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The UK has left the European Union

Dying and amen are the words used for the car industry the world over my friend. Car ownership and manufacturing is on the decline this is now fast becoming an old industry. With low cost rivals and new innovation from the likes of Tesla, that explains why the Japanese have pulled production from everywhere and now focus on things in Japan.
Germany has no such financial industry, this industry is most old stomping ground. Frankfurt can only manage a measly 15th place when it comes to top finance centres of the world. With the sheer regulation there, lack of external economies of scale, few supporting industries e.g. law and not English speaking they can't hope to compete.
Here see for yourself;



Poor Frankfurt at rank 15.

Our major exports are off the charts when it comes to innovation. Right as we speak we are making the world's first viable commercial mach 5 plus engine and finding the cure to cancer. Our future lies with innovation and growth industries.
Some interesting graphs on the first link. Lets hope the UK continues to prosper!
BTW I never really thanked you for your input during my EPQ... Thank you! :cheers:
The EU has won with UK leave... UK was since 47 years the biggest blocker in everything that would have brought EU forward... Europe is happy that the island monkeys left the EU... now we can watch the UK broke appart Scotland want to stay in the EU and they will break ...what will left is a small unimportant nation of silly people drinking tea and eat fish and chips and dream about former glory...

Yes you won but why this post?
Island monkeys, you could only wish for the sovereignty we have had and now have again but then again with your piss poor showing in the wars you fought you were humiliated for decades weren't you. I can understand your jealousy after we beat you to a pulp in two world wars that you started.
Scotland isn't going no where we already had a referendum. Your country is dying a quick death due to fact that you guys don't like to produce or have kids.
It's us who will be watching your demise just like we did twice in recent years.
Our people were indeed silly trying to form a union with a bunch of snakes like yourselves, but hey we woke up. As for drinking tea and eating fish and chips it's a hell of a lot better than drinking that stale beer of yours and eating off sausages.

Mighty Germany, enjoy!

Some interesting graphs on the first link. Lets hope the UK continues to prosper!
BTW I never really thanked you for your input during my EPQ... Thank you! :cheers:

No problem bro anytime.
Yes I hope the U.K. booms.
“Do you want a rich England under Germany, or a poor England independent?” - Jinnah on the economic viability of Pak
I am banned?

LOL ... you call me racist because I tell the true about brainwashed stupid brits leaving the EU...such guys who claim here the EU invaded UK... ignoring the fact that the UK join the EU on free will.. the ammount of nonsens pulled out of their rear end by Brexit whoreshipper is unbelivable... everyone in Europe tells you that you did a great mistake...and so far no one follow your stupid movement to leave the EU.. as I said the EU will become stronger without UK... the UK will break appart and was left is a silly unimportant island
Charle de Gaul was right not allowing the UK to join the EU... he fought against it till he died...the UK in the EU was always a blocker no matter what decission was made there was always a extra rule for the UK and endless discussion about it... this time is now over and the EU can go forward without this crying little baby blocking their legs.
Don't get cheeky Frenchie Joan of Ark God rest her soul is not here to save you this time.


Our food is great now.

I hope it gets better my friend !

There was an old friend of my father who used to say something like the French treat food like it's their wives while Britons treat food like it's their worst enemy. :cheesy: @Path-Finder
I hope it gets better my friend !

There was an old friend of my father who used to say something like the French treat food like it's their wives while Britons treat food like it's their worst enemy. :cheesy: @Path-Finder
well I guess the French will have the last laugh. yes because for all the bread eaten they still remain slim.
I am banned?

LOL ... you call me racist because I tell the true about brainwashed stupid brits leaving the EU...such guys who claim here the EU invaded UK... ignoring the fact that the UK join the EU on free will.. the ammount of nonsens pulled out of their rear end by Brexit whoreshipper is unbelivable... everyone in Europe tells you that you did a great mistake...and so far no one follow your stupid movement to leave the EU.. as I said the EU will become stronger without UK... the UK will break appart and was left is a silly unimportant island
Charle de Gaul was right not allowing the UK to join the EU... he fought against it till he died...the UK in the EU was always a blocker no matter what decission was made there was always a extra rule for the UK and endless discussion about it... this time is now over and the EU can go forward without this crying little baby blocking their legs.

No one banned you, like most of your post you haven't got a clue what's even going on around you lol.
Wish all you want for our demise it's you who are going under. Try to raise your pathetic birth rate and sort out your fast ageing population before you come on here spitting venom at the UK. What a pathetic state of affairs you are in.
Best of luck to UK @waz , a new beginning finally.

Canada overall is optimistic in strengthening relations with UK further and sorting out a great optimized trade deal with UK govt.

People also should not be treating GDP as be all end all (its likely there may be a dip for a while, affecting mostly the most wealthy).

Sovereignty, jobs and hard wealth (esp at the population base) are more long term things and their advantages will take some time to manifest.
The EU has won with UK leave... UK was since 47 years the biggest blocker in everything that would have brought EU forward... Europe is happy that the island monkeys left the EU... now we can watch the UK broke appart Scotland want to stay in the EU and they will break ...what will left is a small unimportant nation of silly people drinking tea and eat fish and chips and dream about former glory...

What are you smoking dude? With UK's billions no longer flowing in, the EU just has Germany and France to support it. Whats left is a bunch of small, insignificant, weak, debt ridden nations - Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Cyprus, Hungary - to name a few, all lining up to sponge off the EU budget. Begging bowl central.
The EU has just lost the 5th largest economy in the world from its club(IMF rankings 2020), and the associated financial resources, and its external bargaining power that came with having the UK, Germany, France and Italy in the same block. Had the EU listened to the UK and took its concerns seriously(eg David Cameron's mission to the EU to make minor reforms, etc) we would not have left the EU. It was the long running arrogance of both Germany and France towards to the UK as the core reason of why British concerns did not get an airing in the institutions of the EU.
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@Path-Finder :sarcastic:


Yeah. Lest EU.
Fell into India-israel laps.
Home minister pro-israel Indian.
Finance minister Indian.
One star left from the EU flag and another added to the US flag.
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