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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

1 Dec 2008

Last week’s terrorist attacks in Mumbai will certainly have huge ramifications on the ongoing polls in key north Indian states.

LAST week’s terror assault on Mumbai once again exposed the vulnerability of the Indian state. For 60 excruciatingly painful hours, a group of heavily-armed desperadoes held the commercial capital hostage even as the three wings of the armed forces and the elite commandoes tried to neutralise them.

In the end, 14 terrorists, who had reached the metropolis by boats, were killed while one was captured alive. But not before they had inflicted a heavy toll in human life and gutted the city’s two best-known luxury hotels.

The bloody events were a grim reminder to all Indians that terrorists can strike anyone, anywhere at will. The worst-ever terror assault on the Indian soil — it is India’s 26/11 — began late on Wednesday evening. A group of fidayeen alighted from boats a few hundred yards away from the Gateway of India.

They had earlier hijacked a fishing trawler, killed its commander and made their way to the metropolis in small boats after abandoning the trawler at some distance from Mumbai harbour.

After commandeering private and police vehicles at gunpoint, they fanned out to different parts of South Mumbai. From the busy local rail terminal to an upscale cinema hall, they sprayed bullets at all and sundry, leaving a trail of death behind them.

The toll on Wednesday itself was nearly a hundred dead, including three senior police officers.

But even as the first lot of terrorists who had killed ordinary people at random fell to police bullets — and with one captured alive — their colleagues had stormed into two of the best landmarks in the city.

The iconic Taj Mahal Hotel at the Gateway of India and the Oberoi-Trident a few hundred yards away at Nariman Point were seized by terrorists armed with explosives, automatic rifles, grenades and oth-er deadly arsenal.

Almost simultaneously, another group of terrorists captured the nearby Jewish Centre housed in a multi-story building in the congested Colaba area.

In all these places, they took the inmates hostage and killed a number of them to establish their reign of terror.

In particular, the terrorists singled out British and American nationals in the two hotels for harsher treatment.

As myriad news television cameras rushed to the three “hijacked” buildings to take the traumatic drama in real time to the nation’s living rooms, there was utter confusion and paralysis in the government.

Initially, the local police reckoned that they would be able to flush out the terrorists from the two hotels and from the Jewish Centre. But, soon the local police stepped aside, handing over the rescue operations to the central forces.

Troops from the army and navy were pressed in, and the elite commandos of the National Security Guard were flown in from New Delhi. It was war being fought in the heart of Mumbai.

Fourteen determined men held the nation of over a billion people captive as it watched its ordeal at their hands live on television channels.

Anxious anchors interrupted emotionally surcharged commentary only for the viewers to hear the noise emanating from inside the captured buildings.

Explosions and gunfire could be heard intermittently at all three locations during the near 60-hour violent drama.

Fire in one or the other wing of the two hotels was a periodic diversion for viewers even as they learnt about the escape of a few traumatised guests from the kitchen door or by using the fire brigade’s ladders at the back of the two hotels.

There was much lamentation, too, over the damage inflicted on the heritage old wing of the Taj Mahal Hotel which had first opened its doors in 1903.

The iconic hotel was built by Jamsetji Tata, founder of the Tata Group of Industries, after he was denied entry to a nearby hotel which only admitted the English.

At the end of the siege, the bodies of several guests and hotel staff were found littered on almost all floors of the hotel.

The heritage gray stone structure had withstood the devastation well, but everything else had suffered extensive damage.

Ratan Tata, the head of the Tata group, publicly committed himself to restoring the hotel to its old glory.

The terrorist siege in Mumbai cast its deadly shadow over the on-going electoral process in the key north Indian states. Madhya Pra-desh voted to elect a new government on Thursday in the backdrop of the terror attack.

A day later, the opposition pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party took out huge newspaper advertisements, reading Brutal Terror Strikes at Will — Weak Government, Un-willing and Incapable — Fight Terror, Vote BJP.”

Forced on the back foot by media criticism and by the BJP campaign, the ruling Congress Party countered with its own ads, reminding people about the terror attacks when the BJP-led coalition was in power.

Meanwhile, the Manmohan Singh government publicly hinted at the involvement of Pakistan, though visiting Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mehmood Querishi vehemently denied the insinuation.

