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The Seven Great Powers

Great power reveals itself in the accomplishment of big things;
Yes great power accomplish the process of killing it's ecoonomy.

What saudis did not only affected the Russian's Iranian and Iraqis they also hit their economy hard they already short in balance for more than 130 billion dollars if not more than 300 billions gone for a mere stupid policy.

Great powers Sir work to keep their interest intact not to sink the ship so it sink with it. Looool ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha crappy article for sure this guy instead of putting countries like Canada or Brazil for their real great power he bring a country that has no power more than oil and even that thing they don't know how to use it.
I do not think India should be on the list.

India is a soft power and will stay that way no matter how strong it may become Economically, Militarily and Politically.

India's strength lies in non exercising of it's power.
Yes, of course. Look below.

1. India
2. Bhutan
3. Fiji

Qualifier: Of course India has influence over itself. You can't deny that. Yes? Next it has influence over Bhutan although it has less people than hairs on my head. Fiji - well half of them there are Indian migrants anyway. And if your wondering where it is I think it is a tiny island where people do that funny dance and give you bananas when you visit in middle of the Pacific Ocean.

And before Pakistan come under fire I don't anybody is make any big cliams.

Dude,let's be real,when having 1 billion + population and an ever increasing economy there are 2 countries in the world who can afford not to have influence on other countries.They're an uber federation on their own.

How do Romanians view Russia considering the fact that Soviet Union deliberately kept Romania poor after WW2 as a punishment for supporting Germany in its invasion?

Very bad.
Also there economy is smaller than Italy despite 1 billion population.

And the population of India is nearly 1.3 billion or more precisely 1,275 million. To put that in context - look below.


Yeh, 18 times Turkey.
I do not think India should be on the list.

India is a soft power and will stay that way no matter how strong it may become Economically, Militarily and Politically.

India's strength lies in non exercising of it's power.

Not excercise power is different thing. If India seeks UNSC seat in future then it will have to play big roles.
Not excercise power is different thing. If India seeks UNSC seat in future then it will have to play big roles.

Why do we have to play big roles? India is aspiring to become a UNSC member not to play big role but rather to move away from using it's political capital on useless issues that are detrimental to it's interests.
When you're China or India...yes.

But UNSC won't function any better with India. Until UNSC can't function without India, India should just sit tight and wait.

Also, I see France and Britain play a bigger role than India or Saudi Arabia. India is not one of the top seven great powers. Loop up the end of the great power link below. India was never a great power in its existence.

Great power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, of course. Look below.

1. India
2. Bhutan
3. Fiji

Qualifier: Of course India has influence over itself. You can't deny that. Yes? Next it has influence over Bhutan although it has less people than hairs on my head. Fiji - well half of them there are Indian migrants anyway. And if your wondering where it is I think it is a tiny island where people do that funny dance and give you bananas when you visit in middle of the Pacific Ocean.

And before Pakistan come under fire I don't anybody is make any big cliams.

But Indiana believe that ISRO will surpass NASA in ten years. In my opinion, India try to surpass SpaceX before comparing with NASA. But guess which country is #1 in bragging.

Looool I can't stop laughing. Inferiority complex and delusion level 100.

Indian conqueror?? Hahah first time I heard that lol.

If anything lol that shows we are so strong we ruled over all those countries and made all those Greeks 'Turk' now.

Some Indians believe that the former British empire now all belong to them because they adopted English.
Why do we have to play big roles? India is aspiring to become a UNSC member not to play big role but rather to move away from using it's political capital on useless issues that are detrimental to it's interests.
Agreed. But i am not sure if India will keep quiet on every issue. Maybe we will be more like China and not like US. India is known for not interfering in others matters.
I think they work with frane very well since 5 years is it true ?????????????????????
Way too many false flaggers on this forum.
SA sould not be on the list. Crude oil is its only worth. No people or actual power. And oil is loosing value as alternatives arrive.
India is a 2 billion $ economy at the moment.This alone merits atention ,but smart people (we can exclude you from this group) notice that at a 1.2 billion population (and rising) ,2 billion $ economy with 7% growth every year will soon be an economic powerhouse,not to mention a military one.Not to mention the market for such a developing middle class.
I think you meant trillion :)
India is a 2 billion $ economy at the moment.This alone merits atention ,but smart people (we can exclude you from this group) notice that at a 1.2 billion population (and rising) ,2 billion $ economy with 7% growth every year will soon be an economic powerhouse,not to mention a military one.Not to mention the market for such a developing middle class.

What good it be even if India becomes a economic power house when it can't even produce first rate military equipment? The power has always being with the one who possessed superior military technology. It has always being up to now a customer to downgraded military technology. Moreover Indian economy is also rests on it's 1.2 billion population and over other smaller satellite nation around her. That's not a trait of an economic giant. IMHO India has not won the international market over the competitors.
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