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The war on Iran begins…in Syria

Should Iran 'eliminate Israel from the Earth'?

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Easy to say for a moron that's never even been to Iran! Why would anyone in Iran's or America's leadership accept such an idiotic position!
Why would the American go as far as denying simple passenger Aircrafts to Iran and loos billions in the process?? Hell Iran isn't even allowed to buy Titanium! Plus, the U.S. had NO trouble playing Iran's Dictatorial Monarchy against Arab states during the Shah so there would have been far more money to make if they simply played each side against one another buy selling them both weapons?

You think Israel attacked Hezbullah in 2006 just to put on a show for you?

What an absurdly delusional way of thinking!!!!!!!!!! Today Saudi's are very openly working with the Israeli's and rather than removing your support for them you try to justify it with your tiny little brain to make Iran out to be the bad guy! LOL!

Name ONE thing that the crazy Iranian regime has done that has not benefitted the global long term agenda of the powers that be.

What was Khumeni doing in France?

We will always remember the Chahbahar port, Kulbushan Yadhav, and other such gifts. That script was not written in Tehran, but it was given to them for sure.

There is no way Israelis (the USA) would want the Iranians to leave Syria. Iranian presence in Syria plays perfectly into their grand design of perpetual war.

What is Iran's supposed opposition to the USA about in Syria while they cooperated with them in Afghanistan and allowed them breathing room in Iraq? Why the hell would the Iranians start and amplify the problem in Yemen? All of this fits a pattern.

No one threatens the USA with death and destruction and gets away with it, unless it is scripted.
Name ONE thing that the crazy Iranian regime has done that has not benefitted the global long term agenda of the powers that be.

What was Khumeni doing in France?

We will always remember the Chahbahar port, Kulbushan Yadhav, and other such gifts. That script was not written in Tehran, but it was given to them for sure.

There is no way Israelis (the USA) would want the Iranians to leave Syria. Iranian presence in Syria plays perfectly into their grand design of perpetual war.

What is Iran's supposed opposition to the USA about in Syria while they cooperated with them in Afghanistan and allowed them breathing room in Iraq? Why the hell would the Iranians start and amplify the problem in Yemen? All of this fits a pattern.

No one threatens the USA with death and destruction and gets away with it, unless it is scripted.

So that makes you a sectarian hater too? What nonsense are you spewing here? How is my take on things that Iranian regime has done sectarian?

ONE Thing! HERE:
1.Supporting the Shiite Majority in a Shiite majority Bahrain against a small minority ruling Monarchy.
2.Supporting the Iraqi government and preventing ISIS from taking control of Iraq (According the Iraqi Prime Minister if it wasn't for Iran, ISIS would have taken over Baghdad.)
3.Supporting the oppressed Palestinians
4.Giving power to Hezbullah to prevent Israel from invading Lebanon.
5.Trying to restore the equilibrium in Syria that was destroyed by the U.S. invasion of Iraq and caused Millions of Sunni Iraqi's to migrate to Syria and among them people like Baghdadi who were send there by Americans to destroy Syria.
6.Fighting against the Taliban government in Afghanistan while Saudi Arabia and it's allies all supported and recognized the Taliban government.
7.Turning Iran from a country that only had 16 universities during the Shah to THE FASTEST GROWING COUNTRY IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE PAST 30 years!
8.Supporting the Yemen people in a country where the Saudi's have created Famine!!!!!!!
9.Supporting Qatar's independence when the Saudi's wanted to chock them off into submission!!!!!!!!!!!!
10.Supporting the Armenians against the Republic of Azerbaijan despite the fact that the Republic of Azerbaijan was THE ONLY other Shiite Majority government in the world who wrongly assumed that Iran would back them even if they were in the wrong just because they were Shiite.

THERE YOU GO MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name ONE thing that the crazy Iranian regime has done that has not benefitted the global long term agenda of the powers that be.

What was Khumeni doing in France?

Was not he exiled from iran ,refused entry by kuwait he was not going to be arrested by Iraq ,which islamic country accepted him.

The question is totally retarded because he couldn't of picked a better location than France! Only a fool with little knowledge of history would of put forward such an absurd question!

He went to Iraq and was banished and if Iraq didn't allow him to stay NO country in the region would of allowed it!
To top that off in the late 70's USSR and Atheist communists ruled practically half the world so it wasn't like he had a lot of options and it's not like Iran had daily fights to Africa for him to choose an African country so he couldn't just go anywhere and needed to pick a location where daily communication with his people in Iran would have been possible, direct daily fight existed, had some sense of security and was economically far more powerful than Iran that it couldn't be bullied or paid to detain or harass him. Also France between the options he had poised it's self of being the most tolerant and the most independent country among the options he had and a lot of Iranians lived there and went there for education!

