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The Wahhabi Mind-Set


Apr 24, 2007
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Younus AlGohar

Striving for the Spiritual Health of Humanity

The Wahhabi Mind-Set

Followers of the Wahhabi doctrine have a very specific, narrow worldview. In this excerpt from Younus AlGohar’s speech, he reveals some key points about their beliefs.

The goal set by the Saudi regime is neither in the favour of Islam nor in the favour of the international community. The Saudi family is under the impression that the amendments made by their so-called reformer, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najadi, is ‘the reformed Islam.’ The Saudi family firmly believes that Islam which had been practised for 1100 years (before the alterations made by Najadi) was wrong. Allegedly speaking, Naajdi, whom they consider to be their topmost revivalist, has renewed Islam in its purest form.

They understand that among Muslims, only those who follow their interpretation of the religion and their interpretation of the Quran are true Muslims. Those who do not follow their sectarian doctrine may however be Muslims from different sects, but they do not consider them to be ‘pure Muslims’. Those who believe and understand Muhammad Abdul Wahhab Najadi to be their revivalist call this doctrine to be ‘Madhab Wahhabiya.’

Wahhabis do not think they are promoting their sect; rather, they believe they are promoting the actual, factual and purest form of Islam which was been reformed, revived and cleansed (God forbid) by their revivalist, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najadi. Therefore, anybody who does not conform to their ideology is not a pure Muslim. According to them, since that person is not a pure Muslim, that person should be killed, their property should be forfeited and their women may be raped and then killed by Wahhabis – and this is their right given to them by their religion.


Today in the western sphere of the world, we have so many friends of Saudi Arabia who are aware of what Saudi Arabia is all about. Still, they have their own vested interests; their friendship is purely based on their political and imperialistic interests.

But I want to tell you: Wahhabis have modified the interpretations of some of the recollections of the Prophet Mohammad according to their own agenda; they have developed a thought-process and mind-set [based upon these misinterpretations]. They think, sooner or later, a total Renaissance of Islam will occur and Islam will be the only religion, like a superpower.

They’re dreaming of becoming a superpower. They want the green flag that the Islamic declaration of faith to be hoisted in London and Washington. This is part of their plan, because they think when Renaissance of Islam occurs, this is what they are going to do to occupy these world capitals. They believe their Islam should be spread over the world and whoever doesn’t believe in their version should be killed.

Have the powers that are helping Saudi Arabia today (exchanging ammunition, etc.) ever looked into the future to see what the Wahhabis are planning to do to them? They want to plant their flag in your countries.

But this is not Islam, it is Wahhabism. They understand that one who kills all over the world in the name of Islam and takes control over the most land is Imam Mehdi (the title given to the Messianic personality by the Islamic faith). This is why they have designated Mullah Umar (the leader of the Taliban) to be Imam Mehdi.

They distorted the face of Islam. Najadi ‘reformed’ Islam to such an extent that he made a new Islam – An Islam in which there is no medium to reach God, where there is no love of Prophet Mohammad and an Islam which is void of spiritual esoteric knowledge. Everything is mentioned in the Quran and yet people who claim to be Muslim still believe the Wahhabi teachings – which are against Sharia, against Islamic Laws and against Prophetic Traditions. Is this not a divine wrath? They declare those who follow the teachings of spirituality to be infidels and apostates.

The true teachings of Islam were never spread around the world. The only version that spread around the world was Wahhabism.

Wahhabism is Actually a Cult of Hatred and Death

This is the definition of cult in context of a religious group. There are three main points about a cult: every cult is exclusive, authoritarian and secretive.

Exclusiveness: all members have the same belief and they all think, ‘We are not just the best, we’re the only ones who follow the truth. Everybody else is wrong.’ A prime example of a group that holds such beliefs is Wahhabis. Wahhabis have introduced a more severe form of a cult.

The Wahhabi cult is a cult of death and hatred. They think that they are the only ones who know the truth and follow the truth, and that everybody else is not just wrong – they are infidels.

They think, ‘Those who are not part of our group do not have the right to live. They must be killed, their women must be taken captive and made into sex slaves, and their properties must be forfeited.’ This is what Wahhabism is.

Every single Wahhabi has the same mentality and belief.

Authoritarian: a basic principle of Wahhabism is that all Wahhabis must be totally loyal and obedient to their leader.

Once a piece of instruction is passed by their leader, they have to follow and execute it. In executing the instructions passed by their leader, they must forget everything else.

For example, In ISIS, in the cult of death and hatred, a father is forced to kill his own son. He must do it because the instructions come from the leader. If he doesn’t follow the instructions, he is also liable for the same penalty.

