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The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

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Pakistan is there ally not a strategic partner.. US never want war between us ... And do you think US is looking for a growing Asian economy?? US interest in Asia because of growing economies like Singapore, Taiwan and its investment in this place.. US forecast on Asia economy is what making it to lobby here.. Otherwise Asia is another Africa for US... For maintaining peace it is one of duty of Superpower and so is Russia doing the same...

Exactly this is my intention.. India may be backward in European capabilities ... but its billion population is its wealth... So you can agree that India can never be any one's camp...

US has many companies that has investments in Asia and the US economy is closely tie to Asian economy. But that in itself is actual fact, not lobbying in the Isreali lobby. US need to focus on Asian economy without any lobbying like how Isreal is lobbying in Washington DC.

Also, Russia is no longer a superpower. This is a one superpower world,:usflag:

So if you are saying that a billion population is a wealth, I would have to disagree. I would say the billion poor is what keep a country back. It might be an asset if these billion are lifted out of poverty. But the more people to motivate, the more difficult it is.
Its true that India has many people live in slums and it need to lift people out of poverty. So it needs to grow. That is a fact, not trolling.

If you are concerned about this fact.. why dont you and your american economy provide some trillion dollars from your pocket..
I guess it is better if one looks after his own problem in the house.. what say?
You're talking about becoming a "superpower"? When will this happen?

Here is the GDP data and forecasts.

List of countries by future GDP (nominal) estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China right now is the 2nd largest economy, yet we are NOT a superpower at all.

So how can India become one?

It was the same case for China in say 15 years back. They where fighting to prove that they are emerging economy, but everyone in West used to laugh. They used to say they are fastest growing but west used to say you are negligible in world trade.

I am afraid Chinese has not learned anything from its own growth.
Today Chinese taking India so lightly, India, which the second fastest growing economy after China(and one to be fastest growing by 2014).
I only knew, that overconfidence of itself and under estimation of others always kills..!!

Lets wait and watch in next 10 years.
It was the same case for China in say 15 years back. They where fighting to prove that they are emerging economy, but everyone in West used to laugh. They used to say they are fastest growing but west used to say you are negligible in world trade.

I am afraid Chinese has not learned anything from its own growth.
Today Chinese taking India so lightly, India, which the second fastest growing economy after China(and one to be fastest growing by 2014).
I only knew, that overconfidence of itself and under estimation of others always kills..!!

Lets wait and watch in next 10 years.

I think you misunderstood my post.

My point is that China is currently the 2nd largest economy, yet we are still NOT a superpower by any definition.

So how can India be a "superpower" if they don't even reach that level?
US has many companies that has investments in Asia and the US economy is closely tie to Asian economy. But that in itself is actual fact, not lobbying in the Isreali lobby. US need to focus on Asian economy without any lobbying like how Isreal is lobbying in Washington DC.
Exactly as i said US had fore-casted this long back and that is why it is circling around Asian economies now.. And US has to do lobbying because the wealth it has spent on the countries should not go to other countries.. especially Russia.. so dont you think it should not lobby?

Also, Russia is no longer a superpower. This is a one superpower world,:usflag:

So if you are saying that a billion population is a wealth, I would have to disagree. I would say the billion poor is what keep a country back. It might be an asset if these billion are lifted out of poverty. But the more people to motivate, the more difficult it is.
Billion poor keeps a country backward agreed.. And India is currently doing the same to reduce the poverty... This is reflected on number of middle class that has grown.. which it will getter fatter and fatter in coming year...
When I look at all these projections, it make me wonder the LCA designer projected India's air defence power back in 1983. Its almost 30 years since 1983. And I wonder how the designed believed that India had exceeded the projections.

In any case, the thing that is impressive about India begins and ends at its population size. This had provide much hope for the future but misery at the present. I hope India has a better future than the present for the sake of so many people in the slums.

Thats the problem when we intend to read about sometrhing but with partial interest. Also not to forget the damage of media in vibrant and vocal country like India.

LCA was conceptualized in 1983, but first fund was only release in 1992.
Why dont you give some of your appreciations that India's defense is so transparency that we are open to give our information of success and failures to everyone (for your food to criticize India :-)). How about if LCA was all of a sudden appeared in frond of the world (without ever knowing how much of money and time being spent on it?). But then will you have called Indians genius? I guess no.

Anyways, Indian are working on every project which any developed counties are working and that is a matter of pride of us. Success and failure are part of the game. What really matters is we anyhow end up with success. :-)
I think you misunderstood my post.

My point is that China is currently the 2nd largest economy, yet we are still NOT a superpower by any definition.

So how can India be a "superpower" if they don't even reach that level?

Superpower is very speculative subject. I believe no one other then US is eligible of superpower status as on date (though sustainability is a question).

