self-determination of the Palestinians and the solidarity of the Arab World with the Pakistanis against the Israeli occupation of Palestine, Abbas thanked Musharraf and the people of Pakistan for their continued and devoted support to the Palestinian cause.[6]

Relations with Hamas[edit]
After the January 2006 Palestinian legislative elections, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf called on the world to accept the choice and reality of the Palestinian people and must not shut the doors to the Palestinian people.[7] The Palestinian Foreign MinisterMahmoud al-Zahar paid a visit to Pakistan in June 2006 and thanked Pakistan for supporting the rights of the Palestinian people. He also received millions of dollars in aid from the Pakistani government.[8]

.......I'm not sure there are still relations, personally I would stay away from Abbas. Although, I'm not sure do you think Hamas and Pakistan can have relations today considering US relationship with Pakistan may get in the way?

Hamas fighters and most Palestinian people sympathize with all Muslim causes because they are victims of one themselves. So naturally all these people sympathize with each other.

As for having something to offer, I'm not sure they can offer anything in terms of material support in return. They govern a small strip of land which is in a crisis.
Bro I don't want a Humanitarian Accolade or a Peace Prize for speaking up for the down-trodden & the oppressed !

What I want is 'reciprocity' !

If my dead & my issues aren't important enough to be given a wooden nickle about then why should I give a frig about 'calling it like it is' ?

Reciprocity above everything else !

Well, I suppose we're at an ideological impasse.
Reciprocity I don't see as a prerequisite at all.

Didn't I say I was cynical? :lol:
The reciprocity that I might hold is purely instinct, hardly ever premeditated in these sort of issues.
Like I said, strip away the labels and identity, it will help you see clearly, you wont ever want anything in return, the 'my' in 'my dead' wont mean much.
Well, blockades -
The Egyptian blockade affects Gaza far more than the Israeli one. The Israeli one only blocks weapons materials reaching Gaza; other imports and exports are O.K. The Egyptian one is total.

...non-stop war -
When Arabs stop fighting there is peace. Should Jews cease to defend themselves they would be slain. Race conflict is the Arab choice, not the Jewish one.

...illegal settlements -
Lawful Jewish settlement throughout Palestine is specifically authorized and encouraged under international law: the British Mandate. Jewish settlements are merely called illegal.

...a literal invasion -
More like peaceful migration and land purchase. Though it began earlier, after WWI three empires were destroyed and their nationalities reorganized into nation-states, usually migrating as necessary. Jews' returning to their homeland was a necessary part; it quickly became obvious that without the Turks' protection Jews in the Middle East - especially Palestine - wouldn't remain safe.

...do you know the nature in which many Palestinians were evicted from their land?
It sure sounds like you don't. While Jews were pretty much booted out of Arab lands without compensation (in violation of the Treaty of Sevres and the Mandate) the Arabs who left Israel in '48 (for many Arabs did not) were part of an armed revolt, sworn to complete the genocide Hitler started.

As such, under Ottoman law (which is what applied in the Mandate) they forfeited their civil and property rights. Do they or their descendants have a legal or moral claim to any of the lands they departed from? Whatever moral claim they have is obviously less than the claim non-Muslims have to the lands they were booted from Pakistan, yes?

By no means is any party innocent or can claim to hold the high moral ground, but what you're saying is absolutely false.
Well, there you are wrong. I know it's a very very difficult thing for a Pakistani to accept, that collectively Pakistanis have been much more evil and terrible than most nations in the post-WWII era. Pride and ego are tall barriers preventing you from acting on this truth.

Yet imo the same illness also drives Pakistan to pieces. Refusing to acknowledge Israel as right and just translates into a general refusal to elevate individual human rights and subscribe to the rule-of-law at home. This breeds injustice, injustice leads to local revolts, local revolts lead to increased military oppression, and the process accelerates. Us Jews have seen this process destroy many Jew-hating societies over the past few milennia, yet Jews take little part in the process other than being the objects of unjustifiable hatred.

How much do you love Pakistan, Jungibaaz? Do you really want to see Pakistan continue to tear itself apart? Do you love Pakistan enough to change?

there should be NO insult or abuse, personal or against one's country.
No insult or abuse at all? What about constructive criticism?