The fact that he went to France of all places is proof that he put a lot of thought into it! And he really couldn't of made a better decision!

He couldn't go to America or South America! He couldn't go to Africa! He clearly wouldn't of gone to a communist country! He wouldn't of been allowed in to any country in our region! And he couldn't of gone to a country that could have been bullied or bought out!
So there really was no better option than France!
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'Practice swimming': Iranian official warns Netanyahu will be forced to flee across the sea


An official with Iran's Revolutionary Guards has warned Israeli PM Netanyahu to "practice swimming," saying he'll soon have no other choice but to flee the region. It comes as Tehran accuses Israel of spreading Iranophobia.

"Netanyahu should know that there is no way for him except fleeing the region and so he needs to learn how to swim in the Mediterranean Sea," Brigadier-General Hossein Salami said during a Friday address to a group of IRGC commanders and officers in the central Iranian city of Isfahan, as quoted by Fars news agency.

This comment was interesting:
What's the bet that sharks are anti-semitic.
No, it wasn't a sarcasm but a metaphor, we don't need to bombard your factories to shut down their production line, the heart of your industry or better to say the heart of your economy is in middle east.

that's why your CENTCOM is in middle east and not U.S.

You practically posted a pic that shows all responsibilities of the areas besides CENTCOM. You might as well try to bomb the world.
ONE Thing! HERE:
1.Supporting the Shiite Majority in a Shiite majority Bahrain against a small minority ruling Monarchy.
2.Supporting the Iraqi government and preventing ISIS from taking control of Iraq (According the Iraqi Prime Minister if it wasn't for Iran, ISIS would have taken over Baghdad.)
3.Supporting the oppressed Palestinians
4.Giving power to Hezbullah to prevent Israel from invading Lebanon.
5.Trying to restore the equilibrium in Syria that was destroyed by the U.S. invasion of Iraq and caused Millions of Sunni Iraqi's to migrate to Syria and among them people like Baghdadi who were send there by Americans to destroy Syria.
6.Fighting against the Taliban government in Afghanistan while Saudi Arabia and it's allies all supported and recognized the Taliban government.
7.Turning Iran from a country that only had 16 universities during the Shah to THE FASTEST GROWING COUNTRY IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE PAST 30 years!
8.Supporting the Yemen people in a country where the Saudi's have created Famine!!!!!!!
9.Supporting Qatar's independence when the Saudi's wanted to chock them off into submission!!!!!!!!!!!!
10.Supporting the Armenians against the Republic of Azerbaijan despite the fact that the Republic of Azerbaijan was THE ONLY other Shiite Majority government in the world who wrongly assumed that Iran would back them even if they were in the wrong just because they were Shiite.

THERE YOU GO MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.) Iranian sectarian driven domestic and foreign policy. I've been saying this for years, you admit it. That also is interfering in another state's affairs. My point proven that the crazy Iranian mullah regime does nothing but help the agenda of the powers that be.

2.) ISIS was and is an intelligence special operation. The last time I check the USA invaded and occupied Iraq and installed a puppet government of its liking. Iran did nothing but help its ultimate master the USA. That was my point to begin with.

3.) LOL. All talk and no action. Just recently Israel bombed the living hell out of the Palestinians. All you did was buy spare parts form Israel for old American supplied fighter jets.

4.) Hizbullha, another sectarian violence group. Why did you not arm and help the Christian Lebanese? Again, sectarian driven agenda, plays right into the hands of the powers that be.

5.) What equilibrium? In Syria it is the USA versus Russia. Both are fighting to decide who gets how much meat on their plates. Iran is just a proxy for one of the two wolves.

6.) I thought you wanted to support oppressed majorities against oppressive minorities? The Taliban represented a majority of the population. Like it or not, they had support. No one survives beyond Kabul if they have no support in Afghanistan.

7.) Isn't this the job of any and every responsible state? To uplift the living standards of their population? If the crazy Iranian mullah regime failed to provide basic needs, then the people would rise up against it and it wouldn't be able to continue to play its part in the script it was given.

8.) Arming a side in a brutal civil war, that again based on sectarian reasons.

9.) LOL. Qatar is host to the largest military base of the US military outside the USA. You are smoking that Indian grown grass again buddy.

10.) Armenia doesn't need Iran's support. They prefer to have USA or Russia as their supporters.
2.) ISIS was and is an intelligence special operation. The last time I check the USA invaded and occupied Iraq and installed a puppet government of its liking. Iran did nothing but help its ultimate master the USA. That was my point to begin with.
The Last time I checked Iran was the only country in region that didn't help USA attack Iraq .and Iran was the country that repeatedly voiced it's objection to the attack .

