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The state that wouldn't fail

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Why has India got to do with this? I pressed ctrl+f and found India was mentioned 34 times on page 11 alone.

And no Pakistan is not failed but can easily become one. In fact, same chances as Japan being a failed state.
India has nothing to do with this - who died and said you were some sort of thaikedar for India or indian??
To all Indians & other haters of Pakistan.

This is what Pakistan was like in 1954:

This is Pakistan in 2009:

Please, stop will all your hating of Pakistan, & realize how much blood & sweat Pakistan has put from 1947 to reach where they are today: literally from Stone Age to a country to a regional & 27th largest economy of the world. Lahore was the only one proper city in Pakistan in 1947. Besides Lahore, Pakistan did not have development like Indian cities such as Bombay, Jaipur, Lucknow, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore etc did. I've seen a lot of Pakistanis admire Indians & India, but I've never seen the opposite. We realize you are a bigger & stronger country than us, but a token of appreciation isn't too much to ask.
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COMMENT: 9/11 redux: made in Muridke

Daily Times
Dr Mohammad Taqi
March 17, 2011

On the eve — or is it the dawn — of General Ahmed Shuja Pasha’s second tenure extension, there have been assorted noises in sections of the media, especially two English contemporaries, about Pakistan’s deep state, ostensibly, having second thoughts about the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). This would neither be the first time nor the last when the security establishment, and the commentators echoing its stance, are ambivalent about the jihadist proxies it has midwifed over the last several decades.

In a series of columns purporting to deal with the issue of the TTP’s real agenda, a few writers have directly and indirectly claimed that because the TTP has been attacking targets inside Pakistan with impunity, it has, therefore, been penetrated by “hostile agencies”. They argue that despite much thunder about liberating Afghanistan, the TTP does not operate inside Afghanistan (read: attack the US and NATO forces) and continues to attack Pakistan’s interests (read: security establishment-related targets) on the grounds that Pakistan is a US ally. These writers also lay the blame, through innuendo or manifestly, of the whole TTP enterprise lying at the doorstep of the Pashtuns.

While these columnists let the readers’ imaginations about the hostile agencies run wild, what they have said is nothing new. Remember the smoking gun? Well, maybe not exactly, but the army did recover Indian-made antibiotics from a TTP bunker in South Waziristan. After a cache of Ciprofloxacin is recovered, how dare one ask for more evidence? But even if one did not ask, the establishment has been volunteering real gems of information. One of the Pakistani officers who flew the body of Taliban commander Nek Muhammad Wazir, after he was killed in a US drone attack in 2004, gave me the undeniable proof that Wazir was an Indian agent. “Doctor sahib, woh Hindu tha (listen Doc, he was a Hindu),” confided the major. “And you know this how?” I asked. The response, which has since become an urban legend of sorts, was simple: “He was not circumcised!” My immediate question to major sahib was whether they had ever checked the circumcision status of these fine men when dispatching them to fight the infidel Soviets. Had they done so, they would have figured that, back in the day, the prevalence of such uncircumcised RAW agents among the mujahideen was pretty darned high.

An obvious distinction that these columnists have made is that the TTP, as against the Afghan Taliban, is focused on and attacks Pakistan and is therefore liable to retribution by the Pakistani security agencies. The implication would be that the Afghan Taliban, on the other hand, are focused on Afghanistan and the occupying US and NATO forces therein and thus are not Pakistan’s headache and must be allowed a free reign. This is a take very similar to General Pasha’s view of the Afghan Taliban, stated at the outset of his term as the director general ISI. In an interview published on January 6, 2009, he told Germany’s Der Spiegel: “Should they not be allowed to think and say what they please? They believe that jihad is their obligation. Is that not freedom of opinion?”

But were the TTP men too, not allowed similar ‘freedom of opinion’ under the watchful eye of the Pakistani security forces? It was not that long ago that Mullah Fazlullah’s FM radio service was giving Radio Free Europe a run for its money and Muslim Khan graced the screens of major channels through his mobile phone (that creating a radio-jammer or locating the mobile phone-user through GPS-tracker is literally child’s play is another story). More than that, was it not the same TTP — penetrated by the hostile agencies — to which the army capitulated its officers’ mess in Mingora, government guesthouse in Miandam and the Malam Jabba ski resort, before coercing the ANP-PPP coalition to ink a formal deal with them?

