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The U.S.-Saudi crackup reachesa dramatic tipping point

Yzd Khalifa^^^ The Americans has learned a great lesson in the 70's during the oil embargo. So yeah like GWB said, "Fool me once, shame on you. You fool me again....."

The US have no warm fuzzy feeling towards the Arabs. If you think they like you, you are right. They like your money, and most of all your oil. They laugh at you once you turn you back after they got what they wanted. You have no culture, no taste, lawless, ridiculous (driving could damage the ovaries)...... It goes on and on.
You are now only valuable to the Indians, Pakistani, and Pinoys who works for you because you have the money. Do they even respect you?

Our oil sand is tar. There is no question about that, not as sweet as the crude in the Saudi. But Canada and the US are neighbours, reliable partners. The source of oil is secure.
Canada and the US are basically still rules by whites. Their ancestors mostly came from the UK with very similar cultures, goals, and values.

The middle east is getting less and less attractive to the West. At least from where I sit, I don't hear much about the Saudi Arabia being mentioned as it used to.
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US is scared of Iran, it will never happen! ;)

Yeah, they're SO scary, with their make believe 'wonder weapons'. We don't need to attack Iran. The BEST punishment for them is to just let them be Iran. And screw the wahabbis. We got what we needed out of them and now we'll kick the terrorists to the curb. We should have dusted them in the '70's. F 'em !!!
Yzd Khalifa^^^ The Americans has learned a great lesson in the 70's during the oil embargo. So yeah like GWB said, "Fool me once, shame on you. You fool me again....."

The US have no warm fuzzy feeling towards the Arabs. If you think they like you, you are right. They like your money, and most of all your oil. They laugh at you once you turn you back after they got what they wanted. You have no culture, no taste, lawless, ridiculous (driving could damage the ovaries)...... It goes on and on.
You are now only valuable to the Indians, Pakistani, and Pinoys who works for you because you have the money. Do they even respect you?

Our oil sand is tar. There is no question about that, not as sweet as the crude in the Saudi. But Canada and the US are neighbours, reliable partners. The source of oil is secure.
Canada and the US are basically still rules by whites. Their ancestors mostly came from the UK with very similar cultures, goals, and values.

The middle east is getting less and less attractive to the West. At least from where I sit, I don't hear much about the Saudi Arabia being mentioned as it used to.

The US and Canada definitely have a lot of shale gas:
Shale gas is causing ground water pollution due to fracking chemicals and Canadian Tar Sands is going to destroy the world's environment with CO2 emission:
At least Shale gas produce only 50% CO2 compared to oil, so it will be better for world environment, but bad for the ground water at production site.

And GCC hydrocarbons are important for a lot of US allys such as EU, Japan, South Korea etc. So GCC is still important for world economic system, that is led by the US. So today the importance to North America might be less, but the importance to rest of the world economy remain as before.

As for GCC being valuable for Indians, Pakistani's and Pinoys, this is true, but it is not just these 3 countries, people from many other nations work in GCC countries as migrant labor and send home remittance. Among these nations the Sunni Muslim majority countries (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Egypt etc.) have special bond with GCC countries as they are also majority Sunni Muslim (mostly). What you see in this forum badmouthing of GCC, many are Shia and many elite Sunni Muslims hate GCC Arabs as well because of jealousy and some because they believe GCC is the funding source of extremism in their country. But most Sunni Muslim masses have high opinion of GCC Arabs and respect them mainly because it is the home region and birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and also because Mecca and Medina are also in Saudi Arabia. So this intangible religious and historical factor was there before oil was found and it will be there when oil is gone in 50-100 years.
The Americans has learned a great lesson in the 70's during the oil embargo

Yes, they indeed learn a lesson, we all learn from life.

The US have no warm fuzzy feeling towards the Arabs. If you think they like you, you are right. They like your money, and most of all your oil. They laugh at you once you turn you back after they got what they wanted

Firstly, I happen to be an American myself. Secondly, We don't expect people to like us or hate us. This is politics, not a play. As for the " laughing " thing, if the West didn't but oil from us we wouldn't be who we are now. Does that also mean we laugh at them? LoL :D Too much of an inferiority complex is no good.

You have no culture, no taste, lawless, ridiculous (driving could damage the ovaries)...... It goes on and on.

Yet, your leaders bow before us. Tell me, how does it feel like when you see them doing this and that?

You are now only valuable to the Indians, Pakistani, and Pinoys who works for you because you have the money. Do they even respect you?

Again, we don't expect people to respect us or consider us to be more valuable than who we really are. As for Indians and others, I think these people came in here to contribute to our society. These people as well as Saudis don't get paid for nothing, they have to give something in return. Your racism reflects what kind of person you really are, a parasitic dingbat.

Yzd Khalifa^^^ The Americans has learned a great lesson in the 70's during the oil embargo. So yeah like GWB said, "Fool me once, shame on you. You fool me again....."

The US have no warm fuzzy feeling towards the Arabs. If you think they like you, you are right. They like your money, and most of all your oil. They laugh at you once you turn you back after they got what they wanted. You have no culture, no taste, lawless, ridiculous (driving could damage the ovaries)...... It goes on and on.
You are now only valuable to the Indians, Pakistani, and Pinoys who works for you because you have the money. Do they even respect you?

Our oil sand is tar. There is no question about that, not as sweet as the crude in the Saudi. But Canada and the US are neighbours, reliable partners. The source of oil is secure.
Canada and the US are basically still rules by whites. Their ancestors mostly came from the UK with very similar cultures, goals, and values.

The middle east is getting less and less attractive to the West. At least from where I sit, I don't hear much about the Saudi Arabia being mentioned as it used to.
^^^ Did you ever have any coherent thought?
Knowing how to type did not a thinker make.
Monkeys type too if you give them a keyboard.
Why's Saudi Arabia doing all this drama? The war's over in Syria. Americans have surrendered and the Russians have secured the country for their strategic purposes.

I wonders whether Saudi Arabia is making all this noise and looking for excuses to retaliate against the Russians with some insurgencies in Tatarstan, Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan?
How and when the hell did that happen? :close_tema:
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