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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

2 Dec 2008

PESHAWAR, Pakistan—In 1988, Indian Navy and commandos took only 24 hours to storm Mamoon Abdul Quyum's palace in the Maldives when it was taken over by rebels and eliminated the rebels within another 24 hours.

But in Mumbai, it India 60 hours to eliminate ten terrorists equipped only with KKs. The entire drama seems to be well scripted like Bollywood/Hollywood movies. On one side they blame ISI for planning, executing the whole episode and on the other hand they blame ISI for committing silly mistakes and leaving behind incriminating evidence to be picked up by the Indian intelligence so it could find easy links to Karachi/Pakistan.

Some other India lies include:

1 - Indians failed to detect movement of the alleged merchant ship from Karachi and then its off loading of passengers at high sea.

2 - These 10 daredevils traveled in rubber dinghies up to Bombay shores unnoticed. Was the Indian coastal defense system asleep?

3 - The terrorists waded through the marshes of Bombay coastline, reached the road network, hijacked police vehicles, divided themselves in three groups and then headed for their targets in the posh localities of Bombay, and EVERYTHING GOES UNNOTICED.

4 - Like precision guided missiles these terrorists reach their targets and take over heavily guarded two 5-star hotels, dodging the security system of the entire city of Bombay and the internal security system of these 5-star hotels and the Jewish center also.

5 - They fight it out with Indian commandos for 3 days and all but one is killed. The Indians claim that he is ISI sponsored. If we believe the Indian storyline, it defies logic. How can a professional spy agency like ISI commit the following mistakes:

Sailing the terrorist off from Karachi. Why not Dubai, Chittagong or Eden for better deception?

Credit cards of Pakistani origin in their pockets. Do the suicide bombers carry the IDs in their pockets?

Their Pakistani Punjabi ascent. The first lesson given to intelligence operators is to adapt to local environments. If such an operation was planned by Pakistan and ISI, the operatives would have known that they would have to communicate/ negotiate with the hostages and others and hence would have concealed this giveaway sign.

I leave to the readers to decide if Indian lies are white or black.

I also leave to you to decide whether this is a RAW/Mossad staged drama or that of Lashkar-e-Tayyeba and ISI?

And how much credible are CNN and BBC anyway?
dimension117 ur family is in hydrabad & u think ur more pakistani than indian..
better be leaving our country.. if you dont feel safe in our country & if u think that
our judicial system & law enforcement is not good, then pack up & leave india..
go to pak, to asif ali zardari & ur ISI they will make justice with you & who ever has
attacked you & raped ur family.. I personally am very happy that it has happened with
people like you you deserve such kinda treatment dont you??

Your flaming in this post which is your only 3rd post indicates what are your intentions on this forum and what can we expect from you in terms of meaningful argument. Your rants give us a peek at your inner diabolical self and your threatening tone leaves us in disgust. :angry:

well you good times have came to an end now.. India wants action from pak &
if they cant do it & then we know how to kill those terrorists by striking the very
heart of pakistan.. you might have seen our commandos in action on the TV..
get prepared for 1 more such action in ur land by indians with an eloborate air support
& also international support.. well I think the statements from Americans & the isralies
have already made u wet in ur pants dont they?? they have told India has the right to
attack if their security is threatened.. so better leave ur country & settele some where
in UAE or saudi.. its safe there.. u know u never know when indians are gonna strike
at you.. it will be very sudden & its my word for you.. you are gonna suffer..

Stop dancing on getting a positive nod from your masters and instead change your dress which i'm sure is still wet after what happened in mumbai. Your this very same master is having nightmares itself just thinking about Pakistani troops leaving the tribal areas so go and get yourself a lollipop......Yes, we have seen your commandoes and the whole world has seen them...need i say anything other than that you required hundreds of "commandoes" to take out 12 terrorists.... :lol:
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If 19 people can cause 9/11, a handful of people can cause Madrid, London, Mariott, why can't this be done by 10-12 persons?

Wow.... are you trying to compare all these incidents with the one in mumbai. This was completely different from any one of above and even those were not executed by 19 men alone and they had an elaborate network of local support. None of the above government is in denial of local involvement but isn't it funny that despite the daring and innovative and destructive in psychological sense attack, we are yet to see any official or unofficial Indian source talking about local involvement in a meaningful way. Instead, the only obsession has been Pakistan. No local crackdown, no local arrests.. heck not even a clue or talk of local involvement and even you are trying to deflect the subject by conjuctures like, may be dawood and his underworld is involved???/does that underworld exist in Pakistan???? or that underworld only comprises of Dawood??? so if not dawood, who has been arrested from underworld if one is to take your claim on face value??????
I support the BJP/NDA. Their coalition will do a far better job of ensuring the security of citizens.
I don;t support BJP/NDA that much ,but its sure that I will never vote for cong in my life ,first they came with this so called OBC quota and that's enough for me to digest .

anyway ,I'm dead sure BJP would do a better job in protecting the people of India .