A cursory look at the history of the Pakistani establishment’s creation and handling of jihadist proxies reveals that this new ‘awareness’ about the TTP and its handlers from hostile agencies is really old wine in, oh well, old bottles. Remember the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and its umpteen pro-Pakistan and pro-independence versions? As they became too cumbersome to handle, too big for their size or threat to the establishment’s agenda, they were either cut loose or cut to size. And when that did not work, a whole crop of Kashmir-oriented jihadists was cultivated to defang and displace the JKLF.

On the western frontier, the experiment with the Afghan mujahideen is rather fresh in everyone’s memory. The mujahideen fought the Russians, they fought amongst themselves and, at times, fought their ISI handlers. The solution was to pick favourites in the Hekmatyar good-Massoud bad fashion, attempted truce courtesy the Saudi court and eventually to cut off money and arms. But, ultimately, the Afghan Taliban were raised to replace the unruly mujahideen.

Interestingly, missing from this so-called fresh perspective is any mention of the core jihadist outfits in the Pakistani heartland of Punjab. While categorising the jihadists as yours, mine and ours, it is conveniently forgotten that in every terrorist activity inside Punjab and Islamabad, the Punjabi Taliban of assorted varieties were leading or equal partners with the TTP. From providing safe haven to al Qaeda operatives to all major bombings and killings, the Punjabi Taliban of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba/Jamat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and Jaish-e-Muhammad et al have a role that is second to none.

While space constraints here preclude a detailed discussion of the global designs of the Punjab-based jihadists, suffice it to recall that Hafiz Saeed had co-founded the Markaz-ad-Dawa-wal-Irshad along with al Qaeda pioneer Abdullah Azzam. The ideological and operational overlap between the al Qaeda, Afghan, TTP, Punjabi and Kashmiri jihadists is not lost even on a casual observer. The results of the Mumbai attack/David Headley investigation point to a Punjab-based ideological hub, the spokes of which include numerous outfits with multiple global targets.

Exclusive focus on the TTP is an attempt to further blur the distinction between concentric layers of jihadist outfits sired by the Pakistani establishment and reflects the latter’s continued refusal to crack down on the Punjab-based jihadists. The world at large is not about to buy this fantasy that the TTP operates exclusive of the Punjabi Taliban or that both are unrelated to the Afghan and al Qaeda jihadists. The establishment and its hired pens can dupe themselves but the number one issue concerning security analysts elsewhere remains the possibility of the 9/11 redux that is made in Muridke and a befitting response to it.
Your op-eds never cease to fascinate and amaze. Always selected with the utmost care to thoughtful and provocative views, I can only marvel at the good sense and concern displayed repeatedly here by you.

I've offered my thanks before many times but I choose to also do so now in words. Your work here means much to me and I'd be severely disappointed should it stop.

I hope that's years in the future yet.:)
Our livid anchors

Kamran Shafi
Mar 22 2011

BY golly some of our great anchors are something to behold after the springing of Master Raymond Davis from jail and his departure for lands more salubrious than the Land of the Pure.

They are actually foaming at the mouth; trembling with white rage; and consumed with an anger they know not what to do with.

Whilst they have never been known for good manners, they are ever more discourteous with those of their guests that dare to say something at variance with their own fixed ideas — rudely shouting down senior politicians who have even undergone imprisonment and exile for their democratic ideals — and who challenge their striking of untenable attitudes such as ‘we are a nuclear power, so why did we let Davis go’, and other such tripe.

A very big reason for their outrage and indignation is, surely, their sudden realisation that they were made utter fools of, and used by the Deep State to peddle an extreme form of ‘ghairat’ and so-called nationalism, read ‘sovereignty’, to ‘heat up’ the street and thereby to facilitate negotiations with the Americans.

Well, serve ‘em right I say. And about time they got their comeuppance for flogging bizarre theories on the power of this country to influence matters important to the rest of the world, particularly to our greatest benefactor; to stand tall when we really are midgets; to spit in the face of those that fill our very wish such as advanced weapons of war (which, by the way, are the major reason that the bright young things, fake American accents and all who propagate the height of nonsense for the Deep State, have the temerity to say what they do); and to stare down those who satisfy our every whim.

