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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

I think we are mixing issues here.

Are you trying to say that there were some ineptitude shown by some Indian agencies in tackling the terror?


Are you saying that it was a conspiracy hatched by India and the terrorists were Indians?

Both are separate issues, you agree with that?

I see people jumping smoothly from one issue to another without really understanding what they stand for.

So let us take any one track and discuss that.

No Vinod.

They both are not separate issues. They are connected directly or indirectly to the outcome of this scenario.

It is clear that Indian Navy, Coast Guard and RAW have failed to protect Mumbai from terrorist but I am finding it difficult to understand that who is lying - Naval Forces or RAW. and above all WHY ? And an operation like this one can not be conducted all by foreign militants. There are some reports pointing out that weapons were already in Taj Hotel. So there is a possibility of "Indian involvement". What do you say ?
No Vinod.

They both are not separate issues. They are connected directly or indirectly to the outcome of this scenario.

I fail to see how both the things could be true. If there was incompetence in tackling the terror, it was not an Indian conspiracy.

I don't see any reason not to settle down on one theory if one is really serious about discussing the issue instead of peddling the latest conspiracy theory in town.

It is clear that Indian Navy, Coast Guard and RAW have failed to protect Mumbai from terrorist but I am finding it difficult to understand that who is lying - Naval Forces or RAW. and above all WHY ? And an operation like this one can not be conducted all by foreign militants. There are some reports pointing out that weapons were already in Taj Hotel. So there is a possibility of "Indian involvement". What do you say ?

There could be support by some Indian underworld elements. May be Dawood gang. The reports say that some of the terrorists were already staying in the Hotel and built a cache of arms and ammunition there.

I don't see any logical problem with the official theory. It makes much more sense then the "alternate theories" any day of the week.

May be a few more details and it should be as good as is possible in such cases. The conspiracy theorists believe 9/11 to be an inside job too. I know the whole of Pakistani media blamed the Jews or the insiders for the attack. I saw that myself.

So the naysayers will always be there, they won't believe "Aankhon ki dekhi and kaano ki suni".
I fail to see how both the things could be true. If there was incompetence in tackling the terror, it was not an Indian conspiracy.

May be a few more details and it should be as good as is possible in such cases. The conspiracy theorists believe 9/11 to be an inside job too. I know the whole of Pakistani media blamed the Jews or the insiders for the attack. I saw that myself.

So the naysayers will always be there, they won't believe "Aankhon ki dekhi and kaano ki suni".

Maybe you should ask half of all New Yorkers (many who witnessed 9-11 and lost family and friends) why they think their government is full of **** regarding this act of terror.

Zogby Poll: Half of New Yorkers Believe 9/11 Was Allowed to Happen
Maybe you should ask half of all New Yorkers (many who witnessed 9-11 and lost family and friends) why they think their government is full of **** regarding this act of terror.

Zogby Poll: Half of New Yorkers Believe 9/11 Was Allowed to Happen

I am not sure about the validity of this link.

These are exactly the people who can never be convinced of anything. They are not worth bothering over.

You own moderator Key has comprehensively proven the absurdity of these theories. Do go through that thread.

If possible, try to analyze the conspiracy theories with the same standards as the official ones.
I am not sure about the validity of this link.

These are exactly the people who can never be convinced of anything. They are not worth bothering over.

You own moderator Key has comprehensively proven the absurdity of these theories. Do go through that thread.

If possible, try to analyze the conspiracy theories with the same standards as the official ones.

I didn't push forth any absurd theory, I merely suggested that half of all of New York can't be brushed aside ("not worth bothering over") when it comes to them questioning the innocence of their beloved mother government.

There is nothing questionable about the validity of the Zogby poll. It was on CNN for what seemed like an entire year back in 2004 when it was conducted (when 9-11 truth movement gained momentum).
Malegaon: Terror 'guru' in judicial custody till Dec 12
1 Dec 2008, 1855 hrs IST, PTI
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MUMBAI: The mood at special MCOCA court was sombre where Dayanand Pandey, an accused in high-profile Malegaon case, was produced and sent to
judicial custody till December 12.

The case was being probed by Hemant Karkare, who fell victim to the bullets of militants on Wednesday night on way to Cama Hospital, south Mumbai.

An exhausted-looking assistant commissioner of police ATS, Mohan Kulkarni brought Pandey, one of the main accused, before the Special Judge Y D Shinde and did not press for his further police custody.

