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The wonderful ammunition that we will see on the Egyptian Rafale, which America forbid to sell to Egypt

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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تعرّف على الذخائر الرائعة التي يمكن أن نراها على الرافال المصرية التي كانت تحظر أمريكا بيعها لمصر

One of the wonderful ammunition that we will see on the Egyptian Rafale in the coming period is the European Smart Glider small-diameter bomb.

The bomb is manufactured by the European company MBDA, and the Rafale can carry 18 bombs, with additional fuel tanks and various air-to-air missiles in one sortie.

The weight of a single bomb reaches 120 kg and has a range of 130 km. It has a warhead weighing 40 kg and can hit fixed and moving targets with high accuracy. It will enter service in the next few years.

One Rafale squadron can carry a total of 216 bombs of this type.

It is worth noting that the United States has forbidden supplying Egypt with small diameter bombs for a long time, in order to preserve Israel's military and technical superiority.

The SmartGlider family constitutes a new generation of tactical air-to-ground strike weapons for decades to come.

The family consists of two forms of weapons: light and heavy, to cover the largest possible number of air-to-ground missions from close air support (CAS) to air interception and air counterattack (destruction of enemy air assets on the ground) also as suppression and / or destruction of the enemy's air defense ( SEAD / DEAD).

SmartGlider Light will allow entry into Day 1 by flooding and destroying enemy air defenses as well as continuing to be the preferred general purpose munition as the conflict progresses.

SmartGlider Heavy is based on the same glide concept as the SmartGlider Light, but it features a much larger warhead capable of high penetration and explosive. This allows ammunition to engage a wide range of large targets.

Advantages :

Weight: Light 120kg / Heavy 1300kg

Length: light <2m / heavy 4m

Warhead: Light 80kg with a single-impact multi-effect / heavy 1,000kg charge with high burst and penetration effects.

Maximum range: light and heavy far greater than 100 km.

Great news for Turkey. One other weapon that US denied Egypt was BVR missiles on F-16s. I believe Egyptian Rafale will carry French BVR missiles.
Not Turkey, I meant Egypt. What was I thinking!!? :hitwall:

We dont need anyone

Turkey has its own technology to produce even thousands of them

100 km ASELSAN Small diameter bomb
110 km KUZGUN joint strike bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving targets
150+ km KGK-LR glide bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving targets

also 100+ km MRASHM cruise missile with IIR seeker and 280 km SOM cruise missile with IIR seeker

even Turkish UCAVs can carry all those bombs and cruise missiles
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I remember back in the 1960s and 1970s, when the Arab-israeli Wars were raging on the horizon. How the then french President Charles De Gaul imposed an embargo on Israel in 1968 for the 50 Mirage-lll fighters it purchased from france. And how the israelis managed to (illegally) obtain the blue prints, tooling, machinery and parts to build the Mirage-lll fighters in-country.

The sordid spin story went like this:

Alfred Frauenknecht, a technical department head at the Sulzer Engineering Co. in Winterthur.

Mr. Frauenknecht admitted after his arrest that he sold 20 crates full of secret plans, records and tooling instructions to Israel for $200,000.

The crates were reportedly passed to Israeli agents in West Germany through an unidentified relative of Mr. Frauenknecht who was not an employee of Sulzer.

Baring this in mind, I just wonder, how Egypt remains confident enough, that in the event of a war with israel, that israel wouldn't pull a fast one on the french, yet again?

It is a pertinent and practical question to the Egyptian members on PDF. It is not a flame bait or antagonizing post.
Baring this in mind, I just wonder, how Egypt remains confident enough, that in the event of a war with israel, that israel wouldn't pull a fast one on the french, yet again?

all those weapons are not against İsrael , but against Turkey

Egypt is under American-İsraeli control since 1979 ( from Anwar Sadat to Sisi )
and President MOURSI was destroyed by the US/İsrael/KSA/The Uae

so Egypt can not fight against İsrael
but especially France/İtaly/Germany are arming Egypt to use as a pawn against Turkey in Libya and in the Eatern Mediterranean

They wants to use military power to push Turkey from its rights in the Eastern Mediterranean
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all those weapons are not against İsrael , but against Turkey

Egypt is under American-İsraeli control since 1979 ( from Anwar Sadat to Sisi )
and President MOURSI was destroyed by the US/İsrael/KSA/The Uae

so Egypt can not fight against İsrael
but especially France/İtaly/Germany are arming Egypt to use as a pawn against Turkey in Libya and in the Eatern Mediterranean

They wants to use military power to push Turkey from its rights in the Eastern Mediterranean
Oh sh-t again you green sticky thing are in an Egyptian thread I really hate you and your absolute bs words
There are many Turkish threads no Arab here interested to your jokes
We dont need anyone

