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The US objects to selling UAV parts to Turkey

The US do not trust Muslim country even if you are part of NATO.
yes, we, the common people, know about the hypocrite and their anti-anything-not-western-or-against-western-interest behaviour EU and NATO for many decades already, but the politics have to stick to them for some longer until we are militarily independent (it's going quite the good way in the last decade) enough to steer away from them political and military wise. The deal with China was a signal to the west that Turkey doesnt want to limit itself to the west only. Same goes for recent Turkish political outreach for the Shanghai Coorporation Organisation instead of the EU. A recent survey has also shown that Turkish public support for EU has dropped yet again in 2013.
And this is an United States that is an ally of Turkey. Just imagine how it will be when they are our enemy. These freaking Americans have guts. Hopefully it will some bells that US is not trustworthy long term partner. They can double cross us the first chance they can reap a benefit. Americans I know are even bragging about this mindset. This is not a mindset Turks have but maybe we should be more like Americans. Maybe things would be different if we didn't act so naive all the time.
Good luck with the inferior Chinese crap. You'll need it.:usflag:

Chinese craps ?

Dude, Let me remind you something. ANKA program enables USA to remove export restrictions of Predator-A drones since USA envisages that Turkey will certainly hold great percentage of UAV markets with playing sole supplier role of such a strategic system, If USA keep to impose embargoes.

In 2016 when Turkey reveals Reaper equivalent called ANKA-TP which has a payload of around 1 tonnes, You are going to see How your officials will remove export restrictions of Reapers step by step.

Good luck to you as well...
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