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The solution to the israeli issue


Jun 16, 2010
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New Israel-Second Edition

A Human enough to have a bit of mind, When looking at a map of the Muslim world, To realize that the so-called Israel, Is an artificial entity, Was created to achieve certain goals:


Every country in the world have links to neighboring areas, similar ethnic, similar religions, similar customs and traditions, Similarity in language, and even some Similar to the color of skin & hair.

For example, Can not imagine That there is a Buddhist country in the middle of Europe, and also Can not imagine There is a state population of blond and blue eyes in the middle of Africa . . Thus the reason and logic says Can not imagine The existence of a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world that stretches from China to Spain.

What are the factors and interests that led to the creation of Israel in the heart of the Islamic world?

1. Following the end of World War I, Arab aspirations were very large in the establishment of a unified Arab state for all Arabs.

2. Western colonialism was aware that the time for expansion has stopped And sooner or later they will leave their colonies.

3. Western occupation forces are mostly in the areas of the Islamic World: Dutch occupation of Indonesia, British occupation of Malaysia, Indian subcontinent, Iran, most of the Middle East, Egypt, Sudan and Nigeria, The French occupation in Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Chad, Mali and Niger, The Italian occupation in Libya and the Horn of Africa . . etc.

4. The United States was a major cause of the victory over the Germans and their allies at the World War I, it Has become a major player on the international level, its interests extend to all parts of the world and It became obvious that it is superior to most of the European colonial powers.

5. Western countries and the United States feared, That the aspirations of Arabs and Muslims will not be in their interests, Arabs want one country may become a new Islamic caliphate, And Muslims were looking to revive the united Islamic world, As was the call of Jamal al-Din Al-Afghani

6. As a result of all these developments, The West was aware of the importance of the Islamic world, Particular geographical and economic, At the same time afraid of the unified entity of the Muslim world, and also Realizes that he can not continue the direct occupation, as in the previous.

7. Then what is the solution? They cannot afford to stay as occupiers of the region directly; they cannot afford to leave the area for fear of a large Muslim unity.

8. it Was to invent a new solution has never been tried before, Solution makes the Arabs and Muslims are busy for achieving unity, Solution draining capabilities and wealth of the Muslim world, And thus hinder the development of the Islamic world, and At the same time Be the responsibility of the West for all of this, Indirectly responsible.

9. The solution that Western countries found is based on three elements:

First: they Support the emergence of Muslim leaders belonging to the West in Muslim countries, Leaders to be client to Western countries, Leaders wearing different masks, Islamic, Nationality, Secularism, . . etc, Leaders concerned only to remain in power as long as possible. This can be seen clearly in most Muslim countries.

Second: Before the colonial Powers to withdraw from the Muslim areas, they Left behind a ticking time bomb, Represented in the redrawing of the borders
For areas that will leave, So as to create problems between the border states, And ethnic problems within the countries themselves.

Examples of the border problems left by the occupiers: India and Pakistan, Iraq and Iran, Iraq and Kuwait, Turkey and Syria, Egypt and Sudan, Algeria and Morocco, Libya and Chad . . etc.

Examples of the ethnic problems left by the occupiers: Kurdish issue Between Iraq, Turkey and Iran, Baluchi issue Between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, Ethnic conflict in Indonesia, Amazigh issue In North Africa, Ethnic conflict in southern Sudan . . etc.

Third: The third Element is the most important Element, Because the first element and second element can " Someday" change, So there must be a guarantee, That Muslims should stay busy with their internal problems, And problems with each other, And problems with neighboring countries.
For this, Was Western support for the existence of an entity in the heart of the Islamic world, Aggressive, expansionist entity, to keep the Arabs and Muslims in busy, Entity with the technological superiority and militarization, Entity available to him comprehensive support from Western countries, Economic support, military support, technological support, media support and political support.

Nobody deny that the Jews had tried before, to have a presence in Palestine, they tried during the period of the Ottoman Empire, But they never dreamed one day that this presence convert into an independent state. Until That convergence of interests of Jews with the interests of Western countries, the Jews want their own state, And the West wants this state to be in the heart of the Islamic world.

After all of the above, We can summarize the reasons for the Western to support for Israel:


1. Obstruction of the Islamic nation on the progress.

2. The continuation of wars in the region.

3. Dissemination of religious sedition Between the Muslims themselves (Sunni and Shi'ite), And between Muslims and others: Christians (Lebanon, Caucasus, Balkan, Philippines), Buddhists (Western China, Southern Thailand), Hindus (Indian Subcontinent).

4. Prevent territorial contiguity between parts of the Islamic nation

5. The fear of emergence of an Islamic state Based on the teachings of Islamic Sharia

6. The fear of a powerful Muslim state control over energy resources

7. Protect the interests of the West in general

New Israel:

It seems that over time, The West has become a lost control of the events, Where with the development of communications, And the increasing economic pressures faced by Muslims,
And refused to Islamic societies for present situation, West plans unveiled, And raised a new generation of Muslims Resorted to direct violence against the West At the heart of Western capitals and cities, New York, London, Madrid . . etc

Israel is no longer the first line of defense for the West, On the contrary, Israel has to become a burden on the West, in particular that the time for Israel's military victories have never to return (Israel's defeat in the elimination of Hezbollah, And Israel inability to resolve the war in Gaza to its advantage).

