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The Young Pakistani Flag Movement

al' Salaam alekum!

i feel like saying more than just a sentence to do justice with the topic, if am allowed.

This is what our flag means to me since i have read about birth of (*slam in times of Ibraheem A.S and its completion in times of Muhammad A.S from Quran, both Prophets of leaving Tawaf of Kaba as the greatest Sign of Allah for those who seek Him! The very same reminder that we have the Star and Moon on our flag too!

Quran: 7:54 VERILY, your Sustainer is A1GOD, who has created the heavens and the earth in six aeons, and is established on the throne of His almightiness. He covers the day with the night in swift pursuit, with the sun and the moon and the stars subservient to His command: oh, verily, His is all creation and all command. Hallowed is A1GOD, the Sustainer of all the worlds!

The star and moon on our flag represent the ONE LAW they all obey and are commanded by and thus are rendered Musl(*ms too, law of A1GOD/A1lah, this law of orbital rotation is followed by all Musl(*m humans too around house of Allah we know as Kaba in Makkah while doing Twaf! The holiest shrine of Musl(*ms has a spectacular view to wake up to and compare with what we see through sattelite in space and around us on this lonely planet, the very same Twaf with exact same law of orbital rotation, the r18ht hand rotation!

Each thing in universe rotates only under law of r18ht hand rotation and thats what defines its North from south. It stands true for each snails shell and their fossils we have, all planets stars galaxies, all tornadoes, hurricanes, too. To everything in rotation is a north(up) and a SOuth(down) based on very same rotation of right hand! There is no VETO to law of A1GOD in universe leaving no room for evolution theory or even more than one Super Power which Creates everything, who through HIS Kingdom shows the Command of HIS R(*GHT hand over all dominions!

I offer this gift of reminder from Quran to my Mujah(*d Qaum as it nears its Birthday on 27th of Ramdhan as the ultimate proof and challenge to behead the ideology of kuffr claiming self evolution theory of Darwin while their own Technological advances prove them utterly wrong.

Sun rises in East with the very same law, the law of right hand orbital rotation of earth! The religion of Monotheists is based on this very finding of Ibraheem A.S when he was looking for Signs of Allah in heavens!

Pak(*stanis have made best of material weapon in the world today, its time to work on and deployment of its ideological weapons we recieved as gift from Quran to any challenges we face today. If we truely seek peace, than the only and must ingredient for that to happen is to apply and obey only A1Law for all, the very same ingredient displays peace and harmony around kaba by millions of Mus(*ms around Kaba during Hajj and Umra and likewise in heavens far as we can see!

This great Pak(*stani flag has a message in it which is the message of of (*slam, that man too better only obey A1law sent by A1GOD so that there may be Peace(Islam) and not act a GOD by attempting to make laws that contradict the laws in divine scriptures, laws are made by only A1GOD and we are to obey it without any change to it for He alone Knows what is good for what He has created. changing the direction of Tawaf around Kaba would render the worship invalid and a contradiction to the laws of Nature set by A1GOD/A1lah utlimately resulting in disruption of peace and giving way to corruption and destruction!

Salaam on Pak(*stan, aameen! The destiny of world is to be guided by this flag out of the darkness of Jahiliya we face today insha Allah under the guidance from Quran!
al' Salaam alekum!

i feel like saying more than just a sentence to do justice with the topic, if am allowed.

This is what our flag means to me since i have read about birth of (*slam in times of Ibraheem A.S and its completion in times of Muhammad A.S from Quran, both Prophets of leaving Tawaf of Kaba as the greatest Sign of Allah for those who seek Him! The very same reminder that we have the Star and Moon on our flag too!

Quran: 7:54 VERILY, your Sustainer is A1GOD, who has created the heavens and the earth in six aeons, and is established on the throne of His almightiness. He covers the day with the night in swift pursuit, with the sun and the moon and the stars subservient to His command: oh, verily, His is all creation and all command. Hallowed is A1GOD, the Sustainer of all the worlds!

The star and moon on our flag represent the ONE LAW they all obey and are commanded by and thus are rendered Musl(*ms too, law of A1GOD/A1lah, this law of orbital rotation is followed by all Musl(*m humans too around house of Allah we know as Kaba in Makkah while doing Twaf! The holiest shrine of Musl(*ms has a spectacular view to wake up to and compare with what we see through sattelite in space and around us on this lonely planet, the very same Twaf with exact same law of orbital rotation, the r18ht hand rotation!

Each thing in universe rotates only under law of r18ht hand rotation and thats what defines its North from south. It stands true for each snails shell and their fossils we have, all planets stars galaxies, all tornadoes, hurricanes, too. To everything in rotation is a north(up) and a SOuth(down) based on very same rotation of right hand! There is no VETO to law of A1GOD in universe leaving no room for evolution theory or even more than one Super Power which Creates everything, who through HIS Kingdom shows the Command of HIS R(*GHT hand over all dominions!