in b/w regarding the killing of ATS officer Karkare and other ,there is a video footage/CCTVfootage, which shows that terrorists were looking for a car ,but they were not successful in doing that ,so they went ahead ,on reaching CAMA hospital they killed these ATS officers and then they took their car away

killing of ATS officer has nothing to do with BJP.this is a terrible garbage stuff generated.
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when all the dust has died down.i want to ask the members of ths forum.just how many of you have been a victim of terrorsim ,or have lost a close one, easy to talk have you ever tried to put your self in the place of those who have lost their own.my own so called indian brothers have you ever done anything for them,if you havent you have no right to speak for our people for your no different from our politicians.. as far as my my pak friends are concerned i have only one thing to say only if we raise i voice against terrorism and we need you to do it more will things ever change.. or else we will all disintegrate..
when all the dust has died down.i want to ask the members of ths forum..

Well,I lost one of my friend in mumbai's attack:(

anyway ,even at the time of Delhi's attack a month ago ,I was luck to escape that by just few minutes ,otherwise I'm quite sure that I would have been not here .
here we go
the real terrorists are coming out

BJP demands govt action against Pakistan

Thursday, 04 Dec, 2008 | 06:08 PM PST |
BJP President Rajnath Sindh called on the Indian government to do more to stop terrorism allegedly emanating from Pakistan. - Reuters/File
BJP President Rajnath Sindh called on the Indian government to do more to stop terrorism allegedly emanating from Pakistan. - Reuters/File

NEW DELHI: The leader of India's main opposition party urged the government Thursday to 'avenge the repeated terror attacks' and hit back at arch-rival Pakistan, the Press Trust of India said.
Speaking a week after coordinated Islamic militants in Mumbai - which India has blamed on a Pakistan-based group - Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Rajnath Singh said patience had run out.
'The government should consider taking some measures against Pakistan. Enough is enough. There is a need to avenge the repeated assault on our people and democracy,' he was quoted as saying by PTI.
He said the Hindu nationalist BJP would back government plans to increase security after the assaults, during which militants laid siege to hotels and other sites in the city for 60 hours.
The attacks left 172 people dead, according to official figures.
'The BJP will support every honest initiative that the central government proposes to fight terror,' Singh said.
He reacted angrily to Pakistan's assertion that 'non-state players,' and not the government in Islamabad, were to blame.
'If the Pakistan government does not have full control on activities taking place on its soil, then the international community should consider the implications of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal and facilities falling into the hands of non-state players,' Singh said.
India hauled in the Pakistani ambassador earlier this week and demanded Pakistan arrest and extradite 20 terror suspects, including the founder of the Lashkar-e-Tayiba group at the centre of investigations into the attacks.

so zahid hamid is right that cross border $hits want our nuclear weapons

very big question. if 10 ot 15 terrorists can handle indian army for three days like in mumbai.it is possible that these can take over indian nuclear wapons?
The land borders between India and Pakistan are sealed , it's very hard to infiltrate and then survive .

the camps across the border may train large number of terrorists but they can do nothing if they are not allowed to cross the border.

Kashmir is the only place where infiltration might happen as other are plain areas , increase vigil along these areas , install motion sensors , extra CCTV etc etc . Make the borders god dam impregnable.

That merchant vessel with so much ammunition on board sneaking in is a horrible lapse by the coast guard , every ship from Pakistani waters must go through intensive checking before allowing it through , reduce frequency of PIA flights and keep track of those who come and when their Visa expires , reduce frequency of Buses and Trains and step up vigil there too.

Stop the trade , god knows what may be sneaking in from there - step up air defense capabilities.

At home - go after the terror network , make pre-emptive strikes and not wait for things to happen , introduce the toughest Anti terror law (screw human rights) , anyone getting the thoughts of extremism should shiver @ the prospect of what will happen to him if caught alive . Learn from Russians and Israel , trace the funding (can't be that difficult)

After all this is done , we will see Terror strikes diminish radically . Then think of attacking camps in Pakistan Kashmir.

It's very easy to Blame Pakistan , very easy to call for War (because you don't have to fight it). We must make ourselves water tight leaving no scope for even terror thoughts.

All this talk of Muslims taking Revenge for bad treatment is just propaganda of terrorists who want to De-stabalise India , would these groups like a taste of VHP , RSS and BJP again .
Lashkar, ain't that the name of some charitable organization doing humanitarian work based in Pakistan? Or maybe its not based in Pakistan at all, is it?
5 Points That Destroy India’s Latest Mumbai Fairytale

Written by Pakistan News :: Pakistan Daily
Tuesday, 02 December 2008 02:59
In 1988, Indian Navy and commandos took only 24 hours to storm Mamoon Abdul Quyum's palace in the Maldives when it was taken over by rebels and eliminated the rebels within another 24 hours.

But in Mumbai, it India 60 hours to eliminate ten terrorists equipped only with AKs. The entire drama seems to be well scripted like Bollywood/Hollywood movies. On one side they blame ISI for planning, executing the whole episode and on the other hand they blame ISI for committing silly mistakes and leaving behind incriminating evidence to be picked up by the Indian intelligence so it could find easy links to Karachi/Pakistan.

