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The Sickly Smell of Surrender

is there a specific law which bans journalists from interviewing terrorists on live tv, or showing recording. If yes, then by all means prosecute them. But such law will make pakistan look stupid.
If I was a journalist, I will jump at such an opportunity, who will not?

Why will you jump at it?

If we introduce such a law and these people make a ruckus on us being a security state, I have no problem being called a security state then.

If somebody does a interview and then edits it and obtains permission from PEMRA or somebody to air the interview, I got no problem with that procedure.

But no live interviews.

And no, we don't have any laws at the moment AFAIK that prohibit such interviews.

BTW, can somebody post the show's video?
is there a specific law which bans journalists from interviewing terrorists on live tv, or showing recording. If yes, then by all means prosecute them. But such law will make pakistan look stupid.
If I was a journalist, I will jump at such an opportunity, who will not?
Its not about police state or Laws, its about moral ethics my brother, We don't mind when Hamid Mir interviewed OBL.
But let me remind you of the blunder done by Dunya news. Their reporter was taken to an unkown location and was allowed to broadcast the live interogation of 4 Jawans of SSG by ttp, even the goon reporter himself asked them the questions. Later on those Jawans were martyed,
The T.V channel never gave the location or access to the reporter to anyone. Now that is against the ethics and wrong.

Why will you jump at it?

If we introduce such a law and these people make a ruckus on us being a security state, I have no problem being called a security state then.

If somebody does a interview and then edits it and obtains permission from PEMRA or somebody to air the interview, I got no problem with that procedure.

But no live interviews.

And no, we don't have any laws at the moment AFAIK that prohibit such interviews.

BTW, can somebody post the show's video?

I havn't watched the interview myself, but as other member stated, it was a recorded conversation but broadcasted during live Show. It wasn't a live live interview. don't know if they had permission from PEMRA
Its not about police state or Laws, its about moral ethics my brother, We don't mind when Hamid Mir interviewed OBL.
But let me remind you of the blunder done by Dunya news. Their reporter was taken to an unkown location and was allowed to broadcast the live interogation of 4 Jawans of SSG by ttp, even the goon reporter himself asked them the questions. Later on those Jawans were martyed,
The T.V channel never gave the location or access to the reporter to anyone. Now that is against the ethics and wrong.

The bold part actually means pakistani media has ethics. I will be ashamed if I was a journalist, if I gave my info.
Some professions have different ethics than what you and I understand.
A doctor is supposed to take care of the patient, whether rapist/murderer/terrorist.
A lawer is supposed to fight and give best defence to his/her client whether rapist/murderer/terrorist(shame on lawers who refuse to do so)
For those who think we have surrenered

Military jets pound militant hideouts in Orakzai; 13 killed
Zahir Shah Sherazi | 2 hours ago 0

PESHAWAR: At least 13 suspected militants were killed early Saturday when military jets pounded militant hideouts in the northwestern tribal region of upper Orakzai agency, security officials said.

Local administration official Noman Ali Shah confirmed that the militants’ hideouts in Mamozai had been targeted by military jets Saturday morning and there were reports of casualties.

“We have reports coming in from security sources that four militant’ hideouts have been destroyed in Mamozai area of upper Orakzai, while at least 13 militants have been killed in these strikes,” he said.

Mamozai is located in the rugged mountainous region on the boundaries of Tirah Valley, a stronghold of the Hakimullah Mehsud-led TTP with support from the surrounding villages of Khadezai, Arkhanjo and the suburbs.

Although security forces claimed to have cleared almost 92 per cent of the area of militants, there are still some pockets of resistance in the upper Orakzai Agency along the border of Khyber and Kurram agencies.

Fresh clashes between militants in Tirah

Meanwhile, eight militants were reported to have been killed and several others injured in fresh clashes between the pro-government Ansarul Islam (AI) and outlawed Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) militants backed by Lashkar-i-Islam (LI) militant outfit in Tirah Valley of Khyber agency.

The clashes, which had started last month between the outlawed extremist groups, subsided for a few days as scores of fighters were killed on both sides and many others were wounded.

Gun fights erupted again Saturday morning in Tirah’s Sandapal area, leaving eight militants dead, intelligence officials said.

Intelligence sources said that the LI and TTP militants were launching joint attacks on the AI fighters.

The political administration has yet to disclose the exact number of casualties while reporters have limited access to the restive mountainous area to independently verify the death toll.

The bold part actually means pakistani media has ethics. I will be ashamed if I was a journalist, if I gave my info.
Some professions have different ethics as you and I understand.
A doctor is supposed to take care of the patient, whether rapist/murderer/terrorist.
A lawer is supposed to fight and give best defence to his/her client whether rapist/murderer/terrorist(shame on lawers who refuse to do so)

I am not trying to derail the topic but just interpreting your words, so if ethics is everything then why most of the lawyers refused to defend 5 rapists of Dehli, and why did you guys protested against them. Isn't it "innocent until proven guilty".

