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The US cannot afford an open conflict with Pakistan

What a silly analogy. In case you forgot, US is at war in Afghanistan.

Yes, & it is losing in Afghanistan as well.

So? Iraqi armed forces were also enormous in size. You need some serious reality-checking over military capabilities of US.

They have military capability, but how will they conduct the war inside Pakistan? Afghanistan will eat them alive, & they won't get any access from Iran or India.

Our MILITARY TOP BRASS is not willing to engage US militarily.

The military brass does not need to engage in an open conflict with the US military. The US however needs to change the course of events in Afghanistan. The answer to your question is in Post # 27.

Think before you come up with some CHEST THUMPING again. And never underestimate your enemies. Our nation is unfortunately finding itself in its worse crises period currently since 1971.

I admire your patroitism. But don't be blinded by it.

For heaven's sake, I live in America & I'm an American citizen. I know what the situation inside America is. The Afghanistan war is wrecking havoc inside America, the US cannot afford to engage in a full scale war against Pakistan. No one is chest thumping here, I know what I'm talking about, & I am giving you an objective analysis of the situation.

In case you forgot, US fought war in Iraq simultaneously regardless of events in Afghanistan. Iraqi conflict is coming to an end. And US demonstrated through its actions in Libya that it still has lot of fight to give.

Iraq did not put up any resistance, as they were getting rid off Saddam then. Don't expect the same from Pakistan. Even Afghanistan is showing how different it is from Iraq, & Pakistan will be hell as compared to Afghanistan.
I believe these belong here:

Subject: Destabilization and invasion long planned

Land Destroyer: Globalists' Pakistan War Plan

Globalists' :devil:Pakistan War Plan:

Destabilization and invasion long planned

by Tony Cartalucci
Bangkok, May 11, 2011

In a 2007 article from the London Guardian titled, "Bush handed blueprint to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal," it is stated that fears of destabilization inside Pakistan might prompt the United States to occupy Islamabad and the provinces of Punjab, Sindh, and Baluchistan in an attempt to secure Pakistan's nuclear warheads. Behind this report is Fredrick Kagan, brother of the equally sloven Robert Kagan of the Foreign Policy Initiative, yet another contrived, corporate fueled warmongering think-tank.

:devil:Fredrick Kagan sits within the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). AEI's board of trustees represents a wide variety of corporate-financier interests including those of the notorious Carlyle Group, State Farm, American Express, and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co (also of the CFR). War criminal Dick Cheney also acts as a trustee. Joining Kagan as members of AEI's "research staff" are warmongers Newt Gingrich, John Bolton, Richard Perle, John Yoo, and Paul Wolfowitz.
While the sense of self-importance these degenerates shower upon themselves may seem comical, with titles like "senior fellow" and "resident scholar," the fact that their "policy research" usually becomes corporate subsidized "policy reality" and subsequently the American people's unending nightmare, is enough reason to keep tabs on them. For instance Fredrick Kagan was supposedly the architect behind the US troop surge in Iraq. And while we may kid ourselves that with Obama taking office the agenda of these supposed Neo-Conservatives is sidelined, Paul Wolfowitz' plan to overthrow the nations of the Middle East, now being fully executed with US-funded revolutions, probably couldn't have been done without the veil of "left-cover."

Kagan's report regarding Pakistan's partial occupation and the seizure of its nuclear arsenal is founded on what may first appear to be a reasonable concern; the fear of Pakistan collapsing and its nuclear arsenal falling into the wrong hands. According to Kagan's narrative, Islamic extremists seizing Pakistan's nuclear arsenal pose as much a threat today as "Soviet tanks" once did.

It's not terrorists, it's China

What Kagan leaves out is the very source of this destabilization and America's overall grand strategy in the region. America's continued presence in Afghanistan as well as its increasingly aggressive "creep" over the Afghan-Pakistani border has been justified under the ambiguous and omnipresent threat of "terrorism." In reality, the true goal is to contain the rise of China and other emerging economies using the pretense of "terrorism." Destabilization via foreign-funded ethnic insurgencies, regime change via foreign-funded sedition, and a regional strategy of tension between power brokers in Beijing, New Delhi, and Islamabad have for years attempted to keep in check not just China and Pakistan's rise, but India's as well.