I offer this gift of reminder from Quran to my Mujah(*d Qaum as it nears its Birthday on 27th of Ramdhan as the ultimate proof and challenge to behead the ideology of kuffr claiming self evolution theory of Darwin while their own Technological advances prove them utterly wrong.

Sun rises in East with the very same law, the law of right hand orbital rotation of earth! The religion of Monotheists is based on this very finding of Ibraheem A.S when he was looking for Signs of Allah in heavens!

Pak(*stanis have made best of material weapon in the world today, its time to work on and deployment of its ideological weapons we recieved as gift from Quran to any challenges we face today. If we truely seek peace, than the only and must ingredient for that to happen is to apply and obey only A1Law for all, the very same ingredient displays peace and harmony around kaba by millions of Mus(*ms around Kaba during Hajj and Umra and likewise in heavens far as we can see!

This great Pak(*stani flag has a message in it which is the message of of (*slam, that man too better only obey A1law sent by A1GOD so that there may be Peace(Islam) and not act a GOD by attempting to make laws that contradict the laws in divine scriptures, laws are made by only A1GOD and we are to obey it without any change to it for He alone Knows what is good for what He has created. changing the direction of Tawaf around Kaba would render the worship invalid and a contradiction to the laws of Nature set by A1GOD/A1lah utlimately resulting in disruption of peace and giving way to corruption and destruction!

Salaam on Pak(*stan, aameen! The destiny of world is to be guided by this flag out of the darkness of Jahiliya we face today insha Allah under the guidance from Quran!

Pakistan was created as a home for all minorites, not just muslims. And remember, the White strip on our flag represents the many christians and hindus and sikhs that are proud to be Pakistani, under the protection of the Muslims.
Our flag is so beautiful mashAllah.

Read ma mind Bro! :cheers:

al' Salaam alekum!

i feel like saying more than just a sentence to do justice with the topic, if am allowed.

This is what our flag means to me since i have read about birth of (*slam in times of Ibraheem A.S and its completion in times of Muhammad A.S from Quran, both Prophets of leaving Tawaf of Kaba as the greatest Sign of Allah for those who seek Him! The very same reminder that we have the Star and Moon on our flag too!

Quran: 7:54 VERILY, your Sustainer is A1GOD, who has created the heavens and the earth in six aeons, and is established on the throne of His almightiness. He covers the day with the night in swift pursuit, with the sun and the moon and the stars subservient to His command: oh, verily, His is all creation and all command. Hallowed is A1GOD, the Sustainer of all the worlds!

The star and moon on our flag represent the ONE LAW they all obey and are commanded by and thus are rendered Musl(*ms too, law of A1GOD/A1lah, this law of orbital rotation is followed by all Musl(*m humans too around house of Allah we know as Kaba in Makkah while doing Twaf! The holiest shrine of Musl(*ms has a spectacular view to wake up to and compare with what we see through sattelite in space and around us on this lonely planet, the very same Twaf with exact same law of orbital rotation, the r18ht hand rotation!

Each thing in universe rotates only under law of r18ht hand rotation and thats what defines its North from south. It stands true for each snails shell and their fossils we have, all planets stars galaxies, all tornadoes, hurricanes, too. To everything in rotation is a north(up) and a SOuth(down) based on very same rotation of right hand! There is no VETO to law of A1GOD in universe leaving no room for evolution theory or even more than one Super Power which Creates everything, who through HIS Kingdom shows the Command of HIS R(*GHT hand over all dominions!

I offer this gift of reminder from Quran to my Mujah(*d Qaum as it nears its Birthday on 27th of Ramdhan as the ultimate proof and challenge to behead the ideology of kuffr claiming self evolution theory of Darwin while their own Technological advances prove them utterly wrong.

Sun rises in East with the very same law, the law of right hand orbital rotation of earth! The religion of Monotheists is based on this very finding of Ibraheem A.S when he was looking for Signs of Allah in heavens!

Pak(*stanis have made best of material weapon in the world today, its time to work on and deployment of its ideological weapons we recieved as gift from Quran to any challenges we face today. If we truely seek peace, than the only and must ingredient for that to happen is to apply and obey only A1Law for all, the very same ingredient displays peace and harmony around kaba by millions of Mus(*ms around Kaba during Hajj and Umra and likewise in heavens far as we can see!

This great Pak(*stani flag has a message in it which is the message of of (*slam, that man too better only obey A1law sent by A1GOD so that there may be Peace(Islam) and not act a GOD by attempting to make laws that contradict the laws in divine scriptures, laws are made by only A1GOD and we are to obey it without any change to it for He alone Knows what is good for what He has created. changing the direction of Tawaf around Kaba would render the worship invalid and a contradiction to the laws of Nature set by A1GOD/A1lah utlimately resulting in disruption of peace and giving way to corruption and destruction!

Salaam on Pak(*stan, aameen! The destiny of world is to be guided by this flag out of the darkness of Jahiliya we face today insha Allah under the guidance from Quran!

:coffee: got a bit carried away by emotions from the love of our dear country, have you bro? :lol: :tup: :pakistan:
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