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The Russian visit



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The Russian visit

Brodov Alexei

Apr 13, 2012 10:43 Moscow Time
The Russian visit
Vladimir Putin. Photo: RIA Novosti

Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin will, on his first foreign tour after taking office, make his first stop in Pakistan. It symbolizes not just Pakistan’s importance in the region, but the shift in relations which means that the two countries, kept apart for so many years because of Russia’s espousal of Communism, are trying to come together. Russia seeks a new ally in the region, to substitute for India, now in the American lap, after the collapse of the USSR. Mr Putin’s visit shows that Russia intends to play a more proactive role in world affairs. It must do so, because by ceding to US supremacy, it has seen it not just invade Afghanistan physically, but threaten Iran. Russia has found its own physical space threatened by US expansionism, with the expansion of Nato threatening it in the West, the snatching away of India and the occupation of Afghanistan threatening it in Asia. The visit is a result of the successful visits to Russia by President Asif Zardari, in August 2010 for the Quadrilateral Summit, and by Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar earlier this year.

Russia had previously tried to make headway in Pakistan through the Steel Mills project, and now it has offered to be involved in the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project. This is an offer that Pakistan must not hesitate to take up. While Pakistan's official 'ally' has done its best to sabotage the project, and has insisted India withdraw from it, Russia is extending a helping hand. Unlike the steel mills, the pipeline from Iran is existential, providing as it will, gas not just for domestic and industrial users, but also for power production. Thus not just for strategic concerns, but national interest should incline Pakistan towards Russia. However, as strategic concerns include Afghanistan, which Russia has been deeply interested in for a very long time, Russia would also be interested in how Pakistan sees the future of Afghanistan.

It should also be recognized that Russia has a deep interest in the reset in relations between the USA and Pakistan that is presently being discussed by the joint sitting of Parliament. Russia too has seen that the US has not just gained access to South Asia through Pakistan, but also Central Asia. As Russia is seeking an ally in the region to substitute for India, and as Pakistan is distanced from the USA, Russia is naturally more interested in Pakistan than ever before. President Putin’s visit, the first ever by a Russian President to Pakistan, reflects that.

lol Pakistan replacing India . In what field can they replace? :rofl:

Suppose you would beat us hands down in pointless poor quality trolling - that a cert.
For Russia and Pakistan to have closer ties will be tremendous news for our nation and you can either be on topic or refrain from stupid pointless one liners - troll.
Lets see......
-Joint 5th generation fighter project (If someone doesn't know the importance, this will be the future backbone of Russian and Indian air forces )
- Russia building nuclear power plants in India
- Leasing of Nuclear subs
- Russia supporting India to be a permanent UNSC member , SCO member
- Russia India being part of BRICS
- Aircraft carrier
Logical conclusion: They are replacing India with Pakistan. Damn it man... I hate the Ruskies :devil:
Lets see......
-Joint 5th generation fighter project (If someone doesn't know the importance, this will be the future backbone of Russian and Indian air forces )
- Russia building nuclear power plants in India
- Leasing of Nuclear subs
- Russia supporting India to be a permanent UNSC member , SCO member
- Russia India being part of BRICS
- Aircraft carrier
Logical conclusion: They are replacing India with Pakistan. Damn it man... I hate the Ruskies :devil:

lets see,
Equally valued, Billions of Dollars are also going to USA for several ARMs and Technological deals, like never before.
Damn ... Ruskies really hate this :devil:
Lets see......
-Joint 5th generation fighter project (If someone doesn't know the importance, this will be the future backbone of Russian and Indian air forces )
- Russia building nuclear power plants in India
- Leasing of Nuclear subs
- Russia supporting India to be a permanent UNSC member , SCO member
- Russia India being part of BRICS
- Aircraft carrier
Logical conclusion: They are replacing India with Pakistan. Damn it man... I hate the Ruskies :devil:

Milking India for money I see no harm in that. that was a Russian source btw, they are the ones suggesting you are in America's lap.
lets see,
Equally valued, Billions of Dollars are also going to USA for several ARMs and Technological deals, like never before.
Damn ... Ruskies really hate this :devil:
Hmm yes billions of dollars on transport aircraft like C17, C-130 or surveilance aircraft like P8 Orion.
Did we buy there F16 or F18 nope.
Now tell me dear sir which country has largest no of most modern T90 tanks.
Which country operate maximum no of SU30 fighter.
Or which country bought 60% worth of Russian defense equipment.
Which country did Russia lease its nuclear submarine.
Now kindly tell me what Pakistan has to offer Russia in this scenario compared to India
Another gem from the pseudo Russian - read Pakistani author.Brodov Alexei

Major setback to bilateral relations came as a result of Indian invasion of Siachen in 1984, a glacier that had been respected as a “no man’s land” since independence. Siachen was invaded to pressurize Pakistan amidst the most dense and intense phase of the Afghan war of independence against the erstwhile Soviets. Soon after, it was followed by massive military deployments, all along India-Pakistan border, under the garb of military exercise “Brass-tacks”.

Strange neighbours: Voice of Russia
Unprovoked Indian invasion of Siachen resulted in the activation of highest battle ground of the world. Until the ceasefire in 2003, Siachen remained one of the world’s most tnse battle zones, where the Indian and Pakistani armies confronted each other over the disputed territory for over two decades. Siachen is 20,000 feet above sea level. The Indian and Pakistani troops have fought there in temperatures of around minus 60 degrees Celsius. Ever since Siachen’s occupation by India, both counties have exposed their troops to environmental hardships; more have died or have been maimed because of inhospitable climatic conditions than due to direct military combat. India has incurred higher human and economic cost of maintaining a garrison at Siachen.
lol first you come out of white air host's bed then we can see :P
Do you have any sense ? Dont you know who is white masters lapdog?
Chill buddy i can give you five lines if you feel one line is insufficient :tongue:
Can Pakistan buy an Aircraft carrier?
Can Pakistan buy 200+ 5th gen aircrafts?
Can Pakistan buy Nuclear Submarines?
Can Pakistan to multi billion dollar Business ?
Can Pakistan partner Space program?

1. Can Pakistan help Russia & China to kick out US from AF where both nations consider it threat to their security and their long term strategic goals?
2. Can help them to achieve this?
lol first you come out of white air host's bed then we can see :P
Do you have any sense ? Dont you know who is white masters lapdog?
Chill buddy i can give you five lines if you feel one line is insufficient :tongue:
Can Pakistan buy an Aircraft carrier?
Can Pakistan buy 200+ 5th gen aircrafts?
Can Pakistan buy Nuclear Submarines?
Can Pakistan to multi billion dollar Business ?
Can Pakistan partner Space program?

Huh ..!
We simply cannot replace your contribution but we can add some extra in their list for sure, that would benefit their economy as well. :enjoy:
Sooner or later US is going to put Pakistan under sanctions again, So - It's good for Pakistan to have good relation with Russia. Russia + China's favor will be enough to neutralize White's pressure.

Agree sanctions never work when large nations like China and Russia will not agree to them, good bring it on last time in the 90's they put us under sanctions we in the following 10 years came out with tanks jets cruise missiles all indigenous and makes us less reliant on outsiders
Milking India for money I see no harm in that. that was a Russian source btw, they are the ones suggesting you are in America's lap.
It is not called milking India sir it is called strategic partnership this not cold war where you are in Soviet camp or American camp.

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