Seeking to counter the general impression that his government was “soft” on terror, the prime minister addressed the nation on television on the second day of the Mumbai siege.

Committing his administration to fight terror, he sought to calm the nerves of an overwrought nation, reassuring it that no quarter would be given to terrorists.

Ordinary people, who required little persuasion about the complicity of its western neighbour, became doubly certain when the government officially asked Pakistan to send its head of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).

New Delhi said it would share concrete evidence about the involvement of certain official elements in the Pakistani establishment in the attack on Mumbai. A day later, Islamabad refused to send the ISI chief to New Delhi.

However, most people blamed the government for being unable to stop terrorist attacks at regular intervals.

Failure of intelligence, lax policing, political interference, lack of coordination between various agencies and between the central and state governments and, above all, a lack of political will and determination were blamed for repeated terrorist outrages.

The question in people’s mind was not whether there will be another terror strike but where and when?

Meanwhile, there was speculation that the Mumbai terrorists wanted to send out a signal to the global community that India’s financial capital was not safe for business.

They had sought no ransom, set no demands. Their objective was to inflict maximum damage on people and their iconic landmarks.

By targeting the two luxury hotels and singling out the Americans and the Britons, it was argued, the fidayeen sought to wreak revenge for the presence of foreign troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.
^^^^ In terms of hanging i meant to say the the real faces behind this.... not the pawns.......

LONDON: Pakistan High Commissioner to the UK, Wajid Shamsul Hassan has said that Pakistan can cooperate with India to track down elements and organisations which India feel had a hand in Mumbai attacks, if evidences provided to Pakistan.

Talking to BBC, Pakistan High Commissioner to the UK informed that so far, India did not provide any evidence that could establish that their fingers at us had some credibility.

He underlined that both Pakistan and India are sailing in the same boat and have had worse possible terrorism in the country, adding Pakistan’s 1,20,000 troops are engaged in Northern Areas.

Pakistan had the worst incidents with the assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and Marriott hotel recently, therefore, it is not possible from our side and specially when the President and the Prime Minister and the whole government are trying to have cordial relations with India.

Responding to a question regarding if militants were Pakistani trained, Wajid Shamsul Hassan clarified that there is no evidence against anybody who could be trained anywhere.

Wajid Shamsul Hassan mentioned killing of 53 Christians in Orissa and said they were all extremists who killed them and then this Deccan Mujahideen as they called in the first place, there is also Indian Mujahideen organization and they have spelled out in the manifesto that we will do this and they have mentioned all the points that they had attacked in Mumbai.

Talking on Pak-India relations in the perspective of Mumbai attacks, Wajid Shamsul Hassan admitted that it has become very tense now because of the war mongering sounds from India and we have still maintained our cool.

Pakistan wants to cooperate and will go out of the way to help and have liked to establish hard-line between intelligence Agencies so that it could cooperate with each other, he added.

The High Commissioner said both Pakistan and India have to join hands to face this common threat and so far we have not received any response from them.

Wajid Shamsul Hassan reminded that on November 22, President Asif Ali Zardari went out of the way so that we could develop our relationship in such a way that we evolve SAARC into a common market, let us do away with passports, visas and everything, let us cooperate in economic field so that our people have a little bit of more prosperity and we were expecting a quite a quick response from the Indians.
Things are only going to change now..... This is not a ***-pat attack anyone can forget......U have to come and see in INDIA, wats goin on these days.........
I dont see this storm slowing down, it will increase only, and i hope it do.......

And about coming back to normal......Not until convicts are hanged.......

I hope they do coz people in Pakistan are under no illusion about Indian friendship so lets get rid of the facade and get on with business. Yeah, the storm will increase and then what do you hope to achieve genious. this crap is tested and tried before and you should thank you star that this government for some reason listens to you otherwise.....
You should know better being a pupil of Chanakya.... by the way, it seems you ppl have lost Chanakya's script and someone else seems to have mastered it.....
I hope they do coz people in Pakistan are under no illusion about Indian friendship so lets get rid of the facade and get on with business. Yeah, the storm will increase and then what do you hope to achieve genious. this crap is tested and tried before and you should thank you star that this government for some reason listens to you otherwise.....
You should know better being a pupil of Chanakya.... by the way, it seems you ppl have lost Chanakya's script and someone else seems to have mastered it.....

