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The Superpower Behind the Turkish Protests

There is no support for wahabbis in Syria. Only 5% syrians supported them initially and they have lost that support also due to the aggressive actions of the wahabbis on those who welcomed them. This is why Wahabbis are not able to control anywhere. You can ask a syrian chap named Cosnostra Jabbour,Ez Al-assad or Mimi Al-laham(syrian girl partisan). Cosnostra Jabbour lives in Damascus and took part in fighting the wahabbis,never liked Assad ,but now hates the wahabbis.

Who needs support ,but these elements under purview of Western agencies can do sabotage ,assassinations or terror on mass scale.
Dude, you are really wrong if you think that syrian opposition are only bunch of wahabis. The point is that the opposition force gets replenished each time in each region by locals, which it means that they have massive popular support. no syrians sunni likes Assad. I even doubt if Alevis who are mostly open-minded and secular people like Assad either. The only reason that they support Assad is that they fear about what may happen to them if Assad regime collapses. The point is that people support of an idea or regime is important. Opposition, or wahabis or whatever you want to call them, have massive support in Syria, while there is nothing like that in Turkey. That's the difference.

Assad is not in power for Iran, Assad has popularity near 80% .
No, he is supported by 99.99999999% of Syrians. :rofl:
I believe Pakistan is a good example for Turkey's future, with terrorist gangs enjoying support among the people and an Islamist reawakening.
please do not be offended by that, but, that's why I say that your mullahland is created on top of a bullshit mountain. when I read your and your friends comments, that's the only thing that comes into my mind.
... a rough description of self-humiliation.
ok. ;)
You and your type have a really impaired logic. No wonder if anyone in the world has problem with your type. Anyway, honestly, I don't understand what you are trying to say at the end? Do you want to finally say that PKK has nothing to do at all with YPG? you are obviously wrong. But, so what? The fact is that they are the same type of shit at the end, with the same mentality, tactics, culture, ..., and regardless of their flags or names.

Then there is no need to quote 'my type' when you don't like their logic and can't actually post one line without personal insults.

YPG and PKK are different indeed, in training, logistics, goals, nationality and number of fighters. YPG is not considered as a terrorist group and if we consider them as one of the opposition groups, they would be the most democratic one among them compared to Nusra, IF, ISIL, Ahrar al Sham and others. However, their goal is not to rule Syria, but to only defend their areas against invaders. Unlike PKK, there isn't any reported act of terrorism reported by YPG yet. They are not saints, but far better than PKK and other rebel groups in Syria.
Dude, you are really wrong if you think that syrian opposition are only bunch of wahabis. The point is that the opposition force gets replenished each time in each region by locals, which it means that they have massive popular support. no syrians sunni likes Assad. I even doubt if Alevis who are mostly open-minded and secular people like Assad either. The only reason that they support Assad is that they fear about what may happen to them if Assad regime collapses. The point is that people support of an idea or regime is important. Opposition, or wahabis or whatever you want to call them, have massive support in Syria, while there is nothing like that in Turkey. That's the difference.

Most Syrians back President Assad – but you'd never know from western media | Jonathan Steele | Comment is free | The Guardian

NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians’ hearts and minds
Special to WorldTribune.com

LONDON — After two years of civil war, support for the regime of
Syrian President Bashar Assad was said to have sharply increased.

NATO has been studying data that told of a sharp rise in support for
Assad. The data, compiled by Western-sponsored activists and organizations,
showed that a majority of Syrians were alarmed by the Al Qaida takeover of
the Sunni revolt and preferred to return to Assad, Middle East Newsline reported.

A man waves the Syrian flag bearing the image of President Bashar Assad. /Marwan Naamani/AFP/Getty Images

“The people are sick of the war and hate the jihadists more than Assad,”
a Western source familiar with the data said. “Assad is winning the war
mostly because the people are cooperating with him against the rebels.

NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians' hearts and minds - World Tribune | World Tribune

Even in start of war ,Assad had 55% support as per Doha Debates. Now the support for assad is off the charts . Even confirmed by pro-american conservative media like Worldtribune.

I believe Pakistan is a good example for Turkey's future, with terrorist gangs enjoying support among the people and an Islamist reawakening.