Turkey has its own technology to produce even thousands of them

100 km ASELSAN Small diameter bomb
110 km KUZGUN joint strike bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving targets
150+ km KGK-LR glide bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving targets

also 100+ km MRASHM cruise missile with IIR seeker and 280 km SOM cruise missile with IIR seeker

even Turkish UCAVs can carry all those bombs and cruise missiles

Young child, you are still trying to squeeze Turkey, which is humiliated to Egypt and terrified of it. You boast of a number of ammunition that have not entered into service in real terms and no feasibility for them is known. You do not know anything at all. There is an arms race and Turkey simply lost
The Egyptian Air Force possesses a whole new generation of weapons, while Turkey relies on the antique F4 and F-16 fighters that will face the SU-35 & RAFELE & MIG-29M PLUS F-16
The package of Egyptian, Russian, French and American ammunition, as for Turkish ammunition that is not guaranteed, you have it in limited quantities, except in your imagination.
While you are showing off planes that will enter service with drones, the Egyptian training planes can shoot them down

We explain very simple examples in Egypt 2021
Egypt added 100 fighters, developed the contract for 100 others, and Turkey did not find anyone to give it anything and prevented the engines from it, and the Russians would refuse to deliver SU-35 to Turkey. Egypt closed the door to supplying SU-35 from Turkey with requests covering the entire production line for years.

And you let your failures and talk about Egypt's munitions that have a greater diversity of them

The same thing
While you cursed the operation of the S-400, the Russians tricked you into delivering shorter range missiles
While the Egyptian air defense network is a large complex of the largest in the world
Next to the S-300VM / V4 HQ-18 includes its SU-35 WITH R-37M arm
A radar package reveals even beyond the horizon


Egypt acquired IRIS-T SLM air defense systems with a first batch of 7 batteries, Turkey is under tests, a modest performance system, HISAR A, and is negotiating to produce 5 batteries locally with Germany.
Other than Egypt, it developed and acquired BUK-M2 & TOR-2M & HQ-17

While you are everything under test

Egypt has added modern frigates such as the Freem, and you are living in illusions and Indian films with weapons that did not enter service until after many years, so Egypt doubled the number of its stocks.

Turkey admitted defeat by Egypt, as Egypt has been placing Turkey as a strategic enemy since 2008
It is the scene of Egyptian intelligence operations even before Mubarak expelled Erdogan from Sharm el-Sheikh

You are like the Turkish intelligence services, gullible, and you have fallen into a great deception from Egypt

Egypt has created an anti-Turkish cordon and a network of alliances that include Greece, the Russians, Armenians and the French, and has managed to destroy the Turkish-Gulf relations.

Turkey declared defeat when Egypt declared a red line and the Turks bowed to the Egyptians
Egypt is now sufficient for it to instruct the Libyan government to expel you from Libya. The Libyan Foreign Minister has asked you to leave Libya so that you are subject to any international sanctions. He urges the Libyan government to ask Egypt to expel the Turks.

Egypt has its new armament package completely directed against you. Let us illustrate a simple example

Egypt set up a production line T-90MS at a monthly production rate of 8 tanks since 2020 and the first batch was delivered to Russia. Egyptian research development research without reference to the Russians

The result is 1,600 Egyptian T-80/72/62/55 tanks that will be developed and supplied to Libya, Iraq, Sudan and Syria in order to support them against you.

Coordination in supporting the Kurds in arming with Greece and sharing full intelligence about the Turkish army and Turkish armament between Egypt, Greece, Russia and France shows that you are crammed in the corner.

You do not notice that every day a number of Turkish soldiers are killed in the strategy of depleting the elephant in Kurdistan and northern Syria, even when the Turkish people are out, they find that they are facing a catastrophe, huge losses.

Coordination has been made with the Libyan government to recover what was stolen by the Turks from the Central Bank of Libya and the Al-Sarraj gang and corrupt contracts

Even the weapons programs in Iraq are coordinating with Egypt to strengthen the Iraqi army, but also Egypt was able to obtain programs for the reconstruction of Iraq, while Iraq considers you an enemy that stole the Euphrates and Tigris water. Whenever the ethnicity strengthens, we implemented the ban on importing Turkish products in Iraq, I know why Turkey is shopping from Egypt.

So a strategy and a region have been besieged, and now you want Egypt to reconcile and restore relations, because you are a reeling system.

Turkey is under siege. It will not get fighters or engines from Russia, except for a miserable copy of the RD-93
Turkey can only purchase the JF-17

Turkey will not be able to enter its failed tank at a price of 13 million euros until after several years, Egypt will have done its national tank program, and we believe the engines before announcing programs so that we will not be subjected to a siege, while the ALTAY tank program since 2008 until now has not been able to produce while Egypt has produced 1130 Abrams tanks in its factory. Next to thousands of armored vehicles in Egypt and

Your responses are naive and I do not understand the reality of things. You are talking about unmanned aircraft that are not in service.