First of all, u dont know Chanakya, so better not talk about him........

And secondly i was talking about CHANGES INSIDE INDIA, NOT IN INDO-PAK relations......... and who give a damn what u and ur govt think...... y r u even replying when u r not understanding the context of the post......

And if India wants friendship with u then it's for ur benefit......

But enough of friendship now......

Intt ka jawaab, pathar se ni, pathron se denge.....

And i am not referring to pakistan here, but, to our any enemy......
Mumbai: India blames Pakistan

Monday December 01, 2008 (1506 PST)

True to habit, India started blaming Pakistan for the terrorist attack on it soil even before the day was out – this time for the condemnable events of Mumbai.

Several facts should provide a reality check. First, the Russians have revealed they had provided advance information to New Delhi about the attacks, but the Indians did not respond.

Second, the BBC interviewed a cook who works for Leopold Café where the terrorists initiated their operations. He said that six or seven people had come to the joint, got something to eat, along with alcoholic beverages but refused to pay, saying in English they had no money (Nov 27). After getting drunk, they started firing at the people in the vicinity.

If these were Lashkar-i-Taiba operatives or some other Muslim extremists, they would never have consumed liquor because Islam forbids that. Also, the Lashkar has denied any involvement. It may be interesting to recall that in March 2000, when President Bill Clinton had reached India on a state visit, 36 Sikhs were massacred by a group of people dressed in Indian army uniforms, as partly narrated by another correspondent (Nov. 23).

That time too Pakistan-based militants were blamed. However, an eyewitness had revealed that these people had been drinking. A subsequent inquiry by a retired Indian judge had found Indian agencies responsible for the killings. The obvious reason for this deceit was to prove to the dignitary that Pakistan was abetting terrorism, so as to get it declared a state sponsor.

Fortunately, Mr Clinton was able to see through this Indian game and has been quoted by his secretary of state as saying it was the work of Hindu militants. But, this slap on New Delhi’s face hasn’t ended its propensity to defame Pakistan.Similarly, after the attack on Indian parliament, Islamabad was blamed and one of the suspects, a Kashmiri man named Afzal Guru, was sentenced to die. But, some Indian human rights activists had shown the police findings to be wrong and demanded his release.

Third, Indian security people claim to have arrested one of the Mumbai terrorists, saying he is a Pakistani named Ajmal Amir Kamal hailing from Faridkot in Multan (Nov 28). However, a BBC correspondent visited the area and found that there is no such village near Multan. There is one near Khanewal having 2,000 residents, but they said nobody by this name ever lived there (Nov 28).Fourth, for some of the past cases Hindu fanatics have now been found responsible, such as Lt Col Purohit. In fact, the chief of Mumbai’s anti-terrorist squad, Hemant Karkare, who unfortunately got killed in the latest episode, had reportedly been threatened by some of these Hindu extremists after he found leads to their culpability. From the foregoing facts, it would be prudent to investigate highly trained Hindu militants with army links, for the Mumbai carnage.