He was sent to judicial custody till December 12 in a brief hearing which lasted not more than 10 minutes.

"We miss him (Karkare). We are not in a mental state to accept that he is no longer with us," Kulkarni told reporters in a choked voice.

In his firm resolve, Kulkarni said the best tribute to Karkare would be to bring culprits to justice.

Karkare was investigating the Malegaon case, which for the first time brought out the alleged involvement of Hindu extremists in terror strikes.

A serving Lt-Col Shrikant Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur have been arrested, besides nine others.

"Its unfortunate that he is no longer with us. On the fateful Wednesday, Karkare was discussing the case with me and today he is no more," said special public prosecutor Rohini Salian.

"But the show must go on," the government counsel said and made a statement without any elaboration that "all forces are against us."

Malegaon: Terror 'guru' in judicial custody till Dec 12-India-The Times of India

why the first cop to be killed is the person was investigating the involvement of Hindu extremists in terror strikes?????
i think we should call back our ambassador from india.. no peace with these liares
I fail to see how both the things could be true. If there was incompetence in tackling the terror, it was not an Indian conspiracy.

I don't see any reason not to settle down on one theory if one is really serious about discussing the issue instead of peddling the latest conspiracy theory in town.

There could be support by some Indian underworld elements. May be Dawood gang. The reports say that some of the terrorists were already staying in the Hotel and built a cache of arms and ammunition there.

I don't see any logical problem with the official theory. It makes much more sense then the "alternate theories" any day of the week.

May be a few more details and it should be as good as is possible in such cases. The conspiracy theorists believe 9/11 to be an inside job too. I know the whole of Pakistani media blamed the Jews or the insiders for the attack. I saw that myself.

So the naysayers will always be there, they won't believe "Aankhon ki dekhi and kaano ki suni".

I am not going into 9-11 and it is needless to discuss that. Official theory is full of holes and started even before this crises was over. It would be good for you to believe that 10 terrorist got into the boat from Karachi and dodged Indian Navy, Coast Guard and RAW and came to Mumbai and put their guns in their bags (doesn't even fit in there) and no one spotted it. They made three groups of 3-4 people each and they kept Indian Military on their toes for full 3 days and resisted as if they outnumber security forces. They were well aware of inside of Taj Hotel and other places and probably in their imaginations they made a map that happened to be true LUCKILY. And after 3 hours of siege, Pakistan's name was called in Indian Media. Who is India trying to fool ?

Elections are coming up and may be it was required to blame Pakistan because of the slap GOI received on its face due to local intelligence failures.

You better believe this so called logical official version, good for you and Indians. I would prefer to think again.

1 Dec 2008


Neither a religion nor a region, terrorists know no boundries.26th November, 2008, would always be remembered as a black day in the history of Terrorism. More than hundred thirty five innocent citizens lying inert in blood pools and more than one thousand crying with the pain of agonizing injuries in the streets of Mumbai….really a heart rending spectacle. It was surely the worst episode of the drama of terrorism. We, the Pakistanis can very well imagine the pain and agony of this brutality because we ourselves have been the worst victim of it for the last many years.

The Mumbai Blasts compel us to ponder over so many veiled aspects of the Indian democratic society. Who were the people behind all this slaughtering, what were the intentions and what were the pretensions. Surely the RAW officials are eager to point their fingers towards Pakistan and burden off all their responsibilities regarding the law and order situation in India. And same would be the attitude of the Government hi-ups. But this time it would be next to impossible to pacify the Indian nation by presenting lame excuses. Whatever happened in Mumbai is purely indigenous, all without any foreign ingredient.

India has been a paradise for the criminal gangs and the gangsters for so many years. There are more than 174 staggering terrorist, insurgent and extremist groups in India, many of them are little known. Manipur is the most fertile area with reference to these gangs, having more than 40 groups. There are 36 in Assam, 32 in Jammu & Kashmir and 30 in Tripura, according to a report by South Asia Terrorism Portal. Punjab is home to 12 terror groups, Meghalaya houses 4, Nagaland 3, Mizoram 2 and Arunachal Pradesh one. All these terrorist groups have strong connections with the law-enforcing agencies. They are fully supported and sheltered by the police and some of them by the Indian Army. This survey list also includes pan-India Left-Wing groups like the People’s War Group and the Communist Party of India-Maoist Movement. There is also the presence of extremist groups like Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and The Deendar Anjuman.All these groups have their own grievances and their own confrontations and conflicts with one another.