Thirdly, every cult is secretive.

For example, we have evangelical style of a Muslim group in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, known as Tableeghi Jamaat (a Wahhabi organisation). In the initial stage, they prepare you for a newer form of Islam which is fundamentally adulterated. It is a form of Islam in which the basic principles of the religion are totally adulterated and altered – and not just modified, but renewed and replaced.

You receive revelation of God through a prophet. Your belief in God is totally dependant upon your love for the prophet. However, in this newer form of Islam introduced by Wahhabis, you are no more required to show veneration, admiration or love for Prophet Mohammad. As a result, you never get connected to God. You’re as distant from God as you were before you accepted Islam.

Initially, when Tableeghi Jamaat works, they change the way you perceive the Prophet Mohammad. They change the way you perceive the religion of Islam, in which there are different scholars and saints of God. Before being influenced by Tableeghi Jamaat, when you would feel that you’re not connected to God, you would visit the saints of God and through them, you would want your messages to be sent to God.

In the initial stage of the Tableeghi Jamaat curriculum, they remove the mediumship between man and God, whether this mediumship is consisting of messengers or prophets, or it is consisting of saints of God.

So you are academically, emotionally and intellectually being pushed away from God, rather than being brought closer to God. This is where your entire system of belief collapses.

You develop new, strange and bizarre concepts about the religion. You begin to think only you know the truth and the rest of the people are either infidels or they’re not pure. You think you are the purest one. This is the true, practical definition of a cult.

Younus AlGohar
1Younus AlGohar is CEO of Messiah Foundation International and Representative of HDE Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. He is recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an Advocate of interfaith harmony and global peace.
Younus AlGohar

a believer of Gohar shahi aka Gobar Shahi aka false Massieh.. plz delete this BS.


Younus AlGohar (یونس الگوھر, born Mohammad Younus; 16 June 1968) is a co-founder of Messiah Foundation International (also known as Kalki Avatar Foundation and Mehdi Foundation International), a spiritual organisation claiming that Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi is the Messiah (Mahdi) and which also advocates Shahi's mystical teachings.[1]He is known for authoring the books Mysterious Horizons – Beyond God (2007), and Nisāb-e-Mehdi (2010).


do we need this kind of people to discuss our sects?

@Horus @waz @Oscar
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This article reeks of sectarianism. I don't have any stakes or love for any group that calls itself a separate name, but I can tell by reading something ....... what is pure hate and what is genuine.
a believer of Gohar shahi aka Gobar Shahi aka false Massieh.. plz delete this BS.

And so?

Debunk his arguments, if they are so nonsensical and rubbish. Who's stopping you? Why ask for his opinions to be deleted, just because you don't agree with them? What good would curbing the right to free speech do?
And so?

Debunk his arguments, if they are so nonsensical and rubbish. Who's stopping you? Why ask for his opinions to be deleted? What good would curbing the right to free speech do?

I do believe Wahhabi, salafi ideology is problematic hence i don't subscribe to their ideology, but i don't want to hear this from people who believe Gohar Shahi is Mehdi and Messiah, the guy even believe Gohar shahi sighted on moon or meet with prophets :lol:

Salafist are millions time better then his joker kind.
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Younus AlGohar

Striving for the Spiritual Health of Humanity

The Wahhabi Mind-Set

Followers of the Wahhabi doctrine have a very specific, narrow worldview. In this excerpt from Younus AlGohar’s speech, he reveals some key points about their beliefs.

The goal set by the Saudi regime is neither in the favour of Islam nor in the favour of the international community. The Saudi family is under the impression that the amendments made by their so-called reformer, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najadi, is ‘the reformed Islam.’ The Saudi family firmly believes that Islam which had been practised for 1100 years (before the alterations made by Najadi) was wrong. Allegedly speaking, Naajdi, whom they consider to be their topmost revivalist, has renewed Islam in its purest form.

They understand that among Muslims, only those who follow their interpretation of the religion and their interpretation of the Quran are true Muslims. Those who do not follow their sectarian doctrine may however be Muslims from different sects, but they do not consider them to be ‘pure Muslims’. Those who believe and understand Muhammad Abdul Wahhab Najadi to be their revivalist call this doctrine to be ‘Madhab Wahhabiya.’

Wahhabis do not think they are promoting their sect; rather, they believe they are promoting the actual, factual and purest form of Islam which was been reformed, revived and cleansed (God forbid) by their revivalist, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najadi. Therefore, anybody who does not conform to their ideology is not a pure Muslim. According to them, since that person is not a pure Muslim, that person should be killed, their property should be forfeited and their women may be raped and then killed by Wahhabis – and this is their right given to them by their religion.


