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The West’s Looting of Ukraine Has Begun

Yanukovych was democratically elected president. His campaign platform - integration with Russia and protection the rights of Russian-speaking population (more than half of the citizens). It is for this program he has been elected. Democracy - majority rule. And majority of Ukrainians against the integration with the EU.
And if a minority imposes its will on the majority and overthrew the 100% legitimate president - it's not a democracy. This is fascism in it's pure form. And West support this fascism.

A good point, but please note that the magnitude of the protests clearly indicates that a majority was against Yanukovych's decision. A minority simply cannot cause such disruption with any outside help.
What I know of Ukraine, limited it can be, people in Western Ukraine which was part of Poland for a long time in history, hate Russia want to have nothing to do with Russian. The thing is Poland historically has not been a butt of jokes, rather a continental superpower in it's glorious days. Polish Hussar even managed to capture Moscow once which even Hitler with his 4(?) million army couldn't do and what now is western Ukraine was historically Polish land. On the contrary Eastern and Southern Ukrainian have had historical relation with Russia. I have been reading War and Peace by Tolstoty and Odessa, Crimea were mentioned as Russian land just as Moscow or St Petersberg.
South and east of Ukraine - this land until the end of the 18th century were part of the Ottoman Empire, here roamed the Tatar-Mongol nomads. Russia conquered the land and it was called "New Russia". Here were settled cities - Odessa, Nikolaev, Sevastopol and others. Population coming from all around Russian Empire. No relation to Ukraine (Little Russia until 1917) these lands had not. Bolsheviks Including the New Russian into the Soviet Ukrainian republic of purely economic reasons, as the Russian state (USSR) was still single.
Local people legitimately require reunification with Russia, and they associates themselvez with Russia, not Ukraine.

A good point, but please note that the magnitude of the protests clearly indicates that a majority was against Yanukovych's decision. A minority simply cannot cause such disruption with any outside help.
In Kiev on Maidan was forty thousand people. 40 thousands from all over Ukraine.
At the same time in Sevastopol (three hundred thousand inhabitants) was also forty thousand rallies against Maidan. And in many cities was the same. On weekends only - because normal people need to work, unlike paid "revolutionaries" fron Maidan.
Minority with the support of the West committed armed seizure of power and exile the legitimate president. This is a typical scenario for a banana republic. West makes several similar coups every year in Africa or the Caribbean.
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In Kiev on Maidan was forty thousand people. 40 thousands from all over Ukraine.
At the same time in Sevastopol (three hundred thousand inhabitants) was also forty thousand rallies against Maidan. And in many cities was the same. On weekends only - because normal people need to work, unlike paid "revolutionaries" fron Maidan.
Minority with the support of the West committed armed seizure of power and exile the legitimate president. This is a typical scenario for a banana republic. West makes several similar coups every year in Africa or the Caribbean.

Even paid "revolutionaries" cannot force abdication of a government that has popular and military support. Something is missing from your explanation still.
Even paid "revolutionaries" cannot force abdication of a government that has popular and military support. Something is missing from your explanation still.
Western intelligence agencies have done dozens of coups, overthrowing unwanted rulers and putting in their place a more tractable. USSR also did so at the time.
Although, I must say that Yanukovych were not supported by the population. He promised to turn toward Russia, and after the election began to flirt with Europe. So he lost the support of the eastern part of the country. Now east of Ukraine in general want secede from Ukraine and reunite with Russia.
However, those who came instead Yanukovych much worse. The new "government" appoints oligarchs to the governors. That is, instead of a corrupt democracy we have a corrupt fascist feudalism. A hundred times worse than before.
Western intelligence agencies have done dozens of coups, overthrowing unwanted rulers and putting in their place a more tractable. USSR also did so at the time.
Although, I must say that Yanukovych were not supported by the population. He promised to turn toward Russia, and after the election began to flirt with Europe. So he lost the support of the eastern part of the country. Now east of Ukraine in general want secede from Ukraine and reunite with Russia.
However, those who came instead Yanukovych much worse.
The new "government" appoints oligarchs to the governors. That is, instead of a corrupt democracy we have a corrupt fascist feudalism. A hundred times worse than before.

Yes, that story is truer, but it shows that the present troubles in Ukraine are mostly due to its own internal political mismanagement.
ha ha ha butthurt russians crying for losing Ukraine. :(
Yes, that story is truer, but it shows that the present troubles in Ukraine are mostly due to its own internal political mismanagement.
Modern problems of Ukraine due to the fact that the traitors illegally destroyed the USSR. When Ukraine reunited with Russia and Belarus, most of the economic problems will be solved.
Modern problems of Ukraine due to the fact that the traitors illegally destroyed the USSR. When Ukraine reunited with Russia and Belarus, most of the economic problems will be solved.

The breakup of the USSR was brought on by the mismanaged collapse of its economy. Reunification will be very hard to pull off these days.
The breakup of the USSR was brought on by the mismanaged collapse of its economy. Reunification will be very hard to pull off these days.
Why is it very hard? Russia, Belarussia and Kazakhstan have actually reunited. A year later, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan will join them. The case for Ukraine.
Why is it very hard? Russia, Belarussia and Kazakhstan have actually reunited. A year later, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan will join them. The case for Ukraine.

Such annexations will cause grave complications for Russia.
Such annexations will cause grave complications for Russia.
This is not annexations. This is voluntary unification, based on the good will of the people.
This is not annexations. This is voluntary unification, based on the good will of the people.

Call it what you like, but this process by any name will cause lots of complications for Russia. Mark my words now for later referral. :)
Call it what you like, but this process by any name will cause lots of complications for Russia. Mark my words now for later referral. :)
Of course, it's difficult. All great empires or alliances created with enormous difficulties. Especially that the West will do everything not to let the peoples of the former USSR reunited.
Of course, it's difficult. All great empires or alliances created with enormous difficulties. Especially that the West will do everything not to let the peoples of the former USSR reunited.

Of course the West will try to to limit such Russian expansion. This cartoon says it all:

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