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The Status of Pakistan's Radar Network During US raid

I don't care if they confront them with bare hands.. Secondly, US has its bases in afghanistan. U can always use that card.. Nor necessarily play it.

Also my frustration start from isi/army not knowing that obl was right under their nose.

Remember gen. K gave a speech in abottabad only a week back. Its a regular practice to make sure that a certain radius around his place of visit is being checked properly..

Finally, if our forces r only concerend about eastern border then let's have a no war pack with india for next 50 yrs and fire them all... Instead invest the saved money in education which will definitely have higher returns..
remember Quaid the great's quote,"musalman museebat mai ghabraya nai kerta"

dont lose hope...and self-defeatists i dont like....we still can undo all what went through last week....we should immediately cut all diplomatic ties with america and cut the nato suply forever....we will see how they export all the military harware out after pissing us....i can assure nation would be overjoyed if these two steps can be implemented and whats lost would be redeemed and regained in a glorious way :yahoo:
I don't care if they confront them with bare hands.. Secondly, US has its bases in afghanistan. U can always use that card.. Nor necessarily play it.

Also my frustration start from isi/army not knowing that obl was right under their nose.

Remember gen. K gave a speech in abottabad only a week back. Its a regular practice to make sure that a certain radius around his place of visit is being checked properly..

Finally, if our forces r only concerend about eastern border then let's have a no war pack with india for next 50 yrs and fire them all... Instead invest the saved money in education which will definitely have higher returns..

Rehman Malik says that the drones have an altitude higher than the F-16s that's why they cannot be shot down by F-16s. Next he'll say that the choppers have a greater altitude and range than the PAF fighters. Pakistani people have elected some morons as their political leaders.

I love the line about RADARS pointing EAST to INDIA i presume.
My question do PAF radars not provide 360 degree cover or do they stay pointing EAST only. ???????

2nd QUESTION does this mean NEXT time a PAF enemy should fly from EAST to NORTH then circle back to ATTACK from WEST ?????????

3RD if a helicopter can JAM PAF radars so can Israeli supplied Jammers on board su30mki or future Rafael /typhoons. ????????

PAFS radars are probably in the main fairly modest and 1980s technology i would imagine (dont kill me i,m guessing) Which means modern 4th generation fighters will be able to jam PAF systems ...

IN SOME WAYS this ebaressment will work in PAF favour with future upgrades to make up the deficiency.

a fighter jet or heli cant jam a radar you dumbnut.....get your facts right.and you have to fly near to peshawar ,kamra and pubbi airforce bases .....now i find it hard to believe that the radars on all three were shut!!!.....AWACS are not operated during peacetime.....else they would lose their life quickly.....hence i buy the argument that the helos were completely stealth or we had orders to stand down.....

Anyways...i am grateful that we didnt encounter or shoot those helis else we would have gotten a barrage of F/A 18 hornets from the USS Carl winson and jalalabad airbase adn resulted in a bloodbath.!!
Whats the flying distance between Jalalabad and Abbotabad ?
a fighter jet or heli cant jam a radar you dumbnut.....get your facts right.and you have to fly near to peshawar ,kamra and pubbi airforce bases .....now i find it hard to believe that the radars on all three were shut!!!.....AWACS are not operated during peacetime.....else they would lose their life quickly.....hence i buy the argument that the helos were completely stealth or we had orders to stand down.....

Anyways...i am grateful that we didnt encounter or shoot those helis else we would have gotten a barrage of F/A 18 hornets from the USS Carl winson and jalalabad airbase adn resulted in a bloodbath.!!

Were the F/A-18 pilots given the orders to shoot down PAF fighters if they tried to intercept?
Rehman Malik says that the drones have an altitude higher than the F-16s that's why they cannot be shot down by F-16s. Next he'll say that the choppers have a greater altitude and range than the PAF fighters.

Who the hell are you to talk about this? Do you have F-16? You live on foreign aid and Indian will. :sick:

Pakistani people have elected some morons as their political leaders.
Shut up you moron. Your leaders are moronic than us. :tdown:
Hi Mr. Ajpirzada, I understand your frustration with how the PA/PAF has been made to look and humiliated. However, one learns to pick their battles, and more importantly picks ones he/she can win.