The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, also paid an official visit to Pakistan in 2005, during his tour of Asia. During his stay inIslamabad, he met Pervez Musharraf who was the President of Pakistan at that time as well as the then-Prime Minister Shaukat Azizand Senate Chairman of Pakistan, Muhammad Mian Soomro. In the meeting, he made political talks with the Pakistani leaders regarding the current situation of the Middle East and the peace process between Palestine and Israel. He also discussed about the developments in the occupied territories and the international efforts exerted so far to attain peace in the region, and to implement related agreements in addition to the support Pakistan provides to Palestine.[5] When leaving Pakistan, Abbas said that he supports the right to self-determination of the Palestinians and the solidarity of the Arab World with the Pakistanis against the Israeli occupation of Palestine, Abbas thanked Musharraf and the people of Pakistan for their continued and devoted support to the Palestinian cause.[6]

Relations with Hamas[edit]
After the January 2006 Palestinian legislative elections, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf called on the world to accept the choice and reality of the Palestinian people and must not shut the doors to the Palestinian people.[7] The Palestinian Foreign MinisterMahmoud al-Zahar paid a visit to Pakistan in June 2006 and thanked Pakistan for supporting the rights of the Palestinian people. He also received millions of dollars in aid from the Pakistani government.[8]

.......I'm not sure there are still relations, personally I would stay away from Abbas. Although, I'm not sure do you think Hamas and Pakistan can have relations today considering US relationship with Pakistan may get in the way?

Hamas fighters and most Palestinian people sympathize with all Muslim causes because they are victims of one themselves. So naturally all these people sympathize with each other.

As for having something to offer, I'm not sure they can offer anything in terms of material support in return. They govern a small strip of land which is in a crisis.

Its not about Hamas or Fatah !

Every year for as long as there has been a Palestinian Issue everytime there is some incident in Palestine or the day remembering some event in Palestine comes by thousands of protestors flood the streets of every major city in Pakistan shouting themselves hoarse in supporting the Palestinian cause !

We're a poor nation & yet we've given hundreds of scholarships to Palestinians to come & study in our schools & universities - Many do !

We've given whatever aid we could come up with for Palestine whenever we could - Non Military Aid of course !

Naturally neither of the two above are anything to brag about nor are they anything comparable to what the Arabs & other countries have given but for a poor country of nearly 200 million without any amount of Oil or vast Technological Base to fall back to we're doing our bit as we can !

We've spoken up for the Palestinian Cause on every single International Forum, we've even made an enemy out of Israel for that exact reason !

We've sent out soldiers & our pilots in every single one of the Arab-Israeli Wars !

We've got everything to gain & nothing to loose by having an Alliance with Israel & yet we don't - We don't even recognize Israel ! On my Passport & the passport of millions of Pakistanis it clearly states that 'this Passport is valid for Travel to all countries except Israel' & why because we still refuse to recognize it till the Palestinian Issue is resolved !

We are not Arabs nor are we in the vicinity - We do this out of our sense of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood & that alone !

Has an iota of that been reciprocated by the Palestinians ?

When was the last time a single rally was taken out in Palestine commemorating our Palestine - Kashmir !

When was the last time a single statement was made by any Palestinian Official when he supported Pakistan on the Kashmir Issue ?

When was the last time any supporting rally was taken out in Palestine supporting us on any of our other issues - Salalaa or so many others ?

When was the last time any Palestinian Official said anything in support of Pakistan that isn't the usual diplomatic pleasantries & pious sentiments that we all give to each other without ever meaning any of it ?

Reciprocity - Where is that ?

Well, I suppose we're at an ideological impasse.
Reciprocity I don't see as a prerequisite at all.

Didn't I say I was cynical? :lol:
The reciprocity that I might hold is purely instinct, hardly ever premeditated in these sort of issues.
Like I said, strip away the labels and identity, it will help you see clearly, you wont ever want anything in return, the 'my' in 'my dead' wont mean much.

There is no ideological impasse here - Nothing but reciprocity matters in International Relations !

Its not even about the labels or the identity as such - Agaaar eik mujhee apnaaa sagaaa keh hiii rahaa tu mujhee kiyaa zaroorat haiii usss kaa sagaa baneiii kiii ?
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Its not about Hamas or Fatah !

Every year for as long as there has been a Palestinian Issue everytime there is some incident in Palestine or the day remembering some event in Palestine comes by thousands of protestors flood the streets of every major city in Pakistan shouting themselves hoarse in supporting the Palestinian cause !

We're a poor nation & yet we've given hundreds of scholarships to Palestinians to come & study in our schools & universities - Many do !

We've given whatever aid we could come up with for Palestine whenever we could - Non Military Aid of course !