We have 2000 ballistic missiles, and you are like a girl talking about Turkish programs, most of which have not entered service
And your stocks do not exceed 100 missiles
DDN - carico Storm Shadow.JPG

Egypt always fools everyone. We supplied the Rafale with Black Shaheen missiles from the Emirates before we got 100 from France, along with the first 50 missiles, and MBDA production lines in Egypt will produce many missiles in Egypt and we have production programs with the Russians and China.
You naively do not even possess stocks close to what Egypt possesses of ammunition. Egypt is a country that has already fought high-intensity wars. Therefore, the volume of weapons in Egypt and ammunition of all kinds is enormous.

You always want to cram Turkey with future programs and you forget that we are outdone with arming you and we created a hostile cordon for you in the Mediterranean and you come to tell us Turkey has a bomb and Turkey has a missile Turkey has a drone

Turkey, as an enemy, is strengthening Greece and conceding the speedy delivery of RAFALE so that Greece can obtain 18 aircraft to support the Greek Air Force and our support for Greece’s desire to acquire F-16 BLOCK 60 as well as daily information sharing between defense ministries and intelligence agencies.

Egypt has created a network of alliances that goes far beyond Turkey, and it supports it with Egypt

We supported the Armenians against the Turkish massacres. We have already put you on the road to perdition, as there is an economic war. This is why the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Turkish Intelligence begged to please Egypt by every means because we strengthened all your enemies against you and you became the one waiting for the strikes without the ability to respond

Arming the Kurds is taking place in coordination and cooperation with Greece and other countries

And you are talking about a drone, several tactical missiles, the theater of operations in the Middle East and the Mediterranean has been arranged, and you have become a victim, and Turkey is now
In an environment hostile to everyone, you do not have friends, and you do not understand that Egypt will not fight Turkey, as Egypt has already fought it and won and broken it. Your questions are why the Turks are humiliated, starting with Erdogan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defense for Egypt and a desire to restore relations, which Egypt will forget its revolution with Turkey and Turkey’s crimes and its support for terrorism against Egypt and what caused it. Egypt has economic losses
You know why Egypt is negotiating with Turkey now because you are simply a regime that is falling, so as the Turkish intelligence services say, Egypt always deceives and plays with us.
Because you are a finished card and a scandal has been made. Therefore, we want to finish off the imposition of our conditions on you. Egypt does not need Turkey, while Turkey is the one who needs Egypt, so do not make comparisons. You originally lost the battle and surrendered.
so do not make comparisons. You originally lost the battle and surrendered.

We have 2000 ballistic missiles, and you are like a girl talking about Turkish programs, most of which have not entered service
And your stocks do not exceed 100 missiles

maybe in your dreams ....
Egypt has no technology to develop even Cruise Missile ... so pathetic
go to France and beg for 50 Cruise Missiles ( lolipop) as like girls

TURKS have developed everything from Cruise missiles to Ballistic missiles
including KTJ-3200 and TJ300 turbojet engines , J-10 rocket-missile fuel , hybrid , solid - liquid propellant rocket Engines for Ballistic Missiles ..... ( only a few countries in the world )

We dont need anyone for all kinds of missiles and bombs
Egypt has no technology to develop even long range glide bomb

in a war everybody will see what will happen as like 6 day war

now Turkish Armed Forces have enough power to protect national interests in the Eastern Mediterranean
and nobody can enter Turkish EEZ .. nobody

Turkish military forces in N.Cyprus , Syria , İraq , Qatar , Azerbaijan , Somalia , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

also do you think Turkey has no money to buy Fighter Jets ?
Turkey has bigger economy than Egypt+Greece+200 billion dollars
even only Turkish Airlines buys 387 new Planes for over $66 billion between 2013 and 2023
Turkey would buy Egyptian+Greek+İsraeli armed Forces combined for $66 billion ..... so funny
even I am not tallking about $50 billion for over 3,5 million of Syrian refugees in Turkey

but TURKS are not stupid to give tens of billions of dollars for old technologies

TURKS develops the future to become real global military power as like The UK and France until 2030

Nobody will dare to match with regional super power Turkey in the region ...Nobody

