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The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed - Forbes

This rumour has been in place for some time before even the F-35 was released to the public but it is hard to believe that since Israel is using them with great success
This rumour has been in place for some time before even the F-35 was released to the public but it is hard to believe that since Israel is using them with great success
well...who is it using it against? syria? locked in unarmed Palestinians? c'mon man...also let's not forget the "bird hit" incident for the isreali f35 from 2017 that strangely happened right after the isreali f35 carried out an air raid in Syria. funny how they never released pictures of the "bird hit"...guess the bird they were referring to was the archaic s200 from the 60s...imagine the result against 21st century sam.
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that's a big negative, I have ZERO tolerance for know-nothing experts who buy into the corporate horse manure that is fed to them by the military establishment that is in kahuts with the military industrial complex and try to brush aside perfectly valid questions by labelling them as views of a layman...you do not get away this easy. I look forward to read your answer to my question:

everything mentioned above can al be achieved by utilizing existing aircrafts, satellites and drones for fraction of the cost of a single f35. if this is not ripping the life out of the american tax payer then what is?
You have already been answered. Infact, you deliberately are dismissive of the answer ans only on verbal loghorrea repeating the same claims ad nauseum.

So here is your answer again.

First, what is the threat the F-35 was designed for?
A modern ADGE with 4-4.5Gen aircraft, high -low level radars, AEW and modern sams(S-350,Sa-17,Tungskas and so on)

WHERE was this threat expected?
Russia, China and potentially supplied Rogue states.

How does it plan to tackle it
1. Low observability both in the Radar and IR spectrum
Vs a F-16 - a ratio of 1/30 at the least in detection range vs Air to air & air to ground radar. This it inherint built in even without the use of EW on its own or even support aircraft.

2. Powerful sensors and fusion - The F-35 carries one of the most powerful electronic warfare suites fitted to any aircraft, along with a passive(FLIR) and active(APG-81) with built in laser designation.It can share this data with unprecedented speed across all forces.
It all does all of this without compromising on 1. The proposed F-21 has these capabilities at compromised aerodynamics and weight, it also does not have the extensive EW sensor suite across its skin as on the F-35. Same for F/A-18 block III. Neither of them have the purpose built capability of the F-35’s DAS and cannot do so without significant and costly modifications.

3. It can carry the latest A2A and A2G weapons - that in strike configuration means 4000lbs of air to ground ordnance along with 2 A2A missiles.
It does this without compromising on 1.
The F-21 &F/A-18block III have to carry these externally - but it compromises on 1 regardless of effectiveness of a EW suite.

Against a target protected by 2x Sa-17 sites, ground AAA, defensive flights of Mig-29s and Su-27s - all of which are behind neutral airspace - you would need at the least a 12 ship flight of F-16’s and F/A-18s and EA-18Gs that would first need permission to overfly the neutral territory - then perform SEAD, ESCORT and STRIKe roles all the while at high risk of being shot down. All the while needed the refueller and AEW.

The same target with a flight of 2 F-35s, with the refueller and AEW can achieve by utilizing their low RCS to slip by reduced radar detection corridors and interceptors, bomb the target and then dash their way out shooting down any threats in their way well before they are detected.

So now, as for your completely spurious claims of knowing what the F-35s are training for and are capable of - I would compare to a Qanon follower claiming space lasers and Jewish conspiracies. No one denies a military industrial complex or its massive influence in government and legislative branches - but using that moaning ploy to name drop F-16s , F-18s to try and justify a hollow argument will have me repeat: you are simply not worth the effort to convince.
well...who is it using it against? syria? locked in unarmed Palestinians? c'mon man...also let's not forget the "bird hit" incident for the isreali f35 from 2017 that strangely happened right after the isreali f35 carried out an air raid in Syria. funny how they never released pictures of the "bird hit"...guess the bird they were referring to was the archaic s200 from the 60s...imagine the result against 21st century sam.
Qanon fake news.
A PAF aircraft can take a bird hit and lose 2 pilots but the F-35 somehow claims immunity to birds in your mind.
well...who is it using it against? syria? locked in unarmed Palestinians? c'mon man...also let's not forget the "bird hit" incident for the isreali f35 from 2017 that strangely happened right after the isreali f35 carried out an air raid in Syria. funny how they never released pictures of the "bird hit"...guess the bird they were referring to was the archaic s200 from the 60s...imagine the result against 21st century sam.

Why is the official 'bird strike' claim implausible? While you believe a 1/2 ton S200 warhead left enough of the aircraft undamaged for it to safely RTB and undergo repairs and be returned to service in a few weeks.

For some perspective, a 200 kg detonation is enough to destroy a main battle tank but a direct hit from a 500 kg warhead travelling at Mach 5 left the F-35 relatively unharmed. C'mon you are grasping at straws.
Why is the official 'bird strike' claim implausible? While you believe a 1/2 ton S200 warhead left enough of the aircraft undamaged for it to safely RTB and undergo repairs and be returned to service in a few weeks.

For some perspective, a 200 kg detonation is enough to destroy a main battle tank but a direct hit from a 500 kg warhead travelling at Mach 5 left the F-35 relatively unharmed. C'mon you are grasping at straws.
Space lasers!! Greys - the F-35 is a grey conspiracy.
Why is the official 'bird strike' claim implausible? While you believe a 1/2 ton S200 warhead left enough of the aircraft undamaged for it to safely RTB and undergo repairs and be returned to service in a few weeks.

