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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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Well its true that the Taliban may never be defeated in Afghanistan or their capability to always resurge may be not be defeated, they will have to be suppressed all the time and that is possible.

Problem is Nato has made this an anti-Pashtoon Afghan drive (as per perceptions). The same thing was marketed in Pakistan too, but in Pakistan national solidarity is infinitely more stronger than Afghan national solidarity. The Afghan government has done zilch for national reconciliation. Even today one type of Afghan is ready to kill the other type of Afghan. In such an environment, when Taliban says they are out to kill the Pashtoon and we're fighting for the Pashtoon (garnished with their fight for Islam) they generate plenty of support from Afghanistan.

To defeat the Taliban you'll have to kill all Pashtoon in Afghanistan and your own western public won't let your governments ever do that.

No need to kill all Pushtoon or Taliban , Enemies of Islam have more lethal and effective weapon which shall be used to destroy their morale values and faith through western punk culture (music, alcohol, adultery, riba (interest based system),corrupt leadership, sectarianism etc .

They know real power of Islam is in their values and faith.The day Talaban accept their system same day US NATO will stop war in Afghanistan.

They feel real danger from Islamic values and faith and shariah law which is totally different from capitalism and imperialism and which need free and independent environment to practically implement.
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"Problem is Nato has made this an anti-Pashtoon Afghan drive (as per perceptions)."

Perceptions are fickle and, in your case, unsubstantiated but, further, don't explain why the pashtuns aren't all dead or that a pashtun like Karzai sits as President. Weak argument and you know it. There's no anti-pashtun agenda here. ISAF/America would very much like Pashtuns to hold their rightful share of power.

It is pashtun taliban whom prevent them from such. Funny that most here could care less that it is Pashtun taliban whom killed two-thirds of all afghans last year. However, most here are Pakistani with designs to dominate Afghanistan so that's understandable I suppose.

No need to kill all Pushtoon or Taliban , Enemies of Islam have more lethal and effective weapon which shall be used to destroy their morale values and faith through western punk culture (music, alcohol, adultery, riba (interest based system),corrupt leadership, sectarianism etc .

They know real power of Islam is in their values and faith.The day Talaban accept their system same day US NATO will stop war in Afghanistan.

They feel real danger from Islamic values and faith and shariah law which is totally different from capitalism and imperialism and which need free and independent environment to practically implement.

I am a Muslim i believe in my religion, though i am a muslim who do many things that are against teaching of islam but no way on earth am i going to accept the Taliban Version of Islam
Taliban are doing no good to people of Afghanistan & Pakistan & to Islam they are Barbarians who are out for Blood & power by using Islam they gaining the 'emotional support' of uneducated people who don't know the real Islam they believe in what they are TOLD
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"Problem is Nato has made this an anti-Pashtoon Afghan drive (as per perceptions)."

Perceptions are fickle and, in your case, unsubstantiated but, further, don't explain why the pashtuns aren't all dead or that a pashtun like Karzai sits as President. Weak argument and you know it. There's no anti-pashtun agenda here. ISAF/America would very much like Pashtuns to hold their rightful share of power.

It is pashtun taliban whom prevent them from such. Funny that most here could care less that it is Pashtun taliban whom killed two-thirds of all afghans last year. However, most here are Pakistani with designs to dominate Afghanistan so that's understandable I suppose.

Have you ever seen Afghans discuss politics? Its all emotion, no substance, no logic.

Taliban is an ideology, not an organization. The ideology has many components. Karzai can be explained as an American agent. The Taliban take credit for the Pashtoons that live as their saviors. The other thing that is packaged is that you guys are out to make Pashtoon their slaves. Major Ego hurt here, for the Pashtoon once you talk about their subjugation.

Its very hard to explain the Pashtoon mindset. But that mindset is the best weapon the Taliban have. Its important that the Nato puts in an effort to understand it.
I am a Muslim i believe in my religion, though i am a muslim who do many things that are against teaching of islam but no way on earth am i going to accept the Taliban Version of Islam
Taliban are doing no good to people of Afghanistan & Pakistan & to Islam they are Barbarians who are out for Blood & power by using Islam they gaining the 'emotional support' of uneducated people who don't know the real Islam they believe in what they are TOLD

Battle field is acid test of any nation's strength , from last eight years Talaban passed this test but ISAF failed miserably.

ISAF have no option left other than to talk with Mullah Omar , they had used all their cards:D
"Have you ever seen Afghans discuss politics?"

Yes. Actually I have.

"Its all emotion, no substance, no logic..."

Allow me to quote you from another thread-

"Without a doubt, it will be slim pickings for anyone from Pakistan, China or India. Our countries have set new lows in absolute crap bickering throughout 2009. We can't take difference of opinions, we can't tolerate the other sides point of view, if I say you have this thing bad, instead of acknowledging or refuting it, the response would be "Oh yeah you suck too and I have pictures of Slums/Terrorists to prove it".

Our countrymen come with heavy duty agendas, as if they will launch their world domination schemes off defence.pk."

See where I'm going? Needless to say, this American is more than occasionally guilty of unrepentant anger as well. So?

"Karzai can be explained as an American agent. The Taliban take credit for the Pashtoons that live as their saviors. The other thing that is packaged is that you guys are out to make Pashtoon their slaves..."