Whilst I can hear the loud gnashing of teeth by the hawks and the hawkesses of the Ghairat Brigades (hereinafter referred to as GBs), I would beg them to be honest with themselves and get real for a change.

Let us take the deadliest weapon we have in our great arsenal and which should petrify the world according to the GBs: our nuclear bum. What pray, do the GBs suggest we do with our not one, not two, but many, many bombs, when it comes to dealing with the US, say on the matter of a Raymond Davis?

How in God’s name will all our bombs help? I am being ludicrous here but let me say it for the sake of bringing the GBs down to earth. Do we say to the Americans that if our writ is not respected and our sovereignty (or what we think is our sovereignty) not valued, we will lose a bomb or two aboard one of our many accurate and long-range missiles? Upon who, pray? Bagram airbase? Kandahar airbase?

Do the GBs know the costs of such an imbecilic and cretinous action? Can they even countenance what will happen to this country once we have shown our ‘sovereignty’ and our ghairat via our bombs of which we are so proud and which form the bedrock of our pretensions of being a superpower?

I know I am wasting my breath on these super-patriots who think only they have the good of the country at heart, and that those of us who ask for plain simple honesty are agents for foreign powers. Indeed, while they give not an inch when it comes to hating their favourite bugbear, India, who they want to attack with F-16s laden with bombs, they give not an inch when it comes to their other bugbear, the US, the country that gives us those F-16s! Go figure this one out.

Coming back to Davis and many of our infuriated anchors, we now see a blame-game unfolding with the enraged ghairatmand media demanding answers; even from those holy of holies the Mother of All Agencies and the army, in that order. Internet sites suspected of representing the interests of the establishment are going to the extent of suggesting that money changed hands at the highest levels, both uniformed and ‘bloody civilian’.

This is highly unfair and damaging and downright silly. To even suggest that someone in government would take money from the Americans to release Davis is preposterous and unkind, and let me say it again, idiotic.

There were too many actors involved in this matter; and while the ISI and the army called most of the shots — perhaps going overboard in initially priming up the anchors who have now turned upon their masters much as the Taliban turned upon theirs (!) — the Americans were talking to too many people in the top echelons, both uniformed and ‘bloody civilian’ for money to have changed hands quietly.

Let bygones be bygones, friends, for crunch time is here with a bang. Let all of us resolve to stand together. Let the ISI mend its ways, make friends with the lay people of the country including notably the Baloch who feel so hard done by; leave ‘media management’ to the ISPR alone and politics to politicians.

Let the army do its duties quietly; let it voluntarily cut down on wasteful expenditure such as fancy cars and offices and multi-plots for its senior ranks. Let it convert officers’ messes and clubs back to officers’ messes and clubs, closing down the shaadi ghars and the bakeries and the tikka joints run in the name of ‘welfare of troops’.

Most crucially, let me say for the umpteenth time that the Deep State must finally realise that murderous terrorists can never be a country’s ‘assets’ and that this country’s borders can never be expanded to include Afghanistan.

Let us divert more funds to education and healthcare so that we have a happy and contented populace, the real assets of any country. Then we can and will proudly stand behind our army and our ISI and deflect anything the furious anchors throw at them!
To all Indians & other haters of Pakistan.

This is what Pakistan was like in 1954:

This is Pakistan in 2009:

Please, stop will all your hating of Pakistan, & realize how much blood & sweat Pakistan has put from 1947 to reach where they are today: literally from Stone Age to a country to a regional & 27th largest economy of the world. Lahore was the only one proper city in Pakistan in 1947. Besides Lahore, Pakistan did not have development like Indian cities such as Bombay, Jaipur, Lucknow, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore etc did. I've seen a lot of Pakistanis admire Indians & India, but I've never seen the opposite. We realize you are a bigger & stronger country than us, but a token of appreciation isn't too much to ask.

So you again started with the same presumptions that we hate Pakistan's progress. All of us Indians!

We don't. You will see few Indians talk of Pakistan's poor or toilet problem etc. But some Pakistanis do it all the time.

Anyway, Pakistan has definitely achieved some great progress. Congratulations and may we all get rid of our poverty and misery.

Let every person in South Asia and the world get the opportunity he/she deserves to be the best he/she can be.
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Most crucially, let me say for the umpteenth time that the Deep State must finally realise that murderous terrorists can never be a country’s ‘assets’ and that this country’s borders can never be expanded to include Afghanistan.