<<<<<<<What an amazing article by a very very truthful man here.... Indians you deserve a fair inquiry. Pakistan will do all in its power to bring the hindu fanatics to book here. If you need our help in this matter please do inform us! ;)
Let me tell you some thing thats gonna cause u great pain,
first up we have caught a live terrorist his name is some kasam(****)
& we have killed all others.. do you know why coz we need only one to
link pakistan to the attacks & the rest had an appointment with allah
now why do we need this one guy, to tell the world who is sending
terror around the world.. by doing so, what we can do have u ever guessed
well let me tell u that, we can stop the aid coming to pakistan..
right now the global economy has slowed down & it means pak is the worst
hit nation of it &so they are begging for money from the west & also the chinese
they even begged India for help & aid, now that they have sent terror to us..
its our turn to return the honor by telling everyone around the world that
pak is committed to destroy peace all over & we need to stop pak
what ever it takes to stop them, we will do it.. first a economic blockade
then pressure to curb terrorists, then liberate pak from muslims..
well yaa let me tell you some thing else too, you have said a lot about hindus
that they are the master minds behind mumbai attacks.. but for your bad luck
we have also intercepted a phone conversation b/w terrorists & ur military
general which has been recorded & for that reason india asked pak to send its
ISI chief to prosecute him.. but pak was afraid of internal resistance &
so it denied to send him to india.. well dont worry we gonna hot back this
time & we gonna hit back pretty hard at you..
NDTV Breaking news: a little petard was exploded near new dehli,the security forces sayed elements from pakistan are involved they sayed that explosion was very accurate and who did this was very well trained.
later foreign minister parnab mukherjee sayed that elements from the pakistai isi exploded the little petard.
Let me tell you some thing thats gonna cause u great pain,
first up we have caught a live terrorist his name is some kasam(****)
& we have killed all others.. do you know why coz we need only one to
link pakistan to the attacks & the rest had an appointment with allah
now why do we need this one guy, to tell the world who is sending
terror around the world.. by doing so, what we can do have u ever guessed
well let me tell u that, we can stop the aid coming to pakistan..
right now the global economy has slowed down & it means pak is the worst
hit nation of it &so they are begging for money from the west & also the chinese
they even begged India for help & aid, now that they have sent terror to us..
its our turn to return the honor by telling everyone around the world that
pak is committed to destroy peace all over & we need to stop pak
what ever it takes to stop them, we will do it.. first a economic blockade
then pressure to curb terrorists, then liberate pak from muslims..
well yaa let me tell you some thing else too, you have said a lot about hindus
that they are the master minds behind mumbai attacks.. but for your bad luck
we have also intercepted a phone conversation b/w terrorists & ur military
general which has been recorded & for that reason india asked pak to send its
ISI chief to prosecute him.. but pak was afraid of internal resistance &
so it denied to send him to india.. well dont worry we gonna hot back this
time & we gonna hit back pretty hard at you..
hmmm sorry man this is not baharat rakshak
why are the indian authorities burying the bodies so quickly? if this event is supposedly india's 9/11, why don't they hold these bodies for weeks if not months? bodies here in the US can be held for months if investigations are needed.

second, why can't Pakistan have some of the evidence? why not DNA testing to confirm whether these guys are from faridkot? why are the bodies being immediately burried instead? interesting enough, Pakistani investigators have dispelled any accusations regarding faridkot.

third, the indian media is only confusing the public even more with their changing statements. I'm hearing at least 5 different variations of names for one of the guys. first they spoke urdu, now they speak hindi punjabi while speaking to each other?

if the evidence is pointing towards Pakistan, why not share that evidence with the experts? instead the indians rather have the FBI look at the material, which is ridiculous, seeing how they have absolutely no clue about Pakistan.

we have indian analysts running around with their opinions, without serious in-depth knowledge of Pakistan's ethnic-linguistic mix. the miscreants are immediately identified as kashmiri, which is weird for any Pakistani to absorb. more importantly, the media claim to have an audio message of one these guys speaking urdu. any pakistani can tell what is urdu and what is not, by far no Pakistani can digest this evidence. this is exactly why I say that Pakistanis and Indians are far too different in culture, ethnicity, and linguistics.
Mumbai: India blames Pakistan

Monday December 01, 2008 (1506 PST)

True to habit, India started blaming Pakistan for the terrorist attack on it soil even before the day was out – this time for the condemnable events of Mumbai.

Several facts should provide a reality check. First, the Russians have revealed they had provided advance information to New Delhi about the attacks, but the Indians did not respond.

Second, the BBC interviewed a cook who works for Leopold Café where the terrorists initiated their operations. He said that six or seven people had come to the joint, got something to eat, along with alcoholic beverages but refused to pay, saying in English they had no money (Nov 27). After getting drunk, they started firing at the people in the vicinity.

If these were Lashkar-i-Taiba operatives or some other Muslim extremists, they would never have consumed liquor because Islam forbids that. Also, the Lashkar has denied any involvement. It may be interesting to recall that in March 2000, when President Bill Clinton had reached India on a state visit, 36 Sikhs were massacred by a group of people dressed in Indian army uniforms, as partly narrated by another correspondent (Nov. 23).