Naturally neither of the two above are anything to brag about nor are they anything comparable to what the Arabs & other countries have given but for a poor country of nearly 200 million without any amount of Oil or vast Technological Base to fall back to we're doing our bit as we can !

We've spoken up for the Palestinian Cause on every single International Forum, we've even made an enemy out of Israel for that exact reason !

We've sent out soldiers & our pilots in every single one of the Arab-Israeli Wars !

We've got everything to gain & nothing to loose by having an Alliance with Israel & yet we don't - We don't even recognize Israel ! On my Passport & the passport of millions of Pakistanis it clearly states that 'this Passport is valid for Travel to all countries except Israel' & why because we still refuse to recognize it till the Palestinian Issue is resolved !

We are not Arabs nor are we in the vicinity - We do this out of our sense of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood & that alone !

Has an iota of that been reciprocated by the Palestinians ?

When was the last time a single rally was taken out in Palestine commemorating our Palestine - Kashmir !

When was the last time a single statement was made by any Palestinian Official when he supported Pakistan on the Kashmir Issue ?

When was the last time any supporting rally was taken out in Palestine supporting us on any of our other issues - Salalaa or so many others ?

When was the last time any Palestinian Official said anything in support of Pakistan that isn't the usual diplomatic pleasantries & pious sentiments that we all give to each other without ever meaning any of it ?

Reciprocity - Where is that ?

There is no ideological impasse here - Nothing but reciprocity matters in International Relations !

Its not even about the labels or the identity as such - Agaaar eik mujhee apnaaa sagaaa keh hiii rahaa tu mujhee kiyaa zaroorat haiii usss kaa sagaa baneiii kiii ?

There's a lot of problems with this Muslim brotherhood context, Pakistan has problems with other Muslims and Palestine has problems with other Muslims. Often Egyptian government is against Hamas.

I mentioned Hamas and Fatah because relations make things public, as ordinary civilians Pakistanis and Palestinians both support each other's causes.

Minimal relations with one party won't get statements to become public, many Muslim nations don't recognize Israel that doesn't mean they expect something from Palestinian officials.

If it's not about Hamas and Fatah then don't ask about statements from officials. Not all statements are made publicly.

Had Palestinians had a state we would do whatever is possible to support Pakistan's cause. I understand your frustration with Arabic nations, I am just as frustrated from them.

However, you're not gonna get answers this way, the regions are far apart and they both aren't well educated on their issues and both looking to live.

I don't expect that of Kashmiris, my support for them is what makes, I side with people in situations like this especially when it's an fashion were unjustly things occurred.

This is why I'm not in favor of secularism in the Arabic world, it makes people nationalistic so nationalist Arabs will only care for their kind.

I'm rather a moderate Islamist and Islamists support all their kind.

Armstrong, you're unfortunately misguided and misinformed as well. You can't expect things to thrive like this when there is no connection being implemented between the two nations.

Pakistan only has tiny relations with the PA. They refuse to have relations with Hamas.

And Pakistani forces played a role in Palestinian expulsion in Jordan. That being said, not everything is as perfect as you say.

Either way the past doesn't have an effect on Palestinians and Pakistanis today, we support each other's causes. You obviously don't follow Palestinian forums or know of their discussion in their universities.

Not everything makes the media, during the Gaza war Syrians in Syria held signs sympathizing with Palestinians and nobody knew of this.
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There's a lot of problems with this Muslim brotherhood context, Pakistan has problems with other Muslims and Palestine has problems with other Muslims. Often Egyptian government is against Hamas.

I mentioned Hamas and Fatah because relations make things public, as ordinary civilians Pakistanis and Palestinians both support each other's causes.

Minimal relations with one party won't get statements to become public, many Muslim nations don't recognize Israel that doesn't mean they expect something from Palestinian officials.

If it's not about Hamas and Fatah then don't ask about statements from officials. Not all statements are made publicly.

Had Palestinians had a state we would do whatever is possible to support Pakistan's cause. I understand your frustration with Arabic nations, I am just as frustrated from them.

However, you're not gonna get answers this way, the regions are far apart and they both aren't well educated on their issues and both looking to live.

I don't expect that of Kashmiris, my support for them is what makes, I side with people in situations like this especially when it's an fashion were unjustly things occurred.

This is why I'm not in favor of secularism in the Arabic world, it makes people nationalistic so nationalist Arabs will only care for their kind.

I'm rather a moderate Islamist and Islamists support all their kind.

Armstrong, you're unfortunately misguided and misinformed as well. You can't expect things to thrive like this when there is no connection being implemented between the two nations.

