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The Woes of Indian Muslims

The article tells about the unemployment in public sectors and its rightly so.

For example, in Kerala, the state with largest Muslim population percentage wise, the community is a major contributor towards GDP. Almost a majority of businesses are run by Muslims and sometimes upto 75% in northern districts.

Muslims have the most number of educational institutions which even include engineering and medical colleges.

Also the majority of NRI's are from that community which is also a majority in some gulf countries, bringing in valuable foreign currency.

The government here has a muslim community based party as coalition partner and has 5 ministers holding important portfolios.

PS: Dont know how much my post is relevant to the thread like "expect ejazR" post
This may have to something with it.


This only goes to show that the Muslim population has increased over the years. But Muslims still have the least amount of literacy out of these groups, as well as the lowest work participation levels in the entire country.
This only goes to show that the Muslim population has increased over the years. But Muslims still have the least amount of literacy out of these groups, as well as the lowest work participation levels in the entire country.

Basic primary education is free in India and all states have free schemes which includes mid day meal to students.

So its whose fault it is to grab that opportunity?
This only goes to show that the Muslim population has increased over the years. But Muslims still have the least amount of literacy out of these groups, as well as the lowest work participation levels in the entire country.

Nobody can force you to study and without education getting a job is very difficult. Even to become a 'masdoor' in Govt you have to be atleast 8th class pass, 4th class pass is compulsory for sweeper/cleaner.
Lack of education maybe, because, Muslim students mainly studies in community schools( I am not using original term coz you know why ) which is attached to the local mosque. The syllabus is so out of touch with modern state and central syllabus that these students find it very difficult to study.

This was said by my classmate when he attended my public school. No he has a job in mumbai now, recently bought a car..
Life gives to lemons and you can make lemonaid? If public sector employment is a problem it is also not one without a silver lining, that is to say greater numbers of Indian Muslims should seek to make a living in as business owners, entrepreneurs -- God helps those who help themselves, but this is a mentality change and can be slow in coming.
The Sachar Commission report findings clearly dispel the myth perpetrated by some Indians that Muslim parents prefer sending their children to Madrassahs over schools. The Sachar Commission report also discloses the systematic discrimination of Muslims on a state level over all fields of life.
Life gives to lemons and you can make lemonaid? If public sector employment is a problem it is also not one without a silver lining, that is to say greater numbers of Indian Muslims should seek to make a living in as business owners, entrepreneurs -- God helps those who help themselves, but this is a mentality change and can be slow in coming.

Even for govt jobs, Sachar committe analysed IAS selection process and found out that passing % of Hindus and Muslims through the subjective interview process was the same. Less Muslims passed because less Muslims qualified for the interview process. The qualification for interview process is quantitaive - exams where one's religion is not known.

I think too many Muslims want to pursue business but they need not neglect education for it. People have actively used education as a means of improving their lot. If you look at Muslims of the south, particularly Kerala, they take education seriously. Problem is Muslim population is concentrated in UP, BIhar and West Bengal - three of the worst states for socio economic indicators. Many urban muslims in cities are normally immigrants from these states.

The Sachar Commission report findings clearly dispel the myth perpetrated by some Indians that Muslim parents prefer sending their children to Madrassahs over schools. The Sachar Commission report also discloses the systematic discrimination of Muslims on a state level over all fields of life.

Can you please tell us how the systematic discrimination is perpetrated. Don't give me numbers as correlation does not imply causation, tell me how it is done.
Blame it partly on bad governance and under utilization of opportunities like reservation for minorities in all sectors.

Some statistics

Second most biggest community in Kerala with more than 1/4 of the population.( the second biggest community in north kerala)

The state has almost 95% + literacy.

That means the Muslims of the state with almost 1/4 of population has more than 95+ % literacy rate.

Anyway no point in convincing "unconvincable" people, as we know the reality.
Blame it partly on bad governance and under utilization of opportunities like reservation for minorities in all sectors.

Some statistics

Second most biggest community in Kerala with more than 1/4 of the population.( the second biggest community in north kerala)

The state has almost 95% + literacy.

That means the Muslims of the state with almost 1/4 of population has more than 95+ % literacy rate.

Anyway no point in convincing "unconvincable" people, as we know the reality.

True that..
Problem is Muslim population is concentrated in UP, BIhar and West Bengal - three of the worst states for socio economic indicators

That explains much.

I think too many Muslims want to pursue business but they need not neglect education for it. People have actively used education as a means of improving their lot.

I see, too many, is it? and how many is that? too many? -- anyway, is your contention that Muslims in the three states with low socio-economic indicators are choosing to neglect their education??

And if possible, can you shed some light as to why these states lag behind and what the relationship of politics in these states and low socio-economic indicators might be?
This may have to something with it.


What interests me here is that the "Animists, others", despite having 12.1% "less literacy %" than than the "Muslims"; have 17.1% more "Work Participation %" than Muslims. And the Jains, despite having the highest literacy %, have the second lowest work participation %. The Hindus, despite having lower literacy % than Christians, Sikhs, Jains; have a higher work participation than them. Why is that? We can all clearly see that there is no real correlation between the "literacy %" & the "Work Participation %".

The connection some Indians have made here that Muslims not having the will to acquire education results in him not having enough work participation is clearly false, because it seems that literacy % has nothing to do with work participation %, as seen from the results. And despite the fact that the average Indian Muslim has a higher education level % than the Pakistani Muslim, is still below the Pakistani Muslim in every other field of life.

That explains much.

I see, too many, is it? and how many is that? too many? -- anyway, is your contention that Muslims in the three states with low socio-economic indicators are choosing to neglect their education??

And if possible, can you shed some light as to why these states lag behind and what the relationship of politics in these states and low socio-economic indicators might be?

Kudos Mr Khursheed, Sachar can only hold Muslims back | Firstpost

That should answer some of it.

As to why these states are poor and remain problematic, we all I'll say is that we are not keeping these hindu majority states poor only because they hold significant muslim population ;)

The rest is available on the internet as its a diversion here.
Muslims in India or in any where on Earth face certain problems coz no one understands Muslims and Islam.
Muslims in South India are educated and doing very very well. The problem is in North and East India. Their concentration mostly in specific areas like West U.P., West/North Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, etc. Most backward States. Problem is with Education. Everyone has equal rights. But most of Muslims (80%) prefer to study in own community centre. I have few muslims friends who studied in best university, Well educated and doing very well in life.Their Numbers increasing but education not increasing in same way. Muslims population increased by 50% in last 64 years in India.

literacy is only way to solve problem. Example is South India where Muslims doing very well. Even Christians who consists 2.5% in India but literacy is 80%-90% better than any religion. It's all personal choice and tradition of education since centuries. It's all about proper education.

Any Why Pakistani bothered about Indian Muslims on 1st Place ?? They are Indian and not Pakistani. Hence, no point of discussion. Why not raising issue why more bigger problem in 20 other Muslims Country ? Can I start a thread The Woes of Pakistani Hindus ??
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