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loool i am anti muslim?:lol: why would i be? i havent had any muslim with whom i have problems with. In fact my best mate here in london is a muslim(though he's not a fanatic/too religious.lol). I dont have anything against muslim. Im just stating facts/making a point. If you havent noticed from my comments, i always try and be honest in my comments/opinions(though personally i might be biased towards my country, i keep that personal and dont let it cloud my judgement unlike many people) and i have mostly been against our government foreign policy, and you can check my comments about the current situation in libya on another thread on here, where i said we intervened in Libya for our own personal/selfish interests. Since i have visited libya before the war in 2008, and it was the wealthiest country in Africa in gdp per capital terms(higer than even some european countries). So i dont think it was 'revolution/arab spring' as our media made us believe. It was a pre planned action to topple with using an excuse( in violation of UNSC). This is what i condemned and even said if we were living in a fair world then our leaders who participated in this invasion/military action should be prosecuted for these crimes(but they wont as the ICC is mainly for poor african dictator/under developed countries.:disagree:)
I have travelled alot, and studied international relations at Uni. So i kind of know in politics no country is an Angel, and there are so many back deals that goes on behind the scenes. So its up to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, etc to gain more awareness about how the world works/big power politics is played. No country will ever help you developed, you have rely on your own strength to succeed. So i cant blame any country who seeks to protect their interests and wont hesitate to use dirty tricks to further their interests(its been like this for centuries/decades and will keep being tha way) thats how the world works unfotunately.
So thats why i said Muslims should wake up and stop fighting among themsleves, it just creates even more opportunities for our governments/foreign powers to exploit them for their own interests.
In this regard, im one of the most critical opponent against the Invasion of Libya/toppling of Gadaffi, he was a dictator, but far from the worst(countries lik Saudi Arabia our 'ally' is way way way worst) and he did do alot of good things as well(development/eductaional wise) in Libya and Africa. So the most important thing is that Africans, Arabs and Muslims should focus more on education/educating their people, since this is the best way that the people can gain awareness about world issues and better serve their countries interests, thus preventing them from being used by foreign powers for their own gains./interests.:cheers:

Please indent your writing so I have an easier time reading this. :)

I favor self-sufficiency and independent policy in the Middle East. I believe the West is getting in the way of that alongside some Arab regimes. So I view this as a long-term struggle for genuine sovereignty, freedom and independence.

I don't hold anything against the European people. Maybe so for a portion of the American population. But, when it comes to Europeans. They are rational and well educated. Many Europeans tend to be less interventionist and way more pro-Palestinian.

I admire the youth of Europe who believe in a better future for the world. For their governments, I'm indifferent but saddened by their policies on the I/P conflict and Middle East.
Oh man... fighting in north Africa. It must be baking hot right now. Once had to face the nightmarish mission in the area for a project. Absolute nightmare.

53-55°C is normal there :confused::eek:
Please i Chinandent your writing so I have an easier time reading this. :)

I favor self-sufficiency and independent policy in the Middle East. I believe the West is getting in the way of that alongside some Arab regimes. So I view this as a long-term struggle for genuine sovereignty, freedom and independence.

I don't hold anything against the European people. Maybe so for a portion of the American population. But, when it comes to Europeans. They are rational and well educated. Many Europeans tend to be less interventionist and way more pro-Palestinian.

I admire the youth of Europe who believe in a better future for the world. For their governments, I'm indifferent but saddened by their policies on the I/P conflict and Middle East.

Sorry i sometimes type on my phone and also tend to do other stuffs while typing, so most times i dont even take time to go through them before posting.lol
Anyway, yes self-sufficency and independent foreign policy is good, but easier said than done. You have to first make sure you have the basis i.e a stable political environment for power change and stability. Then have strong instituitions, good educational base(high literacy), provide basic needs to inhabitants(Health, eductaion, water, electricity, infrastructure etc), and create a credible scientific/engineering base in your country. All these will help attract foreign investors and also boost the country manufacturing capablities, thus laying the foundation for a strong/independent country. Its not an easy task, but if a country is really focus and determine it can achieve it with time. China can be a good example in this case.
If you dont lay those strong foundations, then it will be difficult for the country to be self sufficient/independent without being destablised by foreign powers. Since an illiterate population is easily prone to be manipulated by foreign powers. So education is paramount.
You should be saddened just like we are about our governments policies. Afterall, as i said before our governments arent doing anything new, this is the way geo poltics has been played for centuries/decades and it will keep being this way.I dont blame them, since each country is only after their own interests(thats how it should be). Instead of being saddened by this, Muslims should wake up and think of ways to be more united and developed thier own countries and move forward. But they are too focused on religious wars, shias vs Sunnis stuffs to even think about development. Religion to them comes first, everything to them revolves around religion be it in government or institutions, which i think is very dangerous, since it leads to fanaticsm and make people act irationally. In fact some muslims/arab countries will rather cooperate with the west or even Israel against a so called 'fellow Muslim' country with whom it has differences(shia vs sunni like saudi arabia against Iran). This just goes to show how religious fanaticsm can be dangerous when not properly carried out. Religion should always be seperated from the state/politics. We in the west learnt that hundred of years ago.
So hopefully, Muslims, arabs etc will come to their senses. I always wish good things to other poor/developing countries(since i know we exploited them alot to be were we are today), and i know its not easy to rise up when you are a poor country with a mostly ineducated population, since its diffcult to developed that way without being used by foreign countries. However i believe its possible when the people are determine/conscious about the state of their country.:cheers:
Sorry i sometimes type on my phone and also tend to do other stuffs while typing, so most times i dont even take time to go through them before posting.lol
Anyway, yes self-sufficency and independent foreign policy is good, but easier said than done. You have to first make sure you have the basis i.e a stable political environment for power change and stability. Then have strong instituitions, good educational base(high literacy), provide basic needs to inhabitants(Health, eductaion, water, electricity, infrastructure etc), and create a credible scientific/engineering base in your country. All these will help attract foreign investors and also boost the country manufacturing capablities, thus laying the foundation for a strong/independent country. Its not an easy task, but if a country is really focus and determine it can achieve it with time. China can be a good example in this case.
If you dont lay those strong foundations, then it will be difficult for the country to be self sufficient/independent without being destablised by foreign powers. Since an illiterate population is easily prone to be manipulated by foreign powers. So education is paramount.
You should be saddened just like we are about our governments policies. Afterall, as i said before our governments arent doing anything new, this is the way geo poltics has been played for centuries/decades and it will keep being this way.I dont blame them, since each country is only after their own interests(thats how it should be). Instead of being saddened by this, Muslims should wake up and think of ways to be more united and developed thier own countries and move forward. But they are too focused on religious wars, shias vs Sunnis stuffs to even think about development. Religion to them comes first, everything to them revolves around religion be it in government or institutions, which i think is very dangerous, since it leads to fanaticsm and make people act irationally. In fact some muslims/arab countries will rather cooperate with the west or even Israel against a so called 'fellow Muslim' country with whom it has differences(shia vs sunni like saudi arabia against Iran). This just goes to show how religious fanaticsm can be dangerous when not properly carried out. Religion should always be seperated from the state/politics. We in the west learnt that hundred of years ago.
So hopefully, Muslims, arabs etc will come to their senses. I always wish good things to other poor/developing countries(since i know we exploited them alot to be were we are today), and i know its not easy to rise up when you are a poor country with a mostly ineducated population, since its diffcult to developed that way without being used by foreign countries. However i believe its possible when the people are determine/conscious about the state of their country.:cheers:

Good points, but I'll get into the religion+politics debate with you tomorrow and why I believe it isn't a solution. :)

Got some work to do.
LIBYA. Why Algeria and USA are conducting a joint operation

By Farid Aichoune

This is a first! Elements of U.S. and Algerian special forces conduct joint for a week, actions against the jihadists in Libya. Algiers has strongly denied reports the Algerian Constitution prohibiting the army to be deployed outside its territory in peacetime. But according to our information, not denied by the Algerian security sources, those are the commandos of the 4th Parachute Regiment, supported by helicopter gunships and men of the Special Intervention Group (GIS), the equivalent of the service action DGSE, and their American counterparts in the 317th Squadron of the Special Forces, who are in the field.

They are charged with the Americans, with a delicate mission: "This is to support the takeover, or retrieve live, in case of failure, the former Libyan General Khalifa Hattar, 71, says a Western intelligence source interviewed by "Le Nouvel Observateur". Exiled to the United States in 1986, became a U.S. citizen two years later, Khalifa Hattar was recruited by the CIA in 1990. A mid-May, he launched the operation 'Dignity', which would rid the country of Islamic phalanges. offensive But the old warrior in Libya, however, supported by a part of the army, seems to turn into a fiasco. Why?

Considered coup Tripoli
From the beginning of operation 'Dignity', Hattar snubs the legal authority to Tripoli and hostile tribes to the Islamists, because he was able to join his cause a hundred soldiers and a handful of officers. He also proclaimed himself head of the Libyan National Army. "For the authorities, it becomes a coup," says our source. With the support of Americans and Algerians, he commits a serious mistake by bombing, May 28, jihadists bases. Results of the operation: one hundred deaths and dozens of injuries among Islamist fighters, but also civilians. The retired officer he has underestimated his main opponent, namely Ansar al-Sharia, the largest jihadist organization ofLibya , partisan Sharia. The fact is that the terrorist organization does not take long to respond. June 4, Hattar is injured in a suicide bombing that was in his headquarters in Benghazi.

CIA exfiltration while considering his agent and his men, while maintaining the other option (takeover Hattar) on the table. She enlists the help ofAlgeria accepts. Its special forces have raided successfully in Libyan territory. It was October 24, 2013 to destroy an AQIM camp.

A sharp American unit
To ensure the success of the operation, 25,000 Algerian soldiers were deployed along the Libyan border, in the south west. What must be added to the north, the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan, with 1,000 marines on board, which crosses the Mediterranean, very near the coast of North Africa.

U.S. commando unit belongs to the Special Operations Command for Africa (SOCAFRICA), depending on the AFRICOM based in Stuttgart (Germany).He had captured Abu Nas Al-Libi, a close Ayamn Zawahiri, Emir of Al-Qaeda, October 6, 2013 at his home in Tripoli.

This sharp unit usually has a mission to "neutralize" and smuggle jihadists, wanted by the FBI, in the greatest secrecy. It is responsible-if-to repatriate as soon as possible, the commandos were seriously injured during a clash.This squadron moves by small commandos 9 people aboard a small Swiss business jet, the Pilatus PC12. Discrete, it is able to land and take off on a short track, even on the grass. On January 20, a Pilatus landed on the French military base in Gao, Mali. Three more of these devices are stationed in Niger, Chad, Mauritania and Burkina Faso. In fact, since 2009, this "invisible" unit foam Sahara. How much did she put terrorists in carpet?Mystery!

Algerian and U.S. combined forces can they save the soldier Hattar? "This intervention can cut short," our source is concerned, particularly "if the former military camps on its rigid position."

Farid Aïchoune - Le Nouvel Observateur

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