Look at what happened in Kiev by neo-nazis. That will be the model for the wahabbis.Already Wahabbis have large numbers of militia in Turkey.
ok. ;)

Then there is no need to quote 'my type' when you don't like their logic and can't actually post one line without personal insults.

YPG and PKK are different indeed, in training, logistics, goals, nationality and number of fighters. YPG is not considered as a terrorist group and if we consider them as one of the opposition groups, they would be the most democratic one among them compared to Nusra, IF, ISIL, Ahrar al Sham and others. However, their goal is not to rule Syria, but to only defend their areas against invaders. Unlike PKK, there isn't any reported act of terrorism reported by YPG yet. They are not saints, but far better than PKK and other rebel groups in Syria.

I don't care about you. But, when you write in an international forum, everyone would read it. Not only you and me. is it right?
Anyway, you got back on top of that mountain that I mentioned earlier. YPG, and PKK are the same shit. have the same training, have mutual funding, equipments, goals(Big cavemenistan), ...

Come on... think of it logically. isn't this news hilarious?
I don't care about you. But, when you write in an international forum, everyone would read it. Not only you and me. is it right?
Anyway, you got back on top of that mountain that I mentioned earlier. YPG, and PKK are the same shit. have the same training, have mutual funding, equipments, goals(Big cavemenistan), ...

Come on... think of it logically. isn't this news hilarious?

Logically ,this isn't hilarious. Assad may be bad,but no one wants wahabbis or Al Qaeda. @Syrian Lion

Are you a closet islamist?

This is from an islamic site:

After becoming president, Bashar introduced some reforms, especially in the economic field opening up business opportunities for others besides the small circle of people around the president. In the nearly 12-year period of his rule, a substantial middle class has emerged in Syria that continues to support the regime. A survey conducted by the Qatari-funded Doha Debates found that 55% of Syrians support al-Asad as president fearing turmoil in the country if he were removed. Interestingly, Qatar is one of the regimes — the other being Saudi Arabia — that is in the forefront of financing armed groups and demanding the resignation of Bashar al-Asad.

Beyond the noisy headlines, the real story in Syria, Tahir Mustafa, Crescent Magazine
Nice to read certain people want to see rebellion in Turkey. Tried but failed. Assad and his kind tried.for decades and now get to taste a piece of their own pie. Soon others will follow Assad's footsteps. Certain countries get very uncomfortable with the gas and pipelines we are building. That we are getting close to Azerbaijan and being active in Caspian sea. We are building dock in Kazakhstan and soon Turkic navy will have the last word there.
Makes sense. I had warned before that the wahabbis fighters will have power to overthrow Turkish govt. Plus with this movements of self-identification of various ethnicities in turkey will mean big trouble for turkey and russia. For Russia more so because the some of the refugee ethnicities in turkey might be even more than half the population of Turkey.

It will only stroke the 'right to return' calls in the muslim republics in Russia much more loudly and if turkey is sent into civil war by wahabbis then there will be enormous pressure for the right to return by the host minority populations and caucusian politicans for diaspora population.