In today's, globalized world, the concept of superpower is irrelevant and everyone is highly interdependent on each other.

It is better to talk about influence, and I agree, Chinese influence is increasing every second.

India as of now only influential on regional level, and slowly but steadily getting influential on international stage. Ofcouse there is no match on India China on this matter.
What I'm saying is that only Israel has a powerful lobby. All other countries lobby is actually not as important (and not as powerful). They are just back by actual strength instead of the power of lobbying.

I do not see any powerful Indian lobby outside of this forum.

Anyhow you are not in our lobby and thats for sure, so its good of us that you keep dreaming :-):cheers:
LOL! :no:

GDP (PPP) is worthless for international comparisons. Since obviously prices are different in different countries. The only way to compare is by using nominal GDP.

Someone who earns $2 a day may be considered "middle class" in India, but it won't buy you anything in Hong Kong or Tokyo.

Considering PPP as worthless is obvious for country like China who is more export oriented economy. But then China should know that export oriented model (Borrowed from Japan) is not the only way to grow. India is also clocking the 8%+ GDP growth with its domestically driven economy and thats where (PPP, Purchasing power matters). Read more on PPP impact.
That's what I thought too, but at least in this format I think person to person exchange is actually a bad idea. I've come to feel that our collective personalities are mostly incongruent. Perhaps the reason why our ancestors got along so well was because there was a giant mountain between us and few willing to cross it.

:p:P:p:P now try to cross it by plane man, buy a ticket to Dehli or Beijing from your travel agent :p:P:p:P
LOL, Indian alliance with WHO? I can tell you that if war ever breaks out NO one will help India. NO ONE! Not even Russia.

USA will be so happy, singing and dancing with joy. Even if Chinese win. Chinese will suffer losses, and its encomy will get hurt and that is exactly what the americans want! USA will not send one troop, one ship, one plane to help india. Europeen also watching, Japan watching but worrying, Chinese wins they are NEXT. SK, lol do NOTHING but watching. SK will not have the gutts to attack NK even if China and Pakistan fights India. NK got nukes and NK will not hesiate to use it on SK.

I dont know what do you mean by alliane in business. But if your are taling about inestments and business partnership (just like Taiwan/Chine or Japan/Chinese companies) then India as a pretty good record and that will be a big list. You can spend some time reading about India business for more insite.

Just an example

China’s Huawei to invest $2 bn on Indian telecom lab, factory
by girishktyagi
You just need to read more of economic forum apart from defense one :-)
I agree, volumes matters, but volumes are created with over the period of time. India is growing at 8.5% GDP and its already 1.45 Trillion economy with third largest middle class in the world. It has a potential of maintain this growth for next 30 years (not my words). Now you can do some maths to find out the volumes of trade.

India 2010

* 2010 GDP growth: 8.5% (could cross 9%)
* Fastest growing automobile market (average growht 26% in last 10 years). Also India is third largest automobilie exporter in Asia after Japan and SKeora. China is at fourth.
* India has 65% of Global IT/ITES/BPO outsourcing business with $72 billion export.
* India's manufacturing is growing at 14% annual average (mostly on domestic demand, which is better then export oriented).
* India already a third preferred destination for FDI (only after China/US). But 2015 it will be on second position.
* India is building world class highways at 12km per day i.e 4380km pa. Target is to take it to 20km pa by 2012.
* In last 10 years India has stated building Subways in 5 cities now and by 2015, 12 cities will be having subways.
* More then 23 airports are either under construction/expedition/up gradation in India right now.
* Read more futures cities under construction in India

Dholera SIR
GIFT Gujarat,Gujarat International Tec City,Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT)

* Read more about mega industrial projects like DMIC (1000 KM one of the biggest industrial area cone completed by 2020)

Following is the site for Branding of India. good source to read about India
India Resource Centre

* Fastest growing Telecom market in the World (already 700 million connections)
* India going to spend 1+ trillion on infrastructure development in 2012-17 period alone.
thanks friend! i hope some members read bolded part well. :tup:
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Indo China war if become reality, then it will only happens after Sino-Taiwan or North-South Keora-Japan-US war.
India's strategic plan is to make a move on Tibet if something breaks out between China and USA, Japan, South Korea or Taiwan. The whole purpose is to put China in a two-front war position.

That is why China would need to roll back IAF in the first few days of the war. That would allow us to move quickly to liberate Kashmir and cut off the northeast from Siliguri Gorge.

Once India is dissected into pieces and our cruise missiles hit critical infrastructure in north Indian cities, then Pakistan can finish the job.

China's goal is not to get stuck in stalemate or a quagmire. Go in, mess them up badly, and pass the wounded animal to Pakistan to deal with. There will be bigger fish to fry in the form of US, Japan, South Korea or Taiwan.

HongHu, you forgot to point out one important aspect of warfare.

