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The Uyghur issue

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Except for Okemos, that guy is ready for genocide.:D

But we also have to see that China has many Muslims living in its borders. The Hui, Uzbeks, Kazachs etc. we don't have a problem with any of those people just the Uyghers. Perhabs that is also something we should look into.
I talked to a couple of Chinese members in this forum, some of them are polite and sympathic, i can understand the frustration of Chinese members about the Uighur issue, Turks also condemn terrorism since we also suffered much from terrorists, but the problem is when Turks try to defend Uighurs Chinese think we support terrorism which is not true.

We just support the ordinary Uighurs, not terrorists.
I'm only here because I expressed support for China and the Muslims started personally attacking me. This forum is not dictated by Sharia Law!
Most ghairatmand people serve the nations they are born in..... except Nepalis. :rofl:
Being a Pakistani, you should be the absolutely last person to talk about ghairat.
Pakistanis have sold their sovereignty innumerable times independence.
The funny thing is Chinese members are actually more open minded like Chinese dragon and Chinese tiger, they realize their government has made mistakes and want to correct them but seems Nepali who makes Chinese internal policy knows better lol.
All Indians and @GorkhaPride .please clean all personal attacks posts.Need a good debate.It is not India's concerns.
Being a Pakistani, you should be the absolutely last person to talk about ghairat.
Pakistanis have sold their sovereignty innumerable times independence.

Really open a thread about it.
@Targon @Kaan @Sinan @atatwolf

Ignore the comments from some of my right wing troll compatriots here. Indians in general have no interest in this matter.Just some fools on this thread that's all. Indians consider Turkey as a friendly nation. Don't take your cue from this thread. Just keep reporting their posts.

Lol, i don't even read the comments in this thread. :lol:
Yeah like PakJabis forced to fight for British in WW2.

More people who ended becoming Indians served in those armies, must we go into the breakdown of British Indian army and how many became Indian army?
We also have our Uyghur .You must remember that.
And you are right.It is not our problem .China and Turkey are Pakistan best friends.It is their concern not ours.

India has separatist movements and every country does, what amazes me is that some Indians are supporting Chinese and painting India in a bad light in the eyes of Turkey.
The funny thing is Chinese members are actually more open minded like Chinese dragon and Chinese tiger, they realize their government has made mistakes and want to correct them but seems Nepali who makes Chinese internal policy knows better lol.
Yep these two members are really sympathic, i would allways have a dicussions with them and it wouldnt turnt into a troll fest.
India has separatist movements and every country does, what amazes me is that some Indians are supporting Chinese and painting India in a bad light in the eyes of Turkey.
Not really, I expressed support for China and was then personally attacked by racist Muslim alliance.
@atatwolf @Sinan all turkish members Indians has nothing to do with China and we are for good India - Turkey relations :cheers:

Thanks ,but no thanks,but I do not want more islamic emirates . China might be not be good neighbor ,but Islamic emirate ,much worse .More terrorism. No way .Uighur dream of islamic emirate and I am fine that China keeps them in line.

If the desire of kashmiris for islam and islamic emirate has not made you understand ,then I don't know what to say.
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