I kind of agree with you. I really dont understand these muslims. They are so divided/unpredictable. They claim to be 'muslim brothers', but will collaborate with anybody including the west and even Israel against their so called 'fellow muslims'. :rofl:
In the case of Syria, im shocked to still see some people saying it was a revolution/war to topple a dictatorial regime, and foreign powers are just trying to protect the poor peaceful protesters/rebels from being sluttered by the Syrian army.:cheesy: This is simply laughable. :lol: I dont know if some people are dumb or they are just being sarcastic. Do you thinkour governments in the west/U.S give a shit about how many muslims die in the middle east? or about if a regime is dictatorial or not? If so why is the U.S still allied with Saudi Arabia(the worlds most dictatorial regime second only to north korea with no election whatsoever,even the election kight be fraudulent/a farce)? same with other gulf countries who are/were more dictatorial than the syrian regime, yet they are still supported/covered by the U.S/west. The war in Syria is a geo political war mainly between the U.S/West and Russia, Iran and to an extent China.
However no matter how bad/feel about the syrian people for being collateral victims, but i understand our governments actions, since they are mainly looking out for our country's interests, no matter how hypocritic they might be. What i dont understand is Turkeys position. They are neighbours with Syria and fellow 'Muslims':lol:. Yet they went along with the U.S/west plan of destabilizing Syria. And they are still suppoting and providing sanctuary for many of these extermist islamic groups and foreign terrorists. It seems they dont know what they are playing with. Terrorists they give a shit about whether you have helped them in the past, at one point when they dont need you, they will turn against you as well. Pakistan can attest to that. I dont know if the turkey government is stupid or just being naive. we in the west and even more so the U.S are still far away from syria/middle east. so we can afford to sponsor some of these groups to futher our interests without being afraid of these extremists to pose an existential threat to our country. But Turkey being a neighbour of syria will pay a very high price for this, i am sure of this. Again i guess pakistan can be a good advice to turkey in this regard, play with fire while being too close to it andit will burn you.
Anyway, overall, i think the U.S has played its card right in Syria, it should keep supporting the rebels/terrorists via saudi arabia, Qatar, turkey and its gulf allies/subordinates to weaken syria to a state where its basically reduced to a Yemen, this will be of advantage to the west, since it will weaken Russias only ally in this region, and put its only naval base in the region under threat. It will also help the U.S to ba able to use these groups against Turkey in case Turkey ever tries to switch sides and ally with Russia,Iran or even China.:enjoy::usflag:
In this war the U.S/west have nothing to lose, except Turkey,Iraq and syrias neighbours that have everything to lose.:agree:
Nice to read certain people want to see rebellion in Turkey. Tried but failed. Assad and his kind tried.for decades and now get to taste a piece of their own pie. Soon others will follow Assad's footsteps. Certain countries get very uncomfortable with the gas and pipelines we are building. That we are getting close to Azerbaijan and being active in Caspian sea. We are building dock in Kazakhstan and soon Turkic navy will have the last word there.

I do not wish for Turkey being destabilised. It will harm the caucusus demographics and can start a hell lot more pressure for repatriations,righting of 'historical injustices' ,Right to return etc etc.

I rather prefer that Turkey continues to turkify the people of Turkey.For if the ancestral ethnicities start being known ,it will be a disaster for Russia and a big bone of contention b/w politicans in Moscow and the politicans of the caucusian republics.

Have azerbijan if you like ,Make your glorious turk union with them. Kazakhstan is part of Eurasian union now.
So decide which one want to be master of Azerbaijan . Iran or Turkey .
What about asking people of Azerbaijan which country they want to join? And in the mean time also ask the Azeri, Turkmen, and other turkic minorities in Iran too.

@Kaan please ban this f***tard.
Let him be man :D probably Azerbaijan's army is stronger than Iranian army anyway. Azeri Safavids ruled the region for centuries.
A rational question doesn't ask for something that doesn't exist, or at least not in any credible source. But as I said, if you think PKK is involved in Syria greatly, provide a source.
As always, you are targeting my nationality, but it doesn't matter, like always. But indeed, someone else needs to grow up.
Pkk is involved. The PYD has abdullah ocalan pictures every where. A pkk guy on this forum just said that they operate in syria. Pkk also gets many recruits from syria.
What about asking people of Azerbaijan which country they want to join? And in the mean time also ask the Azeri, Turkmen, and other turkic minorities in Iran too.
Every sane person knows that all Azeris prefer Turkey over Iran.
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I never claimed they don't have communications or information sharing/etc, maybe they do, but only said that PKK and in general Iraqi Kurdistan has not physically intervened in Syria by sending forces/weapons. But maybe it's happening in secret, who knows?
So what do you claim then? You first say they are seperate and then when I ask do you think they have lines of communication, logistical support, Intel, common goal, you say something different.
What about asking people of Azerbaijan which country they want to join? And in the mean time also ask the Azeri, Turkmen, and other turkic minorities in Iran too.

Let him be man :D probably Azerbaijan's army is stronger than Iranian army anyway. Azeri Safavids ruled the region for centuries.
I don't see Azerbaijan taking back their lost territory from Armenia, much less posing a threat to Iran.

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