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The US Keeps Offering China Its Covid Vaccines. China Keeps Saying No


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
China has rebuffed repeated US offers to share advanced vaccines as Beijing battles a fast-spreading wave of Covid-19, a rejection that’s led to growing frustration among American officials concerned about a resurgence of the pandemic.

Worried about the rise of new variants and impact on China’s economy, the US has repeatedly offered mRNA vaccines and other assistance to President Xi Jinping’s government through private channels, according to US officials who asked not to be identified discussing the deliberations.

China can’t accept its own vaccine failure. Now Covid is rampaging through the Chinese population.
China has rebuffed repeated US offers to share advanced vaccines as Beijing battles a fast-spreading wave of Covid-19, a rejection that’s led to growing frustration among American officials concerned about a resurgence of the pandemic.

Worried about the rise of new variants and impact on China’s economy, the US has repeatedly offered mRNA vaccines and other assistance to President Xi Jinping’s government through private channels, according to US officials who asked not to be identified discussing the deliberations.

China can’t accept its own vaccine failure. Now Covid is rampaging through the Chinese population.
are you saying vaccines can stop covid from infecting people?
China has rebuffed repeated US offers to share advanced vaccines as Beijing battles a fast-spreading wave of Covid-19, a rejection that’s led to growing frustration among American officials concerned about a resurgence of the pandemic.

Worried about the rise of new variants and impact on China’s economy, the US has repeatedly offered mRNA vaccines and other assistance to President Xi Jinping’s government through private channels, according to US officials who asked not to be identified discussing the deliberations.

China can’t accept its own vaccine failure. Now Covid is rampaging through the Chinese population.
First of all US is already very hostile to China.
Second. This will involve an hostile force injecting a vaccine (whose long term side effects are unknown) into China's general population.
Third. The Pficer vaccine composition is secret.

Not to mention China already have their own vaccine.

Go figure.
Keep your vaccines to save your American losers lives, China dont need them to save Chinese lives. Dont pretend to be wolves in tears, your Americans just want your vaccines in China so that you can brag the superority of your American stuff and that you Americans save Chinese, just keep for yourselves not constantly asking people to take your products that they dont want. Just as you American gov forced Taiwanese to take and eat your poisonous Ractopamine pork, no good intention is come from US gov to Chinese, China just wont take the unproven vaccines from a hostile country.
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Because Chinese vaccines are much less effective than Moderna’s and Pfizers
Hong Kong had both BNT and China's vaccines. The numbers didn't prove mRNA more effective than inactivated. mRNA has more negative effects after injections. I had 2 shots of Moderna and I still got infected at its prime protective period (3 weeks after 2nd shot). Many friends stopped taking Covid vaccines despite being urged by ads, talks from health officials, etc.

Since Americans hate Chinese, American government uses all it can use to smudge China, why would China accept importing American vaccines when American vaccines NEVER prove more effective than inactivated? Chinese have no obligation to fatten American biotech and US government's wallets.

Keep your vaccines to save your American losers lives, China dont need them to save Chinese lives. Dont pretend to be wolves in tears, your Americans just want your vaccines in China so that you can brag the superority of your American stuff and that you Americans save Chinese, just keep for yourselves not constantly asking people to take your products that they dont want.
I agree. Tell the Americans go **** themselves over their Moderna.

Many Chinese are still not over their suspicion of Americans developing and spreading the Covid virus in 2019. That's something anyone can see for themselves by going to any Chinese social media. Now that the Russians had repeatedly said they found US developing Covid-related virus and methods to spread the virus long before 2019, the suspicion will only grow among the Chinese. If the Americans are innocent of the Covid pandemic, why couldn't they open their virus labs for the international community to inspect? Huh, WHY?
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I had 2 shots of Moderna and I still got infected

yes, that should be expected if you aren't being careful.

The flu shot doesn't prevent you from getting the flu...just makes it less severe. Same with Covid shot.

The reason most young people are not getting vaccinated is because the chances of them having symptoms worse than if they were not full vaccinated is small. So why bother if there is a very high chance that it won't provide any benefit.

Of course then they go visit GrandMa and GrandPa without a mask and two weeks later wonder why they are both in the ICU.
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It was the American Modena company that made the gene-edited bat virus, the messenger virus.

The Americans asked Shi Zhengli, a virologist in Wuhan, China, for the deadly virus found in a bat cave in Yunnan Province, China, in 2008. Shi is a simple scientist, she had no idea that the messenger virus the Americans were working on was devoted to gene-editing the virus, inserting its genes into segments of human DNA. It creates a messenger virus that is highly contagious.

The American story is about stopping the next pandemic by studying messenger viruses.

The cooperation between the Americans and the Wuhan Virus Research Institute in China was $1 million. The money also includes travel and meetings for American experts to China. The United States paid only a small amount of money to obtain the results of virus research in China.

In 2019, US virus experts visited the Wuhan Virus Institute. I think they had already been infected by that time, causing the Wuhan pandemic outbreak.

In March 2020, Modena produced its first vaccine, and gene-editing patent filed by Modena was found in the vaccine's DNA sequence.

How did Modena come up with a vaccine less than a month after an outbreak in the United States?

Because it was Modena that made the virus, they went too far
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Currently China would not allow large scale import of foreign mRNA vaccine because of many obvious reasons

  • mRNA is new technology that has never been used in large scale for long term. No medical expert could guarantee its long term safety.
  • Vaccine is just one of the tool and is not the end all and be all in epidermic preventation. Just take a look at the clinical record of what happened in other countries that used the mRNA vaccine. It obviously did not stop the spread and COVID related death keep piling up even today.
  • Security concerned on the control of vaccine technology and supply chain.
  • Prohibitive cost. China has a population of billion. To vaccine a significant percentage will cost billions.

China has its own vaccine that work well enough and had much less death than other countries, for now and likely for the future.

Why pray tell, would China take the risk of unknown long term health consequence for significant portion of a large population, pay through the nose and subject itself to possible sabotage/blackmail of a critical material of unverifiable technology and unsecured supply chain.

In another word, western mRNA vaccine is just not good enough and is not needed by China.
Probably poison for Chinese people. With bad long term side effect to cripple the population. They wouldn’t tell Chinese what in the vaccine or how is it made, but expect Chinese to bite. Wouldn’t be the first time white people tried biological warfare on people they hate? They were successful in native American genocide by infecting the population of small pox., same with aborigines. Why would the US share something good when they wish Chinese bad and go every which way to halt China progress.
To see why pfizer/modena mrna is not approved in China & even india dont want it, just look at those who have used it.
Not reported on cnn/bbc headlines but here they are,

Excess deaths in 2022 ‘incredibly high’ at 13 per cent​

The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says................

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