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The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

I'm just telling you that Moghuls who were Turkics and Muslim also contributed to India. That was my point. You wanted to say Islam didn't cotnribute anything so you are the troll. The only thing I dispise from my cousin ancestors the Moghuls is that they slept with creatures called Indian women and wrote a book about the different positions.

Why is this guy not banned ...taking pride in one culture is one thing but calling women creatures.....you yourself are an example on how hypocrite some muslims are today.
in ww2 germans had the best tech in its time... They could conquer ussr at breakfast and get china for lunch with several blitzkrieg... but that damn crazy hitler forced the war-machine above capacity.. and the plan "barbarossa" had some weaknesses... conquering whole west and east europe, balkans, bombing british empire, naval wars with them, south africa battles were just crazy... then of course it's too much winning agaisnt a united british, france, usa, ussr all together... germans today could be a superpower if that crazy hitler had some sane..... as you will agree attacking side always has disadvantage still germans lost 4 million but killed 7 million russkie..

It wasn't meant to be. Just like Ukraine was never meant to have Crimea. Look what happened. Crimea back to Russia. :yes2:

So are you saying that USSR was more advanced than Nazi Germany technology wise? You absouletly have no idea what you are talking about...

The USSR was the only one that had heavy tanks at the start of WW2. The Third Reich didn't have heavy tanks till 1942.
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Neptune : NRF consists by 60,000 NATO servicemen you idiot. You can't even conquer 1/20 of Russia with that.
Because obviously you're analytic military expert you can tell us how many soldiers are enough for conquer of Russian federation ?
Neptune : NRF consists by 60,000 NATO servicemen you idiot. You can't even conquer 1/20 of Russia with that.
Because obviously you're analytic military expert you can tell us how many soldiers are enough for conquer of Russian federation ?

dont forget the "@" symbol if you wanna mention him... @Neptune
:yes2:The Cold War never ended.


I don't know what world you live in
but yes it has

The Third Reich had no chance of conquering the USSR. The USSR had technology on their side. In modern war, you don't win without technology.

what technology ?

numbers is what won the war for Russians
technology was on Germans side
So are you saying that USSR was more advanced than Nazi Germany technology wise? You absouletly have no idea what you are talking about...

USSR technology was superior to Third Reich technology. Panther tank copied T-34 design.
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Dude NATO is the policeman who saves your butt from Russian bear. Without them Soviets would have made you satelite number 345#

You only survived because USA gave you M48/M60 Tanks and Starfighters.

Dont be ungratefull to your western masters. :tup:
Dude NATO is the policeman who saves your butt from Russian bear. Without them Soviets would have made you satelite number 345#

You only survived because USA gave you M48/M60 Tanks and Starfighters.

Dont be ungratefull to your western masters. :tup:

lol you do realize where Russia and Turkey is located right ?
Soviet Union never had enough forces in Caucasus to launch an invasion at a country the size of Turkey
The USSR was the only one that had heavy tanks at the start of WW2. The Third Reich didn't have heavy tanks till 1942.
What weight of tank has to do with technology? German Pz III and Pz IV were more advanced technology wise despite having a light weight.

what technology ?

numbers is what won the war for Russians
technology was on Germans side
USSR had good technologies too. T-34-85, IS-2, La-7, Yak-3 - great examples of technology.
Dude NATO is the policeman who saves your butt from Russian bear. Without them Soviets would have made you satelite number 345#

You only survived because USA gave you M48/M60 Tanks and Starfighters.

Dont be ungratefull to your western masters. :tup:

hahah what russian bear you talking about..? you barely saved your own butt from afghans... don't mention chechens even.. and now try to imagine you fight with us... yes its scary... now leave the room and close the door behind you

hahah what russian bear you talking about..? you barely saved your own butt from afghans... don't mention chechens even.. and now try to imagine you fight with us... yes its scary... now leave the room and close the door behind you


We shall see what happens in 100 years. These days, without technology, you cannot win war. Afghanistan cannot manufacture its own high tech military hardware. Russia can. In 100 years when Russian soldiers wear bullet proof body armor, Afghan soldiers would not have such protection. How would you fight an enemy you cannot hurt with your weapon? 8-)
USSR had good technologies too. T-34-85, IS-2, La-7, Yak-3 - great examples of technology.

yes but Germans still had better tech than the allies
check stories of how German Tiger 2 destroyed dozens of T-34s
just a single Tiger 2
many similar stories

Germans had better tech and better trained soldiers
US and their allies still struggled against Germans when most of their army was busy dealing with Russia

We shall see what happens in 100 years. These days, without technology, you cannot win war. Afghanistan cannot manufacture its own high tech military hardware. Russia can. In 100 years when Russian soldiers wear bullet proof body armor, Afghan soldiers would not have such protection. How would you fight an enemy you cannot hurt with your weapon? 8-)

I guess aiming at the head would be once choice
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