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The Wehrmacht In Pictures: A Look At One of History's Legendary Fighting Force

Ahhh....back in the good ole days when they had the original national anthem....with the non politically correct UBER ALLES IN DER WELT ;)

Btw thats the actual grand-daughter of Otto Van Bismarck doing the christening with the champagne bottle.

Btw Sandman have you seen the movie "Sink the Bismarck"?
Nope is it good?
Nope is it good?

Not bad....its an old movie which follows the events as close as possible with little drama (almost documentary like)

Kind of like Tora Tora Tora if you ever seen that one (but older than that)

It popped in my head because they cover the launch in the opening scene. Worth a watch (if you like old war movies) when you have time. Doubt they have movies anymore with actual real swordfish biplanes flying.

One of few known German AT Guns, the
12.8 cm Pak 44

One of few known German AT Guns, the
12.8 cm Pak 44

View attachment 327778

There's a picture of one of these babies in action in Kharkov I believe in my book "The German Army"....back at my parents place.

Their more popular AT gun was the 7.5 cm Pak 40 I believe, around 20,000 of which were produced and saw extensive action.
There was a really long Russian series on German invasion of USSR...with lots of CGI for the battles etc....but I learnt a lot from it. I will post it sometime when I find it again. But the episodes are full feature length long (45 minutes)....but full of lots of information about the individual operations.

Being Russian I expected it to be biased to their perspective....but it was pretty fair and neutral I have to say.

OK I found the first episode on youtube, tell me if its your sort of thing and we can maybe discuss the episodes etc over longer period of time.

@vostok Would you be interested in this kind of thing?
Seen all of em
. .
What did you think? Best I've seen in quite some time in its category.
True that and the best thing is that it is not biased and that even though Russians made it they show there own faults and Germans and praise the Germans like mighty warriors which is rarely found in western documentaries about the great war especially the whole mapping and cgi and animation are really decent not rubbish and it actually feels like your watching a story , I give my self the name army research because ever since I was a kid military history tactics and current developments were all I would read and watch about
True that and the best thing is that it is not biased and that even though Russians made it they show there own faults and Germans and praise the Germans like mighty warriors which is rarely found in western documentaries about the great war especially the whole mapping and cgi and animation are really decent not rubbish and it actually feels like your watching a story , I give my self the name army research because ever since I was a kid military history tactics and current developments were all I would read and watch about

Yah I was very impressed with the fair, neutral analysis they did overall. First bunch of episodes were "yep we got raped pretty hard by the germans" and there was no sugar coating....and neither did they diminish german performance in the rest of the war but stuck to cold hard facts about successes and mistakes (and overall strategic problems that Germans ended up going for mostly because of Hitler).

I went in thinking it will be good even if its propaganda from one side (I enjoy that anyway to see the perspectives from one side)....but was impressed it did not go down that route at all.
. . .
The part from 2.50 onwards, such a haunting melody.

Really appreciated how the series had moments with no narration and just music as events were unfolding....like words can't describe it. A nice thoughtful touch.
My fav :smitten:
Yah I was very impressed with the fair, neutral analysis they did overall. First bunch of episodes were "yep we got raped pretty hard by the germans" and there was no sugar coating....and neither did they diminish german performance in the rest of the war but stuck to cold hard facts about successes and mistakes (and overall strategic problems that Germans ended up going for mostly because of Hitler).

I went in thinking it will be good even if its propaganda from one side (I enjoy that anyway to see the perspectives from one side)....but was impressed it did not go down that route at all.
Could you please list all of these documentaries about WW1 And WW2. And if u can about Napoleonic wars too plz.
I have watched some but none of which u r talking about.
I would be extremely gratefull.
Time for some more Bismarck and Scharnhorst :smitten:

Firing it's guns on Prince of Wales



Could you please list all of these documentaries about WW1 And WW2. And if u can about Napoleonic wars too plz.
I have watched some but none of which u r talking about.
I would be extremely gratefull.
Check out the playlists of this channel too!
Could you please list all of these documentaries about WW1 And WW2. And if u can about Napoleonic wars too plz.
I have watched some but none of which u r talking about.
I would be extremely gratefull.

It is very long list and I myself have forgotten many specific names (from having watched over many many years).

Let me start you off with the absolute needed viewing (if you havent):

For world war 1: "The Great War" (1964)

For World war 2: "The World at War" (its series spiritual, emotional successor) and my all time gold standard (1973)

26 episodes each I believe (all on the playlists on youtube I have given)

I don't think I felt so heart-wrenched from any other TV documentary series as "the world at war" and I have not brought myself to watch it in total again. So watch at your discretion and always remember what war can really mean on the ground instead of in front of your screen!

Why I suggest these two above all is that they have much footage of interviews with actual people that fought in the wars.....for WW1 that is exceedingly rare now...and WW2 may not be many years left.

From these documentaries you can then tell me which parts/segments you are most intrigued by and then I can refer you to more specific ones that focus more on those subjects.

In a way these are both very well presented but detailed "menus" for you to pick your specific meal from.

@Vergennes @Taygibay @Joe Shearer @PARIKRAMA @Abingdonboy

Your thoughts?

@waz can we sticky this thread please? :D
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