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The Worldwide Government

Witch do you prefer : a worldwide government or different countries governments ?

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... is this how this forum treats someone like me?? someone who has actually spent his years in real world socialist activism, with the associated risks and struggles?? you will respect national military personnel and not someone like me?? that is not nice... how can this silly female, akheilos, be so continuously arrogant ( and without substance ) for so long without being banned?? please tell me if i should leave this forum.

I don't know how anyone would respect a deluded idealist chasing a dream. Even worse is that you support psuedo-leftists and socialist usurpers who threw the true intellectuals in prison and created their own twisted forms of a socialist state.
@scorpionx ...

your first true sentences are wise... these...
Most stupid thread, seriously? At least this thread has far more potential to instigate one's own wit or political imagination to go beyond its possible limit unlike the idiotic threads full of unnecessary chauvinistic nationalism.

levina said this of zarvan... zarvan is in his early 20's ( as per his photos ), so that maybe makes him unquestioning and convinced of his path... and we may have a changed zarvan in two or three years... like you and me have, zarvan and others may get tired of all the silly nationalistic quarrels and hatreds on this forum and outside.

and thanks for the compliment. :-)
@scorpionx ...

your first true sentences are wise... these...

levina said this of zarvan... zarvan is in his early 20's ( as per his photos ), so that maybe makes him unquestioning and convinced of his path... and we may have a changed zarvan in two or three years... like you and me have, zarvan and others may get tired of all the silly nationalistic quarrels and hatreds on this forum and outside.

and thanks for the compliment. :-)
We all, may or may not agree with everything you or damn1t wrote, Jamahir. Our views and opinions necessarily may not be in match or conformity with what is written in the Green Book. But, the concept provokes the brain to think about it. Thank you for all the effort. Take care, keep posting.
Funny you bring this up. New Scientist had an article in their last publication titled End of nations: Is there an alternative to countries? and they arrived on a very different conclusion. Long story short, global governance isn't happening. In the long run, too much bureaucracy at the top becomes a headache. Case in point, USSR. Empowering local governance with a light touch at the federal level is far more effective.
Empowering local governance with a light touch at the federal level is far more effective.

you are correct... which is why all of my posts of this thread speak of "direct democracy", which gives self-governance rights to communities, with the top-levels present only to give guidance, arrange overall security and arrange interaction with other communities.

and all that based on the political arrangement of the libyan socialist jamahiriya... please do read the entire thread...
a sincere thanks... other than the pdf thanks button... :-)

@jamahir what Levina, said is right, your ideas are far ahead of time. To be honest, I propose more localisation of power instead of globalising the power.

That is, form units that are equivalent to city states or at least the size of provinces and then remove restrictions on movements.
That is, form units that are equivalent to city states or at least the size of provinces and then remove restrictions on movements.

that is my proposal too... that is what jamahiriya direct-democracy is... please read my post one post above yours... ( The Worldwide Government | Page 9 )...

and like some have been saying, we should let this thread settle for a while... to give time people to think.
. . . . .
To be a planet with a government or
to be countries with governments , armies
that is the question .

By making same government we can save a lot of money at armies , parallel space programs etc .

This is an easy question to answer @jamahir . The entire world is intertwined in one system already - it is called the Global Economy. It will take care of it all.
Meh, fix the people first, after that make sure to have a healthy flow of data without lies. After that we will figure something out.

Global or not. Corrupt people is correct systems
This is an easy question to answer @jamahir . The entire world is intertwined in one system already - it is called the Global Economy. It will take care of it all.

what you speak of is capitalist economic globalization... it is not meant to erase national boundaries and finish the visa system... please do read the thread... specifically the parts by vostok and myself.
what you speak of is capitalist economic globalization... it is not meant to erase national boundaries and finish the visa system... please do read the thread... specifically the parts by vostok and myself.

No, I am talking about the global economy as the de facto system within which various smaller systems exist and interact. That is the only worldwide system that can work, and is working.

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