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The S-400 Missile deal will make Pakistan's Nuclear Ballistic Missiles obsolete


Sep 20, 2014
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India is all set to acquire five advanced S-400 Triumf air defence missile systems from Russia as the negotiation for the Rs 39,000-crore deal is in its final round, a report by the Times of India stated.

In 2017, the S-400 was described, as of 2017, as “one of the best air-defence systems currently made.” The missile systems can detect, track and destroy hostile strategic bombers, stealth fighters, spy planes, missiles and drones at a range of up to 400 km and altitude of 30 km, the report adds.

With this deal, India would be the second customer of the prized missile system after China which had struck a USD 3 billion contract in 2016.

A defence ministry source told TOI that India wants to finalise the deal in this financial year and all the five S-400 systems are likely to be delivered to India in the next 54 months.

Reports suggest that the S-400 can be used to completely neutralize Pakistan’s short-range NASR (Hatf-IX) nuclear missiles. The neighbouring country has on multiple occasions brandished its NASR missiles as a threat to counter India’s aggressive counter to its ceasefire violations.

The S-400, an upgraded version of the S-300, had previously only been available to the Russian defence forces. It is manufactured by Almaz-Antey and has been in service in Russia since 2007

The missile system has different kinds of supersonic and hypersonic missiles to intercept incoming aerial threats at different ranges. India is finalizing the deal for the long range (120-370 km) interception missiles. Carried on mobile launchers, the missiles can engage targets at the ranges of – 120 km, 200 km, 250 km and 380 km. The missiles can hit targets at the speed of 17,000 kilometres per hour, which is faster than any existing aircraft.

The missile can target strategic bombers, electronic warfare airplanes, reconnaissance airplanes, early-warning radar airplanes, fighter airplanes, strategic cruise missiles and even ballistic missiles.

.... Everyone on PDF knows Pakistani missile tech is the best in the world... and with proven MIRV capabilities, they can outrun the S400 and other ABM and AD systems like anything.:cool::enjoy:
We don't need best missile tech to defeat S-400 Pakistan has Modi to do the job. Just a publicity stunt by Modi Jee in the end he will cancel it saying we want made in India. lol. Actually India has no money to buy the system and this will be canceled like previous deals. lol.......
S 400 shall be accompanied by AAD, PDV combo . AD1 and AD2 shall also come by that time. LRSAM will become EXSAM and so on. Laser shall be operational by that time so as KALI 50000. Bloody We shall shoot down anything ranging from Drone to Satellite from our land. We shall have BMD ship as well by that time.
S 400 shall be accompanied by AAD, PDV combo . AD1 and AD2 shall also come by that time. LRSAM will become EXSAM and so on. Laser shall be operational by that time so as KALI 50000. Bloody We shall shoot down anything ranging from Drone to Satellite from our land. We shall have BMD ship as well by that time.
Lol. One suggestion to you stop drinking whatever you are nowadays.
India is all set to acquire five advanced S-400 Triumf air defence missile systems from Russia as the negotiation for the Rs 39,000-crore deal is in its final round, a report by the Times of India stated.

"Negotiation" and "final round" means that discussions are still ongoing and there is NO "deal yet".

I am predicting that the deal will FALL OVER at the last hurdle and Russia will not be give S-400 to india even if it begs it.
Reports suggest that the S-400 can be used to completely neutralize Pakistan’s short-range NASR (Hatf-IX) nuclear missiles. The neighbouring country has on multiple occasions brandished its NASR missiles as a threat to counter India’s aggressive counter to its ceasefire violations.
This was written by an idiot. The article has no basis on facts but then I look at the link and see why.
That what I said,.... India is doomed.. Pakistani Missiles are best in the world.. Everyone on PDF knows it.. :enjoy:
I am also on your side.. :smokin:
Doesn't matter if Modi buys it or make it in India or completely cancels the deal... :dirol:
I am enough to be on my side lol. but these are just talks nothing more. We all know it.
If Pakistan launch long range missile at long angle to strike delhi it will go to such a height that warhead under free fall speed becomes too fast for s400 to intercept .for this we should develop icbm and slbm to respond this threat.it is not easy to intercept every missile otherwise u.s would have been attacked nkorea long ago
I can smell major kick backs , some general are gona get rich. Having said that Pakistan will find a way out. Also the system installment will take 5 years. I am sure Pakistan can figure out meanwhile how to deal with it. :dance3:

.... Everyone on PDF knows Pakistani missile tech is the best in the world... and with proven MIRV capabilities, they can outrun the S400 and other ABM and AD systems like anything.:cool::enjoy:
Oh no, india is the supa pawa , Pakistan is small ignorant radical failed internationaly isolated state. No comparison between the two sir. ( Read it screeming in Arnab's voice, it will give you goosebumps and you might feel like doing a surgical strike on a near by railway track)
Laser shall be operational by that time so as KALI 50000. Bloody We shall shoot down anything ranging from Drone to Satellite from our land. We shall have BMD ship as well by that time.

We don't need best missile tech to defeat S-400 Pakistan has Modi to do the job. Just a publicity stunt by Modi Jee in the end he will cancel it saying we want made in India. lol. Actually India has no money to buy the system and this will be canceled like previous deals. lol.......
Which deals are cancelled because of lack of fund???
According to PDF S-400 will work for china but not for India.

S-400 is not the ultimate shield which can destroy all incoming projectiles but certainly can provide 50-60% cover. As @MULUBJA says it has to be complimented with other missiles as well. One advantage of having enemy nearby (and small land area) is that S400 can pick incoming ballistic missiles quickly if launched within its radar range.

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