THe T.V channel was requested to give up the location were the Soliders were kept/interviewed, but they never gave up.

Imagine you indians facing the same, what would you do? sit home and let media do what they want?
I am not trying to derail the topic but just interpreting your words, so if ethics is everything then why most of the lawyers refused to defend 5 rapists of Dehli, and why did you guys protested against them. Isn't it "innocent until proven guilty".

THe T.V channel was requested to give up the location were the Soliders were kept/interviewed, but they never gave up.

Imagine you indians facing the same, what would you do? sit home and let media do what they want?

people have right to protest, and they were wrong. case closed. :)

I agree with Ram Jethmalani's view in this regard.
No lawyer can refuse to defend an accused: Jethmalani

""There is the express rule of the Bar Council of India that no lawyer shall refuse to defend a person on the grounds that it will make him unpopular," Jethmalani said."

So you think we don't have the right to critisize the journalist ? aplogizes for bringing up the case, but i had to make a point :)

Our job is to make authroities hear the case, it is up to them to give the verdict. that was my point, we want PEMRA to take notice of it,
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So you think we don't have the right to critisize the journalist ? aplogizes for bringing up the case, but i had to make a point :)

Our job is to make authroities hear the case, it is up to them to give the verdict. that was my point, we want PEMRA to take notice of it,

yes you do have right to criticize the journalist. when did I ever say you should not. :)
I was just pointing out that govt cant take action, and the behaviour of journalist is ethical.
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And how the heck she got contact with him in the first place to invite him to the show?
That the tragedy. Everyone seems to know where these head honchos of terror organizations are except, very conveniently, the Army and its adjunct the ISI. Or probably they don't want to stir the hornets nest by taking out these yahoos. There's no way if there's no will. And that sums up the situation today.

Happens in India too! The media had complete access to that forest brigand the late sandalwood smuggler Veerappan who spread terror in the jungles of South India, speaking with him and taking videos of his interviews! And the police/paramilitary forces claimed they didn't know his location, for years!!! That's bullsh!t!! He was finally taken out when the pressure piled up on the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who all had a hind in the till, to take action or face the wrath of the public.

I wonder from where such pressure is going to come from in Pakistan to take out these terrorists? The public? The politicians? Within the Army itself? That's the million dollar question.
These guys usually use a satellite phone , which is pretty damn hard to trace . in a short amount of time .
These guys usually use a satellite phone , which is pretty damn hard to trace . in a short amount of time .

I find it hard to believe an Intel agency cannot trace a call if they wish to.

In this case I feel it should have been done, even now they can set up an interview.
Pakistani government, Media and armed forces are all a big failure.
The problem of Pakistan is everyone trying to appease each other in the name of Islam.
Some pose the entirely legitimate question - how is it that the spokesman for the TTP was on the phone for several minutes, and the Pakistan armed Forces did not respond, or were unwilling to respond? The apologists of the armed forces argue that there may be any number of issues that prevented the armed forces from responding

However, how do those who seek to defend the armed forces (usually it's supposed to be armed forces defending the peoples and the state) respond to the notion that the reason they do not want to target the leadership of the TTP (decapitation) because they look forward to "negotiating" with the leadership of the TTP? Is this not surrender to the terrorists?
I find it hard to believe an Intel agency cannot trace a call if they wish to.

In this case I feel it should have been done, even now they can set up an interview.

There are many things my Friend you dont understand. so lets just leave it at that , this is not a movie where you see a blinking *** onscreen telling you that in 30 sec the person will be traced , in the real world it does not happen like that .

besides there are various methods these terrorists use , to counter tracking , and even the Great CIA with all the recources in the world is unable to counter that.
There are many things my Friend you dont understand. so lets just leave it at that , this is not a movie where you see a blinking *** onscreen telling you that in 30 sec the person will be traced , in the real world it does not happen like that .

besides there are various methods these terrorists use , to counter tracking , and even the Great CIA with all the recources in the world is unable to counter that.

I think Muse has said it all.

There couldnt have been anyone slipperier than OBL...
I think Muse has said it all.

There couldnt have been anyone slipperier than OBL...

Last i remember they were unable to trace him via phone .

besides you choose to believe what you want , I choose to believe he was not OBL . but that is a whole different issue , not suitable for disscusion in here .

only the people who know how Inteligence agencies work , can understand the complication( as i mentioned in my previous post ) , others have their information from the Movies & their own Creative minds . so i dont pay much attention to that .
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