Some other India lies include:

1. Indians failed to detect movement of the alleged merchant ship from Karachi and then its off loading of passengers at high sea.

2. These 10 daredevils traveled in rubber dinghies up to Bombay shores unnoticed. Was the Indian coastal defense system asleep?

3. The terrorists waded through the marshes of Bombay coastline, reached the road network, hijacked police vehicles, divided themselves in three groups and then headed for their targets in the posh localities of Bombay, and EVERYTHING GOES UNNOTICED.

4. Like precision guided missiles these terrorists reach their targets and take over heavily guarded two 5-star hotels, dodging the security system of the entire city of Bombay and the internal security system of these 5-star hotels and the Jewish center also.

5. They fight it out with Indian commandos for 3 days and all but one is killed. The Indians claim that he is ISI sponsored. If we believe the Indian storyline, it defies logic. How can a professional spy agency like ISI commit the following mistakes:

1. Sailing the terrorist off from Karachi. Why not Dubai, Chittagong or Eden for better deception?

2. Credit cards of Pakistani origin in their pockets. Do the suicide bombers carry the IDs in their pockets?

3. Their Pakistani Punjabi ascent. The first lesson given to intelligence operators is to adapt to local environments. If such an operation was planned by Pakistan and ISI, the operatives would have known that they would have to communicate/ negotiate with the hostages and others and hence would have concealed this giveaway sign.

I leave to the readers to decide if Indian lies are white or black.

I also leave to you to decide whether this is a RAW/Mossad staged drama or that of Lashkar-e-Tayyeba and ISI?

And how much credible are CNN and BBC anyway?
when all the dust has died down.i want to ask the members of ths forum.just how many of you have been a victim of terrorsim ,or have lost a close one, easy to talk have you ever tried to put your self in the place of those who have lost their own.my own so called indian brothers have you ever done anything for them,if you havent you have no right to speak for our people for your no different from our politicians.. as far as my my pak friends are concerned i have only one thing to say only if we raise i voice against terrorism and we need you to do it more will things ever change.. or else we will all disintegrate..

God, its good to hear a sane voice indeed.... could not agree with you more. We, and when i say we, i speak for majority have suffered worst form of terrorism and the country has finally coalesced together against the threat and the wounds were healing pretty surely on both sides but all of sudden, everything has been wracked by one incident. this is not good for both of us and merry time for those who didn't want it. But saner voices and heads must prevail if we are to coexist peacefully. Both sides have lost their hard earned goodwill credit in this incident. But here is the problem which needs indepth analysis. Your country has become an american ally and it comes at a cost, it always does... who could know it better than us... the quagmire of terrorism which India was spared from has come to your doorstep because of involvement with americans, they would always want an ally in this region who can do the dirty work for them particularly so in afghanistan these days. At some stage, i do see an increased Indian involvement in af-tan and taking side with one party will come at the cost of outrage of another. Furthermore, the perverse terrorist will find it an excuse to target India as they have done in case of various other European capitals with token involvement in WOT. Advertently or inadvertently, your politicians have brought your unsuspecting citizens in the midst of this conflict and the problems will further aggrevate if India is seen to be tilting more and more towards america and Israel, and Pakistani previous and present governments are the case in point. To cut it short, i can only hope that we see some leaders of standing on both sides who can take the leap to mend the issues bcoz its our mutual interest. :cheers:
Dear Prodigy17 I am impressed with your style of writing and content.

Rationality is rare and we need to stick with it. We need to question every thing. I would even go as far as to question the Indian side as well.

But the more important thing is that both countries spend huge budgets in investment in defence which can go help the needs people of our society.

I am not to hear to berate ISI, but I am more bent on ensuring that our actions as society secure our future.

Economic Prosperity, a healthy lifestyle, a safe neighbourhood , a job or business that provides /serves the global economy and people at home, is what I dream for both countries.

I believe military action is not the way of 21st century. Its for the war mongers and the belligerent elements. Economy and prosperity is the solution against these insane schools of thoughts which create people with twisted ideologies( so called terrorists ). But I guess their is no quick way. I will be thinking for solutions..

- Puneet
An atheist ( Religion is opium for masses )
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Lashkar, ain't that the name of some charitable organization doing humanitarian work based in Pakistan? Or maybe its not based in Pakistan at all, is it?

LeT is banned.

The organization that legally exists currently is Jamaat-ud Daawa, which is considered to be a charity. LeT may still exist as a banned group illegally of course, just as some of the sectarian organizations such as the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi etc. do.
@ Nihat and puneetp >> Thank God there are still Indians who use their heads!

Nihat said:
All this talk of Muslims taking Revenge for bad treatment is just propaganda of terrorists who want to De-stabalise India , would these groups like a taste of VHP , RSS and BJP again .

I'm sure the people who did this wanted exactly the above mentioned "coctail".

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