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The War Correspondents.

donno yet to find

Since the blame game . propaganda and accusations are common in our part of the world, hence,

The third party alas the world media is the most neutral and credible source to accumulate the final outcome and judgement.
and the reason for facing such bad times is urself(PAKISTAN)

We boldly accept that we have black sheeps but still not crying like a little baby....
We certainly will hunt the black sheeps down soooner or later but still we will never cry... :bounce:

Long Live Pakistan

:yahoo:Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:
Windjammer, commendable effort, brother. Excellent idea for a thread. Do not let the "sour grapes" cries stop you. You have provided the sources, and you have made your intentions clear. If someone can't handle it, it's just too bad. I've marked down every post that I believed was trying to derail the thread or was flame-baiting, as I have been asked to by the administration of the board.

Those who forget their past are doomed to fail in the future. It seems many of our friends East of the border would rather forget everything that happened between 1947 to 1971. Well then, so be it. It just reminds me of the Family Guy episode where the German says "everyone in Germany was on vacation from 1939 to 1945, so nothing imporant happened". That was funny, this is funnier.

I would also ask all the Pakistani members to stay civil and ignore the, aptly described, "cry babies". Do not engage in any discussions with them, let's deny them their objectives

That said, those who live only in the past are also setting themselves up for failure. There is no reason, however, to think that these victories cannot be repeated, but let's hope we never have to.
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Whatever satisfies you, I am not a history man. I like in current, history is for learning lessons that it, and seems like we have learned it well.

Now u play the card of abondoning histry by not willing to listen to rationales of past.

way to go, or run should i say INDIAN RABIT


Pakistan seeking parity with India surprises EU envoy
link: bilaterals.org | Pakistan seeking parity with India surprises EU envoy

PM asks US not to adopt discriminatory behaviour with Pakistan.
link: News, Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, Reference Articles and Classic Books - Free Online Library

Pakistan has said that India's civilian nuclear trade agreement with the US should open the way for a similar deal with Islamabad.
link: BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan demands US nuclear deal

i don't understand how is this crying this is like a black man saying stop discriminating! i mean seriously? crying is what india does when it says heeeey maaaan pakistan is attacking us! kapil dev cries on BBC manmoham cries to the world that paistan is terrorizing them! the foreign minister cries on tv about pak terrorism
Have u updated urself with what ur PM and President are saying on the terrorist attacks on pakistan???

yes i have and it is high time we come down to your level and beat you! because so far pakistan was trying to not retaliate in kind & we saw we weren't getting anywhere! so now we have started blaming india! however we are not crying on TV to the international media that please we beg you to control india! i think you forgot chindambram's tears & sonia gandhi's tears on live tv!!!!! & not to forget kapil dev crying like a baby on bbc!!
"India cannot stand alone against Pakistan, much less against China".

This interesting disclosure was made in the New York Times by the paper's once United Nation's correspondent, Drew Middleton.
Middleton said, "In the case of India, there is little question in the minds of the officials that the US will be able to maintain increasingly close relations. If nothing else, the recent events demonstrated that India was dependent upon the West and Soviet Russia for Diplomatic, Military and Economic support and could not stand alone Pakistan much less against Communist China.
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"India cannot stand alone against Pakistan, much less against China".

well regarding this i just wanna say its a shekhchilli ka khwab.........diffrence bet. india and pakistan started to widen from 1990 n its been nearly 20 years so kindly try to look at ground reality and stop living in fool's paradise............

ok well difference between india & pakistan started to develop since 1990's yes we got hit by sanctions! however being 1/6th your size & standing eye ball to eye ball with india says it all!! we don't need to discuss anything further!
"India cannot stand alone against Pakistan, much less against China".

well regarding this i just wanna say its a shekhchilli ka khwab.........diffrence bet. india and pakistan started to widen from 1990 n its been nearly 20 years so kindly try to look at ground reality and stop living in fool's paradise............
In your case it's like bringing Pigeons to the Cat.
Only third post and your fancy on the corporate ladder, well unlike you i am not making the tall claims, an observer of International credibility is in a better position to deliver verdict than you ever will be. !!!!
i think every one is entitled to his or her opinion i think its called freedom of thought i guess................whether i m right or wrong only time is the best judge............
funny isnt it ,yet tey(PAKISTAN) received support from china and usa in all there wars

You need to work on your history my friend, in 1965, China didn't come into any equation while by 1971, US had slapped sanctions.
i think every one is entitled to his or her opinion i think its called freedom of thought i guess................whether i m right or wrong only time is the best judge............

Pitty, they don't have the same broad thinking on Bharat Rakshak.

So enjoy all the freedom on PDF.
You need to work on your history my friend, in 1965, China didn't come into any equation while by 1971, US had slapped sanctions.

us sanctioned in 1971 not before 1971 hence the equipments used were all USA made and so after this sanctions tat pakistan found its new love for china

Pakistan's tentative approaches to China intensified in 1959 when China's occupation of Tibet and the flight of the Dalai Lama to India ended five years of Chinese-Indian friendship. An entente between Pakistan and China evolved in inverse ratio to Sino-Indian hostility, which climaxed in a border war in 1962. This informal alliance became a keystone of Pakistan's foreign policy and grew to include a border agreement in March 1963, highway construction connecting the two countries at the Karakoram Pass, agreements on trade, and Chinese economic assistance and grants of military equipment, which was later thought to have included exchanges in nuclear technology. China's diplomatic support and transfer of military equipment was important to Pakistan during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War over Kashmir. China's new diplomatic influence in the UN was also exerted on Pakistan's behalf after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. Ayub Khan's foreign minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, is often credited for this China policy, which gave Pakistan new flexibility in its international relationships. The entente deepened during the Zia regime (1977-88).

link: http://www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-9778.html
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us sanctioned in 1971 not before 1971 hence the equipments used were all USA made and so after this sanctions tat pakistan found its new love for china

US Sanctions were in fact posed soon after the 1965 war, hence Pakistan turned to China for the F-6s and France supplied Mirages.
In late 1970, US offered a one time exception of limited number of equipment including 12 F-5 / Freedom Fighters, however PAF insisted a minimum of 24 aircraft, in the end nothing transpired. On the other hand equipment continued to pour into India unhindered from Russia and elsewhere.
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