This is not merely speculative conjecture. China itself has recently accused the United States of directly attempting to destabilize their nation as well as using the pretense of "terrorism" as a means to hobble China's growing influence. In an April 2011 Reuters report, it was stated that "a senior domestic security official, Chen Jiping, warned that "hostile Western forces" -- alarmed by the country's rise -- were marshalling human rights issues to attack Party control." Compounding China's accusations are open admissions by the US State Department itself declaring that tens of millions will be spent to help activists circumvent China's security networks in an effort to undermine Beijing. This comes after it has been revealed that the entire "Arab Spring" was US-funded.

The issue of Pakistan in regards to China is not merely a figment of a paranoid Beijing's imagination, it is stated policy circulating throughout America's corporate-funded think-tanks. Selig Harrison of the Soros funded Center for International Policy has published two pieces specifically calling for carving off of Pakistan's Baluchistan province, not as part of a strategy to win the "War on Terror," but as a means to thwart growing relations between Islamabad and Beijing.

In "Free Baluchistan," he explicitly calls to "aid the 6 million Baluch insurgents fighting for independence from Pakistan in the face of growing ISI repression." He continues by explaining the various merits of such meddling by stating, "Pakistan has given China a base at Gwadar in the heart of Baluch territory. So an independent Baluchistan would serve U.S. strategic interests in addition to the immediate goal of countering Islamist forces."

In a follow up article titled, "The Chinese Cozy Up to the Pakistanis," Harrison begins by stating, "China’s expanding reach is a natural and acceptable accompaniment of its growing power—but only up to a point. " He then repeats his call for meddling in Pakistan by saying, "to counter what China is doing in Pakistan, the United States should play hardball by supporting the movement for an independent Baluchistan along the Arabian Sea and working with Baluch insurgents to oust the Chinese from their budding naval base at Gwadar. Beijing wants its inroads into Gilgit and Baltistan to be the first step on its way to an Arabian Sea outlet at Gwadar."

Gwadar in the southwest serves as a Chinese port, the starting
point for a logistical corridor through Pakistan and into Chinese
territory. The plan is to plunge the entire nation into chaos and use
US forces to systematically "help" restore order. (click to enlarge)

The very suggestion of fomenting armed violence simply to derail sovereign relations between two foreign nations is scandalous and reveals the absolute depths of depravity from which the global elite operate from. It is quite clear that the "War on Terror" is but a pretense to pursue a policy of regional hegemony with the expressed goal of containing China. This in turn, is part of a greater strategy covered in the 2006 Strategic Studies Institute report "String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China's Rising Power across the Asian Littoral." Throughout the report China's growing influence and various means to co-opt and contain it are discussed. SSI makes special note to mention engaging with all of China's neighbors in an effort to play them off against Beijing in order to maintain American preeminence throughout Asia.

Destabilizing Pakistan

In addition to the Gwadar port in Pakistan's Baluchistan region, China has also built dams, roads, and even nuclear power plants in the country. China has also supplied Pakistan with a tremendous amount of military technology. The only cards America seems to have left in its hand to counter this growing relationship are threats of destabilization, the subsequent stripping of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, and Pakistan's Balkanization into smaller, ineffectual states.

In a 2009 article by Seymour Hersh titled, "Defending the Arsenal," much attention was given to the immense amount of suspicion and distrust Pakistan views America with. In particular, distrust is garnered over America's obsession with "defending" Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. Under the pretense of "helping" Pakistan if ever it fell into chaos, America has been trying to ascertain the location of Pakistan's nuclear weapons as well as the trigger assembles kept separate as a security measure.

While America supposedly "fears" destabilization, concurrently, the effects of their war with the Taliban on the Afghan-Pakistan border has overtly stirred up instability inside Pakistan. At one point, Hersh describes Islamabad's request for predator drones to conduct the attacks themselves, which was denied. They then asked for America to at least pretend to have given the drones to Pakistan and give them Pakistani markings - this was also denied. In fact, it seems almost as if the war against the Taliban, especially the drone campaign, is being used specifically to stir up the Pashtun minority and aim them at Islamabad, just as Harrison had suggested the Baluchistan insurgents be used to carve off Pakistan's southwest coastal region.

This brings us back to Fredrick Kagan's "blueprint," which is summed up in a New York Times piece co-authored with Brookings Institution's Michael O'Hanlon. Their article titled, "Pakistan's Collapse, Our Problem," describes the complete collapse of the Pakistani government, overrun by "extremists." It goes on to describe "Pro-American moderates" within the Pakistani army in need of US forces to help them secure Islamabad and their nuclear arsenal. Several options are given for where the nuclear weapons could be stored safely, all of them involve US oversight. This would give the US an ideal geopolitical scenario that would permanently Balkanize the country along Pashtun, Baluchi, and other ethnic minority lines, and result in a permanent Western presence inside the country.