I concur. The taliban are very adept information warriors but that wasn't what YOU said, sir.

Here's your comment if I may-

"Problem is Nato has made this an anti-Pashtoon Afghan drive (as per perceptions)."

NATO hasn't done so whatsoever. That the taliban would manufacture this message is expected. That others here would pick up that cry is painful, unfortunate, and unnecessary. We talk of a "trust deficit" among Americans and Pakistanis. It's real enough.

The greater trust deficit, however, exists between Pakistanis and Afghans. It will continue so long as Afghans know Haqqani and Hekmatyar send their suicide bombers across the border from Miram Shah. Someday you must make real peace with all Afghans-Pashtuns, tajiks, hazara, uzbeks, turkomen and Baloch.

That will be the only assurance of an Afghanistan that can only be dominated by Afghans for afghans. Not Pakistanis. Not Iranians. Not Indians. Then you'll be secure on your western borders as never before.

I am a Muslim i believe in my religion, though i am a muslim who do many things that are against teaching of islam but no way on earth am i going to accept the Taliban Version of Islam
Taliban are doing no good to people of Afghanistan & Pakistan & to Islam they are Barbarians who are out for Blood & power by using Islam they gaining the 'emotional support' of uneducated people who don't know the real Islam they believe in what they are TOLD

Every nation has right to defend their home land , Afghan are defending their home land , do you agree or not?

If during their war against invaders any one support invaders , they should also fight with these infedels or not ?

Please dont mix TTP with AT .

We are not discussing here about version of Islam of Talaban ,
point of discussion here is that fight against invader is valid or not.
Every nation has right to defend their home land , Afghan are defending their home land , do you agree or not?

If during their war against invaders any one support invaders , they should also fight with these infedels or not ?

Please dont mix TTP with AT .

When did a clan of people from all over the world became a 'nation', Some Uzebks, Saudis, Some Yemeni, Egyptians, Pakistanis gearing up for the 'Greater good of God' are no NATION, i repeat no NATION
If they were ever interested in development of Afghanistan they could have done good things, Tell me one just one University they opened for the people of Afghanistan, Development Projects
Thugs are thugs no matter from where they are, They defend their Home land by killing their own people, Now you can say that they are all consumable for the 'Greater good of God & Afghanistan'

We are not discussing here about version of Islam of Talaban ,
point of discussion here is that fight against invader is valid or not.

what was i to make out of these line of yours

They know real power of Islam is in their values and faith.The day Talaban accept their system same day US NATO will stop war in Afghanistan.

They feel real danger from Islamic values and faith and shariah law which is totally different from capitalism and imperialism and which need free and independent environment to practically implement.
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Can't we just kill them all? Good Taliban or not? Some of us just want to get back to our lives.
When did a clan of people from all over the world became a 'nation', Some Uzebks, Saudis, Some Yemeni, Egyptians, Pakistanis gearing up for the 'Greater good of God' are no NATION, i repeat no NATION
If they were ever interested in development of Afghanistan they could have done good things, Tell me one just one University they opened for the people of Afghanistan, Development Projects
Thugs are thugs no matter from where they are, They defend their Home land by killing their own people, Now you can say that they are all consumable for the 'Greater good of God & Afghanistan'

what was i to make out of this line of yours

Remember one thing , zoinist and neo cons wanted to weaken all muslim powers from which they feel danger, they destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan and now Pakistan is their next target.

I agree with you talaban had done mistakes but now they are fighting war of Pakistan .
Remember one thing , zoinist and neo cons wanted to weaken all muslim powers from which they feel danger, they destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan and now Pakistan is their next target.

I agree with you talaban had done mistakes but now they are fighting war of Pakistan .

was Afghanistan a Muslim Power & Taliban Fighting for Pakistan

Do i need to say anything after reading these stupid Jokes, hats off for you
Talibans can only be defeated by brutal massacre which i highly support.There should be no human rights applied on Taliban.When you capture, Kill them by pumping oil into their blood nerves and then burn their nerves..This show should be shown to couple dozen Talibans and slowly they will start loosing.Talibans are very very arrogant.It is because of the arrogance they got kicked in 2001.They thought no body could touch them but they got their ***** handed to them by ISAF.If push comes to shove US Army alone (Let Alone NATO) can take care of talibans.They would just have to deploy 200 to 300k troops and more air force.I hope they do.
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I believe the Taliban lost all reason to exist after the soviets left Afghanistan, they are denying the death of their ideology by finding new reasons to support there existence...........Fighting Pakistan is one such reason even though Pakistan trained them and armed them along with the US during the soviet occupation of Afghanistan...............but looking at the thrashing they received by the hands of our forces, i can conclusively say that: Indeed, billi sher ki khala hai !!!!!!!
was Afghanistan a Muslim Power & Taliban Fighting for Pakistan

Do i need to say anything after reading these stupid Jokes, hats off for you

Read history of Britishers invaders , US is using same techniques .

Infact two civilizations (muslim &capitalism) are at clash in Afghanistan.

Stupid jokes become reality after ISAF defeat in Afghanistan soon :cheers:
Remember one thing , zoinist and neo cons wanted to weaken all muslim powers from which they feel danger, they destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan and now Pakistan is their next target.

I agree with you talaban had done mistakes but now they are fighting war of Pakistan .

Yeah right..........more like the war to wipe Pakistan off the map.
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