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The Total defeat of Israel in 33 days (Lebanon 2006)

Funny the Jordanians are condemning Hezbollah and despise israel at the same time.Hezbollah proved to be much more brave than the Jordanian army which was defeated by Israel and hezbollah was the first to defeat the israeli army.Got to give it to the wahabbis ,they lose every war and make such bravado claims.

But yes ,next war with hezbollah ,israel will win hands down.It was Israel's arrogance that led to its defeat.This time IDF will be much more prepared to deal with hezbollah .

Small Guerrilla Terror squads can do wonders that other conventional armies can't. The greatest example being LTTE who had defeated the mighty Indian army as a guerrilla group but lose to smaller SL Army as a conventional fighting force.
A real Documentary (in Arabic) about the total Defeat of Israel in the Lebanon war of 2006, where Israel lost more than 100 Merkava (the supposedly Super top notch MBT of the world) along with its Top notch "Gilani" chief of staff's paratroopers Brigade and many more... have a fuss.









I remember Stratfor having stated that israel lost 120 tanks,Hezbollah claimed 250 initially.Also I remember a large number of BBC reports where the person on the Turret hatch was killed due to Metis-M ,milan being used in top attack mode. Atleast 30 cases.

Israel admitted around 45 tanks were lost in action,5-10 totally destroyed.But I was unconvinced knowing that in previous wars like Yom Kippur ,Israel did understate tank losses.

Small Guerrilla Terror squads can do wonders that other conventional armies can't. The greatest example being LTTE who had defeated the mighty Indian army as a guerrilla group but lose to smaller SL Army as a conventional fighting force.

Most battles seemed pretty direct battles in 2006 war.I was expecting Hezbollah to be wiped out totally with Israel losing only 2-5 soldiers. Thats what I thought. But I was bloody wrong.Hezbollah did impress me no doubts. It also showed that decentralized command has its benefits.Israel had decentralized command in the previous wars till 1973. Hezbollah seemed to have adopted decentralized battle strategy ,while IDF become centralized and technology dependent.Combined with Hubris ,it led to defeat of Israel.But ,I do not expect a repeat of 2006 lebanon war again.Next war,Hezbollah will be decimated as Israel is quick to understand shortcomings and rectift

Small Guerrilla Terror squads can do wonders that other conventional armies can't. The greatest example being LTTE who had defeated the mighty Indian army as a guerrilla group but lose to smaller SL Army as a conventional fighting force.

Most battles seemed pretty direct battles in 2006 war.I was expecting Hezbollah to be wiped out totally with Israel losing only 2-5 soldiers. Thats what I thought. But I was bloody wrong.Hezbollah did impress me no doubts. It also showed that decentralized command has its benefits.Israel had decentralized command in the previous wars till 1973. Hezbollah seemed to have adopted decentralized battle strategy ,while IDF become centralized and technology dependent.Combined with Hubris ,it led to defeat of Israel.But ,I do not expect a repeat of 2006 lebanon war again.Next war,Hezbollah will be decimated as Israel is quick to understand shortcomings and rectifty them
Hold on, quote the post that says that now.
Here's one:
Hizbushia idiots can only fire handmade unguided rocket to civilian..what a brave mans!

All Lebanese sects and people hate them and want them disarmed except for this militia well known sect and a small Christian party led by Colonel Oon. They are called 8 march faction.

The irony is that only the ones who call themselves Sunni Muslims hate them,not Christians.We shouldn't be surprised because of their sectarian obsession,like their big brothers,Saudis and also Qatar,Jordan and others,they all hate them because they are Shias.But for us,they are heroes,whether you like it or not.Arab countries don't even have their huffs and puffs against Israel anymore,I can't remember the last time a major Arab leader denounce Israel.Your king is in bed with them,their other friend,Mubarak,is gone,Abdullah II stands in line :smokin:

You even called them a cancer,but you should know,the real cancer in ME are the ones like that British agent that you call your leader,Abdullah II.

I noticed you guys are perfect at lying, I challenge you in front of all members here to prove that an Arab said what you claimed here. Shame on you. If you like them so much, why don't you dissolve Iranian army and create similar terrorist groups in Arabistan, Baluchistan,...ect to fight Americans "the biggest devil" next to your doors? Lebanon is a country that have an army and would be happy to have this militia weapons to defend the country as the only legitimate Institution illegible to posses such weapons.

Even an Israeli general couldn't have said it better than you!!!

Lebanon is a Christian country. And majority of even those Christians support Hezbollah because they are defending the country.

Lebanon had a Christian minority controlling the Muslim majority, it has never been a Christian country, that is the past though, today its in the hands of its Muslim majority.
Looks like propoganda nonsense to me.

Lebanon is a Christian country. And majority of even those Christians support Hezbollah because they are defending the country.

No they don't.

When Israel occupied Southern Lebanon for 18 years, they asked Christian SLA to help them maintain order there.

Only people who like Hezbollah are Shia lebanese.

Next war,Hezbollah will be decimated as Israel is quick to understand shortcomings and rectify them.