It is said that all these groups are always in a state of war, incessantly fighting for supremacy and authority in their own spheres. The conflict becomes more ruthless when they find another group trying to assault their self-defined territory. Most of the times they start targeting the law enforcing agencies when they feel that some agency is doing undue favors to another group. Unluckily the government of India has never been serious in crushing out these terrorist groups. They have been creating a lot of mess and the Indian government has been putting blame on Pakistan for the entire disturbance created by these groups. The recent Mumbai blasts have exposed the inability and inactivity of all Indian law enforcing agencies. It seems that the Indian police, the intelligence bureau, the Indian army and above all the RAW, no one has been vigilant regarding its responsibilities.

While analyzing the recent Mumbai blasts, the killing of Hemant Karare, the Chief of the Anti Terrorist Squad, can not be taken as a mere chance. He was the person who had revealed the involvement of the Indian army in the Malegaon blasts. It is said that that Hemant Karare’s report on the involvement of Indian army officers In Malegaon blasts had exposed the real colossal face of the Indian army and shattered the image of the Indian Armed Forced in the eyes of the Muslim minority. According to the media reports Karare had been put under a very heavy pressure to divert the Malegaon blasts investigations and remove the names of the army officers from his reports. But Karare was most insistent that he would not let any pressure effect his investigations. It were his recommendations that some serving and retired Indian army officers were arrested including Lt.Col.Prasad Purohit and Col. (R) S.S.Raikar.The involvement of the army officers in such a heinous crime was not a very pleasant news for the Indian army. The army officials were considering ATS chief Hemant Karare responsible for this disgrace and dishonor. When we look at the Mumbai-action, it seems it was a commando type action. Every step was very well-timed and calculated, no loop-hole no ambiguity. All happened in the twinkling of an eye. There could be chances that some Indian army officers are behind all this just as they were behind the Malegaon bomb blasts.

It would be a grave slip if we ignore the fact that Mumbai Blasts have provided the Indian law enforcing agencies a golden chance of framing the already crushed Muslim minority of India. Just after the blasts so many Muslims have been arrested in the name of investigation. The Muslims in India are constantly in a state of fright after the blasts. Reports say that the Indian law enforcing agencies are digging for the culprits not only in India but in the Jammu & Kashmir also. They are targeting the Mujahideens of Kashmir Freedom Movement & J.K.L.F. These blasts could be a planned game for crushing the Kashmir movement which is now a days rising to its natural climax.

A few days ago the President of Pakistan Mr.Asif Ali Zardari emphasized on the need of good working relationship between the two countries. He hoped that one day the citizens of both the countries would be able to travel across without the formalities of visa and passport. His positive approach reflected the cordial feelings of the whole of Pakistan, but it seems that the Indian hi-ups did not like this approach of him. The Mumbai Blasts could be an attempt to increase the gulf between the two countries which was expected to be breeched after Zardari’s statement.

As per Indian tradition, the Indian officials, the Indian army, the Indian politicians and the Indian media have started blaming Pakistan and its Intelligence agencies for the Mumbai Blasts. Various stories are being concocted, disinformation being dispelled regarding the involvement of Pakistan in this cruelly brutal incident. It is something very strange that a country itself facing the worst outcome of terrorism is being held responsible for doing terrorist activities in another country. All this is nothing but a hostile propaganda. It is just an attempt to keep the fake accusation vibrant and provide false information to key communicators and world opinion makers. The same attitude was adopted when there was a suicidal attack on the Indian Embassy at Kabul few months ago. Indian media had tried its best to frame the ISI in Kabul bombing but it all proved a cat dog story.

Sorry to say, India itself is self-sufficient with respect to the terrorists and the terrorist activities. What about the Indian army officers arrested for the Samjhota Express bomb attacks and what about the ten officers involved in sexual activities during their stay at Congo as a part of The UN.Peace Mission? Truly speaking, no foreign element needs take pains to sabotage the law and order situation in India. A country having so many hidden terrorist in the armed forces and the intelligence agencies, so many extremists in the Assemblies and gangsters in the political parties, is blaming a country for wagging terrorism which is already under every kind of turmoil?

