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The truth about 'suicide' bombings

winston smith


New Recruit

Oct 17, 2009
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I am Iraqi.
I am going to tell you the truth.
The sectarian violence in Iraq that has killed thousands of Iraqis has been created by the CIA and MI6 using mind-control technology.
They can control a mind using electromagnetic wepaons to force someone to become a suicide bomber. They have done it in Iraq, they are now doing it in Pakistan. The only defense is knowledge.
Please pass the information on to your brothers.
I am Iraqi.
I am going to tell you the truth.
The sectarian violence in Iraq that has killed thousands of Iraqis has been created by the CIA and MI6 using mind-control technology.
They can control a mind using electromagnetic wepaons to force someone to become a suicide bomber. They have done it in Iraq, they are now doing it in Pakistan. The only defense is knowledge.
Please pass the information on to your brothers.

No wonder I was feeling the temptation to become suicide bomber. ( US airforce has a hub at my place. May be they were trying new stuff) :bounce:
The mind control techniques scientifically are at its advance stage in CIA and most probably in M16. The existence of these techniques is no doubt. Germans in WW11 developed all these methods to investigate spies apprehended and for this purpose they used Jews as guinea pigs………
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I am Iraqi.
I am going to tell you the truth.
The sectarian violence in Iraq that has killed thousands of Iraqis has been created by the CIA and MI6 using mind-control technology.
They can control a mind using electromagnetic wepaons to force someone to become a suicide bomber. They have done it in Iraq, they are now doing it in Pakistan. The only defense is knowledge.
Please pass the information on to your brothers.

Mr. Winston Smith, your truth has set me free. I will give you $10,000,000.00 for this mind control technology. I have a lot of people that need killing.

By the way, which brother do you want to pass the information to. I have a Hindu, a Christian , and a Muslim brother.

Oh no!!! they are forcing my mind!!!! I feel like blowing myself up!!!
The mind control techniques scientifically are at its advance stage in CIA and most probably in M16. The existence of these techniques is no doubt. Germans in WW11 developed all these methods to investigate spies apprehended and for this purpose they used Jews as guinea pigs………but the existence of it in Pakistan is not confirmed…….or u can say not possible yet because of so many reasons as the CIA or M16 has no facilities here to perform such methods

You are seriously replying to him... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

This forum has become hub of CIA. Hopefully mind controlled mods of this forum will lock this thread.
Winston, I gotta say, it's very rude to make your first post by spilling such a grave secret. You are supposed to first introduce yourself in a thread on the Member's Introduction Forum. Please go there and tell us about yourself. For example, have you, yourself been a victim of the CIA's mind control technology? Please elaborate in your introduction thread:

Members Introduction - Pakistan Defence Forum


PS, Welcome to the PDF!! :usflag: :pakistan:
This member, doesn't have thanks. Let us give him for sharing secret. :)
I am Iraqi.
I am going to tell you the truth.
The sectarian violence in Iraq that has killed thousands of Iraqis has been created by the CIA and MI6 using mind-control technology.
They can control a mind using electromagnetic wepaons to force someone to become a suicide bomber. They have done it in Iraq, they are now doing it in Pakistan. The only defense is knowledge.
Please pass the information on to your brothers.
Sorry about this guy...We (the CIA) were under orders to test out Windoze 7 and had a slight network glitch and our 'mind ray' gun missed Mr. Winston Smith here.
It is easy to ridicule people isn't it. Just think about it for a minute. Is it really that far fetched? We have all heard of hypnosis. There are also brainwashing or mind-control techniques that have long been the subject of research. This is not fiction. If interrogation techniques play on the human psychology to get information out, why is mind control so implausible? Then you have drugs. Psychedelic drugs, for example, can alter a person's perception of reality. There is research and information available on all of these things on the internet from mainstream sources. Just because you do not possess knowledge about something does not mean it does not exist.
It is easy to ridicule people isn't it. Just think about it for a minute. Is it really that far fetched? We have all heard of hypnosis. There are also brainwashing or mind-control techniques that have long been the subject of research. This is not fiction. If interrogation techniques play on the human psychology to get information out, why is mind control so implausible? Then you have drugs. Psychedelic drugs, for example, can alter a person's perception of reality. There is research and information available on all of these things on the internet from mainstream sources. Just because you do not possess knowledge about something does not mean it does not exist.

Even you are going to wish such outlandish story, why do you think Cuban dictator still going strong? Cuba is very close to US. Iraq is quite some miles away.
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