The article then goes on to say larger military operations to take back Balkanized sections of the country could be undertaken, "If a holding operation in the nation’s center was successful, we would probably then seek to establish order in the parts of Pakistan where extremists operate. Beyond propping up the state, this would benefit American efforts in Afghanistan by depriving terrorists of the sanctuaries they have long enjoyed in Pakistan’s tribal and frontier regions."

It should be noted that co-author Michael O'Hanlon also contributed to the "Which Path to Persia?" report which described how using foreign-funded armed insurgency, foreign-funded popular revolutions, co-opting members of the military, and covert military operations could be used to topple Iran's government. In Iran's case, this plan has already gone operational. In Pakistan's case it seems all but a foregone conclusion that it is at least being attempted.

If Kagan's plan were executed after sufficient instability and justification had been created, China's holdings in Pakistan would be entirely eliminated, with Pakistan itself becoming a permanent extension of the unending US occupation of Afghanistan. This explains China's initial reaction to the "Bin Laden" hoax. Immediately recognizing the unfolding implications, China rushed to Islamabad's defense calling for support from the international community for Islamabad. China also criticized America's intrusion into Pakistan's sovereign territory.

The US raid incensed the Pakistani people, attempted to drive a wedge between the military and the government, as well as gave rhetorical leverage to the US over Islamabad and the Pakistani military. The suggestion by the US that "Bin Laden" had a support network inside Pakistan's military appears to be an initial attempt to usher in some form of Kagan's "nuke-napping" invasion plan. With Beijing openly accusing the US of interfering in its internal affairs and with the "Arab Spring" quickly turning into regional warfare, there is no turning back for the globalists.

The corporate-financier oligarchs and their many helping hands are a degenerate elite who have spent their entire lives sheltered from the consequences of their actions. It has always been the soldiers and the taxpayers who bore the brunt for their delusions of grandeur. To them, war is a cost-benefit analysis, and like their financial pyramid schemes that only get bigger and bigger, so too their gambles with our lives and treasure. It appears that they are quite willing to destabilize Pakistan, a nation with 170 million people, and risk war, a nuclear exchange, and a possible confrontation with China and Russia in the process.


Bush handed blueprint to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal | World news | The Guardian

Bush:devil: handed blueprint to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal

· Architect of Iraq surge draws up takeover options
· US fears army's Islamists might grab weapons

Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark
The Guardian, 1 December 2007

Pakistani paramilitary forces holds an alleged suspect during a crackdown operation against militants near Mingora in northern Pakistan, Friday, November 30, 2007. Photograph: Mohammad Zubair

The man who devised the Bush administration's Iraq troop surge has urged the US to consider sending elite troops to Pakistan to seize its nuclear weapons if the country descends into chaos. In a series of scenarios drawn up for Pakistan, Frederick Kagan, a former West Point military historian, has called for the White House to consider various options for an unstable Pakistan.

These include: sending elite British or US troops to secure nuclear weapons capable of being transported out of the country and take them to a secret storage depot in New Mexico or a "remote redoubt" inside Pakistan; sending US troops to Pakistan's north-western border to fight the Taliban and al-Qaida; and a US military occupation of the capital Islamabad, and the provinces of Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan if asked for assistance by a fractured Pakistan military, so that the US could shore up President Pervez Musharraf and General Ashfaq Kayani, who became army chief this week.

"These are scenarios and solutions. They are designed to test our preparedness. The United States simply could not stand by as a nuclear-armed Pakistan descended into the abyss," Kagan, who is with the American Enterprise Institute, a thinktank with strong ideological ties to the Bush administration, told the Guardian. "We need to think now about our options in Pakistan,"

Kagan argued that the rise of Sunni extremism in Pakistan, coupled with the proliferation of al-Qaida bases in the north-west, posed a real possibility of terrorists staging a coup that would give them access to a nuclear device. He also noted how sections of Pakistan's military and intelligence establishment continued to be linked to Islamists and warned that the army, demoralised by having to fight in Waziristan and parts of North-West Frontier Province, might retreat from the borders, leaving a vacuum that would be filled by radicals. Worse, the military might split, with a radical faction trying to take over Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

Kagan accepted that the Pakistani military was not in the grip of Islamists. "Pakistan's officer corps and ruling elites remain largely moderate. But then again, Americans felt similarly about the shah's regime and look what happened in 1979," he said, referring to Iran. The scenarios received a public airing two weeks ago in an article for the New York Times by Kagan and Michael O'Hanlon, an analyst at the Brookings Institution, who has ties to the Democrats.