Let us divert more funds to education and healthcare so that we have a happy and contented populace, the real assets of any country. Then we can and will proudly stand behind our army and our ISI and deflect anything the furious anchors throw at them!

I know many (even the supposed moderates) hate the guts of this guy. Exactly because he exposes their lies and fantasies.

They want these murderous terrorists to be their assets against India and Afghanistan.

They dream that "Afghanistan banega Pakistan".

And they keep on ignoring what such a mindset has already cost Pakistan.

Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

So are the people expecting a different and better result insane?
So you again started with the same presumptions that we hate Pakistan's progress. All of us Indians!

We don't. You will see few Indians talk of Pakistan's poor or toilet problem etc. But some Pakistanis do it all the time.

Anyway, Pakistan has definitely achieved some great progress. Congratulations and may we all get rid of our poverty and misery.

Let every person in South Asia and the world get the opportunity he/she deserves to be the best he/she can be.

Pakistan doesn't suffer from the problem of toilets, or poverty on nearly the same levels as India. That is why Indians don't comment on it, because they know they'll get it right back. Before 2001, there were no suicide bombings in Pakistan. However, post 2001, terrorism has increased because of the infiltration of terrorists from the Afghan border into Pakistan, & Indians love to gloat over it. But the fact of the matter is, once the US's WOT is ever, things will become normal again.
Pakistan doesn't suffer from the problem of toilets, or poverty on nearly the same levels as India. That is why Indians don't comment on it, because they know they'll get it right back. Before 2001, there were no suicide bombings in Pakistan. However, post 2001, terrorism has increased because of the infiltration of terrorists from the Afghan border into Pakistan, & Indians love to gloat over it. But the fact of the matter is, once the US's WOT is ever, things will become normal again.

I don't wish to get into this "same level" business. Won't help and that is not the topic anyway.

I find such people who take happiness from poverty and misery of any human beings, beneath contempt, not even human beings, let alone being final and perfect.

This terror in Pakistan is a blowback for what you did for decades.
I don't wish to get into this "same level" business. Won't help and that is not the topic anyway.

I find such people who take happiness from poverty and misery of any human beings, beneath contempt, not even human beings, let alone being final and perfect.

This terror in Pakistan is a blowback for what you did for decades.

You mean, what India did for decades, such as what you did in Kashmir, what you did with East Pakistan with Mukti Bahni, what you did with Sri Lanka with LTTE camps in Tamil Nadu, what you continue to do to poor people in Chattisgarh & all the other states where Naxalism has spread, what you continue to do in Balochistan & FATA via your presence in Afghanistan. Your country is just as bad & foul as everyone else, so stop acting so self-righteous. This is the problem with Indians: they act so self-righteous.
I don't wish to get into this "same level" business. Won't help and that is not the topic anyway.

I find such people who take happiness from poverty and misery of any human beings, beneath contempt, not even human beings, let alone being final and perfect.

This terror in Pakistan is a blowback for what you did for decades.

Sure, when the problem lies with the 37.5% of all Indians living below the poverty line, or when more than 700 million Indians not having access to toilets, it suddenly becomes 'beneath contempt.' If the roles were reversed, Pakistan would be slaughtered by Indians if it had as much poverty & sanitation problems as India does. So get out of your hypocrisy mode.
Sure, when the problem lies with the 37.5% of all Indians living below the poverty line, or when more than 700 million Indians not having access to toilets, it suddenly becomes 'beneath contempt.' If the roles were reversed, Pakistan would be slaughtered by Indians if it had as much poverty & sanitation problems as India does. So get out of your hypocrisy mode.

This is not the thread. I will expose your pretensions on a suitable thread if I need to.

You are sickening BTW. On the one hand you call Indians haters and then show what you are made of.
You mean, what India did for decades, such as what you did in Kashmir, what you did with East Pakistan with Mukti Bahni, what you did with Sri Lanka with LTTE camps in Tamil Nadu, what you continue to do to poor people in Chattisgarh & all the other states where Naxalism has spread, what you continue to do in Balochistan & FATA via your presence in Afghanistan. Your country is just as bad & foul as everyone else, so stop acting so self-righteous. This is the problem with Indians: they act so self-righteous.

This thread is not about India or Indians. Don't make it one.
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