Thanks to superior Turkish military projects and high quality NATO technologies

-- AKINCI and AKSUNGUR UCAVs by 2021
-- ATR-72 Anti Submarine Warfare Aircraft by 2021
-- 250+ km ATMACA and SOM-C anti-ship Missiles by 2021-2022
-- HISAR-A and HISAR-O Air Defense Systems by 2021-2022
-- HISAR-U high altitude Air Defense Missile by 2022
-- Type214TN class AIP Submarine by 2022
-- 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radar by 2022
-- TCG ANADOLU light Aircraft Carrier by 2022
-- ISTIF class stealth Frigate by 2023
-- MEKO-200TM Frigate modernization by 2023
-- MIUS jet engine powered unmanned Fighter Jet by 2023
-- HAVASOJ airborne stand off jammer Aircraft by 2023
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System by 2023
-- T-929 heavy Atttack Helicopter by 2025
-- TF-2000 class Destroyer by 2027
---TFX nex gen air superiority Fighter Jet by 2029

and long range Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to hit every millitary target in the region
( 500 km SOM-ER , 1.000+ km BORA , 1.000+ km GEZGIN .. also 1.000+ km KARGI kamikaze Drone )

also RAMJET powered supersonic anti-ship missile
also RAMJET powered air to air missile AKDOGAN .. similar to METEOR
also Anti-ship Ballistic Missile ... based on BORA Missile
also GUMS Ballistic Missile Defense System .... similar to THAAD

and most modern weapons will remain in service such as
-- S400 Air Defense Systems
-- KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems
-- 4 Boeing E-7T AEWCS
-- 10 Airbus A400M
-- 8 Type-209 class Submarines
-- 4 ADA class stealth Corvettes
-- 4 MEKO-200TM class Frigates
-- 6 CN-235 Anti-Submarine warfare Aircrafts
-- 320 ESSM SAMs
-- 135 AIM-120C7 a2a missiles

and many more

now You can dreaming with old technologies

in reality , TURKS are coming to become global power again
and Egypt will become power in Africa ..... nothing else
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Egypt acquired IRIS-T SLM air defense systems with a first batch of 7 batteries, Turkey is under tests, a modest performance system, HISAR A, and is negotiating to produce 5 batteries locally with Germany.
Other than Egypt, it developed and acquired BUK-M2 & TOR-2M & HQ-17

While you are everything under test

You need to understand that Egypt is only buying but Turkey is producing

We dont need anyone .... and all military-strategic targets in Turkey will be protected by indigenous KORKUT 35mm SPAAG + HISAR-A + HISAR-O Air Defense Systems + KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems

100 km HISAR-U high altitude Air Defense Missile by 2022
also by 2023 SIPER high altitude Air Defense System and 60kw high enery LASER Weapon

also Turkey has developed 25km BOZDOGAN and 65km GOKDOGAN air to air missile
and land based VL versions .. similar to French MICA-VL and German IRIS-T SLM

and HISAR-A enter service ... 03.05.2021

In an environment hostile to everyone, you do not have friends, and you do not understand that Egypt will not fight Turkey,

everyone ?
Turkey has good relationship with
Russia,Ukraine,Georgia,Azerbaijan,Bulgaria,Bosnia,Albania,Macedonia,Hungary,Tunisia,Morocco,Libya,Qatar,Kuwait,Turkmenistan,Uzbekhstan,Kazakstan,İran,Pakistan,Maleysia,İndonesia,South Korea,Japan and many more

The US-İsrael-France-Greece support PKK/YPG and FETO terrorists against Turkey
and The US-İsrael-France-Greece are trying to steal oil/gas reserves from the Turks

We hope Egypt will be neutral , instead of being a pawn to be used by The US-İsrael-France-Greece against Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey and Egypt should be friends , instead of enemies
or in a war , both side will pay a heavy price and The US-İsrael-France-Greece will be so happy
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You need to understand that Egypt is only buying but Turkey is producing

We dont need anyone .... and all military-strategic targets in Turkey will be protected by indigenous KORKUT 35mm SPAAG + HISAR-A + HISAR-O Air Defense Systems + KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems
also in 3 years SIPER high altitude Air Defense System and 60kw high enery LASER Weapon

also Turkey has developed 25km BOZDOGAN and 65km GOKDOGAN air to air missile
and land based VL versions .. similar to French MICA-VL and German IRIS-T SLM

and HISAR-A enter service ... 03.05.2021

everyone ?
Turkey has good relationship with
Russia,Ukraine,Georgia,Azerbaijan,Bulgaria,Bosnia,Albania,Macedonia,Hungary,Tunisia,Morocco,Libya,Qatar,Kuwait,Turkmenistan,Uzbekhstan,Kazakstan,İran,Pakistan,Maleysia,İndonesia,South Korea,Japan and many more

The US-İsrael-France-Greece support PKK/YPG and FETO terrorists against Turkey
and The US-İsrael-France-Greece are trying to steal oil/gas reserves from the Turks

We hope Egypt will be neutral , instead of being a pawn to be used by The US-İsrael-France-Greece against Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey and Egypt should be friends , instead of enemies
or in a war , both side will pay a heavy price and The US-İsrael-France-Greece will be so happy
Ok ok you are right you are mighty global power
Just stop sh.ting in Egyptian threads
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