Pakistan only has tiny relations with the PA. They refuse to have relations with Hamas.

And Pakistani forces played a role in Palestinian expulsion in Jordan. That being said, not everything is as perfect as you say.

Either way the past doesn't have an effect on Palestinians and Pakistanis today, we support each other's causes. You obviously don't follow Palestinian forums or know of their discussion in their universities.

Not everything makes the media, during the Gaza war Syrians in Syria held signs sympathizing with Palestinians and nobody knew of this.

One single Pakistani General on secondment played a role in expulsion of Palestinians from Jordan that the Government of Jordan viewed as trouble makers or worse terrorists !

And Pakistan has never refused to have relations with Hamas or anyone else - What do you think we have an opinion on the internal political dynamics of Palestine ? We don't !

When I mentioned that it wasn't about Hamas or it wasn't about Fatah what I meant was that either of those two parties are irrelevant from a Pakistani POV - We see only the representatives of the Palestinian irrespective of whichever party they may come from !

I don't expect Palestine to be making Anti-India speeches in the Parliament or the UN or anything of the sort nor am I expecting any material support from Palestine or anything of the sort for that is not what 'reciprocity' means !

All I'm asking for is where is a single speech by any Palestinian Official/ Representative of the Palestinian People which has been said in support of Pakistan on either the Kashmir Issue or any of our other myriad issues ?

Not even a single Pro-Pakistan Rally in Palestine in 65 years ?

Surely anything...something ?
One single Pakistani General on secondment played a role in expulsion of Palestinians from Jordan that the Government of Jordan viewed as trouble makers or worse terrorists !

And Pakistan has never refused to have relations with Hamas or anyone else - What do you think we have an opinion on the internal political dynamics of Palestine ? We don't !

When I mentioned that it wasn't about Hamas or it wasn't about Fatah what I meant was that either of those two parties are irrelevant from a Pakistani POV - We see only the representatives of the Palestinian irrespective of whichever party they may come from !

I don't expect Palestine to be making Anti-India speeches in the Parliament or the UN or anything of the sort nor am I expecting any material support from Palestine or anything of the sort for that is not what 'reciprocity' means !

All I'm asking for is where is a single speech by any Palestinian Official/ Representative of the Palestinian People which has been said in support of Pakistan on either the Kashmir Issue or any of our other myriad issues ?

Surely anything...something ?

I'd like to see it too. But, we won't see it from Abbas or the PA anywhere at anytime. Hamas would make statements for the whole Muslim world had they had any seat in the UN.

Hamas is prevented from having diplomatic relations in many nations. They aren't even recognized by many nations as the legitimate government till this day.
The Egyptian blockade affects Gaza far more than the Israeli one. The Israeli one only blocks weapons materials reaching Gaza; other imports and exports are O.K. The Egyptian one is total.

That's true. But, quite frankly and honestly, I'm not too fond of the Egyptian blockade either, but in keeping with this thread, the Israeli blockade or the blockade at large must make people not only of the immediate region but also the international community question what is being done for a solution.

I agree with the view that some sort of screening of goods into Gaza needs to be done in order for some nut jobs to be deprived of their instruments of murder, and even from a pro-Palestinian perspective, such things only incite violence which will be disproportionately higher for the Palestinians anyway.

When Arabs stop fighting there is peace. Should Jews cease to defend themselves they would be slain. Race conflict is the Arab choice, not the Jewish one.

I disagree with that completely.

To trace the cause, you look for the origin and not the trend, the trend may agree with the above, but the origin is the opposite.

The riots in the 20's were a different story all together, the hate that Arabs had for newly emerged state of Israel is solely due to the way it was brought about, which by today's measure would be widely accepted as barbaric and wrong.

Before the first Arab Israeli conflict and during the early 20th century where Jews were migrating to Palestine, there was fear, I don't like to admit it, but there was, and any people faced with that situation would be, you can see it in the developed world, even in Israel where Africans were the targets.

The same fear that under British rule led to revolt in 1936.

Lawful Jewish settlement throughout Palestine is specifically authorized and encouraged under international law: the British Mandate. Jewish settlements are merely called illegal.

Technically 'lawful', but this was a colonial blessing, by that measure much of the crimes and genocide committed by colonial powers can be called 'lawful.

My moral compass and yours (and you know it) tell you just how lawful the mandate should be.

