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The Royal Saudi Air Force..a strategic vision for future missions

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has assumed a prominent position and an active and major role in defining and charting the future of the region and ensuring its stability. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is experiencing a number of challenges and risks that target it. Moreover, through the nature of its role, its geopolitical situation and its positions in international politics, it may be exposed to future risks and threats that take different forms. and varied. The Saudi armed forces, in all their branches, carry out major tasks in protecting the security and interests of the Kingdom. According to the “Global Fire Power” classification for the year 2022, the Saudi armed forces ranked 20th out of 142 countries whose military strength is surveyed annually. As is well known, among the branches of the armed forces in most countries of the world, the Air Force plays a key role in the defensive and offensive capabilities of armies, as well as in perpetuating the concept of deterrence against enemies. The Royal Saudi Air Force ranked 12th out of 142 countries.


The Royal Saudi Air Force consists of multi-mission formations, and its forces include 897 diverse aircraft, including 283 multi-role fighters F-15 and Eurofighter Typhoon (9th globally), 81 ground attack bombers (9th globally), 49 transport aircraft, 190 aircraft Training, 14 special mission aircraft, 22 aerial refueling aircraft (ranked 2 in the world), 258 helicopters, 34 attack helicopters. Here, we must not forget that despite the special features of modern aircraft, however, equipping them with tracking radar systems, stealth techniques, air engagement missiles and ground attack, is what makes these modern aircraft effective combat machines that secure air superiority or complete control over the air, and effectively intervene against targets. terrestrial hostile. Especially strategic missile silos, air defense bases, command and control headquarters, and electronic warfare.


The calculation of the military capabilities of any country is not limited to the numerical criteria of the elements and weapons only, but rather is related to several other more important issues, such as the level of the high military command, the efficiency of its command and control system, its intellectual and organizational leadership ability to manage the conflict, and its success in developing a military strategy appropriate to the circumstances. Through it, you can overcome risks and challenges, by planning and anticipating any future tasks and risks. The history of the Saudi army records white points in this field, in terms of the level of higher military education and the experience gained.


In addition to the traditional tasks carried out by the Royal Saudi Air Force, there are regional and global tasks entrusted to it, and it may actively participate in them in the future, especially in the circumstances of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its global repercussions on energy and food security. At the forefront of these tasks is the security of the maritime straits in the region (the Suez Canal, Bab al-Mandab and the Strait of Hormuz), global energy security, protection of production areas and transmission lines, and participation in striking terrorist groups expected to return to work in the emerging conditions of tension. And finally, to remain ready to protect the Kingdom’s airspace in the event of any war that may occur in the event of the final failure of the nuclear agreement with Iran.


The security and political situation in the region puts pressure on the diplomatic movement. Which has been active at a very high unprecedented level, which has its reasons and explanations in this field. The recent tour by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Egypt, Jordan and Turkey aims to map new alliances and understandings in the region, and build a security, economic and political partnership to face the upcoming risks and challenges. We can now talk about an emerging “Saudi geopolitics” associated with Talking about the idea of creating a “Middle Eastern NATO”. And that was before US President Biden's visit to the region. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be an essential stop on his tour.



Source: Colonel HQ Staff M. Dhafer Murad

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