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The World's Best Special Forces

SAS at the top without a doubt ...

In Frederick Forsyth's words -- "The most important thing an English gentleman ever learns is precisely when to stop being one"
Did you know his books are described as manuals for mercenaries (Dogs of War) and assassins (Day of the Jackal)

"Day of the Jackal" , of course , is an all-time classic ... "Dogs of War" was indeed very descriptive as to the step-by-step preparations for the takeover.

"The most important thing an English gentleman ever learns is precisely when to stop being one"

This I had quoted from "The Deceiver" ... the story was "A Casualty of War" .. which was about the undercover working of the SAS in Ireland ..
Hmmn, Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles were pretty bad a**. But on a serious side, how would one rank these Talibans (the TTP and the Afghans) or even Hezbollah - a complete nuisance for the Isaf forces, the Americans and the Israelis for the last.
Anybody who brought on the Viet Cong as a 'special forces', let alone one of the world's premiers, is clearly clueless about the subject. Do some research, kid, the Viet Cong was nearly decimated after the atrocities committed by them during the 1968 Tet Offensive. Your ego is writing posts the facts cannot match. Did you know that it was the communist North Vietnamese who brought France back into Viet Nam?
Gambit, stop keep lying again and again, you white @$$ licker love to consider enemy is your father.I will report to Mod if you keep lying about history next time.

Pls read the link below, from page 29 to page 30, and you can see Who offered France troop to station in North VietNam first. It's clearly was a Deal between Chiang Kai-shek and France

The French troop porposed to Chiang Kai-shek that their relinquish the old French concession in Shanghai and other Chinese ports in exchange for allowing French troop to replace the Chinese forces north of the 16th parallel .After Chiang accepted the offer , Lu Han's army departed early in 1946 . Ho then was faces with prospect of French return to Northern VN, and some of Ho collaborators urged him to order the VMLA to fight. Instead, he decided to try negotiation first and to resort to war only as last resort

gambit said:
the Viet Cong was nearly decimated after the atrocities committed by them during the 1968 Tet Offensive
So now, killing Traitor will be consider as " atrocities " ??

btw: US special force were too weak to fight with VN special forces, they could not stop us to attack US embassy in 1968. if they didn't have better air forces to stop VN , then US special force would be a dead meat in VN war.
Common folks you cant rank special forces like that. I seriously think special forces importance are mostly overrated, wars are not won by individual unit's. To win a war you need firepower, logistics and proper numbers. You cant deploy the so called special forces in piece meal manner thinking they are some sort of super heroes. I agree they are good for insurgency or certain covert operation like taking out osama bin laden. But for that also you need proper infrastructure like stealth choppers the yanks had how many country's do you think are able do that.
Hmmn, Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles were pretty bad a**. But on a serious side, how would one rank these Talibans (the TTP and the Afghans) or even Hezbollah - a complete nuisance for the Isaf forces, the Americans and the Israelis for the last.

If I was a hostage I wouldn't be too dependent on the Taliban to rescue me. Chances are better with the SEALs like what happened in Somalia.
The SSG is a kickass force, we’ve done many opperations which the SEALS could dream off. the SGG training is very good but they need good weapons too.
I am perplexed as to why no one would even think to mention the SASR, they are probably equal to, if not better, than the SAS.
The world best special forces are actually Talibans

They are fighting 40 nations in Afghanistan from last more then 10 years and still no chance of Nato forces getting them :)
before this they have done the same with USSR and Britain...

no other special forces have come anywhere near to this records ... its not about what you carry its all about results ... :) if you know what i mean here
Gambit, stop keep lying again and again, you white @$$ licker love to consider enemy is your father.I will report to Mod if you keep lying about history next time.

Pls read the link below, from page 29 to page 30, and you can see Who offered France troop to station in North VietNam first. It's clearly was a Deal between Chiang Kai-shek and France

So now, killing Traitor will be consider as " atrocities " ??

btw: US special force were too weak to fight with VN special forces, they could not stop us to attack US embassy in 1968. if they didn't have better air forces to stop VN , then US special force would be a dead meat in VN war.
I think believing in democrappy really makes him retarded. Plus, this guy is a deserter who deserted his South Viet Nam comrades and hopped on the US carrier and ran away on April 30th, 1975. What a loser for a wannabe US "military man" he claims he is while his background is a deserter who did not stay to fight for what he belives in...anti-communism

The traitor/loser Quoc Dan Dang at that time were allying with the chinese just to kill the Viet Minh. The Quoc Dan Dang at that time was willing to sell out Viet Nam to the chinese just to get rid of the Viet Minh. Some retards really are retarded to give the Viet Minh some kind of super power to have the ability to invite or not invite the French back to Viet Nam. According this retard's logic, the Viet Minh invited the French back so the Viet Minh would have much more difficult time trying to get rid of then the traitor quoc dan dang LOL. Rewriting history is their specialty and their masters' specialty, especially on how they sold out the Paracel island in 1974 by shooting at their own ship/comrade; thanks to the huyphuc guy on ttvnol for exposing this truth.
SAS- Very secret and probably the best Special Forces in the world.

hey u **** STFU.. we entered because u people were criminals and don't forget u also did genocide in East Pakistan.. u bloody war criminals..
u know what to do.

