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The Type 093B will carry the LACM


Jan 27, 2010
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It has been confirmed by POP3, so it can carry either 24 DH-10 or 24 YJ-18A missiles.

请教大家:093黑鱼有像战斧那样的对地打击的巡航弹吗?7楼Pop大侠有振奋的回答!-海军版-超级大本营军事论坛-最具影响力军事论坛 -

The Type 093B should be closer to the Virginia class, but slightly inferior to the Seawolf class.

But it can also sail very quietly with a speed of 20 knots.

Where does it say that the sub carries 24 of them?
The ability to fire vertically launched LACM is a must for any SSN or SSBN。

A new class SSBN under development is able to carry close to 100 LACMs or a mix of LACMs and ballistic missiles,both conventional or nuclear-tipped。

I heard that in last year, but not much continuation about this new concept of SSBN.

But I guess this should be the SSGN version of the Type 096.
It has been confirmed by POP3, so it can carry either 24 DH-10 or 24 YJ-18A missiles.

请教大家:093黑鱼有像战斧那样的对地打击的巡航弹吗?7楼Pop大侠有振奋的回答!-海军版-超级大本营军事论坛-最具影响力军事论坛 -

The Type 093B should be closer to the Virginia class, but slightly inferior to the Seawolf class.

But it can also sail very quietly with a speed of 20 knots.

The YJ-18A is a vertically launched anti-ship missile。The LACM in question is a variant of the YJ-18 series,with designation YJ-18X(X for unknown:hitwall::D)。
The YJ-18A is a vertically launched anti-ship missile。The LACM in question is a variant of the YJ-18 series,with designation YJ-18X(X for unknown:hitwall::D)。

What is the range of the YJ-18X LACM? Is it similar to the CJ-10/DH-10?
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Now China is producing the Type 093B (Virginia-like) in large quantity and the Type 095 (Seawolf-like) in smaller quantity.

The US intelligence report in last year seemed to nail it.

What is your opinion about that @Martian2 ? The US usually prefers to underestimate China's capability, but why they are reporting the correct information this time?
Now China is producing the Type 093B (Virginia-like) in large quantity and the Type 095 (Seawolf-like) in smaller quantity.

The US intelligence report in last year seemed to nail it.

What is your opinion about that @Martian2 ? The US usually prefers to underestimate China's capability, but why they are reporting the correct information this time?

Perhaps the United States has realized people aren't that dumb to believe propaganda.


Let's see:

Advanced Type 052D Chinese Aegis Destroyer.

KJ-2000 AWACS.

World's fastest supercomputer by far.

World's fastest high speed trains.

Advanced Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter with EOTS.

Advanced Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter.

Amazing 5-axis and 7-axis CNC Chinese machine tools.

Chinese Yutu rover on the Moon.

Advanced DF-31A 3-MIRVed and DF-41 10-MIRVed ICBMs.

China successfully flight tested a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV).

China shot down a tiny 4-foot cube satellite with a direct-ascent ASAT.

China shoots down two ballistic missiles in two tries for a 100% success rate in Ground-based Missile Defense.

China is absolutely spectacular in engineering.

But...U.S.-claimed 1970s submarines. What a bunch of bull. No one is dumb enough to believe this ridiculous claim.

I was going to compile a very long list feature-by-feature of Chinese submarines vs. American submarines. I decided against it. It won't change the minds of the anti-China crowd.
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Perhaps the United States has realized people aren't that dumb to believe propaganda.


Let's see:

Advanced Type 052D Chinese Aegis Destroyer.

KJ-2000 AWACS.

World's fastest supercomputer by far.

World's fastest high speed trains.

Advanced Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter with EOTS.

Advanced Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter.

Amazing 5-axis and 7-axis CNC Chinese machine tools.

Chinese Yutu rover on the Moon.

Advanced DF-31A 3-MIRVed and DF-41 10-MIRVed ICBMs.

China successfully flight tested a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV).

China shot down a tiny 4-foot cube satellite with a direct-ascent ASAT.

China shoots down two ballistic missiles in two tries for a 100% success rate in Ground-based Missile Defense.

China is absolutely spectacular in engineering.

But...U.S.-claimed 1970s submarines. What a bunch of bull. No one is dumb enough to believe this ridiculous claim.

I was going to compile a very long list feature-by-feature of Chinese submarines vs. American submarines. I decided against it. It won't change the minds of the anti-China crowd.

China's new SSN can sail with a maximum speed of 35 knots, but it will get noisier with that speed.

With a speed of 20 knots, it will become very quiet.

This time China has officially declared the patrolling of its SSN in the Indian Ocean for the search of MH370. And even with an average sailing speed about 30 knots, many countries didn't realize about the presence of the Chinese SSN in the Indian Ocean before from China's official declaration.
China's new VLS cell for the nuclear sub.

Each cell can pack 7 cruise missiles. So even the YJ-18X variant is the cruise missile, but its range should be way beyond 300km, since the range of the LACM is usually much longer than that of the ASCM.


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China's new VLS cell for the nuclear sub.

Each cell can pack 7 cruise missiles. So even the YJ-18X variant is the cruise missile, but its range should be way beyond 300km, since the range of the LACM is usually much longer than that of the ASCM.


Looks exactly like this picture.


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