They have been criticised in the US as well as Pakistan, with Kagan accused of drawing up plans for another US occupation of a Muslim country. But the scenarios are regarded with some seriousness because of Kagan's influence over thinking in the Bush administration as the architect of the Iraq troop surge, which is conceded to have brought some improvements in security.

A former senior state department official who works as a contractor with the government and is familiar with current planning on Pakistan told the Guardian: "Governments are supposed to think the unthinkable. But these ideas, coming as they do from a man of significant influence in Washington's militarist camp, seem prescriptive and have got tongues wagging - even in a town like Washington, built on hyperbole." Kagan said he was not calling for an occupation of Pakistan.

"I have been arguing the opposite. We cannot invade, only work with the consent of elements of the Pakistan military," he said. "But we do have to calculate how to quantify and then respond to a crisis that is potentially as much a threat as Soviet tanks once were. Pakistan may be the next big test." The political and security crises there have led the Bush administration to conclude that Pakistan has become a more dangerous place than it was before Musharraf took over in the coup of October 1999.

One Pentagon official said last week that the defence department had indeed been war-gaming some of Kagan's scenarios. A report by Kagan and O'Hanlon in April highlighted their argument. "The only serious response to this international environment is to develop armed forces capable of protecting America's vital interests throughout this dangerous time," it said. But in Pakistan, aides to Musharraf yesterday dismissed Kagan's study as "hyperbole".
Yes, & it is losing in Afghanistan as well.
That is your perception. Afghan Taliban has yet to achieve any decisive victory in its struggle against ISAF and Afghan government. In response, ISAF is making sure that ANA becomes stronger day by day. For more details, check the official source.

They have military capability, but how will they conduct the war inside Pakistan? Afghanistan will eat them alive, & they won't get any access from Iran or India.
Afghanistan did not eat them alive when they conducted war in Iraq. And India will indirectly support US. Do not presume on these matters.

The military brass does not need to engage in an open conflict with the US military. The answer to your question is in Post # 27.
In case you forgot, the incident of OBL has given leverage and renewed courage to US to fight for its interests in South Asia. And who cares about Iranian warnings? Iran also warned US on Iraq invasion.

For heaven's sake, I live in America & I'm an American citizen. I know what the situation inside America is. The Afghanistan war is wrecking havoc inside America, the US cannot afford to engage in a full scale war against Pakistan. No one is chest thumping here, I know what I'm talking about, & I am giving you an objective analysis of the situation.
Do not try to bluff with me. The internal problems in US are recession related. Somehow US is finding enough funds to carry on with WOT. Do you think that US administration is STUPID? Here is a big hint for you: funding through strategic alternatives.

Iraq did not put up any resistance, as they were getting rid off Saddam then.
Oh really?

It took US 27 days to occupy Iraq. Whom are you kidding? Saddam wasn't as much unpopular in Iraq as US media wanted you to believe.

Also do some research on legendary Iraqi resistance.

Don't expect the same from Pakistan. Even Afghanistan is showing how different it is from Iraq, & Pakistan will be hell as compared to Afghanistan.
Yeah right. Pakistan has lot to loose in comparison to Afghanistan in the first place. Common citizens over here cannot fight for their rights and you expect them to engage and defeat US forces. Keep on day dreaming. :rolleyes:
What a silly analogy. In case you forgot, US is at war in Afghanistan.

Also, NATO forces in Afghanistan are more infantry oriented rather then mechanised like they were in Iraq due to territorial constriants.

First of all, there are differences in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan situation.. As far as Afghanistan is concerned, there was nothing in taliban's zanbeel to oppose US on frontal confrontation basis, their only chance was to fight the gorilla war, so the moment NATO invaded, taliban went into gorilla war and if you forgot, the war is still ON. They are as usual dragging it so long that the invader's economy fails to support it any longer, and if you are reading the current economic crisis in US, their economy is stretched to limits. Analysts all over the world are stating that NATO has lost this war because any longer and it will be difficult for them to carry on their activities without cutting huge chunks of their internal budgets.

This proves that the threshold has been reached, and it is a matter of time before the fall into their reserves.