For some perspective, a 200 kg detonation is enough to destroy a main battle tank but a direct hit from a 500 kg warhead travelling at Mach 5 left the F-35 relatively unharmed. C'mon you are grasping at straws.
entirely possible that the warhead did not detonate properly as it should've owing the poor maintenance of equipment by the Syrian military. there incompetence is well known.
that is the single greatest mistake america has been making...read me carefully and then repeat after me:

then tell yourself repeatedly:

then say:

GOSH man...enough of this "everyone wants to attack us" mindset!!! 🤦‍♂️
Superpowers like to be cautious. Same can be said about Russia and China.......
David Axe is a F-35 hater in my opinion like our very own @BON PLAN aka @Dac O Dac
You just have to open the eyes to see it is a failure.
Vs a F-16 - a ratio of 1/30 at the least in detection range vs Air to air & air to ground radar.
But, we all knew that a F16 with two external tanks smashed a F35 in term of agility.
For America it is not too expensive for the mission of engaging near peers. A good 4.5 gen would allow for fighting forces much weaker then the USAF at a much cheaper cost. For God sake we are pulling in hundreds of billions from taxes but fools are wasting it on gender studies in Pakistan.
Who is we?
According to the chief Design coordinator of F-35 who also happens to be an Amish guy, claims that F-35 is nothing but a doodie Dud.
entirely possible that the warhead did not detonate properly as it should've owing the poor maintenance of equipment by the Syrian military. there incompetence is well known.
You are 'assuming' that Syrian A2/AD assets are poorly maintained and incompetent.

The missile in question functioned very well while it struck a Russian aircraft over Syrian airspace: https://www.defenseworld.net/news/23356/Russian_IL_20_Aircraft_Shot_Down_by_Syrian_S_200_Missile

But same class of missile malfunctioned while engaging F-35?

The F-35 have sufficient sensor fidelity and complexity to detect and track movement of virtually any missile in real-time from vast distance(s), and keeps the pilot informed in visual format. A missile that is coming towards the jet will be certainly noticed, and the pilot will have the option to use AIM-120D AMRAAM to intercept the incoming missile and/or employ other methods to counter it.

The videos I shared with you, what did you learn from them? You found them to be 'subjective' in fact. Good going, bro. I really hope actual soldiers do not think like you.

Now take a good look at the sheer size of the S-200 missile.


That thing can kill a jet fighter irrespective of the warhead used.

Now shall WE talk about an Israeli mission over Damascus in which 'modern' A2/AD arrangements failed and one of the most impressive LF radar systems were knocked out among others?
You just have to open the eyes to see it is a failure.

But, we all knew that a F16 with two external tanks smashed a F35 in term of agility.
This is rubbish as well. FYI: https://sofrep.com/fightersweep/f-35-v-f-16-article-garbage/

This dogfight was a part of the testing regime to measure desired flight parameters of F-35 while under development. This dogfight is not something that can be taken at face value for how a finalized F-35 jet will perform vs. F-16s in real-time combat situations.

Do you see the Chinese scrutinizing performance parameters of J-20 while the jet fighter is under development? This jet fighter is slowly but surely getting better with each iteration of it - sufficient indication of rigorous testing regime and progress. The Chinese are smart and mature in my view.

Testing regime should be off-limits to PRESS to be honest. Numerous spin-masters at work to misdirect and/or mislead the gullible otherwise. Might be intentional.

Do you understand how difficult it is to make an aircraft maneuverable with VLO characteristics in the mix? This kind of airframe necessitates use of entirely new set of substances for the needful and not many countries have the industrial capability to make this possible. Ever wonder why so many cool-looking 5th generation designs are mere mock-ups in the present?

Lockheed Martin imposed 'maneuverability restrictions' on F-35 for a long period of time. These restrictions are being slowly but surely LIFTED in view of the efforts to make VLO characteristics more reliable for coping with 'maneuverability stresses' with passage of time. This is logical/sensible approach for the needful.

Look at this video:

- and open your eyes instead.

This jet can perform maneuvers that necessitate TVC implementation in 4th generation jet fighters to pull off. This jet can perform maneuvers that even F-16s cannot for real.
David Axe is a F-35 hater in my opinion like our very own @BON PLAN aka @Dac O Dac

F-35 hater or not, what Dav is saying implies that Pakistan is right on JF-17 program, it's cost and where it stands on the technology curve. Some people made fun of the JF-17 program for it being a low-end fighter and not being equal to Rafale or Block-72 etc, but what our program has actually achieved is what the USA was hoping to achieve with their F-35 program... i.e. to replace their ageing fleet with a new work-horse that is inducted in larger numbers and is flown "every day to work". Guess what! We have not just met that requirement, but now with satisfaction we are making it a medium to high-end fither in our inventory.

For Pakistan, JF-17 is a tick ✓ and a tick ✓.
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This is also propaganda for the gullible.

FYI: https://www.dailysabah.com/business...obbying-firm-to-ensure-rights-in-f-35-program

Meanwhile BLOCK 4 leap for F-35 is expected in coming days:


The S-400 system have its uses and benefits. However, direct access to finalized F-35 will be far more instructive to Turkish domestic 5th generation aircraft ambitions in the long-term.

On the flip side, this is also news. Russia should give S-500 to Turkey as well. NATO guys will appreciate the gesture.

For reference: https://www.rand.org/blog/2020/05/russian-s-400-surface-to-air-missile-system-is-it-worth.html
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