Today in the western sphere of the world, we have so many friends of Saudi Arabia who are aware of what Saudi Arabia is all about. Still, they have their own vested interests; their friendship is purely based on their political and imperialistic interests.

But I want to tell you: Wahhabis have modified the interpretations of some of the recollections of the Prophet Mohammad according to their own agenda; they have developed a thought-process and mind-set [based upon these misinterpretations]. They think, sooner or later, a total Renaissance of Islam will occur and Islam will be the only religion, like a superpower.

They’re dreaming of becoming a superpower. They want the green flag that the Islamic declaration of faith to be hoisted in London and Washington. This is part of their plan, because they think when Renaissance of Islam occurs, this is what they are going to do to occupy these world capitals. They believe their Islam should be spread over the world and whoever doesn’t believe in their version should be killed.

Have the powers that are helping Saudi Arabia today (exchanging ammunition, etc.) ever looked into the future to see what the Wahhabis are planning to do to them? They want to plant their flag in your countries.

But this is not Islam, it is Wahhabism. They understand that one who kills all over the world in the name of Islam and takes control over the most land is Imam Mehdi (the title given to the Messianic personality by the Islamic faith). This is why they have designated Mullah Umar (the leader of the Taliban) to be Imam Mehdi.

They distorted the face of Islam. Najadi ‘reformed’ Islam to such an extent that he made a new Islam – An Islam in which there is no medium to reach God, where there is no love of Prophet Mohammad and an Islam which is void of spiritual esoteric knowledge. Everything is mentioned in the Quran and yet people who claim to be Muslim still believe the Wahhabi teachings – which are against Sharia, against Islamic Laws and against Prophetic Traditions. Is this not a divine wrath? They declare those who follow the teachings of spirituality to be infidels and apostates.

The true teachings of Islam were never spread around the world. The only version that spread around the world was Wahhabism.

Wahhabism is Actually a Cult of Hatred and Death

This is the definition of cult in context of a religious group. There are three main points about a cult: every cult is exclusive, authoritarian and secretive.

Exclusiveness: all members have the same belief and they all think, ‘We are not just the best, we’re the only ones who follow the truth. Everybody else is wrong.’ A prime example of a group that holds such beliefs is Wahhabis. Wahhabis have introduced a more severe form of a cult.

The Wahhabi cult is a cult of death and hatred. They think that they are the only ones who know the truth and follow the truth, and that everybody else is not just wrong – they are infidels.

They think, ‘Those who are not part of our group do not have the right to live. They must be killed, their women must be taken captive and made into sex slaves, and their properties must be forfeited.’ This is what Wahhabism is.

Every single Wahhabi has the same mentality and belief.

Authoritarian: a basic principle of Wahhabism is that all Wahhabis must be totally loyal and obedient to their leader.

Once a piece of instruction is passed by their leader, they have to follow and execute it. In executing the instructions passed by their leader, they must forget everything else.

For example, In ISIS, in the cult of death and hatred, a father is forced to kill his own son. He must do it because the instructions come from the leader. If he doesn’t follow the instructions, he is also liable for the same penalty.

Thirdly, every cult is secretive.

For example, we have evangelical style of a Muslim group in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, known as Tableeghi Jamaat (a Wahhabi organisation). In the initial stage, they prepare you for a newer form of Islam which is fundamentally adulterated. It is a form of Islam in which the basic principles of the religion are totally adulterated and altered – and not just modified, but renewed and replaced.

You receive revelation of God through a prophet. Your belief in God is totally dependant upon your love for the prophet. However, in this newer form of Islam introduced by Wahhabis, you are no more required to show veneration, admiration or love for Prophet Mohammad. As a result, you never get connected to God. You’re as distant from God as you were before you accepted Islam.

Initially, when Tableeghi Jamaat works, they change the way you perceive the Prophet Mohammad. They change the way you perceive the religion of Islam, in which there are different scholars and saints of God. Before being influenced by Tableeghi Jamaat, when you would feel that you’re not connected to God, you would visit the saints of God and through them, you would want your messages to be sent to God.

In the initial stage of the Tableeghi Jamaat curriculum, they remove the mediumship between man and God, whether this mediumship is consisting of messengers or prophets, or it is consisting of saints of God.

So you are academically, emotionally and intellectually being pushed away from God, rather than being brought closer to God. This is where your entire system of belief collapses.

You develop new, strange and bizarre concepts about the religion. You begin to think only you know the truth and the rest of the people are either infidels or they’re not pure. You think you are the purest one. This is the true, practical definition of a cult.

Younus AlGohar
1Younus AlGohar is CEO of Messiah Foundation International and Representative of HDE Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. He is recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an Advocate of interfaith harmony and global peace.