3.) LOL. All talk and no action. Just recently Israel bombed the living hell out of the Palestinians. All you did was buy spare parts form Israel for old American supplied fighter jets.
the American supplied fighter jet was of a kind that Israel didn't have any spare part for them . by the way decide you want to speak of old time or recent time . if you think about recent time what others did ? we at least morally support them , even Israel and American say Palestinian Resistance is alive because of Iran if you talk about past we helped Lebanon to throw Israel out ,what the others did
4.) Hizbullha, another sectarian violence group. Why did you not arm and help the Christian Lebanese? Again, sectarian driven agenda, plays right into the hands of the powers that be.

Christian Lebanese !?, well didn't Hezbollah supported Lebanese Army in everything ? and aren't Lebanese army consisted more of christian ?and can you explain when christian Lebanese needed help and we didn't help them , let ask you was not Iran the country that stopped siege on the christian Armenia ?
What equilibrium? In Syria it is the USA versus Russia. Both are fighting to decide who gets how much meat on their plates. Iran is just a proxy for one of the two wolves.
well nothing make me happier that we leave Syria and spent the money we waste there in Iran but sadly I must inform you the end result say other things and it seems we are gonna be there for a long time

Arming a side in a brutal civil war, that again based on sectarian reasons.
and gathering terrorist from 98 other countries arming them and training them and then send them there to destroy Syria
10.) Armenia doesn't need Iran's support. They prefer to have USA or Russia as their supporters.
at the time they didn't feel so

is not sectarian ? we just even the odds
Israeli military strikes Iranian targets in Syria

JANUARY 21, 2019

BEIRUT/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel’s military said on Monday it struck Iranian Quds targets inside Syria and warned Syrian forces not to attack Israeli territory or forces.

Syrian state media cited a Syrian military source as saying Israel launched an “intense attack through consecutive waves of guided missiles”, but that Syrian air defenses destroyed most of the “hostile targets”.

Witnesses in Damascus said loud explosions rang out in the night sky for nearly an hour.

“We have started striking Iranian Quds targets in Syrian territory. We warn the Syrian Armed Forces against attempting to harm Israeli forces or territory,” Israel’s military said in a statement.

The Quds Force is in charge of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ overseas operations.

The strikes followed cross-border attacks on Sunday in which Syria said it repelled an Israeli air attack. Israel said it intercepted a rocket fired at the Golan Heights.

“We have a permanent policy, to strike at the Iranian entrenchment in Syria and hurt whoever tries to hurt us,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier.

The Israeli army said a popular winter sports site on Mount Hermon in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights would be shut for the day. It added that otherwise things remained “routine” along the frontier with Syria.

Netanyahu last week acknowledged an Israeli attack on what he called an Iranian arms cache in Syria, where Tehran provides Damascus with vital support.

He told his cabinet Israel had carried out “hundreds” of attacks over the past years of Syria’s war to curtail Iran and its ally Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Usually silent about its attacks on Iranian targets near its frontier, Israel has lifted the veil this month, a sign of confidence in a campaign waged amid occasional tensions with Syria’s big-power backer Russia.

We know who's won long ago.....:sarcastic:

Thanks to the US, Sawdi's, UAE, Turks, Qatar and lets not forget the Israeli's for handing us the entire landmass on a platter. :sarcastic:

> we are attacking you illegally
> don't try to exercise your legal right to self-defence

Israel in a nutshell

But let them bark, the more they bark the more desperate they are for attention.
> we are attacking you illegally
> don't try to exercise your legal right to self-defence

Israel in a nutshell

But let them bark, the more they bark the more desperate they are for attention.

You Iranian terror dogs are so funny. You spend billions just to get to Israel's borders while your people queue for food. You set up camps and bases to attack Israel from.

Then you cry like little babies when you get evaporated. :rofl:

The coffin industry must be booming back in Tehran.;)
You Iranian terror dogs are so funny. You spend billions just to get to Israel's borders while your people queue for food. You set up camps and bases to attack Israel from.

Then you cry like little babies when you get evaporated. :rofl:

The coffin industry must be booming back in Tehran.;)
It's clear who is a myopic terror dog . always hitting Syrian and claiming attacking Qods force.
Why these Quds forces are always Syrians ?

they are not barking. They are striking and you are barking without giving any practical retaliation.
Attacking whom ? Syrians ?
It's clear who is a myopic terror dog . always hitting Syrian and claiming attacking Qods force.
Why these Quds forces are always Syrians ?

Attacking whom ? Syrians ?
both syrians and iranians.
That promised retaliation after killing of iranian revolutionary officers on golan height never happened.
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