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The United States hardens its stance on Saudi Arabia: Each arms deal will be approved separately

of course,it's the largest
it's the 4th biggest military power on the planet In terms men equipment and global fire power ranking
6th largest budget
imports are massive
but under modi this decade we have moved to make in India hence those wonderful.new systems we are ordering.
imports will.not stop ever the ratio will chan

Did i miss any other "aryan" adjectives? Quite typical of an indian writeup
got to build your own weapons boys.

don't rely on others

that's,what I love about India now they are building everything now at home

Scorpene (France), Rafale (France), Assault rifles (Israel and US), MH-60 Helicopters (US), SPH (Korea),

"got to build your own weapons boys"
Scorpene (France), Rafale (France), Assault rifles (Israel and US), MH-60 Helicopters (US), SPH (Korea),

"got to build your own weapons boys"

and,long may it continue
like I said 50 percent indengious weapons with top tier usa Israel French will be perfect for India,

Amca and more Rafale
scorpene along side arihant nuke subs
indian destroyers.and frigates with israeli radars and sams
s400 along side akash and swordfish radars,
indian satalites,

good mix

better than running to one nation for everything which is very dangerous if they your relation go south
and,long may it continue
like I said 50 percent indengious weapons with top tier usa Israel French will be perfect for India,

Amca and more Rafale
scorpene along side arihant nuke subs
indian destroyers.and frigates with israeli radars and sams
s400 along side akash and swordfish radars,
indian satalites,

good mix

better than running to one nation for everything which is very dangerous if they your relation go south

Not arguing about the quality of weapons, but you look very foolish when you state another nation should make all it's own weapons and than have half the forum laugh at you considering India's state of weapons procurement. Honest question, do you have any self awareness whatsoever?
Not arguing about the quality of weapons, but you look very foolish when you state another nation should make all it's own weapons and than have half the forum laugh at you considering India's state of weapons procurement. Honest question, do you have any self awareness whatsoever?

Saudi does,not have the aerospace or overall.indenguous or tech capability of India.

no nation in Asia does,outside of Japan China or South Korea..

who else builds nuke subs
4th gen fighters
massive range of missles

answer handful.

your just envious Pakistani bitter and bury head in sand attitude

the reality is India is well on its way to 50 percent indengious capability guaranteed
Saudi does,not have the aerospace or overall.indenguous or tech capability of India.

no nation in Asia does,outside of Japan China or South Korea..

who else builds nuke subs
4th gen fighters
massive range of missles

answer handful.

your just envious Pakistani bitter and bury head in sand attitude

the reality is India is well on its way to 50 percent indengious capability guaranteed

We were not debating Saudi industrial capacity, you claimed you built all your own weapons yet India is the largest arms importer in the world.

Every single time you post crap here it makes me wonder if you are secretly a Pakistani doing his best to make Indians look stupid, as you are doing an amazingly good job of that.
We were not debating Saudi industrial capacity, you claimed you built all your own weapons yet India is the largest arms importer in the world.

Every single time you post crap here it makes me wonder if you are secretly a Pakistani doing his best to make Indians look stupid, as you are doing an amazingly good job of that.

We were not debating Saudi industrial capacity, you claimed you built all your own weapons yet India is the largest arms importer in the world.

Every single time you post crap here it makes me wonder if you are secretly a Pakistani doing his best to make Indians look stupid, as you are doing an amazingly good job of that.

everything is reality . they exist and are built in India. and you know they exist too and I never said we build all.our own weapons . we buy top tier weapons the best that money can.buy and argument.with indengious or license built or joint venture weapons as well.

everything is reality . they exist and are built in India. and you know they exist too
got to build your own weapons boys.

don't rely on others

that's,what I love about India now they are building everything now at home

Seriously an indian have to come and crap everywhere. Why are u ppl so stupid? Is it genetic or its the system that makes u morons?
During the election campaign, they used to say we will completely cut off arms sales to Saudi Arabia..

And now there has been mitigation: each arms deal will be approved separately.. HaHaHa!

The Democratic administration does not miss or mind selling any weapons to KSA..

Most of the kingdom’s huge weapons' deals have been signed with the Democrats without any objection..despite talk about the intensity of their opposition to the Kingdom..HaHa..

We will stop the deals .. No, we will suspend .. No no we will sell, but we will stress..
Jews run America. Aipac is in total control.
They made you guys get in bed with Israel and now they will take you from behind.
You were warned 1400 years ago about not allowing them amongst you. Now your rulers tell us to follow them...NO NO NOOOO
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We were not debating Saudi industrial capacity, you claimed you built all your own weapons yet India is the largest arms importer in the world.

Every single time you post crap here it makes me wonder if you are secretly a Pakistani doing his best to make Indians look stupid, as you are doing an amazingly good job of that.
No point wasting time with this guy. They live in a dream
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2 things stick out
one never rely one main supplier you never know when things get sour . in business they always say have more than one income stream or main client .

second point Saudi have money they will. buy themselves out of this
got to build your own weapons boys.

don't rely on others

that's,what I love about India now they are building everything now at home

Corrected it for You:

that's,what I love about India China now they are building everything now at home

everything is reality . they exist and are built in India. and you know they exist too and I never said we build all.our own weapons . we buy top tier weapons the best that money can.buy and argument.with indengious or license built or joint venture weapons as well.

Just incoherent rambling now. Kicked your *** so many times on so many threads I am starting to feel great sympathy for you, as indeed is much of the forum I suspect....
got to build your own weapons boys.

don't rely on others

that's,what I love about India now they are building everything now at home
I agree. failures happen but we must not stop trying. one day, we can make sophisticated weapons as well. obviously multiple projects in India is running unlike Pakistan. i say why not made in Pakistan? you can see what's happening in Pakistan! corruption and again corruption. no funds.
Just incoherent rambling now. Kicked your *** so many times on so many threads I am starting to feel great sympathy for you, as indeed is much of the forum I suspect....

you have a strange way to show sympathy

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