Salafism is Islam which is purely based on the Quran, authenticated Hadith and what the companions of Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) did.

We are not a death cult and we do not make takfir on anybody who isn't a Salafi, however, we do make takfir on people who declare takfir upon us, as anybody who makes a baseless accusation of takfir upon another Muslim is regarded a kafir. We also make takfir upon those who engage in practices which are, to put it bluntly, kufr. This includes things such as shrines, nationalism, secularism, praying to dead people, believing that Rasullullah (Peace Be Upon Him) can see everything on earth, believing that a messenger came after Rasullulah (Peace Be Upon Him), not offering regular Salah, and insulting the companions (May Allah Be Pleased With Them) among other things. We have ample evidence to support our reasons for believing these things nullify one's Islam, and our evidence comes from Quran and authentic Hadith as well as what the scholars say.

This is our stance. Don't like it? Well then you can try to act against us, but clearly, the attempts of non Salafi Muslims to do this have been pitiful. We are still the fastest growing sect of Islam worldwide, particularly in places like Pakistan. So clearly, the people of this Ummah seem to believe we are upon the Haqq, and not the Sufis, Shia's or Qadianis.
This includes things such as shrines, nationalism, secularism, praying to dead people, believing that Rasullullah (Peace Be Upon Him) can see everything on earth, believing that a messenger came after Rasullulah (Peace Be Upon Him), not offering regular Salah, and insulting the companions (May Allah Be Pleased With Them) among other things.

So, in principle, you are agreeing with the poster you are replying to, while adding the word "peaceful" and reaffirming your right to self defense in polite words?

Second thing, the problem is never anyone's belief, but what one is doing, to act upon it. How do you guys deal with the opposition namely the Shias, Sufis and by extension the Bareilvis - known to be Muslims themselves?
and our evidence comes from Quran

We are still the fastest growing sect of Islam worldwide

Quran and sectarianism in same comment? ............. that too to support sectarian narrative? Quran doesn't recognize anyone who is sunni, shia, salafi, wahabi, deobandi, ahle hadees, brailvee or whatever they choose to call themselves and think they are Muslims .......
What was that verse again?

Hold fast to the rope of Allah and don't get divided into groups. - or something to that effect.

I have said this in my other comments on this forum .......... Quran not only advises Muslims but humans as well to remain united, and puts Sectarianism one level above Shirk in list of sins ...... we can always refer to conversation between Moses (Peace be upon him) and Haroon (Peace be upon him), when Bani Israel started worshiping a calf.
What was that verse again?

Hold fast to the rope of Allah and don't get divided into groups. - or something to that effect.

Yes, we shouldn't have sectarianism between Muslims.

However, many so called Islamic sects are not Muslim at all according to the Quran and (especially) the Hadith (in my opinion).

I have said this in my other comments on this forum .......... Quran not only advises Muslims but humans as well to remain united, and puts Sectarianism one level above Shirk in list of sins ...... we can always refer to conversation between Moses (Peace be upon him) and Haroon (Peace be upon him), when Bani Israel started worshiping a calf.


Shirk is the worst sin in Islam. It's the one unforgivable sin that bars you from paradise, for not only is it terrible in and of itself, but it also opens the flood gates for many other sins.

So, in principle, you are agreeing with the poster you are replying to, while adding the word "peaceful" and reaffirming your right to self defense in polite words?

Second thing, the problem is never anyone's belief, but what one is doing, to act upon it. How do you guys deal with the opposition namely the Shias, Sufis and by extension the Bareilvis - known to be Muslims themselves?

There are a multitude of opinions on these people.

One is that they are apostates, and therefore must either repent and return to true Islam, or be executed (this is a minority). The guys who go shooting up Sufis and Shia's hold this view.

Another is that they were never Muslim in the first place, and the same treatment as any regular kafir (this is the majority). According to this view, it's only a problem if someone who follows true Islam converts to one of these sects.
Yes, we shouldn't have sectarianism between Muslims.

However, many so called Islamic sects are not Muslim at all according to the Quran and (especially) the Hadith (in my opinion).


As long as a person attests that he believes in One God and the finality of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), he will remain a Muslim. Even if a bad or non-practicing one. You can try to correct him/her and try to persuade him/her to ascribe to your interpretation of the religion. But thats about it.

Someone really has guided you wrong, I believe. So to consider Muslims as "non believers", because they don't agree with you.

There are a multitude of opinions on these people.

One is that they are apostates, and therefore must either repent and return to true Islam, or be executed (this is a minority). The guys who go shooting up Sufis and Shia's hold this view.

