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The untouchables’ revolt in India: Will the Brahmins suppress the Dalits again?


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Mar 4, 2017
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The untouchables’ revolt in India: Will the Brahmins suppress the Dalits again?
Global Village Space |

Jawad Falak |

Ever since the rise of the Hindu nationalist thought, known as Hindutva, took power in India by the election of current Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the minorities of India have faced heightened oppression. There has been a multitude of horrifying attacks on Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs by emboldened Hindutva militants, otherwise known as Saffron terrorists. However, minorities within the Hindu religion itself have not been exempt from the wrath of their renegade co-religionists.

The public brutal beating of several Dalits by Gau Rakhaks in Una during the month of July 2016 unleashed massive Dalit protest movements.

But the rise of Hindutva vigilante is being resisted now. The Bhim Army is a Dalit activist organization that is striving for Dalit liberation via education. The Bhim Army was formed in 2015 by Vinay Ratna Singh & Chandrashekhar and it operates many free schools for Dalits in Western Uttar Pradesh. On May 22, over 10,000 Bhim Army members protested in New Delhi against the Anti-Dalit atrocity in Saharanpur and the Bhim Army is trying to register a pan-India presence. Its co-founder Chandrashekhar said in the rally that Bhim Army would protest against caste discrimination across the country.

Read more: Dalits uprising in India: a political sham that promotes violence

Persecution of the Dalits

With the ascendancy of Hindutva through the BJP, the scheduled castes known as Dalits have witnessed a storm of violence by Saffron terrorists who mostly belong to the upper castes. Recently, violence broke out during the procession of Rajput warrior-king Maharana Pratap in Saharanpur over loud music. In the violence one man was killed, 16 were injured and 25 Dalit houses were burned. The incident was connected to the ruling BJP MP from Saharanpur Raghav Lakhanpal. Before that, the public brutal beating of several Dalits by Gau Rakhaks in Una during the month of July 2016 unleashed massive Dalit protest movements. Several other cases of violence like lynching, rapes, arson etc against Dalits is commonplace throughout India

The Dalits, also known as the untouchables, are the lowest caste in the Hindu Varna system. The term Dalit, which means “oppressed” in Sanskrit, was coined by the great Dalit figure Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar in the 20th century.

While Hindutva leaders outwardly espouse anti-caste system views and call for Hindu unity, the reality has been quite the opposite.

It is noteworthy to mention that Hindutva was initiated by High caste Hindus in response to an assertion of rights by Lower caste Hindus. This is why many critics, mainly Dalit academics, term Hindutva to be an engine of Brahminist supremacy. Many Dalit activists view the Brahmin supremacy, called Brahminism, as their enemy and the Holy Text Manu Smriti as the religio-legal authority institutionalizing lower caste oppression. Dalit activism has been the most steadfast foe of Brahmin supremacy which has led them to a path of conflict with Hindutva itself.

Read more: Modi remains popular but faces disappointed voters in UP..!

That can be asserted to be the reason behind the special focus of Saffron terrorists against Dalits. While Hindutva leaders outwardly espouse anti-caste system views and call for Hindu unity, the reality has been quite the opposite. Hindutva groups especially the RSS, has been instrumental in protecting atrocities against Dalits which is why few Dalits are found among the Sangh Parivar ranks.

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The untouchables’ revolt in India: Will the Brahmins suppress the Dalits again?
The Hindutva are going to bring about the demise of india. Maybe we should support them covertly so they get the job done right ... just like India supports the TTP taliban in pakistan.

Jai Hind! Jai Hindutva terrorism! Jai Modi!
Even after 70 years of independence we are dealing with caste issues......this is not the way forward, we have to curb the two Cs - Caste and Corruption, otherwise our dream of becoming an advanced country will remain a dream and Indian fanboys will keep extending the date within which India is supposed to become a so called 'superpower'.

Jai Hind! Jai Hindutva terrorism! Jai Modi!
I think it has nothing to do with Modi, I heard that Modi himself belongs to the so called 'lower caste', but I agree that the Modi govt. needs to do more in this regard overcoming political compulsions, as they have won absolute majority.
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Even after 70 years of independence we are dealing with caste issues......this is not the way forward, we have to curb the two Cs - Caste and Corruption, otherwise our dream of becoming an advanced country will remain a dream and Indian fanboys will keep extending the date within which India is supposed to become a so called 'superpower'.