This list looks at 10 of the special forces from around the world that have the honor of being the most elite and – consequently – badass. Feel free to mention your own favorites in the comments which will no doubt include a lot that are not listed here.



Whereas most of the training regimens of militaries around the world are designed to teach, Russia’s Special Purpose Regiments, equivalent to the U. S. Green Berets, endure punishment daily throughout their training. They may quit anytime they want. The Spetsnaz want only the best, pain-hardened, battle-loving killers.

They spar with the express goal of injuring each other, breaking ribs, fingers, vertebrae, healing only long enough to get back on their feet and complete the training. They are typically deployed for reconnaissance or house-to-house close quarters combat, but are also employed as extremely formidable bodyguards for high-ranking politicians.

They claim that they are not taught to ignore pain, since that is impossible. They are instead taught to enjoy it.

French Naval Commandos


They call themselves “berets verts,” or “green berets,” and consist of 6 units: Hubert, Trepel, de Montfort, de Penfentenyo, Jaubert, and Kieffer. Each unit is trained for special tasks, whether combat diving, close quarters sea combat, exfiltration, canine units, or long range fire support, including snipers and missile launchers. They were established much at the behest of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who was a naval officer in WWII.



Currently, only men are allowed to try out for the U. S. Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command. It’s primary missions are typically special reconnaissance, direct action, and internal defense within foreign nations.

Their training regimen is comprised of 4 phases, increasing in strenuousness. Phase 1 is SERE training, survival, evasion, resistance, escape. They are trained to make fire by friction, fire by mirrors, even fire by ice, depending on the location to which they are deployed. You mold the ice with the heat of your hands into the shape of a lens, which works just like a magnifying glass.

Of course, they take matches and Zippos with them. After this, they begin physical fitness training, and hand-to-hand combat, practicing a hybrid of the most functional martial arts: Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun, Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, even Pankration. Then, Sayoc Kali, which is Filipino knife fighting.

This is just phase 1. Phase 2 is marksmanship, amphibious demolitions, reconnaissance. Phase 3 is a contrinuation of 2, but with the addition of field radioes and satellite data-uplink systems. Phase 4 is “irregular warfare” instruction, which is a euphemism for “anything goes.” This phase consists primarily of the Derna Bridge operation, which forces the recruits to use all skills acquired during the course.



The closest thing to James Bond can be found in the personnel of the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service, or Security Service, section 6. It works in close partnership with section 5 (MI-5), the latter which is more of a pure spy agency, dedicated to counter-intelligence and counter-espionage.

MI-6, however, is the unit which deploys its agents all over the world to detect international intelligence threats and “neutralize” them before they become truly dangerous. Their headquarters is at Vauxhall Cross, London, and they will be quick to tell you there that there is no James Bond among them, and that their assignments and missions are quite boring.

They do, however, have an agent very similar to “Q,” who is in charge of all equipment and weaponry deployed for each operation. They also have indoor firing ranges, dojos, and a gym.

U. S. Army Rangers


After basic Army training, voluntary enlistment into the 75th Ranger Regiment will train the recruit for the HALO parachute jump, SERE, languages, elite combatives expert, mountain warfare, combat diving, in addition to all the weapons qualification training.

After nine weeks of this, they enroll in Advanced Individual Training, to become masters of their chosen fields, then immediately enroll in the Army Airborne School, then in Ranger Indoctrination or Orientation Programs.

By the time they’ve graduated, they’re so well trained that members have reported waking up screaming from nightmares about Ranger school to be relieved that they are only in Vietnam.

But then, they lose a few points for an incident a Ranger told me about: he was the captain of a tank regiment on maneuvers in the Amazon jungle. Just an exercise, but because of the sweltering heat, they had to open their tank hatches. This captain, who shall remain nameless, heard a thump behind him, and turned to see a Goliath Bird-eating Spider crawling toward him, raising its front legs and hissing.

He admits to screaming like a girl, knifing the tarantula, jumping out of the tank and running off into the jungle for a mile and a half. His buddies still rib him about it.
here is more up to date list.

Top Ten Special Operations Forces in the World
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