Space warfare. In the initial phase of the war. Chinese will lunch anti-satalite attack agains indian satalites, india only has a small amout of satalites and completely rely on imports. Wipe out their satalite will given the Chinese a decisive advantage, it will render india's spying, bomb guiding ability to utter zero. Then the real war begins.
Ha ha...... these Indians don't have many satellites to speak of. They probably don't even work.

4. Advance into enemy zone. Our troops get into Pakistan and attack from westt side where it is flat which is great for armor and infantry battle. Gather air support, artily, tanks alone with Pakistani military attack from west side. Kashimir, Deli, and others you name it.
I think it would be hard to transport heavy equipment to South Asian plains. The most PLA can do probably ends in the mountainous areas. But PLAAF can hit Indian Army from above while they are defending against Pakistan Army.

USA will be so happy, singing and dancing with joy. Even if Chinese win. Chinese will suffer losses, and its encomy will get hurt and that is exactly what the americans want!
That is why we need to loot India of all its jewels and gold when we attack. To pay for the cost of the war. At the very least, we have to loot Delhi even if we cannot attack further south.

Pakistan Army will need to lead the way to Delhi but airborne PLAAF with IFV can give assistance too. When the war is over, Pakistan and China split the spoils of war. :pakistan::china: Once Pakistan gets so much gold and jewels from India, it will be a very wealthy country!

Hey War mongering Chinese communist Nazi fanatics, Remember what happened to Nazi germany?. The attitude of today's China is similar to What nazi germany behaved in 1930s, expansion of borders with land grabbing, threatening neighbors with military power, ethnic cleansing minorities etc. Brag all your want with your russian copy weapons. But, don't forget what happened to Nazi Germany at the end. We most of Asia will unit to fight you. You have enemies everywhere. You have problems with Vietman. You have problems with Japan. You have problems with Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan. And, with US. We will unite and fight you. At the end, Tibet will be freed. XinXinang will be freed. Inner mongolia will be freed. A Democratic world friendly China will be born and Asia and world be more peaceful after that. India and China will become more friends as Tibet will act as buffer like as it was in historically. This is what is going to happen. Your arrogance will become your downfall.
In case you forgot, China won as a member of the allies while Republic of India didn't even exist.

Are you trying to imply India is just like UK or USA? Because they defeated Nazi Germany? LOL.... where is your colonial empire, India. Wakey-wakey... you are the slaves, not the colonialists. And you keep comparing yourself to colonialists every chance you get.

If china and pakistan attack India then the US will jump in as it regards India as a counterweight to china and it cannot allow weakening of India as that would make china too powerful in the region and this will be detrimental to the american strategic interests.
Now you tell me the outcome:)
USA cannot "jump in". USA does not have any bases that could take part directly in a border war between China and India. China and India share a land border. None of the other US allies share a land border with China.

USA can cause problems in Asian littorals with its navy. But as long as China finishes off India within a few weeks, China can easily defend against any US military action too. Go in, mess them up badly, and pass the wounded animal to Pakistan to deal with.
That is why China would need to roll back IAF in the first few days of the war. That would allow us to move quickly to liberate Kashmir and cut off the northeast from Siliguri Gorge.

Once India is dissected into pieces and our cruise missiles hit critical infrastructure in north Indian cities, then Pakistan can finish the job.

China's goal is not to get stuck in stalemate or a quagmire. Go in, mess them up badly, and pass the wounded animal to Pakistan to deal with. There will be bigger fish to fry in the form of US, Japan, South Korea or Taiwan.

Ha ha...... these Indians don't have many satellites to speak of. They probably don't even work.

I think it would be hard to transport heavy equipment to South Asian plains. The most PLA can do probably ends in the mountainous areas. But PLAAF can hit Indian Army from above while they are defending against Pakistan Army.

That is why we need to loot India of all its jewels and gold when we attack. To pay for the cost of the war. At the very least, we have to loot Delhi even if we cannot attack further south.

Pakistan Army will need to lead the way to Delhi but airborne PLAAF with IFV can give assistance too. When the war is over, Pakistan and China split the spoils of war. :pakistan::china: Once Pakistan gets so much gold and jewels from India, it will be a very wealthy country!

In case you forgot, China won as a member of the allies while Republic of India didn't even exist.

Are you trying to imply India is just like UK or USA? Because they defeated Nazi Germany? LOL.... where is your colonial empire, India. Wakey-wakey... you are the slaves, not the colonialists. And you keep comparing yourself to colonialists every chance you get.

USA cannot "jump in". USA does not have any bases that could take part directly in a border war between China and India. China and India share a land border. None of the other US allies share a land border with China.

USA can cause problems in Asian littorals with its navy. But as long as China finishes off India within a few weeks, China can easily defend against any US military action too. Go in, mess them up badly, and pass the wounded animal to Pakistan to deal with.