So? Iraqi armed forces were also enormous in size. You need some serious reality-checking over military capabilities of US. Our MILITARY TOP BRASS is not willing to engage US militarily.

Iraq was a totally different ball game, that war was totally sponsored by other ARAB countries, do you know that more than a trillion loan of Saudi Arabia was “cleared” with bills of that war? On top of that Saudi Arabia had to pay a “handsome” sum for further bills. That’s not only it, there were other countries who sponsored this war in Iraq.

We do have sufficient funds to fight a war against TTP and you are talking about fighting a war against US. Aab kaya Pakistan ko stone age per pahaunchane ka irada hai kya? :rolleyes:

Honestly? Do you believe this sh!t?

Mate, war in Pakistan requires at most a week of funds and logistical support to bring NATO forces to their knees, along with destroying the whole global economy, share markets taking a nose down to the lowest, people taking money out of the bank in fear of WW3..

As far as fighting in war is concerned.. A loss of 150,000 troops in Afghanistan, along with their bases will be more than enough to dictate the terms, even if after that all the bases are destroyed of Pakistan and it has no more fighter planes to respond (worst case scenario) still a sum of 750,00 highly trained troops, along with 70 mil (conservative count of people who’ll fight) is more than enough to take this war for next 3 decades..

You talk about stone age.. do you think the normal civilians are not in stone age right now? Let me remind you, no electricity, no gas, no clean water, no agriculture, no food, no education, no life security.. isn’t that stone age already?

That is the same scenario what use to be in stone age.. so what’s going to be the difference?

Think before you come up with some CHEST THUMPING again. And never underestimate your enemies. Our nation is unfortunately finding itself in its worse crises period currently since 1971.

I admire your patroitism. But don't be blinded by it.

Patriotism is what makes Nations prominent globally; bayghairat nations are neither honoured nor respected. Neither they get any say in what they want, nor are they listened to. I for one, won’t want that to happen to my country.

In case you forgot, US fought war in Iraq simultaneously regardless of events in Afghanistan. Iraqi conflict is coming to an end. And US demonstrated through its actions in Libya that it still has lot of fight to give.

And Kerry have bluntly told Pakistani administration that whether Pakistan remains allied to US or not, US will defend its INTERESTS at any cost.

Neither Iraq war is finished, nor Afghan war.. it is just propaganda.. Here are few events from 2011:
- January 15 - An Iraqi soldier opens fire on U.S. troops at a training centre, killing two and injuring another before being killed himself.
- January 19 - A suicide bomber driving an ambulance kills at least 12 people and injures another 50 in Iraq's Diyala Governorate.
- April 8 - In the Camp Ashraf massacre, an Iraqi Army raid against a group of Iranian exiles at Camp Ashraf left 34 civilians dead and 318 injured.
- May 3 - A car bomb went off in the Dora district in Baghdad killing at least 9 and injuring more than 27.
- May 5 - At least 26 people killed and 60 wounded against a police compound in the city of Hilla.

If these events are not sign of an on-going war, then you are very wrong my friend.

They are just leaving Iraq on 31 December (scheduled) because they cannot “afford” to carry on the war there. Reason is that they could not use the “oil” as they were planning and thinking.

As far as Kerry is concerned, do you think a person from alone super power will talk to you in an apologetic tone? Its called “keeping your face”.

Anyways, everyone has his or her own thinking, you might be planning to fly out of Pakistan to your desired destination once Pakistan is in war, I’ll by flying back to my country to fight for its honor.

PS: Oh and btw, i haven't counted ANY involvement of China, Russia, Iran in this scenario.. they are also not US friendly now are they?
bigger question do Pakistan can afford.....
USA will spend money but nothing will gonna happen on their land.. where in Pakistan , carpet bombing will destroy everything. You guys are not able to afford fight against TTP.
Your navy will finish in 24 hours many ships will even not get chance to leave Karachi port.
USA knows abt u in and out ... they know ur airbase ...they did or do operate some of them... how you will reach to NY or SFO... your SSG will swim to USA after navy will finish...limit of stupidity
That is your perception. Afghan Taliban has yet to achieve any decisive victory in its struggle against ISAF and Afghan government. In response, ISAF is making sure that ANA becomes stronger day by day. For more details, check the official source.

