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The Russian visit

It is not called milking India sir it is called strategic partnership this not cold war where you are in Soviet camp or American camp.

Why dont you read what the article says it is by Russians. tell them.

Russia seeks a new ally in the region, to substitute for India, now in the American lap, after the collapse of the USSR. Mr Putin’s visit shows that Russia intends to play a more proactive role in world affairs. It must do so, because by ceding to US supremacy, it has seen it not just invade Afghanistan physically, but threaten Iran. Russia has found its own physical space threatened by US expansionism, with the expansion of Nato threatening it in the West, the snatching away of India and the occupation of Afghanistan threatening it in Asia
Another gem from the pseudo Russian - read Pakistani author.Brodov Alexei

Major setback to bilateral relations came as a result of Indian invasion of Siachen in 1984, a glacier that had been respected as a “no man’s land” since independence. Siachen was invaded to pressurize Pakistan amidst the most dense and intense phase of the Afghan war of independence against the erstwhile Soviets. Soon after, it was followed by massive military deployments, all along India-Pakistan border, under the garb of military exercise “Brass-tacks”.

Strange neighbours: Voice of Russia
Unprovoked Indian invasion of Siachen resulted in the activation of highest battle ground of the world. Until the ceasefire in 2003, Siachen remained one of the world’s most tnse battle zones, where the Indian and Pakistani armies confronted each other over the disputed territory for over two decades. Siachen is 20,000 feet above sea level. The Indian and Pakistani troops have fought there in temperatures of around minus 60 degrees Celsius. Ever since Siachen’s occupation by India, both counties have exposed their troops to environmental hardships; more have died or have been maimed because of inhospitable climatic conditions than due to direct military combat. India has incurred higher human and economic cost of maintaining a garrison at Siachen.

What's the point of bringing Siachen here
Go to sleep white air hostess worshiper
These words doesn't suit an elite member mate.

On topic: I think it is the best outcome for India if our time tested friend Russia can have some leverage over Pakistan in the long term. Same as China being India's largest trading partner in the future :coffee:
What's the point of bringing Siachen here

Always a good sign Indians going of topic they are not liking the fact that Russians see them as America's proxy

These words doesn't suit an elite member mate.


But they are true

I think it is the best outcome for India if our time tested friend Russia can have some leverage over Pakistan in the long term. Same as China being India's largest trading partner in the future :coffee:

Why do you not read the OP the Russians perceive you as American proxy and they do not like America
lets see,
Equally valued, Billions of Dollars are also going to USA for several ARMs and Technological deals, like never before.
Damn ... Ruskies really hate this :devil:

Our foreign policy has been so pragmatic that we can deal with Both Russia and USA as our Allies at the same point in time , i think its a bit too much to ask your country.
Hmm yes billions of dollars on transport aircraft like C17, C-130 or surveilance aircraft like P8 Orion.
Did we buy there F16 or F18 nope.
Now tell me dear sir which country has largest no of most modern T90 tanks.
Which country operate maximum no of SU30 fighter.
Or which country bought 60% worth of Russian defense equipment.
Which country did Russia lease its nuclear submarine.
Now kindly tell me what Pakistan has to offer Russia in this scenario compared to India

MY DEAR ! I am trying to clarify here, what you have invested in USA could go to Russia as well but India is now expending arm market beyond Russia. This is an alarming situation for Russia for future.

Besides you forgot to include APACHE & CHINOOK in the list, yet another loosing in INDIA like never before. :disagree:
they want to compensate their losses in India by Pakistan.

What's the point of bringing Siachen here

The point is, Russian that speaks against or negative to India is called as GEM :lol:
Why dont you read what the article says it is by Russians. tell them.

Russia seeks a new ally in the region, to substitute for India, now in the American lap, after the collapse of the USSR. Mr Putin’s visit shows that Russia intends to play a more proactive role in world affairs. It must do so, because by ceding to US supremacy, it has seen it not just invade Afghanistan physically, but threaten Iran. Russia has found its own physical space threatened by US expansionism, with the expansion of Nato threatening it in the West, the snatching away of India and the occupation of Afghanistan threatening it in Asia

Russians needing to ally Pakistan to be more proactive in world affairs ????
Cool down mate there is no threat to Russia and infact they are moving more closer to western countries than ever before .!
Why do you not read the OP the Russians perceive you as American proxy and they do not like America

I think if you read the OP it means that THIS PARTICULAR AUTHOR thinks so.....
Generalisations based on a persons opinion or ways (read OBL, H. Saeed, etc) can have grave consequences mate :disagree:

BTW going by your logic, I can say Russians percieve us as their strategic partners .
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MY DEAR ! I am trying to clarify here, what you have invested in USA could go to Russia as well but India is now expending arm market beyond Russia. This is an alarming situation for Russia for future.

Besides you forgot to include APACHE & CHINOOK in the list, yet another loosing in INDIA like never before. :disagree:
they want to compensate their losses in India by Pakistan.

The point is, Russian that speaks against or negative to India is called as GEM :lol:

No, he is talking of soviets as a third person and almost praising Pakistan's effort against the soviets and is repeatedly being anti India and pro Pakistani. I don't think a Russian would ever do that. Authors do take in pseudo nationalities and personalities and i am convinced he is not Russian, can anyone prove otherwise.
Pakistan is free to approach and try coaxing Russians for armaments. But you do remember one thing when dealing with Kremlin: they don't give out free handouts. :D

So you'll need to revise your mindset before even approaching them. They are neither USA for free weapons nor China for zero interest loans. :)
Pakistan is free to approach and try coaxing Russians for armaments. But you do remember one thing when dealing with Kremlin: they don't give out free handouts. :D

So you'll need to revise your mindset before even approaching them. They are neither USA for free weapons nor China for zero interest loans. :)

Well looks like they are coming to us, so it's all good.
1. Can Pakistan help Russia & China to kick out US from AF where both nations consider it threat to their security and their long term strategic goals?
2. Can help them to achieve this?
lol Pakistan cant kick US from its own ground and you feel you can kick US from AF?:rofl:
Indian was invited by US to take control over AF , we rejected it though :sick:
and once you helped US and talibans in kicking out Soviets and now you want to do reverse :lol: I pity :tongue:
And remember Russians wont give you aids :P
Huh ..!
We simply cannot replace your contribution but we can add some extra in their list for sure, that would benefit their economy as well. :enjoy:
Yes but we offer more benefits to Russia so Russia wont be making risk by hurting Relations with India . Russia is a good partner and all the best for Pak-Russian relations .:tup:
Russia Pakistan relations are essential for stability. The best solution would be for Russia and China to mediate the Kashmir dispute. For both India and Pakistan to accept a set border and guarantee that one party will not obstruct the river-flow of the other. Seriously, what is Kashmir? It is a mess which the British empire did before leaving so that both the countries keep fighting indefinitely. So that both of them waste their resources on fighting and never get out of poverty by concentrating on economic development. Both India and Pakistan have fallen in this trap. When they solve this dispute and are included in SCO, both India and pakistan will be free from British hegemony and SCO will become a military alliance more powerful than NATO,
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