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The Total defeat of Israel in 33 days (Lebanon 2006)

Those doing this are false flaggers bro. Rise above it. We are muslims and we must always be united. I know there are extreme provacations but all of us should try our best.

Our disunity is the greatest weapon that we gift to the enemies of the muslim nation.

Era923 is a zoroastrian. Most Iranian members on this forum are.

Anyway on topic: I remember that not even the Lebanese army supported them. They just sat on the sidelines observing.
Era923 is a zoroastrian. Most Iranian members on this forum are.

Anyway on topic: I remember that not even the Lebanese army supported them. They just sat on the sidelines observing.

Lebanese affairs are the most complex you could ever imagine, it took from me years of close observing and reading to understand how things work there. Only few politicians would analyse Lebanese political situation.
This is from BLACKEAGLE

And this is from a Hindu vK_man

This is called professional and organized trolling; notice that this Blackeagle is posting zionistic christian propaganda under a Jordanian flag and the Hindu guy is blaming Jordanians as a nation and propagating Zionist claims of "future" victory despite the utter defeat Israel has suffered.

Christians... God bless them. You are so ignorant of the geopolitical situation in the ME.
However your assumtions do not worth crap,But just go and read about American military officials and their claims about who is targetting their soldiers,who is involved more than any one in fighting Americans in Iraq,then come back here and open your mouth.
And about the stupidity,I think you got it wrong,You should have used it for your kinds who are still busy killing each other,betraying each other,back stabbing each other,being fooled by both east and west,yes,welcome to the Arab world.

Era923 is a zoroastrian. Most Iranian members on this forum are.
Yeah,thanks for judging my faith from 10,000 miles away.:lol:
However your assumtions do not worth crap,But just go and read about American military officials and their claims about who is targetting their soldiers,who is involved more than any one in fighting Americans in Iraq,then come back here and open your mouth.
Yes I know, they are definitely not the people you are talking about, all major operations against US forces were in Central and Western Iraq, not in Basrah or Karbala.
And about the stupidity,I think you got it wrong,You shoukd have used it for your kinds who are still busy killing each other,betraying each other,back stabbing each other,being fooled by both east and west,yes,welcome to the Arab world.

That's all because of Iran, or at least Iran has sth to do with it, in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. We are just paying back our foolishness of trusting Iran for 33 years.
Christians... God bless them. You are so ignorant of the geopolitical situation in the ME.

What about your Hindu friend, you don't bless him as GOD, he might not side with you next time, since he hates Christians.
You must be some lost soul "Blackeagle", your picture tells me you have a Hindustani heritage or a jewish sepharade one, not an Arab by any mean.

So keep your dirty mouth shut or king Abdullah will cut your tongue as you dirty Jordanians with it in every thread.
All your postings are wiki linked, and you pretend to know ME politics.
What about your Hindu friend, you don't bless him as GOD, he might not side with you next time, since he hates Christians.
You must be some lost soul "Blackeagle", your picture tells me you have a Hindustani heritage or a jewish sepharade one, not an Arab by any mean.

So keep your dirty mouth shut or king Abdullah will cut your tongue as you dirty Jordanians with it in every thread.
All your postings are wiki linked, and you pretend to know ME politics.

Blackeagle, that post of yours, wishing that Israel destroyed (Hezbollah) or in reality Lebanon, because Lebanon army cant defend itself, so you want Israel to take over Lebanon. That post is still here.

Where is it?

Page 7, post # 103
Israel can crush them this time, not because Israel is much stronger, because this militia got stronger as well. Israel can crush them because they lost every possible support and sympathy they had in Arab world especially by people and will lose their vital and strategic ally which is the Syrian regime as well as their strategic depth in Lebanon and Syria except for their loyal faction 8 March. And that is after their involvement in killing Syrians and openly supporting their slaughterer. We have been trying to convince ourselves that this Militia is different than Iran and alliance to it is just the only and last card they had. But they have made it crystal clear that they are just an Iranian proxy and a stagger in our side. They even tried to do terrorist attacks in Jordan before and Jordanian intelligence foiled them and arrested the terrorists and handed them over as a good well gesture. Lebanon must be free of militias as they control Lebanon by blackmailing others by their well equipped militants. Why don't they hand over their arms to the Lebanese army which is the only illegible side to defend the country and the only who is supposed to carry arms as well as to spare Lebanon from a crushing sect war?

Let us see how they fought Israel:
1- They trained another branch of an Iraqi "Hezbollah" militant faction in Iraq which is Shia to repeat the successful Lebanese experience. Who they didn't perform a single operation against American forces but rather they were there to undermine spesific sect.
2- Openly support Bahrain terrorists and called for toppling Bahrain regime, and some reports proved they tried to train and arm them.

3- Openly supported the Huthies whom they hoped will be another "Hezbollah" in Yemen.

4- Repeat the very same slogans Iran say about Arab regimes and interfere in their internal issues.

5- Many were captured in Syria killing Syrians along with the Syrian regime.

- Enough is enough with them and they must be crushed. Those are a cancer. Well, I am expecting some Iranians will come out and say how could you call for that to the enemy of Israel and align with them. It is not Israel, and if that was your logic, then I must support Qaeda who are fighting USA and don't forget Saddam. Iran was the first country to easy USA invasion of Afghanistan and don't forget to mention Israel arm sales to Iran in GW1. Terrorists are terrorists whether they were Qaeda or Hezbollah. They are just using Isreal card to undermine us and work as an Iranian proxy.

You want Hezbollah to be crushed, then who is going to defend Lebanon ? Israel will be in Beirut if there was no Hezbollah.
yeah same as pakistan winning all wars against india. #samething ;)
@ BlackEagle : I'm thinking 'Traitor' would be the right word because when me and the mule were out there in the blistering desert on the outskirts of Baghdad waiting for the helicopter laden with exotic fruits for the mule and Gaddafi's female guards for me :-)D)...you instead sent Mosa with a contingent of his royal guard all dressed up as ballerinas with Mosa dressed as a belly dancer (a hairy belly dancer at that :D) ! I was caught off guard because of that..damn you..damn you traitor ! :P
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