Taliban still controls large swathes of Afghanistan. The events that I mentioned happening in Afghanistan over the last 6 days are more than an indication of that. The Taliban has become stronger & stronger inside Afghanistan. Here is another piece of information:

BBC News - Taliban seize district in eastern Afghan province

As I have already mentioned, the US is not only fighting the Afghan Taliban, but it is also fighting Al-Qaeda & its affiliate groups (IMU) coming from North Afghanistan, as well as groups from other former Soviet Union territories.

The terrorist groups that are attacking the Afghan provinces of Herat, Nimroz, Badhgis, Balkh, Kunduz, Takhar have nothing to do with Pakistan.
bigger question do Pakistan can afford.....
USA will spend money but nothing will gonna happen on their land.. where in Pakistan , carpet bombing will destroy everything. You guys are not able to afford fight against TTP.
Your navy will finish in 24 hours many ships will even not get chance to leave Karachi port.
USA knows abt u in and out ... they know ur airbase ...they did or do operate some of them... how you will reach to NY or SFO... your SSG will swim to USA after navy will finish...limit of stupidity

Pakistan has killed more TTP & Al-Qaeda than the US has killed terrorists. Pakistan is in control of 98% of its land (the 1% is some of the FATA areas), unlike the US that does not have control over large swathes of Afghanistan. As someone living in the US, I can tell you that the economy of this country has been pushed to the brink, & even spending $2 billion a week in Afghanistan is proving very troublesome. How can they even think of a full scale war against Pakistan then?

How will the US start a war against Pakistan? Through Afghanistan? The Taliban & other terrorists will eat them alive like they are right now. They can't go through Iran, & India will not let the US enter either. So there is no way a full scale war against Pakistan can even be conducted.
bigger question do Pakistan can afford.....
USA will spend money but nothing will gonna happen on their land.. where in Pakistan , carpet bombing will destroy everything. You guys are not able to afford fight against TTP.
Your navy will finish in 24 hours many ships will even not get chance to leave Karachi port.
USA knows abt u in and out ... they know ur airbase ...they did or do operate some of them... how you will reach to NY or SFO... your SSG will swim to USA after navy will finish...limit of stupidity

Nothing will happen on their land? :hitwall: Mate, there are millions around the globe who are looking for the "control" of US to reduce "centrally".. Individual states have started talking about individual currency and leaving dollar already..

Go do the calculations..
Yes, & it is losing in Afghanistan as well.

They have military capability, but how will they conduct the war inside Pakistan? Afghanistan will eat them alive, & they won't get any access from Iran or India.

The military brass does not need to engage in an open conflict with the US military. The US however needs to change the course of events in Afghanistan. The answer to your question is in Post # 27.

For heaven's sake, I live in America & I'm an American citizen. I know what the situation inside America is. The Afghanistan war is wrecking havoc inside America, the US cannot afford to engage in a full scale war against Pakistan. No one is chest thumping here, I know what I'm talking about, & I am giving you an objective analysis of the situation.

Iraq did not put up any resistance, as they were getting rid off Saddam then. Don't expect the same from Pakistan. Even Afghanistan is showing how different it is from Iraq, & Pakistan will be hell as compared to Afghanistan.

Wreaking havok? Where do you live? I live right outside the largest military base in the US, no havok here.
Wreaking havok? Where do you live? I live right outside the largest military base in the US, no havok here.

In the economic sense mainly, although the security situation & threats inside the country have increased as well.
Pakistan has killed more TTP & Al-Qaeda than the US has killed terrorists. Pakistan is in control of 98% of its land (the 1% is some of the FATA areas), unlike the US that does not have control over large swathes of Afghanistan. As someone living in the US, I can tell you that the economy of this country has been pushed to the brink, & even spending $2 billion a week in Afghanistan is proving very troublesome. How can they even think of a full scale war against Pakistan then?

How will the US start a war against Pakistan? Through Afghanistan? The Taliban & other terrorists will eat them alive like they are right now. They can't go through Iran, & India will not let the US enter either. So there is no way a full scale war against Pakistan can even be conducted.

We have full control of our own land, and most of a lot of others. You guys can't even control your own territory.
In the economic sense mainly, although the security situation & threats inside the country have increased as well.

Been all over the US, no security threats that I have seen, as I said ..where are you talking about?
Oops..just checked your profile...New Jersey has ALWAYS been a mess, lol.
The US cannot afford an open conflict with Pakistan

why direct conflict ? they are getting what they need .they are doing what they want .they are achieving what they want to be achieved .so why war? we have gov and army which worship USA AS god daily 9 times .
the amercans dont need an invasion, their proxies are every where inflicting destruction in entire pakistan
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