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The two hindu girls who were allegedly forced to convert are flirting with their husbands.


Aug 11, 2015
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they are minors they can be told to do whatever
the crime is that they been abducted without the consent of their parents they are minors and they been married by force
its against the law of the state and principles of Islam. only Daesh version can be used to justify this sham marriage after abduction
They are children ffs, one picture doesnt even remotely tell you what they are going through

Don't know what's the truth behind this is but the girls are saying on media that they reverted willingly, here is the video.

yes under age marriage is against the law
abduction is against the law too no matter what age
doing all this without the consent of their parents is also against the law
doing the sham conversion is also against the law and spirit of Islam

They are saying in the video that they reverted "willingly", they are still too young to get married though.
they are minors they can be told to do whatever
the crime is that they been abducted without the consent of their parents they are minors and they been married by force
its against the law of the state and principles of Islam. only Daesh version can be used to justify this sham marriage after abduction
Don't just always blame it on the boys. And nothing has been proven yet.
they are minors they can be told to do whatever
the crime is that they been abducted without the consent of their parents they are minors and they been married by force
its against the law of the state and principles of Islam. only Daesh version can be used to justify this sham marriage after abduction
A lot of girls run from thier home to marry someone they want it happens everywhere they don't look underage maybe their age is written less in school
Don't know what's the truth behind this is but the girls are saying on media that they reverted willingly, here is the video.

They are saying in the video that they reverted "willingly", they are still too young to get married though.
such reversion doesnt hold good
they are being held by their captors and will say what they are told
any "confession" under duress is inadmissible in the law

A lot of girls run from thier home to marry someone they want it happens everywhere they don't look underage maybe their age is written less in school
tell that to his crying parents.
I dont want any brother or father to see that day when his girls are taken away like this and then told they did it willingly

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