That time too Pakistan-based militants were blamed. However, an eyewitness had revealed that these people had been drinking. A subsequent inquiry by a retired Indian judge had found Indian agencies responsible for the killings. The obvious reason for this deceit was to prove to the dignitary that Pakistan was abetting terrorism, so as to get it declared a state sponsor.

Fortunately, Mr Clinton was able to see through this Indian game and has been quoted by his secretary of state as saying it was the work of Hindu militants. But, this slap on New Delhi’s face hasn’t ended its propensity to defame Pakistan.Similarly, after the attack on Indian parliament, Islamabad was blamed and one of the suspects, a Kashmiri man named Afzal Guru, was sentenced to die. But, some Indian human rights activists had shown the police findings to be wrong and demanded his release.

Third, Indian security people claim to have arrested one of the Mumbai terrorists, saying he is a Pakistani named Ajmal Amir Kamal hailing from Faridkot in Multan (Nov 28). However, a BBC correspondent visited the area and found that there is no such village near Multan. There is one near Khanewal having 2,000 residents, but they said nobody by this name ever lived there (Nov 28).Fourth, for some of the past cases Hindu fanatics have now been found responsible, such as Lt Col Purohit. In fact, the chief of Mumbai’s anti-terrorist squad, Hemant Karkare, who unfortunately got killed in the latest episode, had reportedly been threatened by some of these Hindu extremists after he found leads to their culpability. From the foregoing facts, it would be prudent to investigate highly trained Hindu militants with army links, for the Mumbai carnage.



<<<<<<<What an amazing article by a very very truthful man here.... Indians you deserve a fair inquiry. Pakistan will do all in its power to bring the hindu fanatics to book here. If you need our help in this matter please do inform us! ;)

Okay now that u have written such a long crap here, well one thing is for sure u have admitted that there are millitant groups operating & trained in pakistan, at the 1st part & now lets come to the latter part u said there is
no guy by the name abdul aamir kasam, well how can he be there at pak
when he is caught live in india for the crime with ak47 rifels & bombs..
well there is more to it u know he has admitted that he is from pak & pak army has trained him & his frens well he is due to meet his frens pretty much later after the trails & yaa trail is just a formality any way he is gonna die..
now do you really think u can terrorise us by these things, u know wat
I am a hindhu & I dont care u people at all, if u come in front of me wid a gun
& say I am here to inflict terror, then my response wud be to take u down wid me even if I get killed by ur bullets I wud bite ur neck till ur death
& the same applies to every one else, I dont care for the lives that have lost
in mumbai attacks but I am happy that 10 or 12 of ur guys are dead & pak is gonna bear the brunt of it & one more thing, if I ever become a leader of india
then think it will be ur worst night mare coming true.. coz I dont think twice while sacrificing lives if u wanna get one good deed done.. so hope that I wont be a national leader in the near future..
Okay now that u have written such a long crap here, well one thing is for sure u have admitted that there are millitant groups operating & trained in pakistan, at the 1st part & now lets come to the latter part u said there is
no guy by the name abdul aamir kasam, well how can he be there at pak
when he is caught live in india for the crime with ak47 rifels & bombs..
well there is more to it u know he has admitted that he is from pak & pak army has trained him & his frens well he is due to meet his frens pretty much later after the trails & yaa trail is just a formality any way he is gonna die..
now do you really think u can terrorise us by these things, u know wat
I am a hindhu & I dont care u people at all, if u come in front of me wid a gun
& say I am here to inflict terror, then my response wud be to take u down wid me even if I get killed by ur bullets I wud bite ur neck till ur death
& the same applies to every one else, I dont care for the lives that have lost
in mumbai attacks but I am happy that 10 or 12 of ur guys are dead & pak is gonna bear the brunt of it & one more thing, if I ever become a leader of india
then think it will be ur worst night mare coming true.. coz I dont think twice while sacrificing lives if u wanna get one good deed done.. so hope that I wont be a national leader in the near future..

i dont care for the lives that are lost .. what are you hitlers long lost son .hey gowda have you inherited your brains from deve gowda. your not the solution but the problem. and yes you will become our national leader because you are brainless like alll of them. sumne malgi..
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