I think it has nothing to do with Modi, I heard that Modi himself belongs to the so called 'lower caste', but I agree that the Modi govt. needs to do more in this regard overcoming political compulsions as they have won absolute majority.

India need to criminalize caste based oppressions. Put these people in jail. And it need to be a federal crime, or whatever that may be in India.

For example in the US, assault is not a federal crime, it's a local issue. However, if it's assault because of racism, it's a hate crime and the federal government would be involved. The person will be charged with a local crime but the Feds will charge a hate crime with severe penalty that will send the criminal to federal prison.
Dalits are to be blamed. They have taken this shit for 5000 years. Ambedkar was a great person but he messed up big time by comprising with a hindu casteist baniya like Gandhi. Unlike Jinnah he comprised his communitys interest for his personal political interests.

I am not a fan of any religion. Converting to Islam is the only solution to end this oppression. Because the Brahmins are scared to mess with Muslims.

India need to criminalize caste based oppressions. Put these people in jail. And it need to be a federal crime, or whatever that may be in India.

For example in the US, assault is not a federal crime, it's a local issue. However, if it's assault because of racism, it's a hate crime and the federal government would be involved. The person will be charged with a local crime but the Feds will charge a hate crime with severe penalty that will send the criminal to federal prison.
Such strick laws exist in India. But what happens is that the North Indian upper caste police refuses to register complaints by dalits.
it is not just the caste system there are several other factors, for example sometime use of excessive force lead to long term division in society .... people may start living together but always wait for the right time to hit back.. it reminds of this video

Caste system can't go until redistribution of land. But the dominant castes can't ever let that happen(for obvious reasons). That stands true for both India and Pakistan(where caste system does exist).
India need to criminalize caste based oppressions. Put these people in jail. And it need to be a federal crime, or whatever that may be in India.

For example in the US, assault is not a federal crime, it's a local issue. However, if it's assault because of racism, it's a hate crime and the federal government would be involved. The person will be charged with a local crime but the Feds will charge a hate crime with severe penalty that will send the criminal to federal prison.
Caste based oppression is already criminalized like so many other medieval practices, several strict laws exist in this regard, infact, India has so many laws and rules that the Indian constitution has become one of the largest in the world, but the problem is in implementation.
Heterogeneous society coupled with corruption has made the strictest of laws toothless.
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India need to criminalize caste based oppressions. Put these people in jail. And it need to be a federal crime, or whatever that may be in India.

For example in the US, assault is not a federal crime, it's a local issue. However, if it's assault because of racism, it's a hate crime and the federal government would be involved. The person will be charged with a local crime but the Feds will charge a hate crime with severe penalty that will send the criminal to federal prison.

Caste system is ingrained and is a part of the Indian constitution, also it is a very important intrinsic part of Hinduism, the Hindu religion, so it can not be abolished. Google check caste system in India to clear doubts about it.

Also Dalits or 'untouchables' as they are called in India they are outside the Hindu religion...not considered as in one of the four major castes of Hinduism...

Major fault lines in India related to caste based divide, apartheid and inequality of human beings.
Caste system is ingrained and is a part of the Indian constitution.....
That is not true :disagree:, in fact, a person from the 'lower caste' named B. R. Ambedkar drafted India's constitution. The 'caste system' contradicts the basic tenets and is no longer in existence according to the constitution.
Caste system is rubbish to begin with. Equal rights for all humans.
Does Pakistani constitution gives equal rights to all its citizens?
Indian constitution does and also gives certain privileges to some weaker sections of the society. And discrimination on the basis of caste is a criminal offence under Indian laws.
That is not true :disagree:, in fact, a person from the 'lower caste' named B. R. Ambedkar drafted India's constitution. The 'caste system' contradicts the basic tenets and is no longer in existence according to the constitution.

While the Indian Constitution outlawed untouchability and caste discrimination, it did not abolish caste itself. This was realised by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution, who called for the ‘annihilation of caste’ itself. It may be time for the government and society to reorient themselves towards this goal and begin the process of ending India’s system of apartheid.

Out of the 85 reserved seats, the BJP won 69. They put up a total of 80 Dalit candidates in 403 seats.
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