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Theology is my fav subject so i have studied different religions. We can also claim that Christianity( i mean catholic branch) is also not monotheistic in pure sense because they also believe in trinity which is God exist in three forms(God the Father, God the Son, and God The Holy Spirit)

Yeah same here dude :tup:

When it comes down to it, people will believe anything. As long as it gives them hope and motivation.
Hinduism is a religion as practiced, not a religion as written in books. Hindus may revere vedas, but they predate hinduism.

By that logic, the Torahs also predate Judaism since the written word of God was handed to Prophet Moses before the coining of the term Jew ("choosen people") . Hinduism and the directive of praying and as a way of life is known as Sanathan Dharma. The term Hindu is a western term. Sanathan Dharma as a term in itself is self explanatory. To distort the term Hinduism as being a mingling of various cultures is to deny the existence of the term Sanathan Dharma which most Hindus regard as being the foundation of their belief.
By that logic, the Torahs also predate Judaism since the written word of God was handed to Prophet Moses before the coining of the term Jew ("choosen people") . Hinduism and the directive of praying and as a way of life is known as Sanathan Dharma. The term Hindu is a western term. Sanathan Dharma as a term in itself is self explanatory. To distort the term Hinduism as being a mingling of various cultures is to deny the existence of the term Sanathan Dharma which most Hindus regard as being the foundation of their belief.

Most hindus do not believe in sanatana dharma. Most hindus dont even know that term. Majority of hindus practice hindusim as a set of rituals and beliefs that people near them do.
Hindus do not read vedas, do not follow any instruction in any book. Hinduism is as hindus do, not what is written in some books who nobody bothers to read.

The most popular hindu scriptures are ramayana and mahabharata, which are basically story books, not theology.
Most hindus do not believe in sanatana dharma. Most hindus dont even know that term. Majority of hindus practice hindusim as a set of rituals and beliefs that people near them do.
Hindus do not read vedas, do not follow any instruction in any book. Hinduism is as hindus do, not what is written in some books who nobody bothers to read.

The most popular hindu scriptures are ramayana and mahabharata, which are basically story books, not theology.

But its changing, who knows in next 50 years Hindus might shed name Hinduism. Many new converts to Hinduism in western world like to call themselves sanatanis rather than hindus.
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