Pakistan has ever been a peace loving country. It has nothing to do with terrorism. If Pakistan were a terrorist country, it would never be the US ally in the war against terror. Before framing Pakistan in all terrorist activities; India should see its own face in the mirror.
I am not going into 9-11 and it is needless to discuss that. Official theory is full of holes and started even before this crises was over. It would be good for you to believe that 10 terrorist got into the boat from Karachi and dodged Indian Navy, Coast Guard and RAW and came to Mumbai and put their guns in their bags (doesn't even fit in there) and no one spotted it. They made three groups of 3-4 people each and they kept Indian Military on their toes for full 3 days and resisted as if they outnumber security forces. They were well aware of inside of Taj Hotel and other places and probably in their imaginations they made a map that happened to be true LUCKILY. And after 3 hours of siege, Pakistan's name was called in Indian Media. Who is India trying to fool ?

Elections are coming up and may be it was required to blame Pakistan because of the slap GOI received on its face due to local intelligence failures.

You better believe this so called logical official version, good for you and Indians. I would prefer to think again.

If 19 people can cause 9/11, a handful of people can cause Madrid, London, Mariott, why can't this be done by 10-12 persons?

The Gateway Of India : outlookindia.com

Just go through the above link I shared earlier too. Do let me know an alternative theory that is more plausible. And do remember the Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is the correct one more often than not.
today an indian baby could not do $hit...and his parents blamed Pakistan

1 Dec 2008

Mumbai-New Delhi: Investigators probing the deadly Mumbai terror attack are verifying if some of the assailants had used Malaysian addresses and fake passports to rent apartments in the city earlier and also if local assistance was provided.

The interrogation of Amir Kasab, the only terrorist captured alive has reportedly revealed that some of the terrorists had carried out reconnaissance missions to Mumbai and passed off as Malaysian students.

"It will be premature to comment on this aspect just now and we have sought help," said a key police offical involved in the probe.

Malaysia's national police chief Musa Hassan said his department would check Indian reports that the militants used Malaysian addresses to rent apartments in Mumbai.

"We must check the facts are genuine and the police will go through Interpol. It's too early to say anything. It's only a claim," he told Malaysia's Bernama news agency.

"Once we obtain the full details on the matter, we will take the neccesary action. Until then we will not interfere in the matter," he added.

At least 183 people, including 22 foreigners, were killed when a group of terrorists, allegedly from Pakistan, sneaked into Mumbai Wednesday night and struck at several prominent sites, including two luxury hotels.

Police is also trying to corroborate if some of the assailants even stayed in Nariman House, the Chabad Jewish centre, that witnessed a prolonged gun battle lasting over twelve hours before commandos of the National Security Guard killed two of them.

Investigators have established that the attackers deliberately targeted Nariman House, an outreach center meant for local Jews and Jews touring India, specifically to kill Israelis to retaliate for atrocities against Palestinians.
Six people - most Israelis, some dual citizens but all of them Jews - were killed in the attack.

Highly placed sources told IANS that the ease with which the assailants targeted high profile spots in the city and moved in quickly to lay siege demonstrated that knew the topography of south Mumbai well.

Mumbai's joint commissioner of police Rakesh Maria is already on record saying there could have been "local assistance" that was currently being verified.

Ratan Tata, chairman of Tata Sons, the holding company of India's flagship conglomerate Tata Group admitted to a television channel that the assilants knew the layout of the hotel well.

"They seem to know their way around the back part of the hotel and the kitchens so one assumes there has been a considerable amount of planning in this operation," Tata said on Indian television.

However, investigators are divided on whether the group was homegrown, linked to Pakistani militants or even al-Qaeda despite having traced a supposed e-mail sent by the group to Lahore.

According to Michael Clarke, director of the British-based Royal United Services Institute, the assailants might have been linked to al-Qaeda, or at least trained by the group.

"The terrorists were clearly very well trained and well led," he said in an interview to a British newspaper.

"The way they have been firing their AK47s in short bursts - rather than discharging large amounts of ammunition quickly - shows they have been well taught on how to use the weapons. This kind of thing suggests they have been through the regional Islamist training camps, possibly those run by al-Qaeda."


Even if these identities are true, Indian media will make them fake just to blame Pakistan as this is only way India can keep angry masses satisfied.
If 19 people can cause 9/11, a handful of people can cause Madrid, London, Mariott, why can't this be done by 10-12 persons?

The Gateway Of India : outlookindia.com

Just go through the above link I shared earlier too. Do let me know an alternative theory that is more plausible. And do remember the Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is the correct one more often than not.

You're wasting your time.

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