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The troubled MiG 29K fleet of the Indian Navy

well you can belive in what you want too i am no judge :haha:

point is there is hell lot if diffrence between a carrier based enigne which has to deal with salt water vapour and other issues which are not a problem on a shore based fighter and avrage Mig29K/KUB clocks more than 2.5 times more flying hours annualy than an avrage JF17 of PAF so more wear and tear but you will not under stand than either :azn:

so instead of bieng holier than thou try to use logic all saughts of fight training and landings & mock combats are by these Mig29Ks and most of them are already on verge of there shelf life cause the plan was to replace them with better jets (read 4.5++ or 5th gen jets as and when they come ) rest keep speculating

This is what you wrote :

India had real problems with russian engines specially those of Mig 21, 27 ,29/29K-KUB & Su30MKI & its tranport fleet and that's why IAF started looking towards wertern platforms cause russian engines are really very very hard to mantain and its even more hard to get spares on time due to irratic indian and russian beurocracy

So according to you , its just not the Mig29s but literally all your Russian origin fleet is having the engine problems.

Your rants aside about Jf17 flying hours (to which you have no clue about), You are contradicting yourself sunshine.

Besides, according to the article:
For the fleet, this availability rate was pegged at a record low of 15.9 per cent to 37.6 per cent between 2010 and 2014, perhaps the lowest for any fighter jet in the Indian inventory.

Your claims of Mig29K clocking more hours then Jf17 with this rather pathetic availability rate is quite laughable.

So are the Indian so stupid that they not only proved mig21 as being problematic but went on to buy mig 29 and and su30. I mean something is worse than retarded here.

Its hilarious to see the Indians go overboard when given bait and start dissing their own assets. LOL
Shitty Indian engineers

Indian armed forces the laughing stock of the world
So are the Indian so stupid that they not only proved mig21 as being problematic but went on to buy mig 29 and and su30. I mean something is worse than retarded here.
Mig 29 was acquired at a time when PAF was getting the F-16. Back in the day, we did not have as many options as we do now. You look stupid for talking about things you are ignorant about.
Mig 29 was acquired at a time when PAF was getting the F-16. Back in the day, we did not have as many options as we do now. You look stupid for talking about things you are ignorant about.
yeah right..............I may look stupid but you are stupid. who refused to sell you aircraft????? the French, British, Americans? no you chose Russian even after the mig 21 fiasco. so before you jump on your keyboard.....brain before typo
This is what you wrote :

So according to you , its just not the Mig29s but literally all your Russian origin fleet is having the engine problems.

Your rants aside about Jf17 flying hours (to which you have no clue about), You are contradicting yourself sunshine.

Besides, according to the article:
For the fleet, this availability rate was pegged at a record low of 15.9 per cent to 37.6 per cent between 2010 and 2014, perhaps the lowest for any fighter jet in the Indian inventory.

Your claims of Mig29K clocking more hours then Jf17 with this rather pathetic availability rate is quite laughable.

Its hilarious to see the Indians go overboard when given bait and start dissing their own assets. LOL
you can belive in what you want i cant siop in you or can i :azn: :sarcastic:

point is there is a very valid reason why there is so much wear and tear in russian engines in indian sub continent conditions cause we have all kinds of weather and altitude from high and very cold in leh laddhak to hot and humid in deep down south to dry and hot in desert to tropical humid plus we clock the largest ammount of flying hours on owr fighters which tootakes its own toll cause unlike russians or westerners where only a single pilot uses a perticular fighter or maybe two here a single fighter is used at least by three to four or even more pilots in a single year for training and each clocks an avrage of 250 + flying hours on it

we have issues with Mig29K roght now while Mig29s of Air Force are upgraded or still under upgrade programme with new engines which are modified and problms are rectified in them

as for MKI it had spare parts issue which new govt coverred with two pronged programme with making a new modifictaion in the engine with help of rissians plus making a new pact with rissians on supply of spares and now reduness of MKIs has crossed 65%+ mark which is more than satisfactory

as for Mig21 Bisons hey are in last leg of there service while Mig27 are already in phase out phase and both are going to be replaced by Tejas MK1& MK1A and already 40+83 MK1 & 83 MK1A are orderred so keep dreaming for Navy IN is already lobbying hard for 36 Rafale M for IAC-1/INS VIKRANT and possibelly its two new sister ships rest keep speculating :coffee:
you can belive in what you want i cant siop in you or can i :azn: :sarcastic:

point is there is a very valid reason why there is so much wear and tear in russian engines in indian sub continent conditions cause we have all kinds of weather and altitude from high and very cold in leh laddhak to hot and humid in deep down south to dry and hot in desert to tropical humid plus we clock the largest ammount of flying hours on owr fighters which tootakes its own toll cause unlike russians or westerners where only a single pilot uses a perticular fighter or maybe two here a single fighter is used at least by three to four or even more pilots in a single year for training and each clocks an avrage of 250 + flying hours on it

we have issues with Mig29K roght now while Mig29s of Air Force are upgraded or still under upgrade programme with new engines which are modified and problms are rectified in them

as for MKI it had spare parts issue which new govt coverred with two pronged programme with making a new modifictaion in the engine with help of rissians plus making a new pact with rissians on supply of spares and now reduness of MKIs has crossed 65%+ mark which is more than satisfactory

as for Mig21 Bisons hey are in last leg of there service while Mig27 are already in phase out phase and both are going to be replaced by Tejas MK1& MK1A and already 40+83 MK1 & 83 MK1A are orderred so keep dreaming for Navy IN is already lobbying hard for 36 Rafale M for IAC-1/INS VIKRANT and possibelly its two new sister ships rest keep speculating :coffee:

If you were an engineer you woudlnt say that.
Firstly Russia is colder
2nd engine are way better than any of your deserts.

I won't bother with the rest
If you were an engineer you woudlnt say that.
Firstly Russia is colder
2nd engine are way better than any of your deserts.

I won't bother with the rest
thing is russias avrage temprature is at least 25-30 degrees below indian sub continent hence the engines made in russian conditions are bound to under perform in indidain conditions while those developed in western natons have only diffrence of 10-15 degrees as an avrage plus due to western expertise in commercial aviation they know much better to design mettulargy and engines as per indian conditions or for that matter southren hemisphere and thus they are less prone to malfunction plus western nations are very good at supplying spares and after sales service for there military hardware
thing is russias avrage temprature is at least 25-30 degrees below indian sub continent hence the engines made in russian conditions are bound to under perform in indidain conditions while those developed in western natons have only diffrence of 10-15 degrees as an avrage plus due to western expertise in commercial aviation they know much better to design mettulargy and engines as per indian conditions or for that matter southren hemisphere and thus they are less prone to malfunction plus western nations are very good at supplying spares and after sales service for there military hardware
hot condition always result in lower performance. a good example is to look at the new commercial planes nowadays, some manufacturers fit their planes with more powerful engines so that they can get of the ground on a full load. heck the boeing 777x series is designed to suit the needs of the hot middle east and asia. also the uae have their f16 block 60's more powerful than other variants of the gef110. some engines get round this by have cooler just before combustion/compression.
hot condition always result in lower performance. a good example is to look at the new commercial planes nowadays, some manufacturers fit their planes with more powerful engines so that they can get of the ground on a full load. heck the boeing 777x series is designed to suit the needs of the hot middle east and asia. also the uae have their f16 block 60's more powerful than other variants of the gef110. some engines get round this by have cooler just before combustion/compression.
i was trying to say the same thing why russian engines which are desigend in TUNDRA ir sub zero degrees type atosphere are used in +40 degrees avrage temp they tend to fail more when there is too much humidity or in this care salt water angle also :coffee:
i was trying to say the same thing why russian engines which are desigend in TUNDRA ir sub zero degrees type atosphere are used in +40 degrees avrage temp they tend to fail more when there is too much humidity or in this care salt water angle also :coffee:
engines are not tested for one environment, they would have been tested in several environments before certification and induction.

the engines in the standard mig 29 and the 29k are different. in the sense that the 29k's engines have greater resistance to salt corrosion and are more powerfull
1 training accident in 8 years of service is end of the world for many ! Compare it to brand new super star fighters crashing multiple times ! ☺

engines are not tested for one environment, they would have been tested in several environments before certification and induction.

the engines in the standard mig 29 and the 29k are different. in the sense that the 29k's engines have greater resistance to salt corrosion and are more powerfull
1 accident in years of service but be pretty bad in your golden standards..
engines are not tested for one environment, they would have been tested in several environments before certification and induction.

the engines in the standard mig 29 and the 29k are different. in the sense that the 29k's engines have greater resistance to salt corrosion and are more powerfull
still russians engines are primary users are russian air force or navy and sub zero or cold climate while indian region is totatly diffrent while western engines are made for use for primary useage in afro-asian hot & humid climate
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