Nothing more then a story from a novel..!!

Let Chinese soldiers first get some real combat mountain experience..!! Indian Army have being doing since long time and also, our gun barrels are still warm from the fired shots at Pakistani soldiers posing at terrorists in civilian dress (and later denying to claim their bodies but not forgetting to remove their names from Army website's award lists)
by HongWu

Originally Posted by girishktyagi
Indo China war if become reality, then it will only happens after Sino-Taiwan or North-South Keora-Japan-US war.
India's strategic plan is to make a move on Tibet if something breaks out between China and USA, Japan, South Korea or Taiwan. The whole purpose is to put China in a two-front war position.
That is why China would need to roll back IAF in the first few days of the war. That would allow us to move quickly to liberate Kashmir and cut off the northeast from Siliguri Gorge.

Once India is dissected into pieces and our cruise missiles hit critical infrastructure in north Indian cities, then Pakistan can finish the job.

China's goal is not to get stuck in stalemate or a quagmire. Go in, mess them up badly, and pass the wounded animal to Pakistan to deal with. There will be bigger fish to fry in the form of US, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Originally Posted by AerospaceEngineer
HongHu, you forgot to point out one important aspect of warfare.

Space warfare. In the initial phase of the war. Chinese will lunch anti-satalite attack agains indian satalites, india only has a small amout of satalites and completely rely on imports. Wipe out their satalite will given the Chinese a decisive advantage, it will render india's spying, bomb guiding ability to utter zero. Then the real war begins.
Ha ha...... these Indians don't have much to speak of. They probably don't even work.

Originally Posted by AerospaceEngineer
4. Advance into enemy zone. Our troops get into Pakistan and attack from westt side where it is flat which is great for armor and infantry battle. Gather air support, artily, tanks alone with Pakistani military attack from west side. Kashimir, Deli, and others you name it.
I think it would be hard to transport heavy equipment to South Asian plains. The most PLA can do probably ends in the mountainous areas. But PLAAF can hit Indian Army from above while they are defending against Pakistan Army.

Originally Posted by AerospaceEngineer
USA will be so happy, singing and dancing with joy. Even if Chinese win. Chinese will suffer losses, and its encomy will get hurt and that is exactly what the americans want!
That is why we need to loot India of all its jewels and gold when we attack. To pay for the cost of the war. At the very least, we have to loot Delhi even if we cannot attack further South.

Pakistan Army will need to lead the way to Delhi but airborne PLAAF with IFV can give assistance too. When the war is over, Pakistan and China split the spoils of war.

Originally Posted by sraja
Hey War mongering Chinese communist Nazi fanatics, Remember what happened to Nazi germany?. The attitude of today's China is similar to What nazi germany behaved in 1930s, expansion of borders with land grabbing, threatening neighbors with military power, ethnic cleansing minorities etc. Brag all your want with your russian copy weapons. But, don't forget what happened to Nazi Germany at the end. We most of Asia will unit to fight you. You have enemies everywhere. You have problems with Vietman. You have problems with Japan. You have problems with Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan. And, with US. We will unite and fight you. At the end, Tibet will be freed. XinXinang will be freed. Inner mongolia will be freed. A Democratic world friendly China will be born and Asia and world be more peaceful after that. India and China will become more friends as Tibet will act as buffer like as it was in historically. This is what is going to happen. Your arrogance will become your downfall.
In case you forgot, China won as a member of the allies while Republic of India didn't even exist.

Are you trying to imply India is just like UK or USA? LOL.... where is your colonial empire, India. Wakey-wakey... you are the slaves, not the colonialists. And you keep comparing yourself to colonialists every chance you get.

Originally Posted by AGHORI
If china and pakistan attack India then the US will jump in as it regards India as a counterweight to china and it cannot allow weakening of India as that would make china too powerful in the region and this will be detrimental to the american strategic interests.
Now you tell me the outcome
USA cannot "jump in". USA does not have any bases that could take part directly in a border war between China and India. China and India share a land border. None of the other US allies share a land border with China.

USA can cause problems in Asian littorals with its navy. But as long as China finishes off India within a few weeks, China can easily defend against any US military action too.
hong Wu do you really think china and Pakistan will attack India and Indian army, air force,navy will remain silent? we will punch back. USA has no bases in south Asia true but they will send trillions of dollars to us. you use nukes we will too. we will sink your cargo ships and oil tankers which supply lakhs of tonnes of oil to china. this will be huge blow for your economy. so stop dreaming ! we know your weaknesses. if china wants war with us let her. we will fight china. s Korea, Vietnam, Russia.us all will help us. Beijing will be captured and china will be divided in several states. then peace returns!

your HORCRUX Pakistan cant save you dark lord china!
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