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There are more Indian migrants living in Pakistan than the United States

Adil don't support the Hindu stand in Kashmir. What is happening there is pure oppression-systematic oppression. Kashmiris are wise to realize what is best for them.

Kashmir belongs to the country you left behind sir.

It will stay with us till the end of time.

Or till the end of one or both of us.

support the Hindu stand in Kashmir. What is happening there is pure oppression-systematic oppression. Kashmiris are wise to realize what is best for them
Ye bhagwan ha isliye isko unka bahewshar pata hai. Without providing schools he knows that hey will do the same
You need to maintain some decorum in the discourse and be polite. Otherwise there is really no sense in this type of discussion for me.

Cheers, and kudos.
Bro leave Pakistan where I know RAW operates. Including Karachi. Think about the innocent "Indian muslims" like you it tortures in jails:


RAW is an enemy of all muslims. Trust me. I know. You should recognize this monumental fact unless you are a false muslim.
Now I really wonder if you're human let Alone Muslim ?

Did you provide them with best schools and colleges like in rest of India to conclude that ?

Since you did not how can you be so sure? What they get is pellet guns instead of fair chance and represnation. Trust me you cannot talk yourself out of this, I have discussions with senior most members and they too were mum on this @Abingdonboy You have already decided their fate by not giving them fair represnation I.e. no top schools or colleges. Shows that you're least interested in keeping that part and integrating it naturally with India. Muslman han marne do salo ko is the approach byoure using

There are 200 million Musalmans in India sir.

Going to top schools and colleges.

No one is stopping Kashmiris.

Kashmir belongs to the country you left behind sir.

It will stay with us till the end of time.

Or till the end of one or both of us.

I'm sorry India was never a single united country. In fact it became independant a day after Pakistan came into existence. Sub continent had more 600 princely states even during independence. Wonder what country if any did my forefather leave, if there was any

There are 200 million Musalmans in India sir.

Going to top schools and colleges.

No one is stopping Kashmiris.

Are there any in kashmir part the vlotaile so calledmpart part of india ?
Have any tangible steps ever taken to develop the valley

Bro leave Pakistan where I know RAW operates. Including Karachi. Think about the innocent "Indian muslims" like you it tortures in jails:


RAW is an enemy of all muslims. Trust me. I know. You should recognize this monumental fact unless you are a false muslim.
He is not Muslims. The discourse with him is quite evident of that. Merely by eating cow no one becomes muslim.
I'm sorry India was never a single united country. In fact it became independant a day after Pakistan came into existence. Sub continent had more 600 princely states even during independence. Wonder what country if any did my forefather leave, if there was any

Are there any in kashmir part the vlotaile so calledmpart part of india ?
Have any tangible steps ever taken to develop the valley

He is not Muslims. The discourse with him is quite evident of that. Merely by eating cow no one becomes muslim.
I agree even loyal muslims agree what their Hindutva army and police are doing in Kashmir is wrong. Adil I suspect you are not a muslim.
Janaab, usually the states get funds from two sources. One is via their own taxes, excise, etc. Other is via central funding. Jammu and Kashmir has only 1% of India's population, yet it gets more than 10% of central funding. Infact it is a state which receives the maximum funds from the central government.

And yet where does the even 1% of that goes ? I dont know. I dont not see schools, nor colleges or good hospitals.
All the funds goes to securing it with Curfews with nothing spend on Actual human development

Bhai-jaan the people those who have made fortunes on Kashmir (funding) are Kashmiri themselves, or their so called leaders. Remember, Kashmir has a 'special' status. No one but Kashmiri can buy and sell property in Kashmir. No one but Kashmiri can run business there. Those who are looting these funds are Kashmiri local leaders only.

And why is the central govt not doing anything about this ?