More like peaceful migration and land purchase. Though it began earlier, after WWI three empires were destroyed and their nationalities reorganized into nation-states, usually migrating as necessary. Jews' returning to their homeland was a necessary part; it quickly became obvious that without the Turks' protection Jews in the Middle East - especially Palestine - wouldn't remain safe.

I'm not talking about migration which again had to have been peaceful given that the Arabs were under the rule of colonial powers, what other way would it have been?

But I was talking about what happened in 1948, what you call your war of independence and the Arabs call the Nakba.

Honestly, hand on heart, can you say that the Israeli side did not commit acts which by any moral standard would be considered wrong?

It sure sounds like you don't. While Jews were pretty much booted out of Arab lands without compensation (in violation of the Treaty of Sevres and the Mandate) the Arabs who left Israel in '48 (for many Arabs did not) were part of an armed revolt, sworn to complete the genocide Hitler started.

Oh really?

You deny any wrong doing on the part of the Israeli side?
Yishuv forces were known to kill many civilians, not initial but later on in the conflict.
No one is innocent here, there were killings by Israeli forces, Yishuv and Irgun and also by Arabs and their forces.

Well, there you are wrong. I know it's a very very difficult thing for a Pakistani to accept, that collectively Pakistanis have been much more evil and terrible than most nations in the post-WWII era. Pride and ego are tall barriers preventing you from acting on this truth.

Yet imo the same illness also drives Pakistan to pieces. Refusing to acknowledge Israel as right and just translates into a general refusal to elevate individual human rights and subscribe to the rule-of-law at home. This breeds injustice, injustice leads to local revolts, local revolts lead to increased military oppression, and the process accelerates. Us Jews have seen this process destroy many Jew-hating societies over the past few milennia, yet Jews take little part in the process other than being the objects of unjustifiable hatred.

How much do you love Pakistan, Jungibaaz? Do you really want to see Pakistan continue to tear itself apart? Do you love Pakistan enough to change?

Here you go again, you can't help but skip uncomfortable subjects or just divert for the hell of it.

And I refuse to discuss it with you here, call me out to an appropriate thread and we will do it there, you're not about slyly derail this discussion.

No more off topic, consider that a verbal warning/friendly suggestion.

No insult or abuse at all? What about constructive criticism?

The latter is always welcome within limits, but the former I said because of name calling and abuse, which thankfully I deleted and no longer pollutes your computer screen.
I'd like to see it too. But, we won't see it from Abbas or the PA anywhere at anytime. Hamas would make statements for the whole Muslim world had they had any seat in the UN.

Hamas is prevented from having diplomatic relations in many nations. They aren't even recognized by many nations as the legitimate government till this day.

Dude we invited the PLO in the '74 OIC Session held in Lahore, we've invited so many dignitaries from Palestine included Abbas & Arafat to Pakistan so...so many times & we've taken the lead on supporting Palestine on so many international forums heck we even recognize the Palestinian State right when you declared it - Are you telling me that none of you could even mention supporting Pakistan on Kashmir or any of our other issues on any of those occasions ?

That in '74 you couldn't say anything about Kashmir ? That Abbas couldn't support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir when he visited in 2006 but he instead equated both Pakistan & India as equal friends for Palestine ! Thats like us saying Israel & Palestine are the same to us !

Lets face it we're not really worth anything to Palestine & to Palestinians more than the occasional rants & grunts that Pakistani Protestors & Diplomats make for the Palestinian Cause !
There is no ideological impasse here - Nothing but reciprocity matters in International Relations !

Its not even about the labels or the identity as such - Agaaar eik mujhee apnaaa sagaaa keh hiii rahaa tu mujhee kiyaa zaroorat haiii usss kaa sagaa baneiii kiii ?

I agree, but I already told you, my opinion and views on this, my comments were nothing to do with me being a Pakistani or what Pakistan should do.

It was personal.
I agree, but I already told you, my opinion and views on this, my comments were nothing to do with me being a Pakistani or what Pakistan should do.

It was personal.

Bro what could be more personal than Pakistan?
Bro what could be more personal than Pakistan?

Good point but we must keep Pakistan and what it does and should do in line with what we perceive to be both right and beneficial to us. Strike the balance. My comments there when I made them and usually when I make them I go in to a separate frame of mind, obviously not free of bias, but one that does not reside in my normal perspective, the Pakistanis and Islamic perspective comes natural... and that is the key to hold a balanced and fair point of view.

Tis complicated bro and we are debating here over thin air, but I think you and I are in agreement.

edit: @Armstrong in hindsight, the word 'personal' would be the wrong one to use, I think 'individual' would be a better word in this context.
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