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The U.S.-Pakistan F-16 fiasco

For those who are really interested in the topic of international relations as exercised by the US it would be of interest to study the US-UK relations especially beginning in the period just after WW I (rather from 1917). You might want to consider the Lease Lend scheme etc.

It would give some insights how the US interacts with allies....

I happen to have studied international relations,actually it had 3 credit hours in my degree and i studied the book International Relations by S.Goldstein .quite an interesting stuff it contains
US is only looking out for its own interests, that is an absolute fact.

But the recent threats against Pakistan (regarding "You-Know-Who" that killed Pakistanis) is just disgusting. Now that their time in Afghanistan is coming to an end, they just want Pak-US relations to deteriorate so that they don't have to provide aid or anything.

Well, so much for strategic-talks.

I feel that China can help us to restore balance in SE Asia and that we should stop our reliance on any nation and improve relations instead.
While Pakistan may have been naive in trusting the US, what the US did was still a betrayal - you can couch it as real politik or whatever, but the point remains that the US betrayed Pakistan, and Pakistan has no reason to trust the US currently.

If anything, your argument justifies Pakistan's policies of hedging its bets WRT Afghanistan, a position vilified by many in your government, media and intelligentsia.

You dont really answer the question. People keep stating the US betrayed Pakistan i just cant see how.The US has rules and regulations Pakistan Knew about them made a choice and the rest followed.

Despite continued warnings from the U.S. about its nuclear program, Pakistan continued developing a weapons capability. Pakistan's military dictator, Zia ul Haq, asserted that it was Pakistan's right to do so.

I see it along the lines of being told by my dad not to take the car, im warned i know the rules if i take the car i cant whine afterwards that its some how my fathers fault when i get a beating.
You dont really answer the question. People keep stating the US betrayed Pakistan i just cant see how.The US has rules and regulations Pakistan Knew about them made a choice and the rest followed.
Where were the rules of the game when the US needed Pakistan and was issuing Presidential certifications in support of it? Where were the rules of the game when it came to Israels nuclear program?

The fact of the matter is that these 'rules' only aplly when the US feels like applying them, they are not iron clad, and in choosing to selectively apply them against Pakistan when the US was done using Pakistan against the Soviets, the US betrayed Pakistan.
I see it along the lines of being told by my dad not to take the car, im warned i know the rules if i take the car i cant whine afterwards that its some how my fathers fault when i get a beating.

More along the lines of your dad choosing to beat you only over some rule violations some of the time, while letting your siblings get away with breaking all the same rules, and even rewarding them.

One would be justified in feeling confused and betrayed in such a situation.

We see much the same in the discriminatory and arbitrary NSG waiver given to India - does the NSG not specifically prohibit trade with NPT non-signatories? What new standards were introduced for NPT-non signatories to qualify for NSG trade and membership?
I personally think the article has very little value. We all know US has become an unrelaible partner with regards to military sales.One big question which begs answer is why our Govtt does not see what is obvious to all of us.The honest answer is corruption and also lack of finances. US provides us with money and we are forced into buying from it. Now that china has come out with soft loans and its tech levels have increased, we are moving towards independance with chinese help, which in relaity is the best solution for our problem. We could not have done so in the 80s and 90s as the tech gap was too much and hence had to rely on US and france.
So what happens now. Well PAF has said it openly that the new F16s are a bonus, if they come. In my view, whether we get 17 or 18 is now irrelevant . We have achieved our aims and the main focus for us should be JFT in the short and medium term and FC20 and onwards in the long term. F16s have always been tech demonstrators for us and their numbers point to that.
A lot has alos been said about the kill switches. i dont want tot start another debate here but if their is such a condition PAF is aware of it and has means yto counter it. Not all the money that we have goes in the wrong pockets!!!!! I wont say more than that.
The onus is very much on US , as to how it wants to carry on its relations with Pakistan. We do need the US on our side , bt more so than that we need an honest Government which will utilize the billions it gets for the greater good of the public. I always thought it might be a better idea for the US to assign money for Projects rather than just Government support, but I guess like Egypt the US is dependant on what our BELOVED leaders feed it. This angle needs to be sorted out. We need correction of our leaders rather than blaming every Tom Dick and Harry for evils of our own creation.
The USA may not be able to completely ignore Pakistan. We've got F-16s and America worries that if they cut military relations with us, then some aircraft might find their way to China for technology demostrations. US agreements will be nullfied and we can fly the planes anywhere we wish.

Another reason is that Pakistan is only US friend in the region. India likes to stay neutral so it may make a good partner, but not a good friend. It will not give the same sacrifices that our politicians made us give for the sake of USA throughout these years.

Thirdly, the US can not risk another anti-America country in Asia. China, Iran and Russia are posing difficulties for the Americans and losing Pakistan will be a disaster.

Now that the war is coming to an end, we hear threats and hints of worsening relations from Washington. But what about sending spies inside Pakistan? What about destroying a country and leaving us to bear the brunt of the retaliation?

With or without the US, Pakistan will make its importance felt.
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