Another is that they were never Muslim in the first place, and the same treatment as any regular kafir (this is the majority). According to this view, it's only a problem if someone who follows true Islam converts to one of these sects.

Why are they being allowed in the two holy cities, in such case? Why is the Saudi Arabian Govt not following true Islam, if they are "non-believers"?

I was always told that you have to be a Muslim to come there.

As long as a person attests that he believes in One God and the finality of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), he will remain a Muslim. Even if a bad or non-practicing one. You can try to correct him/her and try to persuade him/her to ascribe to your interpretation of the religion. But thats about it.

Someone really has guided you wrong, I believe. So to consider Muslims as "non believers", because they don't agree with you.

Why are they being allowed in the two holy cities, in such case? Why is the Saudi Arabian Govt not following true Islam, if they are "non-believers"?

I was always told that you have to be a Muslim to come there.


Are you not familiar with the Sahih Hadith which states the Ummah will divide into 72 sects, and only one will enter paradise?

Or the fact that it is unanimously regarded by all 4 major madhabs that you have to practice Islam and not just "believe" in it? Many scholars to this day still consider someone who doesn't pray Salah, insults the Sahabah, or believes in a messenger after Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) to be a kafir.

You don't become a disbeliever by disagreeing, you become a disbeliever by doing things which Islam strictly prohibits, like slandering the Sahabah, creating shrines, praying to the dead, not offering Salah, etc.

The Saudi government can't do that because it would make people go ballistic, and substantially cut down the revenue they receive from pilgrimages since many people these days belong to sects which under Salafism, constitute as kufr.

A similar thing happened with the Masjid of Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him). They wanted to tear it down, but they decided not to since everyone would go insane.

The Saudis would probably even face military action from numerous nations, such as Iran and probably even Pakistan (we've got a lot of Sufis).

All in all, they just can't do it.

Are you not familiar with the Sahih Hadith which states the Ummah will divide into 72 sects, and only one will enter paradise?

Or the fact that it is unanimously regarded by all 4 major madhabs that you have to practice Islam and not just "believe" in it? Many scholars to this day still consider someone who doesn't pray Salah, insults the Sahabah, or believes in a messenger after Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) to be a kafir.

You don't become a disbeliever by disagreeing, you become a disbeliever by doing things which Islam strictly prohibits, like slandering the Sahabah, creating shrines, praying to the dead, not offering Salah, etc.

The Saudi government can't do that because it would make people go ballistic, and substantially cut down the revenue they receive from pilgrimages since many people these days belong to sects which under Salafism, constitute as kufr.

A similar thing happened with the Masjid of Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him). They wanted to tear it down, but they decided not to since everyone would go insane.

The Saudis would probably even face military action from numerous nations, such as Iran and probably even Pakistan (we've got a lot of Sufis).

All in all, they just can't do it.

Unfortunately, you or I or anyone else for that matter, can't exactly claim to know what is in one's heart nor the actual circumstances of his/her life nor how he/she practices or even if he/she actually practice the religion. Now, lacking that knowledge and making a judgement is really unfair. Hence, our reliance on merely the proclamation of oneness of God and who the final Prophet is, to consider one Muslim. And to leave the judgement part to God.

For some reason, I haven't personally read such scholars, who would go to this extent. But, I believe what you are saying, is true. There must be some, since lately I have seen some insane fatwas or religious rulings. The result of divorcing the world from the religion and mere insistence on reading religious books without any exposure to science/worldly education, ignorance of the matters of today and attempting to understand the ground realities. Even the medieval jurists have had no problem declaring equal share in the inheritance, for those Muslims who don't practice. You can verify the former line, easily. I believe that it nullifies the argument of considering people infidel if they aren't following Islam properly.

Are you not familiar with the Sahih Hadith which states the Ummah will divide into 72 sects, and only one will enter paradise?

I am.

If you have read it yourself. You must know that it doesn't exactly define a certain group or sect, for anyone's liking. The vagueness isn't exactly for no reason. It mentions the one who follows the holy book and the traditions/sayings of the Prophet and leaves it at that. It can be interpreted as do your best according to what has been revealed and don't start to form sects. Please, take note of what I am trying to say.

Why attempt to seek the answer, when one isn't provided or needed?

Why we all just can't call ourselves simply Muslims?

Because if everyone is Muslim and going to paradise, how does one distinguish himself/herself? By forming a sect, a cult and declaring un-announced usually un-written superiority over the rest. Seriously, just what sect considers other sects to be right too. They don't.

The religion says there is no superiority of any kind, by any means. Except by one's piety, try quantifying that and judging people over it. Too many people are ready and motivated to play "God".
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