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The US' role in Iraq from the 80's till 2003, answering apologists

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So you're accusing me of making use of facts and logic only when it's convenient. Let me ask then where do you think it is that I have ignored a certain perspective and chosen not to represent said explanation without facts and logic, thus have behaved irrationally. Point it out and be specific.
You need only review @US_statedept_retired 's criticisms in detail and examine their validity. I'm not going to do the thinking for you. This is a "muscle" you have to develop. Me doing the thinking isn't going to help much, no more than watching Arnold Schwarzenegger without also pumping iron will build bigger biceps.
You need only review @US_statedept_retired 's criticisms in detail and examine their validity. I'm not going to do the thinking for you. This is a "muscle" you have to develop. Me doing the thinking isn't going to help much, no more than watching Arnold Schwarzenegger without also pumping iron will build bigger biceps.

Oh lord, looks like I pressed all the wrong buttons. :angel:

You see when it comes meaningless crap shovelling disguised as something meaningful, I can do it too, only it won't work for you as it does with the witless Pakistanis you come across.

Well, this is it, I promised I'd close this thread soon, and what better way to close it than on this note.

I get to take home the fact that I need to do some soul searching and sign up to my nearest mental hospital, or maybe get one of them brain training apps. And you can continue believing your debates here are of any standard above the common rabble.
I get to take home the fact that I need to do some soul searching and sign up to my nearest mental hospital -
Depends on what you've done in life, I suppose. One of the first Pakistani diplomats I met did indeed end up in a hospital when confronted with the stark reality of the 1971 East/West conflict, realizing that the soldiers' oath to keep Pakistan united combined with rampant anti-Eastism (is that the right phrase?) had been employed to manipulate them to commit war crimes against their fellow Muslims. They say he died of a heart attack; perhaps it would have been more accurate to say he died of a broken heart.
Depends on what you've done in life, I suppose.

Now, I am very tempted to leave another smart @ss reply, to finish off, then close the thread, it would be me, misusing my power, and only you and I would ever understand the pain incurred when that happens.


Auf Wiedersehen. :buba_phone:
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