The existence of Israel was the reason for the emergence of many problems for the West (Terrorism, Fundamentalism, Revolutionary Islam, Gulf wars, Afghanistan War, Lebanon wars).

The Day will come that The West will find its interests requires
The demise of the state of Israel and The idea of a new Israel, Which do not admire some people, Will be the solution that the West will seek to apply to, Just as it sought at the beginning For the creation of Israel.

Where is the right place to establish a new state of Israel?

Israeli websites Used to to show the world, that Israel is a very small country, and in all these sites you can see a map showing the comparison In the area between Israel and the Arab States, And between Israel and the Islamic world like the following maps from Israeli Sites:

Israel in the Muslim World Map

Isreal in the ArabWorld Map

But can lead to a more realistic comparison, If the comparison is made between Israel and Western countries, For example, Canada, Australia and the United States:

Israel in the US Map

Israel in Canada Map

Israel in Australia Map

But truth must be told, More appropriate place for a new Israel Will be United States, For the following reasons:

First: 32.9% of Israelis were born in America & Europe.

Second: 20% of Israelis with dual citizenship, mostly US-Israeli citizenship.

Third: The largest gathering Jews in the world is New York City with an estimated two million.


written by: M. A. Nishan
July 26, 2010
What you have to say about India?:D

According to your poor Logic, even India is an obstruction to the unified Islamic World:D

See this.

Remember It is here to Stay:D
There are two muslim countries in the middle of christian europe.
Kosova and Bosnia.

Israel is here to stay and thats the reality. A large number of Arab jews from all arab countries are signification majority in todays Israel so it does have ethinic links to its neigbours. The muslim obession with "jews and Israel" is getting to the point of sickening when their own countries are ruled by people perhaps worst than then worst of jews (the royals of GCC, zardari, corrupt african dictators)

Israel was in peaceful existence until arabs lost the 1967 war. Credit goes to Egypt for actually winning a war against Israel and causing its withdrawl from egyptian terriotry however what ever is lost in war is lost. Todays arabs are begging israel to go back to 1967 borders in exchange of recocnizition and trade.
There are two muslim countries in the middle of christian europe.
Kosova and Bosnia.

The Bosnian & Kosovian are European Balakan People . . the Jews are Ethno-Religon . . see the deference
What you have to say about India?:D

According to your poor Logic, even India is an obstruction to the unified Islamic World:D

Congratulate you on reading the first line in the topic

See this.

Remember It is here to Stay:D

I wish I could meet you after 50 years ,To know what you think :lol:

There are two muslim countries in the middle of christian europe.
Kosova and Bosnia.

Israel is here to stay and thats the reality. A large number of Arab jews from all arab countries are signification majority in todays Israel so it does have ethinic links to its neigbours. The muslim obession with "jews and Israel" is getting to the point of sickening when their own countries are ruled by people perhaps worst than then worst of jews (the royals of GCC, zardari, corrupt african dictators)

Israel was in peaceful existence until arabs lost the 1967 war. Credit goes to Egypt for actually winning a war against Israel and causing its withdrawl from egyptian terriotry however what ever is lost in war is lost. Todays arabs are begging israel to go back to 1967 borders in exchange of recocnizition and trade.

tell that to the 4.7 million refugees who are not allowed to return to their homeland and are rot-ting up in refugee camps for 62nd year on a row.
thank you Nishan, a great initiative from your side

Israel is better off being placed in the West, their religion, looks, culture and mentality is very similar to their western counterparts. Besides, why stay in a region that hates you, when you can have a lovely brotherly relationship another place in the world.
Can you change the title? I'm getting some horrible flashbacks to the solutions of the"Jew question"
Also I've been to Manitoba(the province you plunked Israel on). I wouldn't want to wish living there on my worse enemies. It's called fly over country for a reason.

Can you change the title? I'm getting some horrible flashbacks to the solutions of the"Jew question"


but perhaps that was the intent of the thread starter....... and article actually champions that solution:cheesy:

Superimposing Israel over USA, Canada and Australia was very insightful indeed.

Hope to see similar maps on other countries...... here's my top 5 request.

Papua New Guinea :P
wishful thinking at best......isreal militarily balances out the entire arab world....besides they have no other "land" to call their own ....they are minorities everywhere else.....as for those who say Israel would be better off somewhere else ........
Israel is better off being placed in the West, their religion, looks, culture and mentality is very similar to their western counterparts. Besides, why stay in a region that hates you, when you can have a lovely brotherly relationship another place in the world.
.......doesn't bother them one bit....they ve faced a thousand times worse....remember nazi germany....and entire pre WW2 europe....??
wishful thinking at best......isreal militarily balances out the entire arab world....besides they have no other "land" to call their own ....they are minorities everywhere else.....as for those who say Israel would be better off somewhere else ........ .......doesn't bother them one bit....they ve faced a thousand times worse....remember nazi germany....and entire pre WW2 europe....??

For now yes, but who claimed this is a permanent state? new generation is emerging and things will change.

Yes they do, most jews today are immigrants from their nation-states in europe, africa etc. in which they can return to.
How does a russian, pole or african ethnically fit in the middle east?

Well, unless you believe in miracles and devine intervention, at some point they will run out of luck. Especially when people have found out their game plan and methods.
Jews will not perish, Israel will. I can guarantee that.
It stupid to wish away Israel from the Middle East. The sooner the Palestinian sympathizers realize this, the better it is for the region. The Jews as a race belong to that region as much as the Arabs.
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