Did you really want the PAF of PA to stop the US from getting rid of the world's worst terrorist? Also, what would the PAF confront superior US fighter jets with? Well lets go down the list of choices the PAF could throw against F-18 Super Hornets and F-15 Eagles, supported by JSTARS and E-3 Sentry AWACs:

(1) F-7: A souped up Chinese version of a 1960s MiG-21.
(2) Mirrage III/IV: Old 1960s/70s upgraded planes with no BVR.
(3) JF-17: No current BVR and untested.
(4) F-16s: US made planes, probably paid with US aid money, with potential locks on their AMRAAM BVRs, and probably full of trojan horses.

The PAF can do nothing against the US Air Force, the difference in the technology and money, is to vast.

Indian Air Force is also getting modernized day by day and would PAF use the same arguments of technological difference again? If PAF or Pakistan's air defence network is not technologically advanced, then who is responsible for it? Common man is not responsbile for it. Funds have been provided by the Govt time and again and its the responsibility of the concerned dept to develop or purchase the right equipment. The orientation of defences towards India reminds me of the french defensive Maginot Line towards Germany in 2nd World War. German army simply went around the defences and rendered them useless because an attack from behind the Maginot line was not imagined and taken into account.

This particular event of intruding into pakistani airspace undetected or unopposed may also be related to MMRCA competition in India. On 1st May 2011, US ambassador to India resigned from his post, apparently because on 28th April 2011, US F/A-18 and F-16 fighters were dropped from the MMRCA competition. This deal was important for US. The deal has not been signed yet and chances of getting the contract are still there.

Why was F/A-18E/F Super Hornet dropped despite having an operational AESA radar as compared to other MMRCA contendors? May be India is pushing for more technology from US. The key may be air defence suppression (SEAD) capability with jammers and anti-radiation missiles like AGM-88 HARM. US promptly demonstrated this capability to India by penetrating deep into Pakistan. Now if US agrees to include E/A-18G Growlers with F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, then the package becomes irresistable. Growler is the latest US Electronic Warfare platform with air defence suppression capabilites and has recently been used in Libya as has done Rafale.

Other alternative is the use of technology derived from Tornado ECR in the Eurofighter. Tornado ECR is also an air defence suppression platform used by Italy and Germany.
Here's one possible scenario (as some others have also alluded):

- PA/ISI did not know about OBL.
- The Americans told Pakistan at the last minute before the raid, but only that "a" terrorist would be targetted. No mention of OBL. They also promised that the whole operation would remain covert and nobody would ever know. The PA agreed to stand aside and let the Americans proceed.
- After the raid, the Americans betrayed the Pakistanis and announced the raid and OBL to the media. The Pakistanis were left scrambling to come up with a plausible story.
- This was payback for all the animosity building up between the two armies and CIA/ISI for a long time, including the Raymond Davis saga.
The real story will never come out.

If it did, then heads are certain to roll at Islamabad.
Here's one possible scenario (as some others have also alluded):

- PA/ISI did not know about OBL.
- The Americans told Pakistan at the last minute before the raid, but only that "a" terrorist would be targetted. No mention of OBL. They also promised that the whole operation would remain covert and nobody would ever know. The PA agreed to stand aside and let the Americans proceed.
- After the raid, the Americans betrayed the Pakistanis and announced the raid and OBL to the media. The Pakistanis were left scrambling to come up with a plausible story.
- This was payback for all the animosity building up between the two armies and CIA/ISI for a long time, including the Raymond Davis saga.

In case Pakistan helped US raid, it would only push India towards US fighters F/A-18E/F and E/A-18G for MMRCA competition (which is itself not good for Pakistan).

You completely missed my point---I didnot seek his resignation----I seeked his execution----I seek that they do the honorable thing that the Generals do---when they fail their nation---their motherland----commit SEPPUKU----THE FLAG OF MY NATION HAS BEEN STAINED BY THESE VERY CRIMINALS---like never before---it can only be cleansed by their blood----.

Swallow your .45 generals----I also sent him that message through ISPR public web-site.

On the other hand i'm afraid your generals would plan something to that bring Pakistan in confrontation mode with India ..,,some sort of another 26/11 to divert attention and salvage lost pride .Lets wait and watch .
Lala ji , radar wala forgot to turn on the radar :partay:

Koi baat nahi koi baat nahi , go to sleep just few helicopters and drones and settelite uplinks :bunny:
daal main kuch kala hai........theres a much bigger story...pakistan was told that they are going to get a terrorist...but the location or identity was not revealed!!
In case Pakistan helped US raid, it would only push India towards US fighters F/A-18E/F and E/A-18G for MMRCA competition (which is itself not good for Pakistan).

India has already rejected both the US aircrafts from MMRCA. Update yourself.
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