When they know everything that is happening ? Because it has tacit approval from central govt. Like I said No such special status is being looked after. Special status is only in paper. When it comes to reality. Hone do jo horha hai. Marne de salay momidan hi mar rhe haina. This is the approach
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And yet where does the even 1% of that goes ? I dont know. I dont not see schools, nor colleges or good hospitals.
All the funds goes to securing it with Curfews wiyth nothing spend on Actual human development

And why is the central govt doing anything about this ?

When they know everything that is happening ? Because it has tacit approval from central govt. Like I said No such special stauts is beeing looked after. Special status only in paper. When it comes to reality. Hone do jo horha hai. Marne de salay momidan hi mar rhe haina. This is the approach
Propaganda has been a top weapon for India in Kashmir and elsewhere. It makes them feel less evil, oppressing the Kashmiris, killing them, raping them, shooting pellets in their eyes. The sad thing is they believe it. Its to be expected. We Pakistanis criticize, question ourselves but Indians have never had that mindset. They will continue being the perpetuators of horror and terror for generations still.
Now I really wonder if you're human let Alone Muslim ?

Did you provide them with best schools and colleges like in rest of India to conclude that ?

Since you did not how can you be so sure? What they get is pellet guns instead of fair chance and represnation. Trust me you cannot talk yourself out of this, I have discussions with senior most members and they too were mum on this @Abingdonboy You have already decided their fate by not giving them fair represnation I.e. no top schools or colleges. Shows that you're least interested in keeping that part and integrating it naturally with India. Muslman han marne do salo ko is the approach byoure using
I don't know what you are talking about, a Muslim has more opportunity in India than in any other Muslim majority nation in the world.
I don't know what you are talking about, a Muslim has more opportunity in India than in any other Muslim majority nation in the world.
Oh yes It is quite evident. With giving much fair representation to Kashmiris in their so called own India
Oh yes It is quite evident. With giving much fair representation to Kashmiris in their so called own India
Kashmir is a unique situation as you well know, the religion of the occupents of the state are only relevent to Pakistan, Indians couldn't care less.

In the rest of India, Muslims are no different to any other group in India.

Why do you have to turn everything into a communal issue?
Kashmir is a unique situation as you well know, the religion of the occupents of the state are only relevent to Pakistan, Indians couldn't care less.

In the rest of India, Muslims are no different to any other group in India.

Why do you have to turn everything into a communal issue?
Kashmir is not different. Itys just the way you guys treat it differently, thats he post i tagged you in. With no proper funding of schools or colleges. You may spend billions on it, but none of that goes into development, hence the feeling of alienation by them
There have been grave human rights violations in Kashmir. Just like in some neighbouring countries.

It's absolutely wrong for some RSS idiot from the heartland to call Kashmir his emotional home or something and be "nationalistic" about it. Not because it's Kashmir/Muslim, but because it's as absurd as a Bihari claiming Tamil Nadu.
(This is very different from the Indian Union govt making the claim. This is legit and J&K is an integral part of India.)

BUT, the present inhabitants of Kashmir are not innocent and them and their immediate ancestors have driven away ancient inhabitants from that land. They should never forget this fact.

All in all, Kashmiris should smarten up and strive towards real Azadi instead of claiming absolute moral superiority, which will be achieved only by asking for peace, not pellets.
It's stupid to think that they're different or something. There is far more diversity and there are far more Muslims in the subcontinent.

All of us have managed to keep our different cultures intact, and Kashmiris will do the same. This is the essence of India.
But this is not synonymous to the moronic idea that India isn't a country since it had princely states. This is how nations are made, deal with it. Happened under Ashoka, happened under Akbar, partially happened many times in between.
No need to bring those emperors either. This is modern history. We build our own nations.
Kashmir is not different. Itys just the way you guys treat it differently, thats he post i tagged you in. With no proper funding of schools or colleges. You may spend billions on it, but none of that goes into development, hence the feeling of alienation by them
Hi,do you have any link source or information that there is no development in kashmir,no school and college and is completely backward,your hatred has close your eyes or you dont want to see,this is one of the prime reason in international community you dont have any support for this cause.
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