So does Hezbollah most probably. So I think (and I know just from these videos) its Israel who'll get decimated this time.
Lebanon used to be a Christian country. There are still a lot of Christians living there who want nothing to do with Hezbullah.

There is a lot of history to this. They were Christians because France was the ruler. As always colonialism creates mess and in the case of lebanon here, it was on the verge of getting divided into countries. Check out the civil war and you'll know more....
This is from BLACKEAGLE
All Lebanese sects and people hate them and want them disarmed except for this militia well known sect and a small Christian party led by Colonel Oon. They are called 8 march faction.

And this is from a Hindu vK_man

Funny the Jordanians are condemning Hezbollah and despise israel at the same time.Hezbollah proved to be much more brave than the Jordanian army which was defeated by Israel and hezbollah was the first to defeat the israeli army.Got to give it to the wahabbis ,they lose every war and make such bravado claims.

But yes ,next war with hezbollah ,israel will win hands down.It was Israel's arrogance that led to its defeat.This time IDF will be much more prepared to deal with hezbollah .

This is called professional and organized trolling; notice that this Blackeagle is posting zionistic christian propaganda under a Jordanian flag and the Hindu guy is blaming Jordanians as a nation and propagating Zionist claims of "future" victory despite the utter defeat Israel has suffered.

It is entirely pointless to highlight Shia Sunni differences. As Muslims we must try to bridge gaps. Only our enemies gain from us infighting.
How can I not mention that while All other members are in sectarian fighting up to their neck?
I know thhis is not good,but when they hate us and insult us or Hezbollah only because they are Shia,there should be anwers for them.
If you know me,I have many times denounced this Shia-Sunni hate game,but sometimes I can't just stay quiet.
We are comparing IDF, with a small group called Hezbollah. For such a strong (coward, though) force like IDF, who had defeated everyone before, 33 days war was nothing but a decisive defeat.
Even if Hezbollah were totally annihilated, still that would be a moral victory for this great leader and his men.
Even if we kill every single Hezbollah man, Iran simply will train new ones pretty fast from Lebanese Shias. And even if Hezbollah wont be rebuilt instead will come some other crazy terrorists, like it happened before: in 1982 we went up to Beirut, kicked PLO out of Lebanon, but instead came others: first Amal, then Hezbollah.

So there is no point to destroy them, better to deter them from attacking us. And this deterrence was achieved.
How can I not mention that while All other members are in sectarian fighting up to their neck?
I know thhis is not good,but when they hate us and insult us or Hezbollah only because they are Shia,there should be anwers for them.
If you know me,I have many times denounced this Shia-Sunni hate game,but sometimes I can't just stay quiet.

Those doing this are false flaggers bro. Rise above it. We are muslims and we must always be united. I know there are extreme provacations but all of us should try our best.

Our disunity is the greatest weapon that we gift to the enemies of the muslim nation.
Here's one:

The irony is that only the ones who call themselves Sunni Muslims hate them,not Christians.We shouldn't be surprised because of their sectarian obsession,like their big brothers,Saudis and also Qatar,Jordan and others,they all hate them because they are Shias.But for us,they are heroes,whether you like it or not.Arab countries don't even have their huffs and puffs against Israel anymore,I can't remember the last time a major Arab leader denounce Israel.Your king is in bed with them,their other friend,Mubarak,is gone,Abdullah II stands in line :smokin:

You even called them a cancer,but you should know,the real cancer in ME are the ones like that British agent that you call your leader,Abdullah II.


You see? I didn't say that and next time think before you open your mouth. If you want to believe we hate them because they are Shea, then yes, and if you want to believe we hate them because they are real terrorists work as an Iranian proxy and desperately trying to establish similar militia, kill Syrians and Iraqi then it's a yes as well. It's your choice. Iran and it's proxies will be kicked out from the Whole Arab world and will be left out alone with no allies nor real friends unless Iranian people pick a decent leader rather than a street picked one. Iran will barely get food for her people, and yet won't be able to give money to those terrorists, not anymore.
Even if we kill every single Hezbollah man, Iran simply will train new ones pretty fast from Lebanese Shias. And even if Hezbollah wont be rebuilt instead will come some other crazy terrorists, like it happened before: in 1982 we went up to Beirut, kicked PLO out of Lebanon, but instead came others: first Amal, then Hezbollah.

So there is no point to destroy them, better to deter them from attacking us. And this deterrence was achieved.

That will not happen with the new Syria and yet Lebanon. They used Israeli enmity as a pretext to create Iranian proxies in the hearts of Arab world, and was successful of fooling us for the last 33 years. As for now, Iranian armed militia won't give up their arms in Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon. I like it how Houthies in Northern Yemen were killing Saudi and Yemenis and chanting death to Israel and death to America:lol:. While Iranian proxies were the only ones who issued fatwas not to resist US invasion and give up armes and didn't ever targeted American occupation forces, noting that the most peaceful and tranquil area in Iraq during US occupation was in Southern Iraq where those people are the vast majority. Moreover, they were the first people to put their hands with Americans and involved in political process under American and Iranian supervision. They are the most stupid people I have ever seen. After all of this, Iran still has the nerve to chant death to US and Israel.
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