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The Uyghur issue

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China should pay Turkey billions to relocate all the Ughur back to their ancestor land. I would advice China government spend some money for Ughur relocation.
Do you know where is the ancestoral place of Uyghurs ?

Ughur many times tried and failed declare independent from China for over many century, their intention to carved out a land and call it East Turkistan, from their intention they were originate from Turkey. Since they want to be part of Turkey shouldn't they want to move back to Turkey and China government pay for their relocation?
What's up with many of the Chinese members here writing silly and unrealistic comments? If you don't have any sensible thing to say, then just stay away instead of destroying what little credibility has been left for some of you guys.
ghur many times tried and failed declare independent from China for over many century, their intention to carved out a land and call it East Turkistan, from their intention they were originate from Turkey. Since they want to be part of Turkey shouldn't they want to move back to Turkey and China government pay for their relocation?

Why don't you answer my question ?
I think the Kurds will disagree with you that they have all the rights in Turkey. And you want to talk about 21st century morals what about the Turkish involvement in the chemical attacks in Syria ? It seems that Turkey is still stuck in WWI. Face it Turkey's policies in Kurdistan and Syria are much more bloodier than China's policies in Xinjiang. And the Uighers in China have all the opertunities to fully participate in China's economy and society and those who do have become famous musicians, sportsmans and scholars. And we never have any problems with the Kazach, Hui and other muslims in our country. Then the question you have to ask is why only the Uighers ?

Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels · LRB 17 April 2014
That report is already discredited. We don't have problems with Kurds. That is why majority of Kurds didn't vote on nationalist kurdish party. Uighur, Hui, Kazakh, Tibetians in China don't even have own party. I don't even know why I'm arguing with you. How can you compare authoritarian semi-facist state like with democratic Turkey? You rule occupied regions with iron hand and then you say look Kazakh , Tibetians and Hui don't say anything. Duh, just wait until central government looses control and people can free speak and act. I bet even some Chinese regions will brake away. They want own governance and they want the occupation to stop because China has oppresive rule which violates every human right in the book.
China should pay Turkey billions to relocate all the Ughur back to their ancestor land. I would advice China government spend some money for Ughur relocation.

why should they pay them? anyway. they originally from mongolia, not turkey. lol. they are half breed look nothing like the big nose turks in turkey.
I think the Kurds will disagree with you that they have all the rights in Turkey. And you want to talk about 21st century morals what about the Turkish involvement in the chemical attacks in Syria ? It seems that Turkey is still stuck in WWI. Face it Turkey's policies in Kurdistan and Syria are much more bloodier than China's policies in Xinjiang. And the Uighers in China have all the opertunities to fully participate in China's economy and society and those who do have become famous musicians, sportsmans and scholars. And we never have any problems with the Kazach, Hui and other muslims in our country. Then the question you have to ask is why only the Uighers ?

Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels · LRB 17 April 2014

till Uyghurs and other minorities cannot speak their own mind, let alone some of the famous regular Han with different opinion than CCP, it´s an insult to compare Turkey with CCP´s policies. There is a reason why Uyghurs are fleeing and why there are reports that some Uyghurs are jailed due ´separatism´. Your thinking that opportunities and wealth are enough for minorities is plain wrong. Kurds are living like kings in terms of rights and say in Turkey compared to Uyghurs in China.
your attempt to bring Syria into this topic is astonishing and quite amusing to see you try justifiying CCP's deeds through this.
Ughur many times tried and failed declare independent from China for over many century, their intention to carved out a land and call it East Turkistan, from their intention they were originate from Turkey. Since they want to be part of Turkey shouldn't they want to move back to Turkey and China government pay for their relocation?
You need some History and geography lessons.
what iron fist? i have yet to see a military crackdown on Kurdish cities in the last 10 years or so. Kurds can celebrate, hang their own traditional colors/flags, hug with their terrorists brothers, vote for the political wing of terroristic pkk, and yet you claim Turkey rules with an iron fist? i bet CCP would piss its pants once minorities would behave like some Kurds in Turkey. don't apply Uyghurs' situation to the Kurds. can you also backup where it is stated that Kurds would love to break away?
anyway, your way of justifying the Uyghur case with Kurds or other minorities in other countries shows that you lack sincerity about your own issues.

show me those Kurdish refugee camps in Europe. Kurds in Europe live under the passport of the country they are from. Many of the Turks in Europe are of Kurdish background. refugee camps full with Kurds from Turkey? that's a first lol. proof it.
there's no discussing with you. 'brutal' and 'imperialist' and 'syria', you sure like to bring in other topics and exaggerate things as a very poor desperate attempt just so you can make Turkey fit in the same category with China. Unfortunately any honest person knows that the situation of minorities in Turkey are better, keep improving and are proven due EU reforms, unlike China's shady's and unclear behind the scenes policies. yell all you can, it won't change a thing.
Turkey can act with confidence because it is sure the people are behind them.

China acts from fear. China knows if it gives the same rights the free world gives to its people. Couple of regions will brake away. Even some Chinese regions will brake away. They just need a chance.

It is matter of time. All these authoritarian governments have same faith.
If I have the right to speak I'd like to say that BDP which did win the majority of the Kurdish provinces is pursuing for autonomy.

And they have started with their autonomy
This thread is about Uighurs. Please open a separate thread in the Middle East Section. Your post will be deleted because it is off topic.
Do you know where is the ancestoral place of Uyghurs ?

The Uighurs were originally from Mongolia where they rebelled against the Göktürk rule and established their Khaganate in the 7th century together with the Karluk and Basmyl tribes. However the Khirgiz people from the Yenisei river invaded the Uyghur empire and destroyed their Khagante. Then the Uighurs moved from Mongolia to Xingnijang and mixed with the Indo-European Tocharians and the Iranic Sogdians creating the modern Uyghur people
A few Uighur radicals fled China doesn't mean all of them want to go to Turkey, however, if they do, feel free to take them all.
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